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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Zhang Ziyi starred in John Woo's transformation for Andy Lau Song Hye Kyo to join

John Woo shelved for four years as long as the transformation for - Love masterwork "Love and Let Love", is expected to will begin shooting in February of this year. John Woo is currently Beijing preparations for the screenplay and the preparatory work, "the International chapter" Zhang Ziyi himself confirmed that determine starred in the film iceberg.

Before accepting the film producer Terence Chang Movie Network interview, he revealed that Song Hye Kyo, Andy Lau, Louis Koo, Chang Chen will join. However, due to delays in the start of filming, after a lapse of more than half a year later, rumors that some of the actor's schedule may be problems, but it is understood and Zhang Ziyi in "great master" cooperation Song Hye Kyo, as well as Andy Lau has been confirmed to be starred, Tong Dawei, Zhang Hanyu etc. is also expected to join.

In 2008, John Woo announced at the Cannes Film Festival and will be shooting the movie "1949", starring Zhang Zhen, Song Hye Kyo and selected. Later, the film was renamed "Pacific Wheel", but the movie once stranded because of copyright issues. In 2011, John Woo plans to shoot base structures in Zhoushan, was expected will start shooting at the end, but the final because John Woo illness Pacific round "again been shelved. Zhang Ziyi has revealed, the John Woo body has fully recovered, the film also will soon start shooting, and is expected in Shanghai viewfinder.
John Woo's film again changed its name to "Love and Let Love".

About the cast, Zhang Ziyi did not disclose, saying only that there are many heavyweight actors involved. It is reported that, Andy Lau, Song Hye Kyo, Tong Dawei determine participating. Star Tony Leung, Daniel Wu, Louis Koo, Chang Chen came earlier because of schedule problems may miss the film. "Love and Let Love" tells the story of four love stories during the liberation war, John Woo has said to want to make this theme has been 20 years. John Woo intended starred in one of the two lovers got Song Hye Kyo, Zhang Zhen,

Song Hye Kyo plays the daughter of a Shanghai banker, always able to extricate themselves immersed in the past, the final Zhang Zhen let her go out from the past. But rumors Zhang Zhen because of schedule problems may not starred replace Which male artist and Joe sister "Red Chamber is still unknown. But Zhang Ziyi will star in a love story, and she starred opposite may Andy have been identified. It is reported that,

 "Love and Let Love" will also have a lot of special effects shots, this all effects from the completion of the special effects company founded by director James Cameron - digital kingdom produced, the company has been involved in the production of the "Transformers" series , "Harry Potter" series, the digital kingdom Mainland Pictures Corporation pony Pentium U.S. affiliates acquired.

Related information: Terence Chang said boot Taiwanese film "Love and Let Love" in 2013 do not have to imitate others [ movie network] www.m1905.com exclusive articles, reproduced, please indicate the source. Violators will be prosecuted to its liability.

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Dont worry @utkim, after re-reading it i myself feel confuse hahaha.Guess i need to brush up on my english&chinese  :D
It's my pleasure to help translating so no worries:)
She always has this delicately exquisite appearance,i don't watch korean dramas,but very often when i heard people mentioning her name,they will always describe her in one word-beautiful.
It was not until Director Lee's movie (Today),that i saw this face filled with despair, trying to conceal her weakness but still able to have pocket of goodness in her heart.The crying scenes as well as the scenes whereby the actress was cycling so hard it was almost impossible for the camera to follow,it made me remember her,Song Hye Kyo.
As an actress,she needs to act in front of the camera with/without the make up ,she also needs to understand the mind of others as well as her own and presenting all of them to the audience.She will not will able to differentiate/choose between "beautiful" and  "ugly".She will break away and shake off all the limelight,at this moment,she becomes a real actor.
From a young innocent idol star to an intellectual and confident actress,eventhough it's only separated by a thin lining,but she did it.
The Grandmaster,3 years of filming,years of preparations,it's a kind of confession by the perfectionist WKW towards the long gone era.
Zhang Yong Cheng, Ip Man's wife.she was born into a well respected family that receives english education.It's no surprise that she's knowledgeable and has gained understanding of the world.She's the perfect example of an elegant and noble lady,her purity and humbleness is deemed by others as classy and many sees her as a woman full of wisdom. 
Wkw is good at choosing an actor to play a role.He chose Zhang Yong Cheng as somebody who has  eastern values, not weak but gentle yet tough.
Song Hye Kyo, as bright as the sun,she's not the usual long winded wife but she's brave,forgiving,graceful and warmth.
She's just like the glow of light at night,always by her husband side,loving and caring for him as well as his martial arts.
From her eyes' expression when she's peeking from the door,peaceful and gentle.Her classy appearance that make heads turn at the golden pavillion when she's watching a performance,every single night when she waits for Ip Man to come home with only a glow of light to accompany her.For Ip Man,she is his life's harbour,his eternal guardian.When she sense Ip Man being unfocus and feeling troubled,she tries to probe but Ip Man dismisses it and instead requesting to take a family picture together.He helps to neaten her hair,she looks up only to find him avoiding her eyes.This kind of happiness and security,sometimes tears in the eyes,the last goodbye,the reluctance that's written in the rain,etched in the mind,that's  the reason why he never returns back.
She has limited screen time,but the few words she utters means everything.One expression,one turn,one look,one hesitation.Only grace and elegance can be used to describe this woman.
In this story,there are 2 remarkable women.One is Gong Ruo Mei(zzy) and one is Zhang Yong Cheng (shk).If the former is strong,the latter is gentle.In the end Ip man says that Zhang Yong Cheng is his life's partner.
In this movie,everyone is strong and heroic in his/her own way.With her as an exception,graceful,gentle &warmth,such an eternal tenderness.
written by:Miss Luo
edit:yes @utkim,i finally posted one.Actually i still don't know how to post up a pic,this is solely through copy&paste :D

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khxy, it wasn't because of your trans that confused me, it was perfectly fine, but i thot it was a review and somehow the reviewer makes me confused if she/he wrote a review or an article, that's all  :\">. Or perhaps due to my poor understanding english, i didn't understand well, please pardon me. Thanks for all your translations dear, you are such a gem :x . The article from Sina seems so sincere and i enjoy reading it, word by word coffee_zpsc2d41490.gif . Btw, congrats, you finally posted a pic hehe

Thanks kamille for the article :D

Have a nice weekend everyone

Kyo in ww and twtwb

@ dc

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Thank you beautiful ladies for all the heartwarming and uplifting writeups re: SHKs delivering her role in the TGM movie:)As her loyal fans, we all know from the beginning that this lady has the makings of a great actress!To bad! a lot of her detractors and critiques were blindsited by her beauty and of course their envy, that they did not see her potential:)For me WW,Today & Love for Sale,were one of her best performances.Sadly it received a lukewarm writeups fr. the K media,while they were giving over the top praises to all these  Kpop wanna be actresses, actors and  to some veteran actress.Luckily WKW  being an exceptional director noticed a great potential in SHK.I hope she will be able to attend the Berline FF,after all her recognition and accomplishments,are somethings that we can all be proud off!!

Ginachan:thanks for the AIMH film clips,it just showed that SHK was already a serious and good actress fr. the beginning.

miss_shady_xv:I do hope that John Woos film will push through.SHK needs to go international already!!

khxy:I'm always looking forward to all your translations and postings!!Thank you soo much:)

Utkim!!That WW and TWTWB pictures are just beautiful!!

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id="watch-headline-title" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 19px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis;"Thanks ginachan for sharing the link.....I feel sorry for Hye Kyo when Won bin throw the clothes several times....
Thanks guys for sharing the pix from grandmaster.

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Wow, SHK is wonderful in TGM :x Thanks everyone for your updates, especially utkim for awsome pics and khxy for the translation. Love you all.
And this is the official news that report that there are 16 EPISODES in TWTWB



edit: oh, I'm so sorry :(  I have a feeling the two of you as one, @utkim, i love u :x please don't think much, i don't want to make you sad
ks putriN so much  for reminding me

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@freshspring, thanks...... a lil sad that it seems confirmed the drama is 16eps........ btw, the pics were posted by kim dearie not me hehee.....

@Amethyst, me too....... my heart ache see him threw the dress at her beautiful flawless face..... twice somemore..... how dare he ! X(  :P

@khxy, thanks so much dearie for the beautiful trans...... we are very fortunate to have you and shanda..... like kim, i'm enjoying reading them very much too and many times keke..... yes, congrats on your debut image posting........ it's okay, there's always a beginning  :)

one of baidu fans commented, as google translated, on Kyo's evaluation from film critics, the mood will not be calm and it will for a long time..... really very proud of you....... proud ah :D


thanks everyone for the sharing   :-*


the timeless beauty hye kyo  :x








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Urgh.. she looks so breath-takingly gorgeous in those TGM stills. I'm so happy that she is not only receiving massive of positive comments on her elegant beauty, but also many praises for her performance: her tenderness, her body language and her eye expressions.

Here are some tweet reviews on TGM by people within the Chinese entertainment circle (famous directors, famous film critics etc.):

I translated some interesting ones..

叶准:《一代宗师》:十五六 年,熬出精品

叶问之子叶准:“慢工出细活! 慢工果然是出到好的。慢慢熬、慢慢 熬 ,结果熬到好精品出来。电影对 咏春、对叶问的形象都表现得十分 好。宋慧乔很有母亲张永成身上那种 贤良淑德的气质,可惜戏份少了些, 没有看得更全面。章子怡功架很好, 打得很不错,内心戏也做得很好。”
^Ip Jun's comments on HK being able to bring out his late mother's elegance.

香港电影人谈《一代宗师》:会 提议该片代表香港申奥

香港资深影人吴思远(微博):“这 是近年最值得一看的好电影。该片与 一般动作片非常不同,不是讲一个 人,是讲一个大时代。一批宗师在社 会的变迁,他们的生活、家庭,他们 的情,非常震撼。他拍得辛苦,我看 得感动。”
Ng Sze-yuen (he is the director of the HK film guild): "It's one of the most worthy films to watch recently. This film is different from the regular action films. It's not about one character, it's about an era. A group of grandmasters in the continuously changing society, their lives, their families, their love. It's groundbreaking. He worked hard [when shooting the film], and I felt moved [when watching the film]"

资深影人张同祖则:“功夫,这 就叫作功夫了!把怎么写人和怎么拍 功夫合二为一,在处理功夫的场面和 写感情上都非常精致,这也就是王家 卫的本色。 ”

电影制片人庄澄:“《一代宗 师》是王家卫风格的武打片,别树一 帜,好片难求,目不暇接”。

香港影业协会会长洪祖星:“提 议让这部片代表香港去参加奥斯卡最 佳外语片角逐。”

导演陈德森:“《一代宗师》兼 备了娱乐与艺术!好看!”
Director Teddy Chan (from Bodyguards and Assasins): "TGM, entertainment and art! A good watch!"

彭浩翔(微博):“一代宗师,就两 个字,杰作。大家都赞武打,个人认 为文戏更惊喜,张晋演的马三是亮 点,七年厚积薄发,果不只是一般佳 作。毫不介意再看多遍。对于宁财神 说闷,我不感意外,尤其过去有看过 他推荐和说好的华语片之后。”
Popular director Pang Ho Cheung (from Love in a Puff): "TGM, one word: masterpiece. Everybody praise the fighting sequences, but personally, I find the non-action scenes ? (uh.. wen xi) even more surprising. ZJ as Mashan is a highlight. After many years, it's not "just" a good piece of work as expected. I would not mind to see it more times........."

叶伟信:“一代宗师!两个字。 好睇!”
Yip Waishun (yes, the director from the Ip Man movies starring Donnie Yen): "TGM! Two words: VERY GOOD!".

港台影评界谈《一代宗 师》:“诗情画意!”“亦文亦 武!”“历史壁画!”

香港电影资料馆馆长林觉 声:“保持了经典的王家卫风格,汇 集了以往王家卫的经典元素,不会让 王家卫的粉丝们失望。”

资深影评人罗卡:“王家卫拍出 了叶问作为‘一代宗师’的气派和宿 命,刚柔并济,文场武戏都特别出 色。”

影评人登徒:“对王家卫,我是 抱着超高期望的,这夜确是满足而 归。一出戏,讲武学,论人生;知四 季,话南北,分新旧,底子满满的, 都说尽了。梁式腔口的独白和观点才 是主菜;章子怡确是叶底藏花,是全 片亮点。两人一进一停,一南一北, 构成全片主题。”

影评人石琪:“王家卫为‘慢王之 王’。并非完整妥善,但不会令人失 望。‘轻拢慢捻抹复挑’,成为慢工出 细货的可观之作。”

香港影评人协会会长何威:“这 的的确确是一部描写宗师的作品,它 让我们看到了,在一个什么样的高度 才配称之为一代宗师。王家卫的一贯 风格是隐喻,《一代宗师》达致炉火 纯青的境界,王家卫也足可堪称一代 宗师。”

As for the "new" John Woo film.. LOL.. I still remember back in the days, I think in 2008, everybody here felt so excited about the possible HK-CC couple. Can't believe we have waited for 5 years already..

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@Bwear, thanks so much dear...... beautiful comments..... we're very thankful for you to be around....... i remember your 1st post here was on 1949 project..... how time flies...... i really hope it will be kyo-cc...... this coupling has been with us for 5 yrs..... pls [-O<


for now......... back to "winter" promo.... woohoo....

jis on working with kyo, or vice-versa sorry, as more articles surfaced, it should be from kyo on working with jis, ......... my guess from google expect, something like "better be late than never"  :D

honestly, i never expect they have such an explosive chemistry sweatingbullets_zps898140b0.gif




maybe articles on them today as one of the drama promo..... waiting for the eng trans patiently...... ehem shanda    ;)

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드디어 제대로 런닝맨에 나오는가요? 

배우 송혜교와 걸그룹 씨스타가 '런닝맨' 촬영을 위해 인천 송도에 떴다.

1월19일 SNS 상에는 인천 송도에서 SBS '일요일이 좋다-런닝맨' 팀이 촬영하고 있다는 것을 목격했다는 트윗이 올라오고 있다. 
방송 관계자는 "이날 촬영에는 드라마 그 겨울, 바람이 분다에서 시각장애인 오영 역을 맡은 송혜교와 인기 걸그룹 씨스타가 출연하게 됐다"고 19일 뉴스엔에 밝혔다. 
'그 겨울, 바람이 분다'는 전문 포커 갬블러(조인성)와 시각장애인(송혜교)의 만남이라는 설정 하에 그려지는 멜로 드라마다. 시각장애인 연기를 펼친 송혜교가 '런닝맨'에서는 어떤 예능감을 보여줄지 기대를 모으고 있다. 
한편, 1월 20일 '런닝맨'에는 설리, 민호, 엘, 이준, 이종현, 정용화, 황광희가 출연한 아이돌 올림픽
Saw this in baidu and one of dc thread,saying that Hye Kyo is going to participate in running man.Shooting will take place in Incheon
I hope it's true,but i kinda doubt it since they are so busy filming and Hye Kyo doesn't really take part in variety show.Let's see if there will be more news regarding this.

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Guest itscreamie

Khxy, aww, I hope it's true! When did Kyo last participated in a variety show? Hmm, maybe she will agree to do it. (To promote TWTWB) :)

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@khxy, thanks......  it sounds real...... yah, knowing her and her busy schedules together with her unconfirmed berlinale participation....... yes, lets wait awhile more.....

@itscreamie, yes if its true....... it will be to promote the drama.... yeay!


another news today -

extremely powerful visual couple    ;;)

same with above...... they're talking about working with each other.






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Thanks @putriN for the links,here's the translation
Song Hye Kyo said " I have been waiting to work in a drama with Jo In Sung since long time ago,but it comes later than expected.We are more mature and ready now and are happily filming the drama "
Jo In Sung said" It's an honour to work with such a talented actress like Hye Kyo,but i think it's only made possible because of  luck.She starred in many successful projects and i accepted this luck by joining this drama"

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Bwear, thanks for all the awesome infos :x . I think as fans we are overjoyed to see Kyo's growth of acting  and Kyo as a person, dun know how to express my feelings...yah, I'm proud of Kyo.

putriN, aww, that pic of C2 was awsome, love it :x

khxy, thanks for the trans and news dear...i don't want to have much hope on running man though i would love to see her..but as a leading lady in the drama, she has to promote the drama and it's 1 of her job, i think..but i won't be surprised if we don't see her in running man, though. And to be honest, i feel SBS sucks for their promotions of their dramas...Please don't dissappoint me this time, SBS !

freshing...hehe, no worries dear, i understand we are like fraternal twins,  putriN is gentle while I'm a temper person  :))

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Wow, Kyo on Running Man??!! This HAS to be true!!! Am I dreaming or what??! 
From reading what khxy posed, it seems like it is true as a rep for the broadcast released the statement. Supposedly Kyo will be filming Running Man with the girl group SISTAR.
Well I guess we have to wait to see if it is true. It sure does sound promising, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
Here's the latest translation - very similar to what khxy already posted. Thank you.
That Winter Song Hye Kyo "Jo In Sung, I was hoping to act with him someday"
Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung, the two leads of the new SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama, That Winter, The Wind Blows, expressed their thoughts on being paired up.
Song Hye Kyo revealed, "I have been hoping to work with Jo In Sung in a project someday, but it seems we have met later than I had expected.  After each of us became more mature, we have come together to act in a project, and are having an enjoyable time filming."
Jo In Sung also stated,  "To be filming  with a great actress like Song Hye Kyo is an honor and possible with luck. Song Hye Kyo has starred in a lot of dramas that have been successful, and by accepting that aura, I [decided] to film." 
It was clear they both did not hide their expectation and belief in each other.
Jo In Sung steadily rose in popularity through the SBS dramas, Piano and Shoot for the Star, but reached super-stardom with What Happened in Bali in 2004. Then, in 2005, he was paired with Go Hyun Jung in Spring Day, and in 2006, he emerged as a true idol in the film Mean Streets, where his masculine image was also maximized.
Of course, Song Hye Kyo is a representative of Korean actresses who possesses many hits. She showed melodramatic acting in 2000 with the best produced, Autumn Tale, and in 2003, positioned herself as a successful star in All In. Afterwards, she continued to verify her strength in Full House and in 2008, she received praise for expanding the scope of her acting in Worlds Within. Even as a film actress, she is showing a wide spectrum.
Meanwhile, That Winter, The Wind Blows, the love story between two people who do not believe in love, will have its first broadcast on February 13th at 9:55 PM.
Reporter Choi Jung Ah cccjjjaaa@sportsworldi.com
Source: Sports WorldiTranslated by: Shanda @ Songhyegyo.net

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^ Thanks Shanda dear for the awesome trans..they both do look more mature now hehe...regarding the running man show, i read divashim's tweets, it seems he said we won't get to see kyo in it..and personally i believe in his words. what do you think Shanda? how funny if the news was comming from the rep contra divashim's tweet.. :|. I  think divashim has nothing to hide or keep secret if Kyo is in it though unless he doesn't know as he is now in Paris :P

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@shanda, @khxy, thanks so much dearies....... we can understand better now...... this cotton candy couple so cute, praising and complimenting each other........ glad that they are having a great time filming...... and we already knew he make sure that our dear girl is not freezing filming in the cold winter season keke........ from the article, seems that he's a modest guy huh....... i find that this kind of guy is sexy and romantic    ;;)


@utkim, there goes our kim dearie :D

i can understand that....... comparing to IRIS2, their promotion for the drama way much ahead with few posters and teasers already...... oh well...... probably waiting for the last minute......


the subject on kyo guesting RM has been around since "that winter" is confirmed going to be broadcasted in SBS....... like shanda said, lets not get our hopes up on this one.


edit : kim, oh divashim tweeted that ? ermmmm,  where the statement came from, i don't see at kyo dc...... which dc gallery then    :-/

edit 2: yes, i think we just have to wait news from the media..... oh yah, where is ria ?

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