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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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Guest iyaiyayeo

i don't have a curfew.. in respect, i tell them where i am or who i'm with. i can go home early in the morning or after lunch the next day especially when i go out with friends and cousins.

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Guest moonikfaerie

i have to be home by 10! toink! but i don't really follow that rule. =D

and they always forbid me to go to anything, parties and the sort if i did'nt ask for their permission one month

repeat "ONE MONTH" before the said event. and if i do get permission i have to pull my own money and everything unless i asked them like ages before. and i mean AGES.

oh yeah i also have to write down my friend's name and corresponding numbers and post it on the refrigerator. and also if i'm hanging out with my guy friends they have to pick me up. good thing my friends are such good sports.

or i'll really be friendless. and also i have to clean the house, wash my nieces, wash plates and basically be a slave before i go.

haaaay. asian parents.

sheeesh. thats why i can't wait to turn 18 to get my own freakin' job. <_<

but i sometimes completely undermine these rules

especially when i already broke one. like say i stayed until 11 instead of ten, i'd make it an even 3am cause i'm gonna get scolded anyways so what the hell right?

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i dont have a curfew by law because in chicago when you turn 17 you can stay out as long as you want and you wont get in trouble if the police stop you.

but before my curfew from my parents was the one by law so like 10 or 11?

my parents want me to be home by like 10:30 or something...LMAO

i pretty much just come home whenever (but never past like 3am or something ridiculous), and my parents get mad for like 5 minutes and then dont care.

i came home at like 2:30am the other day and i got a 2 minute lecture from my dad and then no one cared anymore

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during school days its usually before it gets dark but on days off, any time as long as i'm not by myself and with someone that can protect me :D

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hmm.... 12 to 1am...

i think its a habit that I would have called them about the time i'm returning home.

not to let them worry...

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Guest babymew383

on weekdays with school or if i have loads of homework/projects i go straight home. on other days, unless im sleeping over, i should get home before dinner time unless i tell them in advance (that i am supervised since its getting late).

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Guest adieu.cloud

my parents wont care, i just have to tell them where i am and who im with xD

the latest is probably 10 =X But ever since my sister started going out with 10 , they would call at 8:00 .

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Guest biscuit.

i just need to tell them, where and with who i am and that's all.

they let me stay out late as long as they know where i am and at what time i'm gonna be home.

they hate it when i make them worry for me

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Guest littlemisssunsunshine

i come home when i want to, and my (over protective) rents just deal with it. LOL

i'd tell them if im going to be home late, in the morning or not at all; either beforehand or when im out already.

that way, im being responsible and they cant say crap about nothing.

plus if you never break your curfew ever, the situation is not going to change!

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Guest random koohkie

I'm 16. My parents usually don't let me go anywhere on school nights unless it's for a school related event. Even then I have to be home about 7pm.

During the weekends they might let me stay out until 9 or 10 but that's only if I'm at a friend's house.

In the winter they expect me to come home or be indoors (i.e. a movie theater, friend's house) by 5 ish. For the summer it's maybe 9.

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well now that im at college, as long as i want, theyll never know! :) back in high school... usually 11~12 but only on special occassions like prom or homecoming!~

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Guest superlove

not that late. however for my softball season, they can't really do anything about it.

i usually come home around 9; so i guess that's good with them. however, that sucks for my HW time!

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Guest cherii2007

as long as i let them know where i am, and who i am with (if i'm out LATE late) they don't mind. my friends aren't allowed out late, so i can't even test how late i can stay out.

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