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Guest >TaeBin_BabyGirl<

I think that's pretty close :) My understanding...

CG: Are you stupid, Yul? You knew you were going to get hurt, why did you do it? Now I feel bad.

Yul: It's better that I get hurt. You remember what I said? When you hurt, I hurt too. When we're like this, I remember the horseback riding incident. No one else came running for me.

CG: Well...no one else came to you then.

Yul: When you came to me then, I was so happy.

CG: I'm really sorry.

Yul: If you're really sorry, will you accept my present?

CG: A present? But today is your birthday.

Yul: There's something I really want to give you.

CG: Okay.

*Kiss* (:crazy: Slap him slap him slap him)

awr Yul was so cute ^_^

I know that what is he doing is bad but it was really cute ^_^

I would take that present from him ^_^

CG! narn sarang haeyo! sarang hae araso?!!!

instead of i am ur husband.. oMg jesus christ super star.

yes amanda you're right!!!!!!

he should say that but hes such a babo :(

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Guest haydee

CG needs to just set Yul straight. Its a shame she acted so stupid though after seing how tense it was between the 2 she should have walked away from both of them. And yeah she should have at least told Yul off after that kiss...its not appropriate at all.

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Guest q12345

PUAHAHAHA!! yeah~if his time is really UP pls. juz die.. and not make us puke with that hallucination scenes of the mo-toot. i mean.. do everyone agree with me that Shin's mum is so MUCH more beautiful?

she looks young and pretty in hanbok or the normal clothes.. and yul's mum look like a big headed balloon in that headset and the traditional costume. seriously.

Yeah, he's a fool, a real fool. That's where Shin gets all of his bad qualities. The king shows his stupidity in not recognizing that Shin gets it from him! He ought to look in the mirror to find out why his son is like that. But, Shin is slowly breaking out of this paradigm because he's starting to search his feelings and acting on them. Any great person will be "big" enough to admit their feelings and be vulnerable to others, and yet strong enough to fend off attacks should they be directed at them. A person who loves much will lay their hearts out for others to see, at the risk of being trod upon.

And Shin's mom is really much prettier than mo-toot! When her hair is down . . . :phew:

Man, you hit the nail on the head when you said mo-toot looks like a big headed baloon in that headset! Made me laugh out loud and embarass myself :D:sweatingbullets:

Even the queen mother rocks because she smiles and laughs a lot. I would definitely like such a queen than one who doesn't smile at all.

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Guest clairdeluned

ARHHHHHHHHH so i get the last few sentences NOW! thanks!!

OMG slap him cg~ u slapped the WRONG person in this epi :crazy::crazy:

when shin kissed her, cg shld have fought him off at first but slowly accept his kisses INSTEAD OF WACKING him across the face?!!

and STUPID shin shld have said : CG! narn sarang haeyo! sarang hae araso?!!!

instead of i am ur husband.. oMg jesus christ super star.

someone kick that darn PD out of the screen. let me take over

lol No problem. Yeah, she should have slapped the bejeezus out of Yul. Kissing a married woman, especially when the woman is married to your COUSIN is soooooooo over the line. Shin shouldn't have said "I'm showing you that I'm your husband"...*sigh* Though it's such a Shin thing to do.

The PD is starting to make me angry. lol Tantalizing us with all the sweet CG + Shin scenes in 3-4 episodes ago, and creating total chaos in yesterday's and today's. Ack.

And there were no previews for this episode either. :crazy:

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Guest tiffany

Thanks Misoobishi! Oh dear, so I got quite a bit wrong.. :blush: My teacher is going to tell me off for not studying hard enough.

Yeah..... CG should have slapped Yul too. But I think he said something about being freinds or as friend.

Both deserved to be slapped for the way they behaved. But I think CG was also in the wrong for spending time alone with Yul when she knows how he feels about her. I would have made sure this situations do not occur....

:fury: :fury: :fury:

But then poor Yul.... because I supposed CG and Shin will end up together eventually.

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Yeah, he's a fool, a real fool. That's where Shin gets all of his bad qualities. The king shows his stupidity in not recognizing that Shin gets it from him! He ought to look in the mirror to find out why his son is like that. But, Shin is slowly breaking out of this paradigm because he's starting to search his feelings and acting on them. Any great person will be "big" enough to admit their feelings and be vulnerable to others, and yet strong enough to fend off attacks should they be directed at them. A person who loves much will lay their hearts out for others to see, at the risk of being trod upon.

And Shin's mom is really much prettier than mo-toot! When her hair is down . . . :phew:

Man, you hit the nail on the head when you said mo-toot looks like a big headed baloon in that headset! Made me laugh out loud and embarass myself :D:sweatingbullets:

Even the queen mother rocks because she smiles and laughs a lot. I would definitely like such a queen than one who doesn't smile at all.

yesh. did u saw the flash back again today.. i was puking in my dustbin when i saw that. kissin forehead scene.. -.- :blink:

what was that :crazy: ? i mean cant they find someone younger to act in the flash back?

u mean they look like THAT 20 yrs ago? Talk about lookin old... :huh:

kekek actually it was my mother who said that yul's mum resemble an enlarged blotted headed balloon when she has her hair up. lOlx kekje

lol No problem. Yeah, she should have slapped the bejeezus out of Yul. Kissing a married woman, especially when the woman is married to your COUSIN is soooooooo over the line. Shin shouldn't have said "I'm showing you that I'm your husband"...*sigh* Though it's such a Shin thing to do.

The PD is starting to make me angry. lol Tantalizing us with all the sweet CG + Shin scenes in 3-4 episodes ago, and creating total chaos in yesterday's and today's. Ack.

And there were no previews for this episode either. :crazy:

yeah~ that is like so SHIN like.. if he said sarang hae.. i'd probably get a heart attack and die.

yul is OBSESSED with a capital O!

i mean.. duh~~ cant he see that cg loves shin? and why is he always saying things like : cant u see who shin loves more... (he is indicatin shin feels more for HR)

i wanna slap him myself. -.-


PLS DO NOT talk about divorce in the next few epi because i will MUrder the PDS!

the PDs are pissin me off.. not only here..

but in other chinese forums as well.. i mean.. it's reachin the end of the show.. we want some peace between shin chae.. and let them acknowledge their love or liking for each other..

Not to mention NO PREVIEWS >.<

the pDs never thought of those we are gonna have stroke. -.-

some one pls calm me down

Thanks rebby for the links!! manz.. goong didnt make it for 30%.. it's such a big thing over there.. kekekek

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Guest StrawberryPunch

I feel bad for Yul hes just making it harder on himself...really I think its the fact that he cant have her that makes him want her so much. Human..we always want the forbidden fruit hehe.

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Guest kimtoa

Yeah, he's a fool, a real fool. That's where Shin gets all of his bad qualities. The king shows his stupidity in not recognizing that Shin gets it from him! He ought to look in the mirror to find out why his son is like that. But, Shin is slowly breaking out of this paradigm because he's starting to search his feelings and acting on them. Any great person will be "big" enough to admit their feelings and be vulnerable to others, and yet strong enough to fend off attacks should they be directed at them. A person who loves much will lay their hearts out for others to see, at the risk of being trod upon.

And Shin's mom is really much prettier than mo-toot! When her hair is down . . . :phew:

Man, you hit the nail on the head when you said mo-toot looks like a big headed baloon in that headset! Made me laugh out loud and embarass myself :D:sweatingbullets:

Even the queen mother rocks because she smiles and laughs a lot. I would definitely like such a queen than one who doesn't smile at all.

Man that king is realy sick!!!! wah the heck do you want more when you have a beautiful wife beside you??? Slept next to your wife and dream of another woman who is also a BITC* ? How can you scold your son and be his role model when you're not even better?? at least your son not dream about his ex. Now I know where Shin behavior have taken from

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Guest clairdeluned

Thanks Misoobishi! Oh dear, so I got quite a bit wrong.. :blush: My teacher is going to tell me off for not studying hard enough.

Yeah..... CG should have slapped Yul too. But I think he said something about being freinds or as friend.

Both deserved to be slapped for the way they behaved. But I think CG was also in the wrong for spending time alone with Yul when she knows how he feels about her. I would have made sure this situations do not occur....

:fury: :fury: :fury:

But then poor Yul.... because I supposed CG and Shin will end up together eventually.

:) I had to repeat the scenes several times because they were either talking too fast or their speech was kind of blurry. So don't worry about it keke

If my memory serves me correctly, he said something along the lines of, "I wanted to give you a present as a man, not as just a friend"

Yeah, if the PD's bring in the idea of divorce....lol I am going to go to Korea and kick their tooshies myself!!! Or if it's just that one man that I saw a pic of a few pages back....he's going down!!! :lol:

*sigh* Yul needs to BACK OFF and stop pouring poison into CG's ears (lol Hamlet reference...ah lit class). If he truly <3'd her, he ought to let her be with someone she loves. Yul knows that Shin doesn't love Ho-Toot anymore, since Shin told Ho-Toot, and Ho-Toot tells Yul everything. So I really don't think it's even a "I want to protect her because Shin doesn't love her" thing. He's just being selfish.

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Guest junior

thanks to soutsada for the hq ep 17 ss link and thanks to cilik for the ep 18 ss link.

ep 18 LQ 55mb


credit cilik

i like how shin goon kiss cg at the end. granted it was harsh but still it was intense and spur of the moment.

yul needs to be hit for stepping out of bounds and sometimes, cg needs to wake up too. mean, why would anyone let a cousin and a rival of your husband kiss you? i dont know if cg is trying to be ignorant with yul or getting even with shin.

hellooooo jess...

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Guest hsinyi069


House of The Mind - where they went for Yul's birthday party

It's a really beautiful place!



1831096804.jpg - where they were outside drawing the pics

During shooting break~




credit: lovelovekaws from wretch

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:) I had to repeat the scenes several times because they were either talking too fast or their speech was kind of blurry. So don't worry about it keke

If my memory serves me correctly, he said something along the lines of, "I wanted to give you a present as a man, not as just a friend"

Yeah, if the PD's bring in the idea of divorce....lol I am going to go to Korea and kick their tooshies myself!!! Or if it's just that one man that I saw a pic of a few pages back....he's going down!!! :lol:

*sigh* Yul needs to BACK OFF and stop pouring poison into CG's ears (lol Hamlet reference...ah lit class). If he truly <3'd her, he ought to let her be with someone she loves. Yul knows that Shin doesn't love Ho-Toot anymore, since Shin told Ho-Toot, and Ho-Toot tells Yul everything. So I really don't think it's even a "I want to protect her because Shin doesn't love her" thing. He's just being selfish.

YA!! i agree 200000%

i mean.. if u really love someone.. wouldnt u want that person to be happy?

u see even HR is so evil.. at the end.. she still feels that if that love belongs to her it will come back to her.. she dun wanna to force upon anything anymore.. at least she acknowledge SHIN LIKES CG now.

But yul is avoidin the truth

DUDE! u need to wake up and smell the fresh air here! cg LOVES SHIN!! and shin is her husband NOW>

not u~ stop living in the past and keep thinking about the "what ifs"

and yesh. shin's dad is totally gross and his peabrain muz have totally broke down to dream of that lousy woman(if u call her a woman. personally i call her a disfigured balloon) while sleepin beside such a PRETTY and considerate wife


share a cute pic.. from mbc DO NOT hotlink me


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Guest DallasE

Not to mention NO PREVIEWS >.<

the pDs never thought of those we are gonna have stroke. -.-

some one pls calm me down

Thanks rebby for the links!! manz.. goong didnt make it for 30%.. it's such a big thing over there.. kekekek

Amanda, calm down! Calm down! This is no good for your blood pressure.

Anyhow, what I'm gonna tell you may not work for your BP either.

Yay! Shin Goon didn't only kiss ChaeGyung twice but thrice in that last scene.

I re-watched it. Confirmed! Sealed & Delivered!

Like you, I wanna watch the NG for this particular scene and the naked Shin one too.

Caveman or not, we starving fans get really excited, highly agitated when a kiss happens between Shin & Chae.

I'm not finicky when it comes to this. So kill me!!! :w00t:


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Guest clairdeluned

YA!! i agree 200000%

i mean.. if u really love someone.. wouldnt u want that person to be happy?

u see even HR is so evil.. at the end.. she still feels that if that love belongs to her it will come back to her.. she dun wanna to force upon anything anymore.. at least she acknowledge SHIN LIKES CG now.

But yul is avoidin the truth

DUDE! u need to wake up and smell the fresh air here! cg LOVES SHIN!! and shin is her husband NOW>

not u~ stop living in the past and keep thinking about the "what ifs"

Seriously! *sigh* I really liked Yul in the beginning even though I was a Shin Camper, because he was so kind and always seemed to think about CG's comfort. Now he's just worsening her worries, and just being a bad bad man! :fury: (keke) I have more respect for Ho-Toot now, after she refused Mo-Toot's offer of helping her get Shin etc. etc. She still <3's Shin, but she acknowledges that it's his choice, and thus his happiness. Yul doesn't really seem to care about CG's happiness, and just wants her for himself, period, with no consideration for her own feelings.

Whew that was a long rant. Anyway, I'm off to class, dears! If anyone has any spot translation requests, post on the thread or PM me and I'll get back to you :)

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Amanda, calm down! Calm down! This is no good for your blood pressure.

Anyhow, what I'm gonna tell you may not work for your BP either.

Yay! Shin Goon didn't only kiss ChaeGyung twice but thrice in that last scene.

I re-watched it. Confirmed! Sealed & Delivered!

Like you, I wanna watch the NG for this particular scene and the naked Shin one too.

Caveman or not, we starving fans get really excited, highly agitated when a kiss happens between Shin & Chae.

I'm not finicky when it comes to this. So kill me!!! :w00t:

KEKEK!! u are not the only one who is excited over Ngs..

i mean since they slice off the previews.. we HUNGRY fans need FUNNIE and SEXY ngs to tide us over this difficult period.. -.- ehem.. this is all because of those darn pds.. but i can forgive them if they give us "neat" Ngs. if u get wad i mean.

and yeah. i saw it.. 3 times.. muacks muacks muacks.. ehem. :w00t::w00t:

the scene where shin asked cg if she saw anything..

he looked like he got raped. it was so funnie!

Misoobishi - again i agree.. i always feel that if u love someone u shld allow her to be happy. yul cares for cg at first but now he is selfish. because the only thought in his mind now is the throne and how to make cg his. he kinda forgot the fact that it's shin cg loves. ok enuff of ranting. i am off to bed. byezz

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That slap gotta hurt anyway he shouldve said to CG that because I don't want yu kissing another guy and such not because i am your husband... I think Shin has a hard time expresing his feelingw to Cg and YUL is such a hottie with that mask on but its going too far that he kiss CG saying that it is a bday gift...

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Guest adorkabelle

WAHH! thanks for the HQ of EP17! =)

omgosh. all these screen caps are killing me.

im scrolling through them mad fast so i dont see anything.

sighhh :]

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Guest cassiopeia

At first, I thought that the Soon Young will end up with Jang Kyung, while Hee Soong with Ryu Hwan. (The "Jisu sesu" with the 2 stooges). Kang Hyun with Kang In. It'll be cute! But if "the fate" says no, what can I do? :D

Cool Kang Hyun and cool Kang In ...... But you girls said that Kang Hyun is attracted to Yul. Oh well .....

And now for the remaining episodes, do you really think that SESOHN will be produced in between? There's also sayings that the next 4 episodes will be college time. I personally want them to make sesohn (1st and 2nd, at least!) there. Goong itself is a story of Chae Gyung, not the queen. So ........

Let's just hope that the end of episode 20 won't be hanging there. It'll pissed you off if you have to wait 1 Whole year to wait for the continuation (I guess by the time, Manda Panda will have enough money to go to Korea and slap the PDs herself, aren't you Manda? Me too, in fact!).

Btw, what's the last scene of episode 18? Was that the force kissing scene? Oh my! How many time did Shin kissed CG? 3? I'm anticipating at least 3 more in upcoming episodes, since they said that it'll be 15+!

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