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Yoo Seung Ho 유승호 ユ・スンホ 俞 承 豪


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22 minutes ago, Berou said:

Speaking of new actresses being paired with experienced ones, Im watching right now My mister and this is IU's break out performance. I'm sensing already she will snatch prizes in awards ceremonies and the ratings are doing well too. I'm happy she proved herself to be talented, I didnt doubt on her because I always had a hunch she does better in melancholic and serious scenes. 


For the time being I want him to be paired with actresses around his age because he is sandwiched between 2 generations: actresses in their 30's and the teen actresses. They are too old and too young for him, considering his age. He is only 24 years old and his physical traits haven't matured enough to make him older, in fact he is too babyish still and looks younger. But I think he should not be paired  with teen child actresses either because they are going through  and facing the same issues YSH had pre-army. They are sort of limited expressing romance on screen and directors take great care to not taint their pristin and pure image. SK is too conservative and doesn't want its national children to kiss like adults. So it does bother me a bit to see actors being restricted due to their age.


Today the nominees of the baeksang arts awards dropped. Guess what ? Did YSH  dramas get nominated ? No. I don't  even  expect him to be nominated for the daesang because when I looked at the nominees list, only seniors actors were  nominated. So, YSH has still a long way to go to prove himself ... However  it would have been nice to see his dramas in the nominees list :(. But this proves  in a way his dramas were not good enough, isn't it ? Ruler didn't get the best drama award even at MBC dramas awards.



I also liked his clothes in the ending scene, did you noticed how the tone of his clothes and his hairstyle changed ? I've already posted an analysis and my interpretation of this scene some pages ago.



yeah I heard many praises for her performance there and saw few YT videos and I'm happy for her too proving herself as a capable actress!! now I can be more at ease hoping for her to be paired with Yoo Seung Ho in the future!! I used to like her but with some fear now I feel more assured!! :tongue:


totally understand you and agree with you!! Yoo Seung Ho looks younger but his deep voice and manly and mature aura covers for that and he'll improve his craft if he continues to go out his shell and explore different genres which he's starting and willing to do as we can see!! :D


yeah I saw it and was happy and sad at the same time!! actually Park Seo Joon is nominated for Top Excellent Actor for Fighting My Way so happy for him :) but sad at the same time that neither Yoo Seung Ho nor his dramas got nominated!! :( and as much as I loved Ruler I wouldn't give it best drama myself!!


I read your take on it before and it made me feel better!! :tongue: his fashion and hair style here were perfect showing how peaceful he is freed from his pain!! it's bittersweet in a way, happy seeing him free of all the painful memories that hunted him all his life but sad seeing him with no memories at all!! but even if the brain forget the heart doesn't and his smile shows his peaceful heart with its deep ingraved good memories!!


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that's a big feet for her especially being an idol puts her under much pressure and harsh critics if she doesn't do well but she finally got her chance to prove herself!! happy for her!!


we can see he's oppen to take challenges with different genres and roles which is a great thing :D now we can only hope he gets good offers from good writers, PDs and get a good casting who can help him as well not let him have the entire drama on his sholders!!


hhhhhhhh Park Seo Joon passed the new actor phase years ago now!! :lol: and yes he's a hardworking actor and person who puts his everything at whatever he does!! and he deserves where he got now and more in the future as well!! :wub: 


well I was more overwhelmed by heartach to notice the details :sweatingbullets: but your note changed that for me!! :tongue: it's realistic as you said and I never opposed that other than it was tooooooooo painful still and the weak hearted me wished less pain for him you know!! :tongue: hihihi


I love All his hairstyles!! :wub: and beside his haistyle at Ruler I was to add his other period look in Joseon Magician!! he was :love: there






and I want to add his natural hairstyle like in Imaginary Cat and Ruler's script reading :love:


yoo-seung-ho.jpg can we please have him play a geek role?!! :D

cr: https://www.soompi.com/2015/11/10/yoo-seung-ho-is-a-handsome-webtoon-artist-in-new-imaginary-cat-stills/


is this what's called naturally sexy?!! :blush:



cr: http://www.gramunion.com/kenarmahallenincamkenarindan.tumblr.com


wait, I never doubted the article was written by a Yoo Seung Ho fan!! that was too obvious no?!! :wink::D


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2 hours ago, Berou said:

@sakura2016  I'm going to make the list longer ^_^


I think one of his most popular hairstyles was in Master of Study when he played a bad boy, a rebellious student ( have you watched the drama ? if not I recommend to you cos it is noy a tear-jerker and one of his best dramas)



 In Blind, he played a poor delivery guy, his hairstyle was there too eye-catching



In daddy fish, he played a child who suffers from leukemia



In IMY he played a young rich guy in his 20's and had slick and smooth hair in a bowl- cut 



We shouldn't forget his spoiled brat character in the way home, Sang Woo, who got upset at his grandma for cutting too much  his hair


In warrior baek dong soo he played an assassin. I like more his hairstyle in WBDS than in Ruler



It was too obvious the person who wrote that article was a bit biased. There was no objectivity in it at all.


Ha that gif !!! I can stare at it for hours. But I'm amazed at how his hair goes back to its shape. It doesn't get messy when he passes his hand through it. Is this some kind of magic ?  I want to know what products he uses. 



Ruler update



oh yeah I saw some vidoes of it but not the drama yet, and it's not tear-jerker?!! good to know!! :D wait but I saw MVs of him crying there!! :o:blink: you mean not every episode tear-jerker right?!! sigh what did I expect other than that when IANAR got us crying alooooooot even when it's a rom-com!! :lol:


ohhh his hairstyle in Blind got me :o how did they manage to get him that hairstyle?!! hhhhhh


why put such painful thing chingu?! :o I want to see Yoo Seung Ho playing all kind of roles but NEVER play a permanently ill patient role!! I BEG FOR IT!!


he had some up hairstyle there too if I'm not wrong right?!!


"I only told you to cut a little bit!! ahhhhhh" hhhhhhh so cute!! :lol: can you guess how Yoo Seung Ho would feel and look like if/when he gets to see himself in that scene?!! he'd turn red seeing his cute winy self/acting there I think!! :lol::wub:


you know how much I swooned over Crown Prince Lee Seon right so I can't say that but yeah his hairstyle at WDBS was really good too!! :wub:


"a bit"?!! :wink: hhhhhh


oh yeah, it goes back perfectly to its 1st state and I keep admiring his hair quality too!! I'm actually admiring everything you know even the color!! :tongue: we need to know which product he uses!! hihihi


FINALLY we had some updates of Ruler's interview!! :w00t: thank you so much for sharing chingu!! :wub: I wish we had longer videos but I'm happy just with this!! :wub::D


awwww Yoo Seung Ho turnes into another person seeing cats!! it's his soft spot!! :wub:

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On 09/04/2018 at 2:03 PM, Berou said:


Your other bias, LJS, played in a high school themed drama, school 2013. Master of study is a typical highschool drama like school 2013. So there was no dramatic events, deaths  etc. It is kind of funny,  you stan an actor known for his tears but you dont like crying scenes. 



ah I see!! but I cried alot watching School 2013, the bromance was awesome there!! :tongue: I love these kind of youth stories!! :D


hhhhhh it's not I don't like crying scenes, I do love them actually and admire those who can touch me the most, and Yoo Seung Ho doesn't only makes me crying he crush my heart to peices while crying wich I enjoy but still fear!! logic much?!! :lol: I won't ask for no crying scenes because really I'd beg for them from Yoo Seung Ho, he's THAT GOOD in these scenes :heart::thumbsup: but I'd ask for happy endings with less heartwrenching scenes!! possible?!! :sweatingbullets::tongue:



Again :lol:.  However  his pearl tears and crying scenes are a god-given gift and what make him stand out from his peers and what will help him in the future to snatch awards and get more recognition. So he somehow needs to play those kind of roles once or twice. Btw, can you believe daddy fish was his debut project  and as a debut project he had to play an already difficult character ? You can see his raw talent there, unpolished, and you understand he was meant to be an actor. Without any proper training  he already knew how to properly say his lines ( not like reading them from a book) and how to work on his gaze ( not dead eyes). These are fundamental requirements for an actor and many actors still struggle with them.


totally agree on that and I so enjoy being in pain watching him showing his unique talent through those scenes so let me rephrase it....hmmmm can I really say that though?!! I fear it will come true :unsure::lol:...ok, if he's to do such role again: permanentely ill patient (don't), PLEASE GIVE HIM A HAPPY ENDING AT THE END!! my heart won't take a sad ending in addition to ALL THAT PAIN!! :lol:


that was his debut?!! no wonder he's melodrama Prince!! I can see how far he's gone till now with the great potentials and raw talent he had since then, that was a really hard role and he portraited it believably reaching our hearts!! :tears: when he was screaming in pain when they were "operating" on him? or when he told his father he miss his mother but not to call her since his father doesn't like her!! or when she came finally and he was shily containg his happiness!! or when he was preparing for the operation acting brave mimicking his father's cheering gestures or when his father told him not to come near and he's to follow his words from then on and he showed his father his gift for him too!! ah :tears: that's a great acting from a 7 years old boy!! :thumbsup:

Side Note: and the father died right?!! he was sick too?!! what kind of sucking fate is that?!! :heartbreak::tears: and I didn't knew that actor worked with Yoo Seung Ho!! can I hope he work with him again?!! you know I love these reuinions right?!! :wink::tongue: and to work with Choi Won Young too (I really love this ahjussi)!! they are pretty good and I'd love to see him playing against them!! just my wish!! :D:tongue:



I always thought joseon hairstyle  didn't make justice  to korean actors and kind of uglified them... until I saw YSH in WBDS. He didnt  just look good, he looked very pretty  in his long and straight hair. Since Ive been appreciating more joseon hairstyle. 


hhhhhh that's Yoo Seung Ho's effortless effect on us!! :wink:



When you look back at those pictures, you finally realize YSH has already played a lot of different characters, and each time with a different wardrobe and hairstyle appropriate to his characters. The fashion and hairstyles are extensions of his acting and help to make the characters come out alive.


yeah!! it's addmirable how he have a versitile filmography at such a young age, but he's not a veteran actor for nothing after all!! :wink::heart:


He looked  very happy promoting ruler and as usual he granted the people  in the studio with his 1000 watts smile. Every time he smiles, it feels as if he light up the room.


There are some new updates:





and you can see him in love with the cat!! cuuuuuute!!:wub: did he ask L to answer the question for both of them while he's playing with the cat?!! :lol: but L wasn't any better not realising he was asked to begin with!! :lol: now we can see better how they became closer out of their love for cats!! :lol::wub:


and we have a small part of him promoting IANAR too!! :w00t:  :wub:


cr: owner


he was talking about Osakka fan meeting, I think, and how cute he was recalling "nomu chuwa"/I Like You in japanese asking what it meant!! awwww :wub:

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1 hour ago, Berou said:

Oh I understand now. I also enjoy those sad melo stories and even jump on them without any fear. ^_^ I really hate when writers make viewers suffer for X hours and then fool them with a makjang ending. I have a blacklist of those kind of stories


well I still don't jump on them with no fear, you know!! I only jump when I lose to my common sense :lol: and we know the King in crashing that common sense I wanted to keep as much as I could right?!! :wink::tongue:


having a simply sad ending is 99% a NO in itself for me unless I'm already watching the drama ongoing so I can't undo watching the drama by then but still there is fewwwwwww rare occasions, again either for the actors :tongue: or the drama is THAT GOOD for me that I'd take that jump anyway!! :lol: now a crazy/nonsense sad ending is a different matter that I don't want to come across still I did and I HATE and WILL KEEP HATING THAT WRITER FOREVER FOR IT and yes it's SHR's drama that I blame LJK for taking and making me suffer through it!! ahhhhhhh :bawling: as much as I'm struggling to finish Remember it was still a satisfying great drama only it crushes my heart, while SHR is....*sigh* :unamused: well with LJG being its only saving grace with great OSTs!! :lol::wub: I pray Yoo Seung Ho stay away from these kind of writers!! *prayinghard*


 I also understood it that way : the father disovered he was ill but let the mother take away the child, whereas he opposed to it originally.  I think he got the surgery to save his child and had only little time to live. At the end of the video half of the people in the studio were crying, that's YSH'S effect !  I m also familiar with this actor, he is a senior and I saw him playing most of the time those beggard lousy villains. CWY ? The psycho villain in I Remember  You ?? It would be terrific to see him acting against YSH  in a drama !! :D Let's hope that day will come.


actually I 1stly knew him as a supper innocent/sweet/caring/loving/forgiving father in Can You Hear My Heart drama so when I saw him as a heartless villain in Mad Dog I didn't want to believe it at 1st :lol: well he was still a craing father there as twisted as it was!! :lol: so seeing him being a caring father with child YSH there was a sweet thing to see!! :tongue:...yes, that's him!! :D I really love his presence in a project in itself knowing that his character will have layers oonly through his acting even if the writing sucks!! he have that talent and powerful presence and I'd love to see Yoo Seung Ho work with him!! let's keep hoping for it!! :D



The MCees lost him when they brought in the cats. I noticed he was the first to get up from his chair and to go towards them. He was completely  in a bubble playing with cats,  and didnt bother with questions. L and KSH had to answer the questions but even L  was no better than him. I can see YSH being part of a campain and being a spokeperson in order to raise awareness of animals' exploitation or abandoned cats or dogs.  He is really vocal about his love for animals.


hhhhhhhh that was their biggest mistake: who told them to bring the cats knowing it's his weak spot?!! :lol: but that was good for us to see his adorable side again!! :wub: ah I keep feeling envious of these cats!! *sigh* hhhhhhh Yoo Seung Ho would be the perfect spokeperson in that matter!! :D



 I got the gist of what he said, speaking about his Osaka fanmeeting. Thankfully I found out some english translation. He actually talked about the japanese words he learned and he said he learned how to say I love You  for his japanese fanmeeting in Osaka. He must have wanted to learn some japanese  words to make his fans happy, and there is no better words than saying I love you to them in their native language, right ? :)


I found new pics of the ruler IV


Even one japanese fan got a bit disappointed with the dubbing :lol:. I didnt understand  why they dubbed the interview too. It was only one hour, couldn't they sub it ?



right!! :wink: that's the most cherished word they woud've ever hoped ffor!! :wub:


hhhhhhhhh they should listen to fans opinions and stop these dubbings, no one wants Yoo Seung Ho's emotional and deep voice to be dubbed!! :lol: but I think they did it for some of the fans who don't like reading subs mostely eldery I think!!

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I'm Not a Robot Director's Cut Blue-ray / DVD Cafe and Instagram were opened.

Please visit them and participate in the Imaginary Demand Survey.

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1 hour ago, notrobotdvd said:

I'm Not a Robot Director's Cut Blue-ray / DVD Cafe and Instagram were opened.

Please visit them and participate in the Imaginary Demand Survey.


thank you for the info chingu!! :wub:


your name and profile's pic made me think you're our chingu @imnotarobot at 1st!! :tongue: hhhhhh anyway Hi!! :D


6 hours ago, Berou said:

I found some parts of ruler IV while browsing on YT :




And today I went :w00t: when I  read the following news :


Calling out every Yoopie there to vote !!! It's the first time he has been nominated for an award at baeksang arts awards!!!.


 Recently I watched a drama, Misty, that ended badly. It is a very well-written and captivating drama despite  its bad ending. I'm still not over the bad ending and I felt like the writer didn't care about the message her drama sends. Ah SHR, every SHR fan felt cheated!!! Well YSH has already played in dramas in which his characters a bad and tragic ending.so he hasnt been spared.


That's deep love right there ^^. YSH and cats is :heart:.



Finally we get proper videos of the interview!! :w00t::wub:


good thing we had short part with no dubbing for Yoo Seung Ho in the interview!! hihihi :D it's funny how I'm fine with dubbing till we get Yoo Seung Ho's part and I'm like "why dubbing?" :( hhhhhhh


and Yoo Seung Ho is so funny covering his ears then acting not listening with L following him to let Kim So Hyun answer not feeling shy of them hearing her answer only to later act as he's leaving when she answers not to his favor I think!! :lol: what did she say?!! ahhh I want to know!! :lol:


and I really have real withdraw symptoms again after seeing the trailer and hearing the OSTs!! awwww those days!! :wub:


really?!! that's great news!! :w00t: but how can I vote?!!


don't remind me of that drama!! I watched it too and fealt cheated as well!! it was really great till things went wrong for me by the end!!  I get it in a way but still it wasn't what we were promised in my opinion!!....sad ending is different from cheating writing/ending!! but yeah Yoo Seung Ho wasn't spared from that too!! let's hope he'll come across great projects with good writing from now on!! :)


I keep feeling envious of these cats!! <_< hhhhhhhh


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3 hours ago, koreadaebak said:

Lee Sun x Ga Eun *Yoo seungho & Kim sohyun* ☽ Please Comeback ☾


cr : Mine

please watch n like my new fmv. thank u :wink:


awwww this is so beautiful and loved the song too!! you're really talented!! :thumbsup::wub: your MV reminds me of the old days when Ruler was ongoing and I was constantly looking for MVs of the drama/OTP!! oh those days!! :wub:....wait you're the chingu who (or we) shared an old MV of Ruler's drama back in the days right?!! this one:



I remember how it made me cry feeling the pain over communer Lee Seon's betrayal toward our Crown Prince Lee Seon!! :tears:

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3 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


awwww this is so beautiful and loved the song too!! you're really talented!! :thumbsup::wub: your MV reminds me of the old days when Ruler was ongoing and I was constantly looking for MVs of the drama/OTP!! oh those days!! :wub:....wait you're the chingu who (or we) shared an old MV of Ruler's drama back in the days right?!! this one:



I remember how it made me cry feeling the pain over communer Lee Seon's betrayal toward our Crown Prince Lee Seon!! :tears:

yes. u're right...i'm the one who made that mv :) n thanks for ur compliment,i was really happy u like my MVs :wub:

actually i had make this crown prince lee sun n gaeun fmv a long time ago,but my PC got broke :bawling: so i've to repair it first n finally i can finish it n upload it today :blush:

i hope all my chingus here can keep support all my FMVs. Gomawo~:blush:


btw i want to share my another fmv. i hope all of u like this one too :blush:



//Yoo Seung Ho ✘ Kim So Hyun// ►I'm a HOT◄





Edited by Berou
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6 hours ago, Berou said:

 I've deleted the videos I had posted earlier because I'm not sure if they were downloaded legally or not. As long as NHK or KNTV don't upload the videos themselves, I'd prefer to not post any parts of the videos. I don't want the forums to be shut down for infringements issues. Today the kntv ianar interview has been posted on social medias and YT ^^. 


I didn' t understand a thing. That's a bummer.  I will wait for a kind soul to sub it in english. 


This is how you vote for the baeksang arts awards ( the voting is about another celeb but nevermind ^_^):



YSH is currently at the 7th place.


I peeped at his fancafe and the korean fans are voting crazily, they helped him to climb up from the 12th place to the 7th place in 2 days. There is still a big gap, I hope his international fans would vote too. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of coordination from his international fans compared to other actors fans who almost spam twitter or instagram with requests to vote. I only saw 3/5 posts on instagram about his nomination for the baeksang arts awards, the other posts were either about his recent interviews or pics/edits/ videos. But still, wouldn't be nice to see him standing on the baeksang arts awards  stage receiving his popularity award ? It would the proof of how powerful his fandom is ^^. The BSA are considered prestigious in SK. 


IANAR ratings in the Philippines   :





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@koreadaebak you have really good editing skills :) ! You 're indeed talented. I enjoyed  the video of fake crown Prince  Lee Sun and Ga Eun. Watching it made me remember how crazy and greedy he became and how his greediness was the underlying reason for his betrayal. 



I see!! it's better this way!! we should be careful about that, thank you chingu!! :) and I'll go watch the videos on YT and social media!! :D but I'm sure I won't get a thing too but still the feeling is there till we get subs if/when we get them!! :D


I'm tooooooo dumb with these tech things but still I tried to use the instruction you shared with us here (thank you :wub:) to vote too but I failed as expected!! :lol::sweatingbullets: I don't have an iphone and it didn't get downloaded on my laptop!! :( sigh


happy to know his korean fans are voting feverly for him and like you I hope his international fans join more as well!! his rank is getting higher which is a good thing!! :D we can see the increasing love and attention he's deservengly gaining after Ruler and IANAR this year and he'll keep gaining more and more love and attention with his upcoming projects for sure!! :wub:


thank you for the rating updates chingu!! :wub: I'm always happy seeing his dramas being loved as it deserves overseas and his power star is getting stonger!! :D:wub:


yeah, I feel envious (in positive way :tongue:) of @koreadaebak and other talented video makers of how great MVs they can make!! how I wish I can do MVs too :( but being the tech dummy that I am I can only search, enjoy and admire their great works!! :D and these dramas MVs remain like small memories/summuries of those dramas!! :wub: BTW I no longer can find Yoo Seung Ho's dramas' MVs of 2012JHJ channel!! :( is it just me or did you notice that too?!!




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On 4/13/2018 at 3:06 AM, sakura2016 said:


I see!! it's better this way!! we should be careful about that, thank you chingu!! :) and I'll go watch the videos on YT and social media!! :D but I'm sure I won't get a thing too but still the feeling is there till we get subs if/when we get them!! :D


I'm tooooooo dumb with these tech things but still I tried to use the instruction you shared with us here (thank you :wub:) to vote too but I failed as expected!! :lol::sweatingbullets: I don't have an iphone and it didn't get downloaded on my laptop!! :( sigh


happy to know his korean fans are voting feverly for him and like you I hope his international fans join more as well!! his rank is getting higher which is a good thing!! :D we can see the increasing love and attention he's deservengly gaining after Ruler and IANAR this year and he'll keep gaining more and more love and attention with his upcoming projects for sure!! :wub:


thank you for the rating updates chingu!! :wub: I'm always happy seeing his dramas being loved as it deserves overseas and his power star is getting stonger!! :D:wub:


yeah, I feel envious (in positive way :tongue:) of @koreadaebak and other talented video makers of how great MVs they can make!! how I wish I can do MVs too :( but being the tech dummy that I am I can only search, enjoy and admire their great works!! :D and these dramas MVs remain like small memories/summuries of those dramas!! :wub: BTW I no longer can find Yoo Seung Ho's dramas' MVs of 2012JHJ channel!! :( is it just me or did you notice that too?!!




@sakura2016 n @Berou thank u so much for enjoy n admire my works n i really grateful u all like my MVs. saranghae~:wub::wub:

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15 hours ago, Berou said:

@princess16 thank you for the video, I laughed and had a blast watching it :lol:. I never thought IANAR could be watched from that angle too. So I guess his real lovers were his gardener and his employee. And the scene where he got caught up by JJA's brother speaking on the phone with JJA, looked like he was caught cheating on him hahaha !!


hhhhhhh I never though about it too!! :lol: but really his lignes to Ji Ah's brother are hillariously misleading!! :lol:


thank you @princess16 for the MV :wub: and @Berou for all the updates!! :wub: I'm so happy seeing Yoo Seung Ho's growing fandome in Japan!! he totally deserve it and now he have an official fancul there!! I'm so happy and proud of him!! :heart:


we "aishiteiru" (love you) too Yoo Seung Ho-ssi!! :wub:

cr: @yooseunghocafe 


aside from how handsome and fresh he looks :love: he can speak japanese well from what I can see!! that's impressive of him!!


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5 hours ago, Berou said:



im super happy about the recent news and thinking back it is not surprising at all since he is already a  known actor there and loved by japanese people. He has a solid and faithful japanese fanbase. The decision  is hence a natural flow, especially with the recent news from Japan.  I dont  think his japanese is good because  if you watch  it carefully you will notice he has some notes in his hands  and read them when  he looked down a few times because he was slightly lost and didnt know what to say.  I found an english subbed version on instagram :



It seems like ianar will air either in China or Taiwan



Late update from KNTV lol




hhhhhhh yeah I noticed that but still he take glimpses from time to time like to remember the start to keep going and I'd be reading from A to Z if I was in his place not taking my eyes off for a second!! :lol: well other than "aishiteiru" (love you) part!! :lol: and yes I saw how much he's already loved in Japan through his earlier dramas starting I Miss You days no?!! and seeing how faithful they are and how much more they are growing is great to see!! :wub:


I think China from the writing and the speech, I don't get both languages but I can tell the differences between them!! :tongue::D and it's great news if his drama to be aired in China after the banning being removed recentely as I gathered!! and we can see Yoo Seung Ho's fame and popularity is rising more and more as he deserve!! :D:w00t:


I love the look in his eyes by the last pic!! :wub:


BTW thank you for the IG sub!! :wub:


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4 hours ago, Berou said:


I don't know where he took the video but it is freaking hot there ^^. Look at how red his face has become from the sun.



He was already known in Japan during I miss you era. So his popularity goes way back. Some might think he is starting to become popular in Japan due to IANAR international success, but these people are completely  wrong or have simply not done their investigations correctly.  His already existing popularity in Japan and the sucess of his recent dramas are not linked, meaning that the success of his recent dramas didn't make him noticed in Japan. The most Ruler and IANAR would do is to expand further his popularity. It is actually a great feat having breaking through Japan's market. A lot of korean stars attempt to do it without any success because Japan's market is really not open to foreign stars.  It is hard to promote there and be liked by Japan. But once you do it, you will acquire a faithful fanbase for the rest of your career. 


I think the opening of his fanclub explains why he did those recent  interviews. From my point of view, his japanese fans will get spoiled by him on a regular basis from now on. He is aiming to become active there. Before this he did some fanmeetings or interview magazines here and there sporadically. He will get active in Japan and in Korea at the same time. So we should treasure those interviews because I don't think he will promote his dramas overseas like he has done it in Japan. 


I got curious about the captions in chinese caracters. Thus I translated them .

From google lousy translation :


( It doesn't matter if it's not a robot!)
Uh huh... I’m looking forward to seeing Min Ki is going to sweep Taiwanese girl’s heart.


So Taiwan is the next country ^^.



I'm seeing some girl's hair. Therefore I'm already forseeing the delulu  shipping  theories claiming  it is either KSH or CSB . Such a strecht !  Im going to peep at his fancafe and see if I can gather more information about this encounter ^^. 


Another pic from IANAR interview




yeah I noticed!! and he looks adorable (and handsome for sure) with red face!! :tongue: hihihi


no!! would some people really think his last dramas (Ruler and IANAR) are his oppening door to Japan?!! that's totally wrong and whoever looked a little bit into Yoo Seung Ho's fanmeetings and news should've known that!! like you said now his new dramas are expanding his already there popularity more!! you know I remembered how I was laughing reading one comment years ago regarding his drama Remember and a commentor (maybe not that knowledgeable about Yoo Seung Ho) was "I hope he have his breakthough role through this drama" only I was "huh?!! but he had his breakthrough many years ago!!" and I knew that when I wasn't still his fan back then, only had my eyes on him!! :wink: and another commenter replyed to that post the same as I was thinking then!! :lol: I think Yoo Seung Ho being a 24 years old actor make some people confused and not get that he's actually a veteran actor with successful projects and faithful fanbase already!! but they do learn about it as they look more into him and his filmografy!!


I'm thankful to his japanese fans!! hhhhhh I didn't dream of having such interviews but he's generous and we deserve it!! :tongue::D


Taiwan?!! that's great!! I want to see him winning hearts everywhere and he will!! :wink: who can resist his charm and great talent?!! :wub:


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KSH or CSB?!! why?!! can't she be one of his fans?!! did girls disappeared from his surroundings or something?!! they are funny!! :lol:


about the pic, I keep admiring this young man all the time!! his kind and tender look!! :wub:

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@Berou yeah it can be!! that's the only explination!! hhhhhh and I agee with you regarding Yoo Seung Ho needing to find his signature act as an adult actor now, and I love the fact he's oppen to try different genres as we saw from him and I'm sure he'll keep on that in the future as well!! that way he'll learn more as an actor and will find his own signature act!!


like you said earlier japan's market is hard to reach and win so not finding/hard to find rating for foreins dramas isn't that unexpected, but hope you'll fnd any news regarding his dramas airing there and the fans feedback!! that would be great to see!! thank you in advance!! :wub:


it's the final already?!! why I feel like missing the drama in the philippines' fans instead?!! :lol: but yeah the drama was a success there andI'm happy with that!! :D


hhhhhhhh maybe their hobbie to kill time?!!


edit: awwww that was sweet of the fan!! :wub: she is a true fan who care for his wellbeing and I'm always happy to see him surrounded by such fans!! he's one of the actors that makes his fans naturally care and try to protect him from baseless rumors being a respectful and private person that he is!! his fans will always protect him from fake and baseless rumours that could ruin his image and TTU (Talk To You) his korean fancafe is very strict about that and takes those kind of incident very seriously!! that's good to know and see!! :heart:

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