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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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Guest jooluv

I just watched the 1st episode on youtube (finally subbed~)

It was kind of confusing cus it's different from the manga but i still liked it~

I loved the part with the mean guy getting hit >_______<

I wonder if the producers are going to change any parts of the ending...

I don't really care though

The main character girl looks like Ayumi Lee, just the expression she makes and stuff;;

I keep thinking it's Ayumi... Don't know what's wrong with me =___=;;;

can't wait to watch episode 2~~

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Guest swtdrms_society

Just saw the first episode.. think I have a new fav drama to watch :)

I like the Riko's character... she's very likable :)

(I just read up on Aibu Saki...but she seems so sweet in the interviews..ehh )

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Guest marasshi

I definitely like how they aren't following the manga exactly. The manga was average in my opinion. The story is nice, but it's really short and nothing much really happens, except the

whole Mika thing, working together, then all the other robots.

So it is nice to see changes to make it more dramatic. Hiro is so cute as Soshi. I think and want Riko is going to end up with Soshi too. Knight is cool, but seriously.. wait... how to have sex with a robot anyways? haha.. no babies.


He's a pretty hot robot, and he is of the Nightly Series. He was made to have sex with... XD

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Guest yourtheonlyway

yes, its subbed. so fast! :)

i agree too. i think they will follow the manga. she'll end up being with soshi. i mean, realistically night cant turn into a "real man." . . . i wish. sighs.

i would like to rape night. RAWR. HAHAA.

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Guest ~XoX~

^ Thank you for the link. The ending theme is adorable,

esp. with Knight watching over Riko and Soushi (foreshadowing?)

Although I did like the first episode, I just didn't like how they changed the personality of two out of the three main characters. I actually liked how they changed it from a high school setting to an office setting, it kind of made it more believable (that Riko actually lived alone... the manga's reason was a little unrealistic).

I think that the drama changed Riko for the better... she seems to be more selfless and caring to those she cares about, but she's still pretty ditzy :sweatingbullets:

Now on to Knight/Night/Naito (whatever you want to call him), I just didn't like how they made him too "robotic" (like a few other posters mentioned). I mean, if I had no knowledge of the manga, I would find it more realitstic. However, since I have read the manga, Knight is definitely more lively/lifelike than robotic... I also don't remember him breaking that easily :sweatingbullets: But that's not to say that Hayami's interpretation is bad, he's makes a pretty convincing (perverted) robot. ^_^

Out of all the characters Hiro's Soushi changed the most. It seems like he's the complete opposite, kind of channeling the Nanba Minami player vibe from HK with a little more of a serious streak. I still love Hiro, nonetheless. haha.

Despite all of my nitpicky complaints, I really did enjoy the episode & can't wait for more!

Now... here comes the dilemma, I have NO idea who I'm rooting for.

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Guest marasshi

^I sort of agree with you on how Night is too robotic. But as the episode progressed i thought he seemed a little more human -

like when he and Riiko were walking together after she let Ishizeki see her and Night together and he asked her to have sex with him (LOL), as well as when he defended her from Ishizeki, and at the end of the episode when they were talking on the bridge.

I also don't like how he breaks so easily...but at least Riiko gets two more days than the original three for the trial period. Haha.

I'm rooting for Night. <3 Only because I've liked Hayami for a longer time (and because Hiro's hair is fugly).

I really liked the little lego heads in the ending theme. <3 They were so cute, I couldn't help but squeal. : )

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I uploaded the full ending song by Ayaka. :)


thanks! I love this song, it sounds cute but somehow it has a sad feel to it ^^;

hmm I saw the first episode, I thought it was great since I haven't actually finished the manga (only the first chapter xD) so I can't really compare the characters but I like the realistic setting rather than a high school time line. Night is a bit too robotic though haha, I'm sure he'll be more human like - Hayami did a great job for his character. I felt embarrassed for him at some scenes though because he was being too roboting but he was cute there haha (afterall he's not a human). Soshi has the player kind of personality right? It's funny how he already show some interest in Riiko in the first episode so that means Night and him are rivals from the start ^^;

there's just one thing that makes me sad, the ending is predictable haha. I knew


was going to end up with Riiko, unless they decided to change it from the manga but I doubt so.

I'm rooting for Night. <3 Only because I've liked Hayami for a longer time (and because Hiro's hair is fugly).

haha me too, glad to know there is another Night+Riiko fan =]

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Guest MoonBlue

I sort of agree with you on how Night is too robotic. But as the episode progressed i thought he seemed a little more human

Maybe not having read the manga is a plus, because he's pretty much what I imagine a robot should be like.

And it's not so much as the episode progressed, but I believe as the drama progresses, Night will become more human-like.

At this point, he's still fresh out of the lab, and only saying things he's programmed to say. ^^

thanks! I love this song, it sounds cute but somehow it has a sad feel to it ^^;

I know what you mean.

I can just forsee the ending episode when Riiko returns home only to find Night not there, and then they start playing 'Okaeri ♪ ...sweet home...'. :tears:

Anyway, looking forward to the second episode...and hopefully more scenes with other characters.

And here are the 3 leads on Yabecchi Sushi --> Okamura's robot dance had me laughing to tears. :lol:

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Guest ~XoX~

^I sort of agree with you on how Night is too robotic. But as the episode progressed i thought he seemed a little more human -

like when he and Riiko were walking together after she let Ishizeki see her and Night together and he asked her to have sex with him (LOL), as well as when he defended her from Ishizeki, and at the end of the episode when they were talking on the bridge.

I also don't like how he breaks so easily...but at least Riiko gets two more days than the original three for the trial period. Haha.

I'm rooting for Night. <3 Only because I've liked Hayami for a longer time (and because Hiro's hair is fugly).

I really liked the little lego heads in the ending theme. <3 They were so cute, I couldn't help but squeal. : )

Now that I think about it, he really does seem human (like) in most of the poignant scenes concerning him and Riko. I also caught the part where she got an extra three days to be with him. I guess it's b/c Riko still hasn't warmed up (as much) to Knight compared to the manga.

Yeah, I'm not too crazy about Hiro's hair in the drama, but it'll do (I got used to his HK hair... surprisingly). I'm kind of forcing myself to root for the Riko x Soushi pairing since

I know that Knight won't be with her in the end... So, it'll hurt less when that does happen

:tears: I was a Knight x Riko shipper in the manga

Yeah, the ending theme was just adorable all around! :D

thanks! I love this song, it sounds cute but somehow it has a sad feel to it ^^;

I felt embarrassed for him at some scenes though because he was being too roboting but he was cute there haha (afterall he's not a human).

I also agree that even though Ayaka's ending theme does have a bit of a bittersweet feeling to it, esp. since almost everyone knows how it's going to end.

That was actually one of the things that I loved about the "robotic" Knight. He kept bumping into things with a straight face. It cracked me up whenever he did it. :lol:

Maybe not having read the manga is a plus, because he's pretty much what I imagine a robot should be like.

I can just forsee the ending episode when Riiko returns home only to find Night not there, and then they start playing 'Okaeri ♪ ...sweet home...'. :tears:

No, you should read the manga. Just so that you could see a different interpretation. Being different is not bad, I was just being nitpicky. :sweatingbullets: And yes, Hayami's interpretation of a robot is realistic and adorable.

I'm just picturing that scene in my head right now and I'm tearing...

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Guest ~XoX~

i just watched episode 1! can't wait for episode 2! is this a weekly drama or a daily one?

Zettai Kareshi is a weekly drama that airs every Tuesday.

SARS has just released their hardsubbed version! Go and get it :D

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I was waiting for this because of the familiar cast who were supporting actors/actress and now, they're the LEAD!

Just finished watching episode 1 and it was great!

Knight's smile is just so ^^

I finally have a drama that I can tune into every week!!

The end theme is so nice. First it was Knight protecting the two then it becomes the two protecting Knight ^^

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Guest yourtheonlyway

omggg, thank you soo much andrelei for the theme song. ive been searching for it since last night. and i couldnt find at all! you just made my day.

i think i need rewatch the first episode with subs, cause im reading things that i missed out hearing the first time i watched it.

but since someone uploaded it with subs, i immediately went to the last scene, its my favorite for now. . . haha.

when knight punched loser face, i yelled out YES! hahaha.

hmmm. . . dont you guys think it was really . . . ahem :blush: :ph34r: . . . when hiro was eating that pastry? muahaha.

3 EXTRA DAYS! yes!

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Guest gillie

really enjoyed the first episode...i am rooting for knight as well...i liked him since the manga HAHA...but ya...he breaks too easily and from what i remembered in the manga..he's not really THAT robotic..=(

Hayami portrays a good "knight"...he's pretty hot XDD i wonder if they r gonna keep the manga ending...can't wait for the second episode =D

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Guest Kumikox3

I'm so sad i just finished ep.1 i really like this. Its different from the manga so it wont be too boring cause its not predictable! I love soshi's new playboy role and Hayami is so hott - but god is he tall.

Hiro is hot too - man he ate that cake like there was no tom. puhahha

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