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Posts posted by lorac529

  1. Hi chingus, Happy lunar new year.  It's Chinese New Year for me, so I've been busy and not able to join all of your wonderful discussion!

    In a way it's good to hear GE is away having her holiday and relaxing but she' going to Guam - a place where you can go diving.  And the friends that she can go diving is mostly likely from her management company...which i don't like :bawling: but oh well...

    I'm back quickly to respond to @pnaysurfer84 who wants to see the video translated (see quote & video below...sorry i don't have time to improve the resolution..hopefully it's readable)!  It took me a few hours and since i only understand Chinese, there could be something lost in translation coz it's not translated directly from Korean but it gives you an idea what it talks about.

    I started to translate the Drama Talk but it's taking me forever...it's so hard to translate snipplets coz i don't know where to begin...so i'm starting from the beginning...hope you guys don't mind waiting......anyways, i've to go and hope everyone have a lovely rooster year and weekend :)

    On 1/27/2017 at 6:18 AM, pnaysurfer84 said:

    I don't know if this is reliable news about  GY. But I'll share it anyways. There are Korean/Chinese characters on the video. If someone is kind enough to translate, please do. I'll put it under spoiler

      Reveal hidden contents







    • Like 11
  2. 4 hours ago, hairuchii said:


    여심을 잡기위한 몸부림~~~ 소유랑 사진한장 찍기위해 하루종일 조르는 조카바보~~~!!!! #지철이삼촌 #소유양 #영원한삼촌팬

    [It's ] a struggle to win a woman's heart~~~ [It has taken] an entire day to cajole and take a picture with So-yu, the [cheeky] niece~~~~!!!! #UncleJiCheol #LittleSoYu #TheEternalUncleFan


    Seriously though, Gong Yoo needs to get married soon and have his own children. He looks like he really loves children. :wub:


    Thanks so so much! Yes, he gotta have his children and better do it soon!!!

    And I haven't had time to back read the wonderful posts everyone had been posting...but i'm quickly dropping by to share this preview video with a little bit of what GY, LDW & YIN said translated in English.  @122am (i think you wanted to hear what GY said) 



    • Like 19
  3. 3 hours ago, autumn93 said:


    @lorac529 Thanks for all the fun tidbits! Did not know GY and GHJ are descendants of Confucius~~~No wonder GY sounds so poetic and is usually so thoughtful and good with words. I can tell GY is a gentleman but it's always nice to hear it from his coworkers as well! I love the bit about how he's so attentive with little children because I'm aware of some actors who are rather mean towards the child actors...the way you treat children is always a good indication of the person you are. He's just a solid man. 

    I thought I saw Joo Ji Hoon and Gong Hyo Jin in those videos! Glad to know my eyes are still good!! It's nice to see how celebrities celebrate at parties, they're just like us albeit richer and better looking! :D How I wish Go Eun would join Soop Entertainment! Not just because of GY but because I just think that's one of the cooler ent companies LOL I mean, just look at the people they have! And with her love and passion for acting and awesome personality, I think she'd fit right in!  

    Lets just hope that whatever it is that's pulling her towards GY keeps growing stronger. Lets hope this vacation is one that'll mark a turning point for their relationship. Sometimes actors want to take a step back from their characters to make sure their feelings aren't remnants of their characters. These three weeks before the vacay will be a good chance for them to work out any feelings and to act on them if there are in fact any.  


    So happy to see so many great posts.  I'm just quickly dropping by to respond to @autumn93.  Love everything you said.  GY is such a fine gentleman with honey voice and thoughtful words that makes you really appreciate him deep down.  His attentiveness and able to goof around with children just shows how loving & caring he is.  Here's a pic showing his goofiness i find on baidu...look at him, he's so fun!  She's the daughter of Lee Chun-hee.  

    EDIT: @hairuchii do you have time to possibly help me translate this photo's caption (see spoiler).  from google translate, the first sentence says "struggle to get a gf"?!?  I laugh so hard if this is really what Lee means 

    여심을 잡기위한 몸부림~~~ 소유랑 사진한장 찍기위해 하루종일 조르는 조카바보~~~!!!! #지철이삼촌 #소유양 #영원한삼촌팬




    About Confucius, the Wiki link i previously posted doesn't mentioned GY & GHJ but this one does.  I agree with you, i wish GE to join Soop too.  There she got her idol JDY, plus SOOP is definitely better at promoting their actors & actress positively.  I haven't seen anything negative coming from the actors & actress of that company!

    And I hope the quiet time this and next week will help GY & GE rethink about their feelings too and act upon them quickly!  Quoting ET's line towards GR (thanks to @NRGchick who posted on main thread, i hope GY caught this line too!  


    "If today is my last day, this will be my final memory of the person I love. So I’d better live hard and love. That’s what I told myself."

    Lastly @nearsea...not at all.  I just think that when you ask sincerely about the things you love, people will listen.  I only contacted her coz her account has over 11.9k fans.


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  4. 2 hours ago, nearsea said:

    Having said that  I have been reading post on certain actress and then also one news caught my eyes when the related actor released a press note saying him and the actress are just friends. They had to announce it just cause people have been spamming his social network accounts with dating requests. Now this part bothered me a bit too, since I'm wondering if that could also be an issue for our ship, and I wished there was some way we could request/ suggest our fellow shippers on other platforms to stay low key as well, not prying on the actor's personal account. I know I'm being a little too serious over this :lol:, but this is only me hoping to not  cross the boundary, which could actually maybe ruin the chance of their dating for real. If any of you are active on insta, maybe you can be our speaking voice and help spread the word of peace. 

    BTW now that someone has mentioned it. I'm also seeing gong yoo and KGE in the last couple of episodes, instead of shintak couple. And @autumn93 that was one hell of a post on fate and red strings...I think there 'is' something called destiny which works for real world too, like the woman in Canada said, 'match made in heaven, destiny made outside of man's boundary.' I hope KGE reflects on what has been missing in her life since she can't call 'gonglin' anymore, so that when she does meet him during the paid trip, she will realize that it's him whom she missed the most amidst everything, beyond goblin. I know its mostly me speaking :tongue: , but she can obviously compare between him and HWSBD to see who really makes her heart move, whom she really connects to. So here's hoping to a feverish second level success for our yet-to-air Couple, sobs. Shipping is really a risky business, with so much excess baggage to carry on lol.

    Can't agree more with everything you said.  I actually private message one of the shipper on IG (gongyooxgoeun) yesterday and told her about the recent situation with the other actor having everyone spamming his social media.  I told her our forum thread really wants our OTP to sail and kindly asked her to stop tagging @ggonekim and @management_soop to not give them so much pressure.  And she agreed and stop tagging already.  And she told me she's lurking on this thread to exchange info :D  too

    Are there any other shippers out there you see that are tagging @ggonekim or @management_soop?  As i'm still busy with work, not sure who else are there but i highly recommend anyone who see other shippers on other site to help message them and ask them to help stay low so that we won't ruin their chance of dating!!

    Anyways have a lovely day or evening as I can't come online today with meetings & work.  Keep praying chingus!

    • Like 18
  5. 29 minutes ago, 122am said:

    @lorac529 OMG you're true fan of GY! You have so much evidence of this guy. Thanks for sharing it. All of it is new to me.

    I start to love him so much too. I really love all the photos, collage and fan vids about him. 

    In the second IG vid, did you realise that the girl standing centre in the video is with her partner or friend standing next to GY? She also can't resist his charm and is flipping her hair so hard. I'm so amused.

    Even at weddings, he doesn't dress up. He knows he is too charming, so I have noticed that at normal events, he will always dress down. It is admirable of him to do so. While everyone is trying to look good everyday, he doesn't try hard.

    Collage about female opinions of GY is so amazing too. Especially the comment about how GY carries a handkerchief. In my country only old men carry handkerchiefs. If I have a son, I will prepare a handkerchief for him to keep in his pocket everyday. He should not use it and only offer it to girls when they need it.


    @122am I'm actually fans of both.  Since both of them are so low-lying, need to dig up all the things we see in order to figure out what's going on LOL

    I should have look up the hashtags in the IG videos.  Apparently the owner hashtag the following #공유 #주지훈 #공효진 #가인 which are #gongyoo #JuJi-hoon #gonghyojin #gain, so i guess he wasn't that lonely but in a way lonely coz you don't have any gf to bring with (note: #juji-hoon brought #gain). The tux guy on the 1st video is JuJi-hoon  (let me edit the videos again)

    In the second IG vid, she is #gonghyojin 공효진, one of GY's best friends as they filmed back in 2005.  They're both descendants of Confucius (see link to know this famous Chinese teacher).  You might wonder why Chinese descendants are in Korea is because one of the descendants in Yuan Dynasty was a princess and married to Korea.  GHJ is 81st generation and GY is 79th generation so GY is her hal-abeoji (grandpa) LOL.

    EDIT: i find another lonely photo of him...where are the celeb friends?!?



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  6. 1 minute ago, madmonika said:

    @lorac529 And someone in earlier post shared about GE trivia, and she actually wanted to get married early. Let this girl fulfil her dream!

    Yeah that's right.  it's actually me who posted it (see spoiler again for those who missed it...coz i no longer know what page it is in) and i've included other trivia as well.



    @122am Thanks for sharing that lovely kiss video!  And I pray that you'll meet your love one and fall deeply too.  

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  7. Looks like GY is very busy with CF shooting indeed.  According to Chinese fans (hopefully the source is right this time, don't know how to check... may be his fan cafe?!?), he headed off to Australia for CF shooting today :bawling:.  I guess things will be quiet until he's back?  Usually there'll be lots of media interviews coming out after a drama ends but don't know why it seems like it won't happen soon.  

    And I'll try my best to go over the press con interview the next few days and translate some snipplets asap.  Hopefully we get something juicy this week for the special episodes too!



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  8. 55 minutes ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

    Hahaha! That's what I figured too. Like, where are they getting these ideas and i realised that this thread has been talking about it this whole time. Hahahahaha! And I'm with you, I hope that if this things do come out, no denial and just saying that GE has ended her relation with HWSBD 3 months into the relationship. Come on. Who would want to date a liar?! He denied the relationship the 2nd they announced it. I'd be pissed if I were her. No loyalty, even though he was the one who "pursued". In which way, nobody friggin knows. GY and GE, hwaiting! Chincha! I want my life back lol! 


    GE is a smart girl but don't know why when it comes to real life dating, it seems like she was blindfolded and made wrong/not suitable choices?  

    About her relationship announcement, there are 2 possibilities:

    1) Media play.  As I said before the announcement came out 2 days after movie release of her bf.  No Dispatch or caught photos, simply their agency made the announcement.  

    2) The relationship is real but since her bf is so short with words, he hasn't communicated with her whether they'll go public, so he denied initially.  And then somehow decided to announce afterwards.  (you can read my spoiler about an example of how short with words he is).

    I don't know which one is right but i tend to cling on the 2nd one or else the agency is totally using GE and i feel so bad for her if that's the case.  

    EDIT: @cristapark just said it too about the celeb couple breaking up today (see spoiler for news).  I sure hope we'll hear something from GE soon this year!  


    I know her bf is a fine gentleman but like i said, his few of words makes communication so hard in love.  I went and see one of his movie's V Live video (click here: http://www.vlive.tv/video/12557/), the fans comment was he was so quiet in 1'10" so they left comment & ask him to talk more, so the other actors asked him to talk for 1 minute but he had a hard time after 20 seconds and just stare at the screen.  

    Seriously, I don't understand why is it so hard to talk more.  You can talk about the movie and ask fans to go support you and so forth.  There're so many things you can talk about.  It just makes me think he's like that with GE too (short with words LOL).  I guess GE might find him cute that way but down the road, you'll find him not able to communicate with you as you wish coz everything he kept to himself in his heart instead of informing you.

    What i like about GY is his sincerity to say the right things to appreciate others, plus to make people laugh.  Who wouldn't fall for that!!

    U-ie and Lee Sang-yoon broke up today, here's the news: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2017/01/25/0200000000AEN20170125012800315.html


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  9. 1 hour ago, linnieluu said:


    The magazine will be released on Feb 2nd and Gong Yoo did the photoshoot today i think :D

    @pnaysurfer84 and linnieluu the shoot was done yesterday. (below photo from HighCut IG - see spoiler) and this is what HighCut said according to this Chinese news

    Because we can see #dokkabei #gongyoo, we don't know if we're dreaming or in reality.  ☺️ The drama left a ripple effect that hasn't vanished, actor and staffs all chat about the buzzwords/script created from the drama.  We laughed so happily while shooting. Because the weather was good, because the weather was bad, no no no, because the weather was cold enough(?).  Every moments we spent was brilliant and the photos shooted today will be released in HighCut Issue 191 on February 2nd, Coming Soon.

    EDIT: Forgot to translate the writing on the cake.  It says "Every moments spent with GooYoo was so happy" or brillant?  it says happy in Chinese but sometimes can't trust whoever translated in Chinese.





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  10. 2 hours ago, ludadeer said:

    Alright i gave up.. after reading 61 pages and 1219 messages, I've decided to pop up and say hi to everybody here.

    Being 'veteran' kdrama viewer, I'd seen sooooo soooo soooo many OTPs from diff dramas, their chemistry is sth I'd never seen before in my entire life in kdramaland. Even tho i am songsongcouple shipper, I feel songsong's great chemistry, but GYxGE gives me this deep deep level of love ..  i think bcos with a heart wrenching plot like that, it's just hard not to fall in love, and because of their own compatibility for each other, their bonding just grew so well!! (i felt i started not knowing what i am writing) ... 

    The way they look at each other .. so full of love and what surprised me (which i really appreciate), was that their gazing of each other is never lusty .. always fill with LOVE, and that's RARE!!! Even in the hotel kissing scenes where we found them sensual .. but i do not see 'LUST' in between, everything grew up based fm 'LOVE'.

    In dramaland, u see quite alot of hot kissing scenes especially in recent years, namely AnotherOHY .. DOTS.. DRKIM .. they are hot, they r sizzling .. but it's the tenderness & love that's ShinTak ones r diff from others. 

    Remember the street stall tent first kiss scene? the 2 were soooooooooooo innocent & pure, and the laugh on their faces, i have no idea how to "ACT" those faces .. they deserve oscar maybe ?!  the return kiss fm ET to KS, then her smile and said 'perfect', and the happy smile fm KS.. they really are telling me they r just like in their 'FIRST LOVE' ... seriously.. i dun think I'd ever such 'REAL' first love look in any drama/movies in my entire life!!!! 

    erh ... sorry my words are flying... back to the 2 letters from our OTP. Dont you guys feel GE's letter is actually a respond to GY's one?

    GY said he felt heart wrenching for Dokkaebi, cos he has to send away his loved ones .. and he hope Dokkaebi to love the one he really loved .. and hope that dokkaebi can live a happy life (3 more lives) with ET ...

    and now GE replied ..'ET in her 2nd life now, will live happily with DOKKAEBI'

    it's the comfort she gives to GY ... just like how ET comforted KS after she heard his story (while ks n grimmy talking in kitchen, and b4 they went visit ET's mom's fd)

    that's it for now.. back to work,i hope i didnt bore you guys too much :>

    o yes.. pls dont leave me out from the #GoingToHell community 



    Huggs to you and so happy to see you and others joining us.  Love everything you said and you didn't bored us at all (see how many likes you got!). Please come back and write some more.   You are right about their kisses, other dramas' kisses look more like acts without the love deep down. However, our OTP, you can feel the love, and are truly happy and enjoying themselves from their bottom of their heart (except the rooftop one that's more desperate LOL).

    @ilxyoung that video is truly awesome! I screamed too!! 

    Here're some other shipping stuff i found



    And to those who said they can't help looking at GY's wide shoulders, i find something that will make you jaw drops (see spoiler) but those are old photos.  I guess GY hasn't able to go gym for so many months, i don't think his abs are still there.  He looks very thin to me these days.

    Love all you chingus...back to work LOL





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  11. 2 hours ago, sooyoungdaebak said:


    This pic is from the scene GY taught her how to drive. Look at that laughter!!! He really loves making her laugh...lol.  (You can see GY in the gif right after this pic posted on Naver)

    Good eye...you're absolutely good at this.  Yes, it's him who made her laugh  Sorry, i keep coming back while working...it's so hard not to come back LOL  

    See photo below, It's GY on the left


    Also here in the animated gif, you can see GY's coat but not face...only the face of GY's manager, perhaps?


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  12. 23 minutes ago, linnieluu said:

    Arjenia translated Go Eun's letter.


    I'm so glad arjenia and @ChunSungIm shared the correct translation coz i did feel that something it's missing in that Chinese news having the words so little and without the P.S.  That's the thing about translating from Chinese to English coz things get lost in translation....and also, you don't know if you can trust the source.  

    @sooyoungdaebak can't agree more!  GE just date the real man and he'll be in front of you when you summon him!

    @q4q4: agree with you totally (see my spoiler)


    GY ignores YEH (look at his face...he's like what's wrong with you, why cry like that)...doesn't want to comfort her at all.  YEH cries so many times after the drama was done (there's another video that shows them going to eat with director afterwards).  YEH suddenly cried and went out.  All the guys keep eating and I recall not sure if it was the same setting, it was Chae Jung-an who was outside comforting YEH by hugging her but those guys are still eating in the restaurant. LOL


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  13. 19 minutes ago, autumn93 said:

    The minutes @sooyoungdaebak mentioned in GIF form. 

    1) Maybe Gong Yoo's so used to drinking from her bottle that he mis-took it for his own? XD

    2) In their own little world. 

    *fans self* damn that was well-made! Now I want 'Goblin: The Movie-R-Rated' :wink: Phew....

    Oh an @lorac529 if you are too busy to translate no worries but if you can spare some time to translate some of the snippets, it'd be greatly appreciated but even then, please take your time! No rush! 





    Thanks for the lovely gifs! For 1) i think he wants to help GE to put away the bottle but she did it herself.  See he thinks about her first before doing stuff for his own.  My goodness.  

    EDIT: (the chinese subs) The host says "Water Bottle? Please put away the bottles." so GY immediately wanted to help GE first.  I think the reporter wants to take photos and don't want to see the water bottles or something...have to double check later from the video.

    Yes, i'll try to translate snipplets when i finished my proposals.  Will keep you posted.

    Have to focus work now.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Zuellene Casela said:

    I quickly dropped by to share this letter that news (click here) translated into Chinese.  I'm gonna attempt to translate from Chinese to English quickly.





    KGE said "Thank you everyone giving so much love to EunTak in Goblin during this time.  Even though it ends but it doesn't feel real, it feels like when i blow the candle, Goblin will still come to me.

    Able to meet this work, especially able to meet EunTak, I feel happy and blessed, plus give thanks.  I'll take everyone's love and meet you all again with a better Kim Go Eun.

    Every moment I spent with Goblin was brillant because the weather was good, because the weather was bad, and because the weather was good enough."

    EDIT: from the news, it says it was GE's management agency HODU&U Ent. who shared this via the Naver Blog.  So finally, they're doing something for once after all these months?!?

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  15. 32 minutes ago, linnieluu said:

    Thanks for the link.  I can't help reading it before i focus on work

    Why do i see GY acting cute here instead of KS.  It's definitely ad-libs.  He sure knows how to make GE smiles!


    Coz you see the other gif shows GE smiles and move her head when she can't take it. Makes me believe the above is not acting, it's actually GE smiles LOL...these two are simply lovely birds... i can't take it anymore!



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  16. @sooyoungdaebak I love you !! it's exactly the gifs I want.  Thank you thank you thank you!

    @deara DeokHwa and GR's expression when they were singing was priceless...laugh so hard!

    @Hapiangle yes those GTGE vibes!!! just so real!

    @autumn93 Love everything you said.  I wish to help translate but work is really busy, still many proposals to write.  If you guys don't mind waiting a bit, i can do so.  If not @NRGchick: do you remember someone in the main thread who mentioned she can help translate things from Chinese to English?  I totally forgot the name.  May be we can message that person to help as well?  Coz it took me so long to translate GY's answer for that question yesterday.

    I should be back later to look at the press con all over again!  Have a lovely day/evening chingus!


    • Like 5
  17. 31 minutes ago, ChunSungIm said:


    Actually after our first meeting
    Saying I like you
    Isn’t something easy for me

    If I don’t contact you first
    I’m afraid of missing you
    I type out the text, hesitate a bit, then delete it again
    I keep repeating this process over and over

    If my love for you gets any deeper
    It will only result in getting hurting
    My fears are filling my mind
    This is the truth

    Praying with all my heart, the person I’m yearning for
    I believe that person is you

    Woo… I’m in love
    Woo… I’ll fall in love
    Never feel any more fear
    As long as I’m with you
    The world is so beautiful

    I thought I’m never gonna fall in love
    But I’m in love, cause I wanna love you baby

    Actually from the first time I met you
    Somewhere deep in my heart
    You crashed in like a strong wave
    You’re the only thing in my mind all day
    I can be your good lover
    Wanna be your four-leafed clover
    I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world

    Please you gotta believe me
    Make you never gonna leave me
    I won’t be suspicious, I’ll trust you

    Ahhh… I’m in love
    Ahhh… I’ll fall in love
    Never feel any more fear
    As long as I’m with you
    The world is so beautiful

    Woo… I’m in love (I’m so deep in love)
    Woo… I’ll fall in love
    Never feel any more fear
    As long as I’m with you
    The world is so beautiful

    You are so beautiful

    wonder if he sings this for her

    oh my goodness, thanks for the lyrics.  I listen to this almost everyday coz it's on my youtube playlist but didn't realise the lovely lyrics.  It totally makes me feel that GY is in love with GE coz his honey eyes, smiles, shinning, having strength to climb over the mountains to finish the drama comes from his love towards GE!!  


    • Like 19
  18. 10 hours ago, ChunSungIm said:

    kim shin vs gong yoo


    Love the pics!  I remember the first scene, they were interlocking their fingers when heading out the airport. I wish I know how to make gifs to show their intimacy but i don't know how.


    And I also noticed this scene (the night before heading back to Korea from Quebec sitting on the couch), it seems like it was KS who started to rub his finger on ET's...actually it's GY who started LOL


    @sooyoungdaebak and @nearsea you two have good eyes! I've to find time to see the press con all over again to see those!  How i wish i know how to make gifs for those.  Anyone knows how?

    Finally, i can watch this forever LOL


    • Like 20
  19. 52 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

    @__jesse Bravo! Yes, I expected that she would face death during those critical years because fundamentally as you have put it, she is a missing soul - and never meant to be born. 

    She knew this and wanted to live life fully - whatever time she had and to do so gloriously with her loved one. 

    I believe in karma too and the fact that doing good will lead to more good. She knew she would have more opportunities with Shin - even saying she will beg the divinity for the chance. Just like what Dokkaebi had promised her before he 'died' in Ep 13. Both are really strong willed individuals and eventually their pleas will be heard. 

    The part where Shin received the sandwich moved me as well. Here, he was on the verge of falling into melancholy and losing hope that his bride will return and God gives him a nudge as a reminder that all will be well with patience. For a Goblin who has lived for more than 900 years in monochrome, his few months (in total) with Eun Tak will have filled his world with colour. (Christine Feehan reference!) 

    I have made peace with the ending. KES has left us (the viewers) numerous possibilities about how their love story may continue but what is most important is that they are reunited again. They will cherish whatever time they have together and to quote Eun Tak ...

    If today is my last day, this will be my final memory of the person I love. So I’d better live hard and love. That’s what I told myself.



    Totally agree with what you and @__jesse said!  

    I only get to watch the sub in Chinese but i don't remember the ET's quote...what episode was that from? thanks in advance!

    • Like 6
  20. 14 minutes ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

    LOL...check it out, chingu! I'm like, "Dang gurl! Your body language can't lie!" :lol: Also GY was so close to her when he squat down. Her butt was literally touching him, I'm sure...bahahaha. 

    Urghhh, still mad at pdnim for giving us so little of their foreplay and  an abrupt ending...grrr!!! 

    Btw gals, when TVN released that pabo video of KGE and nugu bf after showing GY/KGE's Bts, it reminds me of this "insecure" male actor who can't stand reading/hearing/watching his girlfriend look so good and compatible with her male costar. As soon as the drama ended, while fans were still crazy over the pairing, his agency made an announcement that this pabo actor is dating that actress. Urghh, I jinjja hate insecure man. Like seriously?! You're that insecure and had to ruin the drama's success and your gf's hard work?! His timing sucks! That's why the TVN's show abt GY/KGE pissed me off. So unnecessary at all, dammit! 


    I always forgot to comment about TVN releasing that pabo video (in spoiler too).  I think it's all gossiping the big age gap of all the top actors and actresses in love right now coz other than GE & her bf, TVN also released other actors (see spoiler) on the same date.  So I won't take it so seriously coz it's just gossip news, meaning they don't have anything to talk about, so just put stuff like this to catch audience's attention.  I guess they'll keep doing it until we hear official breakup announcement.








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  21. 15 minutes ago, keisyaana said:

    ello everyone, newbie here...

    I want to ask...

    Is there any website that posts Goblin press conference fully with eng sub??

    and i saw that GE changed her clothe



    As someone said, someone made an Eng sub on youtube before but it was deleted due to copyright infringement.  I can only find the one with Chinese sub (see spoiler).  And GE changed to more comfortable clothes afterwards for the drama talk after the press con (see 2nd link in spoiler).  



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