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Guest coreana

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Guest rongxanhtihon

Hello Goongers,

We should just forget about JJH. He think he is hot stuff and he is acting arrogant.

Talking about a GD replacement, what about Lee Ji Hoon. The guy is tall and charming too when he smile.... remembered him in Wonderful Life. There is some resemblance to JJH.

Just a funny thought... since you guys mentioned about a GD replacement....

Agreed with Liquidfir...a GD replcement that will make Goong 2 100 x better than Goong 1...


gloryjc -- YES! I totally agree with you too. JJH and LEE JI HOON does have some resemblance. And if JJH is not coming back for Goong 2 then LEE JI HOON would make a good GD replacement. LEE JI HOON is also cute, has this mature look, and he's also a singer, and maybe him (LJH) and YEH can sing a duet song in Goong 2. Hihihi! Just a thought.

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Guest SmiLeeGirl

do you think they are going to include the ng and bt and goong 1.5 in the dvd?

From what I have been reading the US versions don't usually come with all the extra goodies -- something about not wanting to reliquish their rights -- There is a forum about purchasing dramas... The first few pages has someone's corespondences w/ YesAsia -- it was interesting...


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Guest mayetlovesjisung

gloryjc -- YES! I totally agree with you too. JJH and LEE JI HOON does have some resemblance. And if JJH is not coming back for Goong 2 then LEE JI HOON would make a good GD replacement. LEE JI HOON is also cute, has this mature look, and he's also a singer, and maybe him (LJH) and YEH can sing a duet song in Goong 2. Hihihi! Just a thought.

Yeah, LJH sometimes looks like JJH but JJH has the softer features. I don't want anyone other that JJH! Waaaaaaaaah! I will cry a river if it's going to happen! Ahuhuhu! LJH and JJH can pass as brothers hahaha! LJH as the older bro ofcourse!

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Guest echoRy

i wish he would clear this up on some live interview before it drives us all nutz

EXACTLY! i don't see any good reason why him and his

people haven't made it official anyways. it's actually quite

annoying...& i'm not loving the guy so much right now.


for the record, JJH annoyed me but it's along way from

actually disliking or hating him for real. a goonger could

never turn their back on him! and i am a GOONGER babes!

thanx to the posters of the articles, MV's & interviews.

Jess is right, being away for a while then coming back

to so many goodies is great.

Hello to everyone, specially all the insane fruits! <3

and least i forget...for the ep 20 sub thank u, thank u!

Main Translators: liquidfir (bear <3), eidolon.

Spot Translator: liquidfir, hellojenn

Timers: CraZyaH, J.lee

Editor/QC: ay_link (Shenny <3)

& the ep 21 sub thank u, thank u!

Main Translators: eidolon., nycx1004

Spot Translators: hellojenn

Timers: kiss the rain., CraZyaH

Editor/QC: ay_link <3 ;)

and sgwannabe



creds as labeled

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i don't want anybody else besides JJH as SHIN!

goong2 will not be the same anymore if the original prince isn't there

accident or no accident, disfigured or not, no way!

i want JJH back! :crazy:

LJH & JJH shares some resemblance...

but they are a hell of a difference..

LJH's lips are too thick :P

actually waiting for Agent Watermelon to say she'll fly to korea to burn down somebody's house after whacking him unconscious with her famous frying pan :ph34r:

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

LJH & JJH shares some resemblance...

but they are a hell of a difference..

LJH's lips are too thick :P

Yeah! I agree! JJH's features are softer. I really, really hope that he'll say something soon! I don't want to wait in vain! I might develop some illness or something! That frying pan thing was really funny hihihihi!

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Guest babygurldoc

Wahhh, I havent been in this thread for a like a day and when I came back to check...what's this rumor I'm hearing about JJH not confirm his come back for Goong 2?

NOOOoooooOOOo.........he just have to have to come back, if he doesnt then he'll be on my worst worst actor list.

I really hope he'll do the rite thing and come back for season 2.

Dont dissapoint us Goongers Shin-goon

awww this make me depress....hope he'll confirm soon

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Guest chubbyone

Yes! I actually like the idea of Lee Ji Hoon to replace Joo Ji Hoon.

But that is only if Joo Ji Hoon is not coming back for Goong 2. ;)

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Guest adikkeluangman

American Variety Magazine Gives Acclaim to TV Drama "Princess Hours"



Variety, an American film and pop art magazine, has attracted public attention by

giving critical acclaim to MBC TV's drama "Princess Hours," also known as "The

Palace," calling it a production that has shown the future of Korea's TV drama


In its latest edition, Variety said, "The 24-episode drama 'Princess Hours' is a

production that shows the future of Korea's TV drama industry, while enjoying

high viewer ratings of nearly 30 percent."

Variety also said, "More than 230,000 dollars (230 million won) per episode was

spent on making elaborately built sets, such as traditional houses and Western

interior decorations. If such a trend continues, Korean TV drama producers will

spend more and more on expenses."

The magazine introduced the drama's set, food, and traditional costume designers.

It said, "These designers enhanced the aesthetic levels of the drama, ultimately

succeeding in luring young viewers."

Variety added, "The Korean film industry also played a big role in helping 'Princess

Hours' become a successful drama. Both the drama's director, Hwang In-roe, and

its script writer, In Eun-ah, have had experience in film production."

The production team of "Princess Hours" benchmarked film producers' marketing

activities in producing the drama's posters and outsourcing part of its production.

This shows a new kind of drama-producing trend, according to the magazine.

c: KBS Global

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Guest _yinsyung*--

I find it surprising; that someone who would refuse pay to show gratitude for his success because of goong...is releasing the statements he's been releasing...

and so i choose to continue supporting him until some hard evidence that he is an ungrateful person comes up

for one thing - management and media are BOTH very manipulating and exaggerating sources of information. and even though i really do want him to participate in goong2 - i can understand why he/his management would hesitate to take part. stereotyping an actor into a single role can't be good for anyone...

as for whether EH is his type or not; i'm not going to twist his words or make excuses.

anyway - i'm actually more disappointed that everyone's turning against him; but i guess we all have our own opinions...

{edit} if you rewatch goong 1.5 JJH seemed eager to come back for goong 2; and he really does not seem the arrogant, ungrateful type...every video i've watched interview, fancam, behind-the-scenes - he's always projected an image of respect and gratefulness

i seriously can't get it around my head that he would change so quickly;


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Guest vignette

American Variety Magazine Gives Acclaim to TV Drama "Princess Hours"

I hope JJH's management company can read this news so they can be more open to the idea of signing him for another season of Goong. Being mentioned in Variety magazine is a big thing specially for a korean drama.

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Guest k3n4uri

I just finished my first Goong MV. I just want to share it with all my fellow Goongers! I've been reading the latest post though and I'm not liking it. YEH not being JJH type ~ that's sad, they look good together; however, JJH not coming back for G2, that is worse. It is not going to be the same and it will definitely affect the popularity of the show. Anyway, thanks to the WITH S2 subbing team for the subs of episode 20 and 21.

Youtube link of Shin*Chae Kyung MV that I made

Just Like Now Shin*Chae Kyung MV

Yousendit Link

Just Like Now Shin Chae Kyung MV

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Guest fresh_red_watermelon

HI All. I finished watch Goong :D I LoVe Goong :D I didn't sleep 2 night coz I'm impatient and have to watch soo ;)

I pray JI Hoon play in Goong 2 :rolleyes: JJH-YEH match couple :D

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Guest mmmmsushi

woooow.i haven't been on the thread for one day and all these info are crashing into meeeeee.waaaaahhhh.but we shouldnt stress out.it would be weird to have a different actor playing shin since we're soo used to JJH.and we're afraid that the chemistry would change.i guess the director should've confirmed that the actors would be willing to come back for a second season before making a decision.if all of us wouldnt want a new actor playing shin than there is a possibility that ratings would go down.but hold our heads up high and still support JJH and YEH and hope they'll be back for more lustful scenes.kekeke


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Spring Waltz Lead as a contender for the role of Prince Shin in Gung 2

Korean news:

봄의 왈츠’ 서도영 ‘궁’ 새 황태자 강추

内容:[뉴스엔 국지윤 기자]

’봄의 왈츠’ 서도영이 인기리에 막을 내린 ‘궁’의 연작 "궁" 시즌2의 주연으로 거론되고 있다.

‘서도영 물망설’은 ‘봄의 왈츠’ 시청자 게시판을 중심으로 떠돌고 있다. 윤은혜 주지훈 등 드라마 ‘궁’에 대한 열광적 지지와 최근 떠오르고 있는 신인 서도영의 만남이라는 점에서 흥미를 끈다.

특히 천정부지로 인기가 치솟은 주지훈에 대한 팬들의 관심이 증폭된 가운데 새로운 황태자로 물망에 오르고 있는 서도영에 대한 관심 역시 높아지고 있다.

하지만 ‘궁’의 제작사인 에이트픽스 한 관계자는 19일 “ ‘궁’의 제작진이 모두 4월말까지 아무 생각없이 휴식시간을 가지기로 했다”며 “시즌2에 관한 모든 계획은 오는 5월1일부터 황인뢰 감독을 중심으로 본격적인 논의가 시작될 것”이라고 밝혔다.

Chinese translation:


There is a rumour that the main lead of Spring Waltz is one of the contender for the role of the main lead in Gung2.




The producing team announced today that the casting and storyline (i think not too sure on this) will be finalized by the end of April. At the same time, on May 1, the PD will start discussion about the plan for Gung2.

Credit: 百度宮吧智恩守護會 and keilovebyj123 from KDOCN

Sooo, let's all be patient. The official news should be out by the end of this month. Too much speculation lately. I am hoping the news above is real. I can't find the actual source.

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Guest bigi109

come on..for a green actor to be scared of stereotyping an actor into a single role is a laugh for me..His acting in Goong 1 wasnt great enuff. If he can polish it in Goong 2, it will be a bless. If he believes that he has the talent for acting..potrays any roles superbly..that will ward off the judgemental and comparing thingy ppl has for his Shin role..

thats my 2 cents in my 2nd post in this forum..

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Guest _yinsyung*--

^ even if his acting was spectacular in goong; and i agree with you on this on the beginning episodes...

but you can't argue that people do associate him with his role as prince shin. when people look at jjh they think prince shin and vice versa. even if it's not true in the future; it is at this moment. as a new actor; being typecast into a role could mean many things. one of which is that all his future roles will be similar, something i doubt he wants and hence why i can emphasise with his/his managment's hesitation.

as to whether he thinks himself a good actor or not; only he would know - my guess is that he thinks himself a learner but your guess is as good as mine.


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been reading da posts quietly these days but y there's more n more bad news comin up??? arrgghh...

i dunno wat to say now cuz so many things in my mind n i dunno how to write it in words.. too SHOCKED!!

if GOONG 2 without JJH.. i wun mind watchin it (YEH still there) but i wun hav da same anticipation as GOONG 1 which made me so 'inside' da drama.. juz like if daniel's not acting as harry potter.. i'll hav tat kindda weird feeling while watchin it..

T_T pls dun let it happen!!

BIG hugss n kisses for our LOVELY sub team ^^ *mucks*

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