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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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I dunno if I can give u the ultimate answer but this is wat i think:

Ans 1: No matter how many times YJ has to fall for SH's pranks, she just has to follow. coz her only pirority is to protect him. So no matter how stupid the excuses she has to oblige.

Ans 2: The door is a swing door. If GP was to used to rod to 'lock' from his side, I strongly think that SH would dash in to help YJ. So it wiser to lock from her side, all she needed was to kept fighting with the thugs & KP would be able to bring SH to safety.

Having said that, I think it is also an endurance period for them. SH, GP & YJ agreed to each other a week on the protection task otherwise both GB & YJ will no longer be SH personnal guard.

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Guest hjkomo

I dunno if I can give u the ultimate answer but this is wat i think:

Ans 1: No matter how many times YJ has to fall for SH's pranks, she just has to follow. coz her only pirority is to protect him. So no matter how stupid the excuses she has to oblige.

Ans 2: The door is a swing door. If GP was to used to rod to 'lock' from his side, I strongly think that SH would dash in to help YJ. So it wiser to lock from her side, all she needed was to kept fighting with the thugs & KP would be able to bring SH to safety.

Yeah, thanks queer, that's what I figured for (Ans 2), but for Ans 1, she could have just stayed in front of the presidential residence and waited for the next call. After the second time, she knew he was playing with her, and yet, she still just kept going back and forth (5 times) like a 멍청이 (idiot). But then, again, that is her nickname. :lol:

And dang, all that running in those high heels! :crazy:

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SH challenged them that if they cannot keep up with him for a week, then they should quit but YJ told SH that in return, if they last a week, then SH will follow their direction when they are guarding him. So in order to wear YJ out, he is playing game with her by waking her up and telling her that he needs "guarding" because he has place to go and then as soon as YJ gets to him, he calls her and cancels with different excuses. SH claims that he only knew YJ"s telephone number so that's why he is calling her. YJ thinks that SH chose her to be the weaker one (one to give up first than GP) because she is a woman. YJ knows SH is playing game with her but as mentioned by "queer" one of the reason is because it's her "duty" to be there whenever he needs/calls her. Another reason is, YJ is very stubborn and would not let "SH" win by wearing her down.

Having said that, I think it is also an endurance period for them. SH, GP & YJ agreed to each other a week on the protection task otherwise both GB & YJ will no longer be SH personnal guard.


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Guest imogene_af
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks puela for the link.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And hjkomo, queer, Mommie_Alice, and Aug05 for the explainations and insights.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I thought Episode 3 wasn't as strong as 1 and 2, I had a few complaints especially with the pacing and editing, but it did get redeemed a bit later.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Warning: Review may contain spoilers for Episode 3.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Episode 3: The 27 Year Old Kid
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In my past reviews, I have said earlier on that I cannot comprehend Soo Ho, our resident bad boy in this drama. He is the handsome president’s son who has deeply ingrained anguish. He remains to be a puzzle we are slowly piecing. The character has a lot of potential to be a very deeply-engaging one. But so far, he is written to be mostly campy and borderline one-dimensional. Lee Jin Wook, a charming and capable of an actor isn’t given with much to work on or chew on . This characterization is the main problem area in Episode 3. This is not a strong episode. I won’t call it an all out bad character layout; he does have his redeeming moments, if only he is fleshed out a bit more than just a writer’s caricature. But the redeeming moments of Soo Ho is what I cling to bit by bit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today’s episode starts with another action-packed scene that goes on for a few minutes too long again. I do not know if this will be a standard opening for the drama but I feel like they could edit a few parts of their stunts and badadadada action scenes, heh. Maybe it’s a testosterone drive thing? This is a shoot-em-up romance after all. BUT I believe toning it down a notch or two wouldn’t hurt the pacing of the drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, we watch Gwang Pil and Young Jin have this crazy car chase with daredevil Soo Ho who can breeze through stairs with his Evil Knievel stunts. Only later to find him eating in a noodle house. Hardcore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Boxing. Check. Random motorcycle stunts. Check. Sexy, ruffled hair. Check. Naughty smile. Check. Quintessential bad boy, all around. But it’s just not getting to me, or striking some sort of chord, it is hard to relate to nor does it come across as fascinating. It does not even come off as entertaining fare at times. It’s also not despicable enough… it’s just mildly annoying like your kid brother.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part of the reason is--- we do know he is 27 years-old. He isn’t that much younger than Gwang Pil and Young Jin but he acts like a high school boy who is breaking his mom’s curfew. So we spend most of the episode like Young Jin and Gwang Pil--- dealing with him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He spends most of his sweet time in the episode trying to get rid of the two bodyguards assigned to him. Like a true test, he focuses his attention to getting rid of Young Jin. The “weaker” one of the two. He calls her in wee hours of the morning to give her a dose of what he’s good at … become the biggest problem you can have.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He seems to show some sort of attraction to Young Jin, completely drawn to her little organizer and taunting her by inching close to her face.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their love angle is still a bit of a slow brew, they do look good together and there is much potential for a bad boy meeting a strong-willed woman. Since bad boys if done right can be the ones we are drawn to like a moth to a flame. Hell, he can be our Mr.Wickham if only he grows up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The whole pace of the episode is not as crisp and well-paced as the past two. The real character developments did not come in until more than 30 minutes into the episode. The humor wasn’t as charming as the previous ones. There were even some borderline silly moments that seem to be not intended…, the huge burly man chase is totally laughable right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With all my rants, this whole angle isn’t that bad. Soo Ho’s character may not be such a caricature after all; Lee Jin Wook gives us glimpses of his character’s complexity. He did show force and then later, understated vulnerability when Young Jin finally unleashed her frustrations and spilled her emotions.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chae Rim (THANK YOU!) really keeps you sane when you are watching, it’s like you realize that with all the silliness there is something potentially remarkable amid all this. She is like the constant reminder of that. Her great control in that scene gave me quite an affecting tug.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually the episode wasn’t void of emotion, poignancy and even bouts of humor; the little scenes in the episode kind of calmed in terms of expectations in the drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1.) The scene when Young Jin’s father holds on to her little shoe, with a sense of guilt and great love for his daughter. I actually really like his character, despite the fact that he often gets himself into trouble and seems to be satisfied by being a washed out dance instructor, the character is easy to love.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2.) The constant battle of the wits… or is it just a huge amount of bottled up sexual tension between Darcy and Bridget…err… Gwang Pil and Young Jin. Contrasting in their techniques, wants, and abilities… their chemistry seems to be one of the main draws in the drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gwang Pil is so far removed from being your typical leading man, he seems to not possess any sort of sensitivity chip when it comes to Young Jin, and she sees him as one of her major dilemmas. He’s unexciting and mechanical. She’s feisty and filled with emotions---but they just work. He’s far from a romantic but when I catch him just sneaking a quick glance at Young Jin, I squee.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, Lee Jong Hyuk is not someone I thought I’d ever really like as a leading man or someone I’d really swoon over. I still had flashbacks of Green Rose when I heard he was going to be in this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But he is just showing his brilliance in this role, he’s got great nuances. In Episode 1, when he watched Young Jin sit there on the steps and cry, we see just a slight change in the way he looked at her… a minor flicker of the eyes but it just changed the whole mood of the scene already. Same goes for his stares at Young Jin in tonight's episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And OHMYGAWD, he looks great shirtless… and uhm, he showed real good drama in this scene, but I was too distracted that he was shirtless and just posing like that!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chae Rim (haha! how many times do I have to say I love her) who is showing immense emotional complexity and at the same time, an endearing kind of comedy really brings a good acting match for him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3.) The final scene. though, I hated the fact that I thought I was being transported to “The Ring” with the whole cheesy, fuzzy TV effect (which I hope they wouldn’t do again… ever), it still had a very strong ending, keeping us on the edge.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The mystery of Soo Ho’s actions may have a deeper meaning to it, or at least I hope so.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When he

suddenly heard the violins in his head… what is this all about? What is it that happened to him? What is wrong with him? I am inclined to believe the accident may have affected him mentally, maybe that is part of the reason he is acting like that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































His character isn’t beyond redemption; when he shows actual moments that are spirited with emotion rather than a writer’s caricature, he gives me hope.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Overall, even with a few disappointments in the episode, it still redeemed itself. I just hope the writer and the PD remembers that they are handling a romantic-comedy first and foremost. That was their charm in Episode 1. The drama did not pretend to be something that it is not. Its charm is in its heroine and how she reacts to her surroundings and the character interactions. The story is slowly unfolding, I just hope that it really isn’t a 27 year old kid we are dealing with but someone who has anguish not tantrums… someone who will be a real character and not just an archetype.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And this scene in the preview is too adorable:

































































































































































































































































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Guest christyc1995

Hey Thanks for the summary! I was waiting for that the whole day! hahaha! I did thought you will post again. Continue to write and update all of us here! M sure many love the summary! ;)

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For those who missed last night's KBS Entertainment Relay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Enjoy ~~ ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Shingai


I like that we don’t know yet who the leading man is. Most Korean dramas tend towards being obvious in that aspect.


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Okay, I asked my husband (he was little grumpy because I asked him 5:30 am before I left for work, LOL!) and he was I was right.



Although it sound weird saying "flyer", unles someone can think of a better word, I think what it is trying to say is, eventhough GB & YJ run after SH, but sleek SH is faster because he "flies" or it could mean reverse and SH may run but GB & YJ are "flying" to catch him.

Thanks ... with 뛰는 놈 I thought using the escaper serves the meaning because SH escapes in the end of the episode. But do you thing using runner or jumper is better for the meaning.

Can you explain how 나는 놈 means the 'flyer'...? It's really interesting how you put it and I'd love to edit the title.. :sweatingbullets:



Thanks for pointing that out...




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Guest acemaverick
































































































































































































































































































at the very end of the preview did KSH ask if YGP like CYJ?
































































































































































































































did i hear if wrong?
































































































































































































































just like his slacker attitude when he jus sit there while GP and YJ do all the work.
































































































































































































































and GP coming to YJ's rescue? He really looked so cool!!
































































































































































































































my gosh that girl from Lobbyist, she really looks sooo diff. so mature and all. i almost couldn;t recognise her.

































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Guest bomii1004
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cannot wait for ep 4!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im loving this...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i hope the ratings get higher!

































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Guest fashionista
















































the making # 11 (700k)









































































































































































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Guest hjkomo

imogene_af, your reviews are always spot on! :D

2.) The constant battle of the wits… or is it just a huge amount of bottled up sexual tension between Darcy and Bridget…err… Gwang Pil and Young Jin. Contrasting in their techniques, wants, and abilities… their chemistry seems to be one of the main draws in the drama.

Gwang Pil is so far removed from being your typical leading man, he seems to not possess any sort of sensitivity chip when it comes to Young Jin, and she sees him as one of her major dilemmas. He’s unexciting and mechanical. She’s feisty and filled with emotions---but they just work. He’s far from a romantic but when I catch him just sneaking a quick glance at Young Jin, I squee.

Now, Lee Jong Hyuk is not someone I thought I’d ever really like as a leading man or someone I’d really swoon over. I still had flashbacks of Green Rose when I heard he was going to be in this.

But he is just showing his brilliance in this role, he’s got great nuances. In Episode 1, when he watched Young Jin sit there on the steps and cry, we see just a slight change in the way he looked at her… a minor flicker of the eyes but it just changed the whole mood of the scene already. Same goes for his stares at Young Jin in tonight's episode.

And OHMYGAWD, he looks great shirtless… and uhm, he showed real good drama in this scene, but I was too distracted that he was shirtless and just posing like that!

Me, too. :lol:

And, yeah, I love YJ's dad, too.

at the very end of the preview did KSH ask if YGP like CYJ?

did i hear if wrong?

Towards, the beginning of the preview for ep. 4, Young Jin asks Gwan Pil, "Perhaps...YGP...do you...to me...how do you say it...?" as in, Do you maybe...(like) me...? teehee... Edit: From Ep.4 - Do you maybe think of me as a colleague?

At the end, when Gwan Pil rescues YJ, he says, "Can you get up? I'm asking if you can get up!?"

Need to watch Ep.4 but gotta go to work. :(

Any dl links yet?

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Guest christyc1995

Hahaha! Everyone is waiting for the one click link! Guess got to wait til tomorrow. I manage to click those 7 parts of one click link to watch, yup no sub but better than nothing! Getting real excited to see GP stealing glances at YJ! and also that shock look on his face where she hit him just to cover him in front of his senior! She is so funny, the way she describes her bro, dad, grand pa, GP and KSH!

M rooting for GP and CYJ! ;)

I just cant wait to see the 2 men and gang come to her rescue! Will wait for imogene_af summary of the next epi. Yeah!

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some ep 4 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Guest antinh85

how sad is it that Chae rim only gets to wear like one outfit throughout this show... she has like one look all the time....

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