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Go Hyun Jung 고현정

Guest xosandy

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Guest leo62

two mores.

but i dont personally seem to really like the result of my works tonight. :tears: .argh.

well..just to share here though. :phew:



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Guest leo62

Dear leo62:

Thanks a lot for your same feeling like me,so appreciate .I felt so~ so~so sad when I saw what bad happen to Hyun Jung sii and I can't help anymore :(

All of this news about Hyun Jung sii get ~~ suicide :( and some reporter was follow to hospital take her

ward~too crazy~ :fury:

고현정, 크리스마스 이브에 병원신세 ETN 2005.12.27 16:15

[동영상 참조] 고현정씨는 지난 24일 고열 및 폐렴 증세로...전 퇴원했는데요. 어제 퇴원 후 고현정씨는 소속사 식구들과 함께 정상적으로...식을 취하고 있는 상태입니다. 고현정씨의 소속사 관계자는 최근 고현정씨가 CF 촬영을 비롯해 무리한 ...

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[아듀! 2005] 방송 3사 연기대상, 누구의 손에? 조이뉴스24 2005.12.27 13:40

...을 각각 유행시키며 화제를 낳기도 했다. 올해 초 방영된 특별기획 '봄날'에서 녹슬지 않은 연기력을 선보였던 톱스타 고현정 역시 10년만에 연예계에 컴백했다는 상징적인 의미와 함께 대상의 다크호스로 꼽힌다. /배영은 기자 youngeun@...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '조이뉴스24'만 검색

고현정, 음독설? YTN STAR 2005.12.27 11:40

고현정이 인터넷상에서 불거지고... 못하고 있습니다. 고현정 소속사 ...측은 어제 "인터넷에 고현정이 24일 병원 응급실을...을 알고 있다."면서 "고현정도 이런 소문에 무척 황당해...다."고 밝혔습니다. 고현정은 지난 24일 고열 등 폐렴...

관련기사 검색 | [TV뉴스]섹션만 검색 | 'YTN STAR'만 검색

'아파트 공화국'의 미스테리 한겨레21 2005.12.27 09:22

...의 열광 "당신은 몇평에 사나" 처절한 구별짓기의 현장, 보이지 않는 카스트 ▣ 강준만/ 전북대 신문방송학과 교수 고현정, 김남주, 김지호, 김현주, 김희애, 송혜교, 신애라, 이영애, 채시라, 최지우, 한가인(가나다 순) 등 한국을 대표할 ...

관련기사 검색 | [연재/잡지]섹션만 검색 | '한겨레21'만 검색

고현정, 감기로 입원 후 퇴원 메트로 2005.12.27 09:00

톱스타 고현정이 24일 서초동 강남성모병원에 입원했다. 가족과 동행해 병원에 도착한 고현정은 매니저에게도 알리지 않은 채 조용히 입원해 있다 26일 오전...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '메트로'만 검색

고현정 '음독설'에 황당 뉴스엔 2005.12.27 07:36

...재환 기자] 톱스타 고현정이 폐렴 증세로 지난 ... 황당케 하고 있다. 고현정 소속사인 ... 퇴원했다. 퇴원 후 고현정은 소속사 식구들과 점심... 인터넷 사이트에 '고현정이 진통제 및 신경안정제를...이 떠돌아 다니면서 고현정 측을 괴롭히고 있다. ...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '뉴스엔'만 검색

고현정, 고열로 입원 스포츠서울 2005.12.27 00:40

[스포츠서울] 톱스타 고현정(34)이 크리스마스 연휴를 병원에서 보냈다. 고현정의 소속사에 따르면 고현정은 고열에 폐렴증상을 보여 지난 24일...원했다. 소속사의 한 관계자는 "고현정씨가 최근 광고촬영을 이틀간 한 뒤...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '스포츠서울'만 검색

고현정 '병원서 크리스마스' 스포츠칸 2005.12.26 21:36

탤런트 고현정이 고열로 인한 약한 ...때 병원에 입원했다. 고현정은 크리스마스 당일인 25일...인 26일 퇴원했다. 고현정 측은 26일 통화에서 "지금은...다"고 밝혔다. 앞서 고현정은 지난 22일 서울 ... 계약을 체결했다. 고현정은 내년 스크린을 통해...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '스포츠칸'만 검색

고현정, 성탄절 입원에 왠 음독설? 스타뉴스 2005.12.26 20:56

... 기자] 톱스타 고현정이 인터넷 상에서 ...추지 못하고 있다. 고현정 소속사 ...표는 26일 "인터넷에 고현정이 24일 병원 응급실을...고 있다"고 밝혔다. 고현정은 지난 24일 고열 등 폐렴...처구니가 없다"면서 "고현정은 이런 루머에 대해 전혀...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '스타뉴스'만 검색

고현정 "고열로 병원갔는데 음독설 황당" 뉴스엔 2005.12.26 19:50

...재환 기자] 톱스타 고현정이 폐렴 증세로 ...다. 그런데 일각에서 고현정의 입원 사유가 소속사에서...처하게 하고 있다. 고현정은 지난 24일 고열 및 ... 인터넷 사이트에 '고현정이 진통제 및 신경안정제를...달려야 했다. 이에 고현정은 측근을 통해 "왜 ...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '뉴스엔'만 검색

고현정 집에서 휴식 중인데... 뉴스엔 2005.12.26 18:16

...재환 기자] 톱스타 고현정이 크리스마스를 ...식을 취하고 있다. 고현정은 고열 등 폐염 증세를...오전 퇴원했다. 이후 고현정은 집에서 휴식을 취하고 있다고 한다. 고현정의 소속사 후크엔터테인먼트... 다른 내용이 많다. 고현정이 자신의 차를 이용, ...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '뉴스엔'만 검색

잦은 '캐스팅 번복' 속내 있었네 국민일보 2005.12.26 17:50

... '못된 사랑'은 가수 비의 출연 불발로 결국 무산됐고,고현정이 출연할 것으로 알려졌던 '내가 나빴다' 역시 제작사가 바뀌면서 고현정 출연은 사실상 없던 일이 됐다. 이를 두고 드라마 제작 ...

관련기사 검색 | [문화/생활]섹션만 검색 | '국민일보'만 검색

<고현정 2신> 폐렴? 급히 퇴원한 고현정 어디에? 스타다큐 2005.12.26 17:06

...병원 신세를 진 고현정이 26일 ...로 알려졌다. 고현정 자택 경비원은 "고현정씨는 24일 크리스마스...) 당시 912호 고현정씨의 병실에 있었던 고현정씨의 측근은 ... 문을 닫으며 "고현정씨 아니에요"라는...오는 이야기는 "고현정 , 병원 입원(본 매체가...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '스타다큐'만 검색

[송년기획④] 2005 스타종합주가지수 스포츠서울 2005.12.26 14:40

...난 여자'와 MTV '굳세어라 금순아'를 통해 장에 성공적으로 진입한 김아중()과 한혜진()의 상승세가 기대된다. 또 올해 고현정(▼)의 재투입에 이어 내년에는 고소영(▲)이 복귀할 예정이어서 또 한번 장이 요동칠 것으로 전망되고 있다. 이밖에 '...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '스포츠서울'만 검색

고현정, 고열 폐렴증세로 크리스마스를 병원서 마이데일리 2005.12.26 14:36

...강은진 기자] 톱스타 고현정이 폐렴 증세로 병원 ... 뒤늦게 알려졌다. 고현정은 크리스마스 이브인 ...원했다"고 밝혔다. 고현정의 소속사 측은 "최근 ... 모델 계약을 체결한 고현정은 내년 3월쯤 영화 ... 입원했다가 퇴원한 고현정. 사진=마이데일리 ...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '마이데일리'만 검색

[단신.com] '고현정' 폐렴 증세로 병원 응급실행 外 일간스포츠 2005.12.26 14:10

[일간스포츠] ▒고현정/ 고열 등 폐렴 증세를 보여 24일 서울 서초구의 한 병원 응급실을 찾았다가 26일 오전 퇴원했다. 지난 22~23일 LG 디오스...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '일간스포츠'만 검색

방송 3사 연기대상 '여인 천하?' 일간스포츠 2005.12.26 14:04

...전했다. 하반기 멜로 드라마 바람을 몰고 온 <프라하의 연인>의 전도연이 가장 대상에 가까워 보이는 가운데 <봄날>의 고현정 <서동요>의 이보영 등이 그 뒤를 추격하는 형국이다. 장상용 기자< enisei@ilgan.co.kr> - Copyrights ⓒ ...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '일간스포츠'만 검색

고현정 고열로 크리스마스서 병원 신세 연합뉴스 2005.12.26 11:10

...뉴스) 김가희 기자 = 고현정이 크리스마스를 병원에서 보냈다. 신우염을 앓고 있던 고현정은 25일 고열로 인한 약한 ...전 곧장 퇴원했다. 한편 고현정의 드라마 출연은 가을께나 ... 백지 상태로 돌아갔다. 고현정의 매니저는 26일 "김종학 ...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '연합뉴스'만 검색

고현정, 폐렴징후 입원후 26일 퇴원 스타뉴스 2005.12.26 10:54

...자] 톱스타 고현정이 크리스마스 ...늦게 알려졌다. 고현정의 한 측근은 26일 "고현정이 며칠 동안 열이 ...했다"고 밝혔다. 고현정은 응급실에서 ...했다. 이 측근은 "고현정이 열이 오르면서 ...있다"고 말했다. 고현정은 '봄날' 이후 차기작으로...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '스타뉴스'만 검색

고현정 크리스마스 병원신세, 26일 귀가 뉴스엔 2005.12.26 10:06

...환 기자] 톱스타 고현정이 크리스마스를 병원에서 보냈다. 고현정은 고열 등 폐염 ... 오전 퇴원했다. 고현정 측에 따르면 고현정은 지난 22~23일 LG ... 응급실을 찾았다. 고현정은 병원에서 치료를 ...다"고 덧붙였다. 고현정은 내년 봄 스크린을...

관련기사 검색 | [방송연예]섹션만 검색 | '뉴스엔'만 검색


hello unni!~~ what does the article says about go hyun jung unni there? i really pity for her. i guess all who constantly follow her career all these years have the same feeling and feel sorry for everything that she's been going through with her life especially with her children. :tears:

Dear leo62: :)

NO, I think the suicide issue not a reasons was put on hold her new project,even some rumor was saying like that,

it's not true.

But what a really happen is MBC TV faced with some big problem on that time,what the issue Professor

Hwang,MBC was sufferings and pending all the TV series making project.

Which a her new drama produce team need to change for SBS TV,but Hyun Jung sii want to keep her promises to MBC,so she just withdraw from a project.

How come a new project without Hyun Jung sii can carry on ? so finally cancelled. what the happen is

prove by MBC and SBS.

I post some article news cutting about this :mellow:

고현정 주연의 드라마 ‘내가 나빴다’(가제)가 부활한다.

드라마 외주제작사인 올리브나인은 최근 ‘내가 나빴다’의 제작사로 나서 2006년 3월 SBS를 방영한다는 계획을 조심스럽게 추진 중이다.

당초 내년 1월 MBC를 통해 방송 예정이었다가 여러가지 사정으로 제작이 중단됐는데 외주제작사와 방송사를 옮겨 시청자를 다시 찾게 되는 셈이다.

더욱이 올리브나인의 의도대로 방송 일정이 확정되면 ‘내가 나빴다’는 원래 연출자였던 표민수 PD의 MBC 드라마와 경쟁하게 될 것으로 관측돼 또 다른 화제를 낳고 있다.

올리브나인 측은 최근 고현정과 인정옥 작가 측과 물밑 접촉을 갖고 기존 외주제작사인 김종학프로덕션과 계약 관계를 모두 정리하는 것으로 입장을 정리했다. 올리브나인 측은 ‘내가 나빴다’의 제작에 대한 기본적인 협의를 이들과 마친 후 2006년 봄 방송을 목표로 SBS와 편성 협의를 조만간 시작할 예정이다.

wow! she indeed kept her word with MBC.do you know what was the series is about? i do encounter a news about it though but i forgot the details.

i wish a good project will be given to her for her to have that CHANCE and BREAK to showcase her acting skills. i wish for her the BEST.~~ ;)

Dear leo62:

After sadness news,share a some happy news with your :)

Ko Hyun Jung as a music producer and business woman

KHJ now be a music producer and " big boss" too,she don't have any manager to manage her job.She

manage by herself.

She is a most major share holder on the company "Hook Entertainment".Her company was training a

new talent artist.

You can see this guy Lee Seung Gi,his only 19years old, that guy was together with KHJ attend a

fashion show last year^^ refer to the photo.

His new album crazy 4u so~~nice ,your can listen it,a one of his new album producer is KHJ.

Crazy 4u now is top 5 album on Koren Top Hit (Feb & March), congratulations to Lee Seung Gi and Ko Hyun Jung ,good job!!

link here(to listen Lee Seung Gi ):




Lee Seung Gi (left2)and his "Boss"~haha


some new article for this ^^

이승기, 고현정 이선희 지원 속에 2집 컴백!


[뉴스엔 박미애 기자]

2004년 이승기에 열광했던 전국의 누나들은 2006년에도 이승기에 주목하라!

이승기가 25일 오후 7시 서울 여의도 MBC 본관 스튜디오에서 진행된 '놀러와' 녹화에서 2집 앨범으로 6개월만에 모습을 나타냈다.

이날 이승기는 새 앨범에 대해 프로모션하던 중 '타이틀곡은 어떤 음악이냐'는 MC의 질문에 "명수형 눈이 참 매력적입니다"라고 뜬금없이 답했다.

이에 방청객을 비롯한 현장의 모든 사람들이 의아해하자 이승기는 곧바로 "제 타이틀곡이 '하기 힘든 말'입니다"는 말로 주변의 사람들에게 이해를 돕는 동시에 웃음을 이끌어냈다.

이어 MC 김원희가 "그건 하기 힘든 말이 아니라 해선 안되는 말입니다"고 덧붙여 주변을 웃음바다로 만들었다.

한편 이승기의 소속사 측은 "이승기의 2집 앨범이 1집과 마찬가지로 이선희의 전폭적인 지원에 더불어 고현정의 지원 하에 준비돼왔다"고 전했다.

6개월 만에 컴백한 이승기의 모습은 2월10일 '놀러와'를 통해 방송된다.

박미애 orialdo@newsen.co.kr

thank you so much for the wonderful songs.i like it!~~

it is a great news to hear that besides acting and doing CFs she do have other things to be busy of. boy! am i glad to hear that.

so you mean she dont have a manager at all to handle things for her? woah! must be a busy woman Go Hyun Jung is.i was just about to ask you about manager issue..and i am glad you stated it here.thank you so much.and oh, again there goes ji jin hee.^^, he is quite a guy! i really like him for Go Hyun Jung.i know he is married.ahem,just taking chances here.hehe.

i am happy for go hyun jung for such a work well done as a music producer and big boss as u call it.way to go hyun jung unni.~~ :w00t:

and ohh unni..."SONAMU" is a korean word meaning 'pine'.

i checked it on my dictionary.i got to learn a new korean word today and i am happy. :lol:

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Guest loveKHJ

two mores.

but i dont personally seem to really like the result of my works tonight. :tears: .argh.

well..just to share here though. :phew:



Ha~ha Welcome ~Sonamu friend's,You're successful join it~I so happy ~congratulations! :w00t:

I'm looking you in there,so happy I have one more friends! :rolleyes:

I love your lovely banner so much~~all is wonderful :)

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Guest loveKHJ

i think the las pic of her is gorgeous!

i saw a lil bit of spring day and enjoyed it!~ Any new news on her latest projects?

Welcome friend's :)

Her latest projects may been a movie,but never be confirm yet :rolleyes:

enjoy your Spring Days! hope to see u again in here.

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Guest leo62

Ha~ha Welcome ~Sonamu friend's,You're successful join it~I so happy ~congratulations! :w00t:

I'm looking you in there,so happy I have one more friends! :rolleyes:

I love your lovely banner so much~~all is wonderful :)

yeah.welcome to me there at sonamu4u and thank you for your warm greetings unni!~~

it took me by surprise last night when i logged in. i thought i would be waiting for like years and would end up crying like a kid for not having a full access.but there it was.*i was so excited that i wasnt able to sleep yesterday morning* now i am finishing the sandglass.

i find quite interesting vidclips and photos over at sonamu. things are so quiet there, unni.i dont know who and what to talk about there except of course about hyun jung unni.

if i am not mistaken you go there by the name HYUN. please correct me if i am wrong. i can only share my thoughts in english since i am not well versed with korean. :sweatingbullets:

so now, i am part of that WAITING for Go Hyun Jung.~~ i am happy to wait for any little suprises that might show up. and i look forward to those little surprises in between the waiting time. :blush:

and oh, i posted some of the banners there with your website's name on it.is it alright?

because all of my artworks now bears the name of your website.probably soon i'll have sonamu4u and your website wrtitten on it too. ;)

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Guest leo62

loveKHJ unni..

if you like these then u can use these too as your avatar. :phew:



if you will use it tell me if it's too big to be use here in soompi cuz mine is only

a little smaller to that i provided here. :blush:

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Guest loveKHJ

hello unni!~~ what does the article says about go hyun jung unni there? i really pity for her. i guess all who constantly follow her career all these years have the same feeling and feel sorry for everything that she's been going through with her life especially with her children. :tears:

wow! she indeed kept her word with MBC.do you know what was the series is about? i do encounter a news about it though but i forgot the details.

i wish a good project will be given to her for her to have that CHANCE and BREAK to showcase her acting skills. i wish for her the BEST.~~ ;)

thank you so much for the wonderful songs.i like it!~~

it is a great news to hear that besides acting and doing CFs she do have other things to be busy of. boy! am i glad to hear that.

so you mean she dont have a manager at all to handle things for her? woah! must be a busy woman Go Hyun Jung is.i was just about to ask you about manager issue..and i am glad you stated it here.thank you so much.and oh, again there goes ji jin hee.^^, he is quite a guy! i really like him for Go Hyun Jung.i know he is married.ahem,just taking chances here.hehe.

i am happy for go hyun jung for such a work well done as a music producer and big boss as u call it.way to go hyun jung unni.~~ :w00t:

and ohh unni..."SONAMU" is a korean word meaning 'pine'.

i checked it on my dictionary.i got to learn a new korean word today and i am happy. :lol:

Dear leo62:

Oophs~leo ,how I looking forward to Hyun Jung sii new job of that time,you know,I just countdown everysecond¡Aminutes and everydays.

When MBC announcer a drama will broadcast on 11/Jan /2006,I felt like crazy,because 12/Jan is my birthday,It's my most best birthday present,I already planning flight to Korea watch a premiere broadcast with all korean fans.

But finally was cancelled, make me so sad and disappointed,I near to cry ,hahaha~so crazy. I'm so rationality person before that.

Which a character's of Hyun Jung sii in that cancelled drama series ,soooooo~challenge ,I love a character so much. I think Hyun Jung sii too.

It's ~villainess,well ,if it keep go on ,will be broke all romantic korea drama history record(such it's a romantic drama ) a main character,especialy leading lady is a baddie.

Who's Hyun Jung sii character is strong business woman,one sport company manager .A guy's Kang Ji Won(Aza Gum Soon series) who's a coach from her company.

When Hyun Jung sii was accepted this new drama project on 2005 August,she just leave behind a message in Sonamu4u,and saying:" Please look at new Ko Hyun Jung,I hope my new image character will fast coming to see yours,I just waiting for the time."

leo,you can just found a massege leave by Hyun Jung sii in Sonamu4u section {From Hyun Jung }.Hyun Jung sii just leave behind no more than 4 message.

Ha~ha I can imagine that time how excited from Hyun Jung sii,she such like a litte girl's to sharing her feeling for everyone. It's no match to her normal rationality image~ha

So how came a project cancelled cause by Hyun Jung sii ?she must be a most disappointed one.Now I just hope MBC can hold this project for her ,I want to see "baddie" Ko Hyun Jung.

loveKHJ unni..

if you like these then u can use these too as your avatar. :phew:



if you will use it tell me if it's too big to be use here in soompi cuz mine is only

a little smaller to that i provided here. :blush:

SOOOOO~lovely leo~ let unni give you big Hug!

It's ok ~if can't use in soompi ,I will using it on another mandarin discuss area,hahaha

~thanks so much! :w00t:

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Guest loveKHJ

at first, i had the same impression about Go Hyun Jung. well, i cannot attest much on that since i too is a newbie here.but as i watch her performance in sandglass, i cant help but be impressed. she did stunningly great with her hye-rin portrayal.her role is way different from springday.

on springday, i watched it all out of curiousity. their portrayal made it enough for viewers to love it. as for Go Hyun Jung acting skills, i believe she gave her best on this. it may not be her greatest performance but giving HER BEST on this drama was quite enough. another good drama or movie would be nice for her to better perform her skills.remember, it took 10 years for this spring day comeback.10 years was quite a long time. she will do BETTER i believe next time.

Welcome new friend's here :) and

Dear leo62:

Firstly I want to say ,Spring Days is "uncommon" drama,no pretty costume,pretty scene,only the morbidity and broken heart characters.

What a scriptwriter Mr.Kim said,Spring Days will not setting any entangle clue, just want to simply showing how the all characters recover of and finding their true love on darkness despairing .

Well,I agreed scriptwriter had did his good job in half a part a drama.

But I'm to be sick of korea drama making environment,It's most be happen to SBS TV(now I'm so sick for SBS,I think Ko Hyun Jung too,ha~)

Their just highlight a rating,and should be take a scriptwriter and all the cast under pressure.

It's reason to make a Spring Days script change hisway by the half a part,it's no a false by a cast on their performance side.

Can you imagine an actor or actress just receive their own script on the very very short time(maybe before 1hours ) and ready to shoot and performance.It's not have much time to prepared.

It's cause by scriptwriter repeatedly to amend a script, want to be get high rating.

A dollar and cent ,it's what a broadcaster business thinking.

All the produced of korean drama was broadcast and shoot in same time,it's make

a difficulty to casting,especially considering all feed back from the viewers.

Please give a support and appreciated an actor or actress in the any korean drama

,they do their good job,despite got some seriously "technical problem".

I just want to said, if Ko Hyun Jung never show her professional and high acting

skill, "Spring Days" will be "Cloudy Day".

Have some Korea media get a survey and poll,and find out what a reason to pushed a

korean viewers focus in "Spring Days" ,because have much people complain of

a storyline quite slow down and bore.

Finally an answer is "Ko Hyun Jung".I want to give a big hand to Hyun Jung sii,she so easily to span blank of 10years .

"Most natural and no impress arting skill."It's review of all korean viewers.

For me ,I want to see more and more for her new performances!!!but Sandglass and Spring Days both are classical,because they're beginning and return back of Ko Hyun Jung.

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Guest loveKHJ

i wish a good project will be given to her for her to have that CHANCE and BREAK to showcase her acting skills. i wish for her the BEST.~~ ;)


*Yes~leo,it's my only wish on 2006,I hope I can see she take part to showcase her acting skills :rolleyes:

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Guest loveKHJ

yeah.welcome to me there at sonamu4u and thank you for your warm greetings unni!~~

it took me by surprise last night when i logged in. i thought i would be waiting for like years and would end up crying like a kid for not having a full access.but there it was.*i was so excited that i wasnt able to sleep yesterday morning* now i am finishing the sandglass.

i find quite interesting vidclips and photos over at sonamu. things are so quiet there, unni.i dont know who and what to talk about there except of course about hyun jung unni.

if i am not mistaken you go there by the name HYUN. please correct me if i am wrong. i can only share my thoughts in english since i am not well versed with korean. :sweatingbullets:

so now, i am part of that WAITING for Go Hyun Jung.~~ i am happy to wait for any little suprises that might show up. and i look forward to those little surprises in between the waiting time. :blush:

and oh, i posted some of the banners there with your website's name on it.is it alright?

because all of my artworks now bears the name of your website.probably soon i'll have sonamu4u and your website wrtitten on it too. ;)

:) Dear leo62,

Just keep relax in Sonamu4u,those friends in Sonamu is quite friendly,don't worry about


Yes,my nick name is Hyun, it's ok you just using english, my korean not so well too.haha~ :phew:

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Guest loveKHJ

Sandglass produce team meet in 11 anniversary,but without leading lady KHJ



It's a photo take by 16/3," Sandglass" produce team will start shoot a new series“태왕사신기 ” in Jeju

island,this drama was lead cast by Bae Yong Joon,Choi Min Soo.

According to news report, ," Sandglass"director Kim Chong Hyuk will keep contact to Ko Hyun Jung

to cast as leading lady in this new series from 2004,but finally KHJ was decline casting~~~it's make uncomplete of Sandglass golden alignment.

Now a leading lady cast will change to Mun Su Lee.

한편 2004년 9월 가졌던 '태왕사신기' 설명회에서 김종학 PD는 "배역이 맞으면 고현정 도 캐스팅할 수 있다"고 밝혔으나, 결국 '모래시계'의 히로인 고현정은 캐스팅에서 제외돼 '모래시계' 삼총사가 다시 뭉치는 일은 불발로 끝났다.

:( So sad,Hyun Jung sii already twice times decline be co star with Bae Yong Joon,first time is movie "April Snow",now one more time of this series.

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Guest leo62

HELLO UNNI!~~ how have u been?

i will do my posting later.i over slept today.so tired. :blink:

i hope you are well.and ohh..waaah!! there goes that wonderful photo again.

i simply love it.~~

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Guest loveKHJ

HELLO UNNI!~~ how have u been?

i will do my posting later.i over slept today.so tired. :blink:

i hope you are well.and ohh..waaah!! there goes that wonderful photo again.

i simply love it.~~

:lol:I'm fine ,just have your time~see u

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Guest leo62

Dear leo62:

Oophs~leo ,how I looking forward to Hyun Jung sii new job of that time,you know,I just countdown everysecond¡Aminutes and everydays.

i see how a devote fan you are,unni!~~ and i am truly happy i met you.i do like the kind of work that you do.waah.being in malaysia..shocks! have you met MICHELLE YEOH already? i am a fan of her too. :blush:

i know how it feels like waiting like eternity. counting down till that day u get to see another project of her realized.i am eager to see what kind of project she wants to have next time.

When MBC announcer a drama will broadcast on 11/Jan /2006,I felt like crazy,because 12/Jan is my birthday,It's my most best birthday present,I already planning flight to Korea watch a premiere broadcast with all korean fans.

But finally was cancelled, make me so sad and disappointed,I near to cry ,hahaha~so crazy. I'm so rationality person before that.

Which a character's of Hyun Jung sii in that cancelled drama series ,soooooo~challenge ,I love a character so much. I think Hyun Jung sii too.

It's ~villainess,well ,if it keep go on ,will be broke all romantic korea drama history record(such it's a romantic drama ) a main character,especialy leading lady is a baddie.

Who's Hyun Jung sii character is strong business woman,one sport company manager .A guy's Kang Ji Won(Aza Gum Soon series) who's a coach from her company.

When Hyun Jung sii was accepted this new drama project on 2005 August,she just leave behind a message in Sonamu4u,and saying:" Please look at new Ko Hyun Jung,I hope my new image character will fast coming to see yours,I just waiting for the time."

how,saeng il chook ha hamnida unni!!!late greeting though.hehe.i am truly sad to hear of such thing to happen especially you were very looking forward to that day.waah!needless to say, i too would be crying if having that much disappointment. :mellow:

maybe she really wanted to portray that role.being a villainess.i would be excited to see her portray such role. it would be a very Go Hyun Jung with angelic face and aura..it will be very interesting seeing her take such a challeging role.

leo,you can just found a massege leave by Hyun Jung sii in Sonamu4u section {From Hyun Jung }.Hyun Jung sii just leave behind no more than 4 message.

Ha~ha I can imagine that time how excited from Hyun Jung sii,she such like a litte girl's to sharing her feeling for everyone. It's no match to her normal rationality image~ha

So how came a project cancelled cause by Hyun Jung sii ?she must be a most disappointed one.Now I just hope MBC can hold this project for her ,I want to see "baddie" Ko Hyun Jung.

yes, unni i did checked that she just left like 4 messages in sonamu4u.the cafe is in existence since 2002.i can see how these people patiently wait for her return.

thank u so much for the translation.she is in fact still a KID AT HEART.happy on simple things and considers her sonamu4u members as her family.her letter is full of warmth and cheerfulness.*sigh!remembering here again all the pains she's going through* :tears:

SOOOOO~lovely leo~ let unni give you big Hug!

It's ok ~if can't use in soompi ,I will using it on another mandarin discuss area,hahaha

~thanks so much! :w00t:

and oh..you are using the GIFs now as your siggy.they are so lovely.let us try to share those in sonamu4u so we can have our contribution too.in our small ways.keeping it all going until Go Hyun Jung is back in the spotlight again. :rolleyes:

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Guest leo62

Welcome new friend's here :) and

Dear leo62:

Firstly I want to say ,Spring Days is "uncommon" drama,no pretty costume,pretty scene,only the morbidity and broken heart characters.

What a scriptwriter Mr.Kim said,Spring Days will not setting any entangle clue, just want to simply showing how the all characters recover of and finding their true love on darkness despairing .

Well,I agreed scriptwriter had did his good job in half a part a drama.

But I'm to be sick of korea drama making environment,It's most be happen to SBS TV(now I'm so sick for SBS,I think Ko Hyun Jung too,ha~)

Their just highlight a rating,and should be take a scriptwriter and all the cast under pressure.

It's reason to make a Spring Days script change hisway by the half a part,it's no a false by a cast on their performance side.

Can you imagine an actor or actress just receive their own script on the very very short time(maybe before 1hours ) and ready to shoot and performance.It's not have much time to prepared.

It's cause by scriptwriter repeatedly to amend a script, want to be get high rating.

A dollar and cent ,it's what a broadcaster business thinking.

All the produced of korean drama was broadcast and shoot in same time,it's make

a difficulty to casting,especially considering all feed back from the viewers.

Please give a support and appreciated an actor or actress in the any korean drama

,they do their good job,despite got some seriously "technical problem".

I just want to said, if Ko Hyun Jung never show her professional and high acting

skill, "Spring Days" will be "Cloudy Day".

Have some Korea media get a survey and poll,and find out what a reason to pushed a

korean viewers focus in "Spring Days" ,because have much people complain of

a storyline quite slow down and bore.

Finally an answer is "Ko Hyun Jung".I want to give a big hand to Hyun Jung sii,she so easily to span blank of 10years .

"Most natural and no impress arting skill."It's review of all korean viewers.

For me ,I want to see more and more for her new performances!!!but Sandglass and Spring Days both are classical,because they're beginning and return back of Ko Hyun Jung.

while reading your post, i cant believe it.i had the same experience like this with kim jung eun too with her last drama series..princess lulu.same turn out of events.all the same. change of script.no sleep.pressure from everyone.i felt so sorry for kim jung eun then not knowing now that same thing goes to everyone else and spring day is of no exception.

my friends once talked about how SBS handles their talents as to filming the drama.we couldnt put the blame to the actors and actress, they are giving their BEST but of course one would notice that they're all tired up especially with pressures coming from all over.

negative feedbacks affecting the flow of story is a big factor that the whole production team is place into such pressure to win over that rating.

i am proud of our kim jung eun for speaking up for herself as well as for the other actors and actresses who went such pressure and hard times of coping up.i hope SBS will do something and the other networks too- take good care of their talents as they film drama series. it is health that matters the most.

but this is all about business and this is how the industry works.*sigh*

i hope for a change that would be for the betterment of everyone.

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Guest leo62

i wish a good project will be given to her for her to have that CHANCE and BREAK to showcase her acting skills. i wish for her the BEST.~~ ;)


*Yes~leo,it's my only wish on 2006,I hope I can see she take part to showcase her acting skills :rolleyes:

she will soon have that good project unni.as you said TIMING is the key to everything.i am here with you waiting for that moment for her next project.shacks! i didnt know i will be waiting too.but i sure am waiting now.*just pretty excited here simply by the thought that we will be seeing her with new series and/or movie.*

:) Dear leo62,

Just keep relax in Sonamu4u,those friends in Sonamu is quite friendly,don't worry about


Yes,my nick name is Hyun, it's ok you just using english, my korean not so well too.haha~ :phew:

i was checking here and there over at sonamu4u.just that where is my loveKHJ unni here? i was giving my best GUESS that you are "HYUN" but you write in korean too so i cannot really distinguish.

Sandglass produce team meet in 11 anniversary,but without leading lady KHJ



It's a photo take by 16/3," Sandglass" produce team will start shoot a new series“태왕사신기 ” in Jeju

island,this drama was lead cast by Bae Yong Joon,Choi Min Soo.

According to news report, ," Sandglass"director Kim Chong Hyuk will keep contact to Ko Hyun Jung

to cast as leading lady in this new series from 2004,but finally KHJ was decline casting~~~it's make uncomplete of Sandglass golden alignment.

Now a leading lady cast will change to Mun Su Lee.

한편 2004년 9월 가졌던 '태왕사신기' 설명회에서 김종학 PD는 "배역이 맞으면 고현정 도 캐스팅할 수 있다"고 밝혔으나, 결국 '모래시계'의 히로인 고현정은 캐스팅에서 제외돼 '모래시계' 삼총사가 다시 뭉치는 일은 불발로 끝났다.

:( So sad,Hyun Jung sii already twice times decline be co star with Bae Yong Joon,first time is movie "April Snow",now one more time of this series.

WOW!WOW!WOW! she turned down the chance to team up with BYJ.waaah.i wouldnt miss it for my life!!!~~ but maybe GHJ has her own reasons of turning down the project.whatever it is..we dont know. BYJ would be such a nice pair to her all the more Ji Jin Hee.hehe.

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Guest leo62


i was dumbfounded as i watch it..and i keep on watching it. :phew:





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