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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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I find Jo Sung Mok (Areum) is quite in tune with Kyo,

Mr Kang says something, then Kyo whispers to Areum who later makes a funny action, as if he enjoys and makes jokes of Kyo :-/
Hic, I find Jo Sung Mok is cuter and cuter everyday I get to know him in interaction with Kyo and Mr Kang

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Guest sunflower91

Very Happy to see the latest SG photos/vids/gifs , SHK looks better and better every stage greeting, definitely that certain glow is back that lightens up her very beautiful face and she's smiling brigthly now! Love to see the overwhelming support of her fans and the MPL lead stars continuous effort in doing stage greetings to the delight of their fans. SHK indeed is coping well, definitely she is still well loved and her star will continue to shine brightly and we will all be showered by her beautiful pics in her upcoming activities! 

Nice to see this senior actress Yoon Yeo-jeong , a co star of SHK in WW drama  watching MPL movie again , she's also there during the VIP premiere supporting SHK movie!144824137_17.jpg

Its great to know  that MPL will be shown in other countries and even invited at Hawaii International Film Festival. Hopefully more countries will buy its riights and more fimlfest invitation and awards.

Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful updates!

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mpl admission today is 235,51 the highest admission so far although it drop to # 4 the total admission as of today is 1,059,474

over 1 million admission in 7 days not bad. today admission pirates in second spot & lucy on 3rd spot & mpl on 4th is so close mpl fighting!

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class="postheadline"John Woo’s “The Crossing” to Release December 2 By Joanna on September 9, 2014


Director John Woo (吳宇森) recently announced that his highly anticipated disaster epic, The Crossing <太平輪>, will be split into two movies. The first installment will open in theaters on December 2, with the second part reaching theaters on May 1 of next year.

The Crossing, which boasts a star-studded cast including Zhang Ziyi (章子怡), Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武), Korean actress Song Hye Kyo (宋慧喬), Huang Xiaoming (黃曉明), Tong Dawei (佟大為),, and Japanese actress Masami Nagasawa (長澤雅美), tells the story of three star-crossed couples, whose lives are shaken by war and disaster in the 1940s. Spanning a timeline of 60 years, The Crossing underscores the idea that love can redeem and defeat any and all difficulties.

Woo first came up with the idea for The Crossing in 2008, when he decided that he wanted to film a movie epic that would tell the shocking and hidden perils during a historic time of turmoil. However, in 2012, right before filming was scheduled to begin, Woo suddenly fell ill and had to go to America for medical treatment.

“One day when I was sitting on my hospital bed, I saw a really bad movie,” Woo shared. “I suddenly felt that I couldn’t just die like this. I couldn’t die without filming a movie that I feel would be perfect.”

Now, six years after Woo’s initial inspiration, The Crossing is ready for audiences’ eyes. With a price tag of 400 million RMB, the movie is sure to dazzle viewers with its captivating plot, richly drawn characters, and extensive special effects. In fact, Woo insisted on staying in the editing room before his body had fully recovered, in order to oversee the film’s post-production editing and ensure the highest quality.


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KDW is indeed very caring. In most photos n videos, he made sure he walks behind our queen, beside our queen. He's so protective over her. Today SG, he or rather both are so comfortable with each other. Thanks @freshspring‌ @utkim‌ @song4kim‌ and many others for your wonderful updates. Love you all. Hope tomorrow SG is a fabulous one.

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Guest rjuliet

just saw the vid where ticktock made a cute gif of it...so funny...mr kang just opened his glasses and fans already screaming, cant imagine if he opened something else...lol ...and yes kyo is like a friend-like mother to her cute kid...she seems natural and will be a good mother in time...what a lovely family...makes me want to see mpl so bad...and yay, congrats for reaching 1 million viewers on 7th day...not bad at all...keep fighting!

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Guest ohsooyoung

Congrats MBL has surpassed 1 million viewers in 7 days =D> ain't bad indeed! Keep climbing up \:D/ <:-P It's also nice to see Lee Seung - Gi watched MBL with other veteran actress couple of days ago, now MBLAQ Lee Joon with his mom watched it too and likewise senior actress shows her support. :x :x

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