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Posts posted by nona88

  1. Okay if I have to be crazy then let go all the way to see if the writer  really have choice  my craziest  plot that I myself  thought it was just for fun not the most logical  one to choice  


    The childs swapping:

    When I said HHS wife swapped  the baby's I though that she took BR mother child , since she looked so envious  that she at least had chance since the baby  father was a nice guy 


    No matter  if BR was that child or not 

    Let tell my wildest  though that I joked  about early  


    HHS mother take another mother baby  and and put her baby  in his place ( he can be BR or another baby  we dont know for sure till now) 

    Her baby is jae hoon,  she was keeping checking on him or just by chance that day go to see him and saw what he was doing to his brother  so she tried to kill him and later she know that his   family( the one he live with )   were killed and that he a suspect  so a out of fear she keep hidden  and even change her name around that time ( since she was still go with her real name when the teen  MC come to see her) 


    She told YH about him not being her real son at some point or maybe he found out himself  and confirmed  her 

     YH  was suspect  the real son is killer or just by chance he was curious  about  the real son so go to see him and watch him and by chance he found about his true ( if it really BR) 

      Now the most creepy thought  I had about jae hoon 


     You know what the craziest  things I though  about back then when I suspect  that  jae  hoon not YH and the mother in that house isnt HHS wife , and that we dont know who survived  the family's  murder  and said it can be one of the children who survived , the craziest  thing I thought that BY is fitting the age of the young girl ( the one who creeper me with one scene) 


     I said to myself  she orphanage  too , what if it her grandmother  from her father  side raise her and jae  hoon was adopted  or raise by relative  of his mother but I let go that theory back then, since   there no way they will  go that crazy , and there no way she don't know her mother face she see the photo on his house  



    but now let go crazy since they can go to that road , maybe she wasnt her birth  mother and jae  hoon mother  marry  into that family  with her child after the mother  die , maybe the grandmother  hide everything  from her even her parents  photos  saying it was burn  and nothing left( she was so young and maybe had trauma  and lost memory) there many explaining they can use if they want to go that road 



    But what make me more dont want her to be that girl it Is if BR really is jae  hoon, if he really the killer  that mean he keep her a live as child and he stalk  her after she grown his own sister ( real or step one) that mean it was all planned  from the start and that going to be the creepiest  feeling I will get for just thinking before they looked so cute together   


    Yeh that why I didnt even wrote about it before  and throw that thought  aside and that why I still wishing to be  really  wrong about everything, I will be happy  to be wrong  

      That creepy even to me mystery lover ( that mot mystery  that a crazy soap )

    I am telling myself you thinking creepy  now wake up, 


    OMG  please  make me wrong 

    Oh No Reaction GIF by CA in LA

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  2. 21 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    Sigh.  Really?  Haven’t watched Ep6.  I guess this is GG14Days writer after all.  She did exactly the same thing there.  Just when you are making sense of it, she throws another curveball and adds another plot twist.  In the end it was so knotted up with twists that it just made zero sense because she couldn’t untie all the knots.  20eps of this?

    Watch it dear and come back I need someone  to explain  to me some things that dont get mix well with my logic 


    like how MC was shocking that she still send him money every month I know she used different name , but   he keep accept  money all the those years without even being curious  who sending money!!!  ) especially  when he already a growing  up man who dont need help 

     okay I know that little   for the major that happening but I cant get over this and all the little  details  ( I understand  you the GG14days shock I lived that too) 


    21 minutes ago, nrllee said:

     So did the bird actually have a broken leg or did BR break it in the first place?  Is he stalking BY then?  

    I said they not just killing the romance  they even make horror  to watch them together  again  

     You know we saw that coming  but it still :surprisedwut:

    21 minutes ago, nrllee said:

     I read he got a hit on the head so that could’ve resulted in his sudden turn?  I need to watch Ep6.  If it starts to head down the nonsensical path and writer decides to choose the baby swap narrative (and somehow JH is actually BR because some swapping happened somewhere) I will likely bail.  :huh:

    Yeh turing like that cause the head injury  , going to the children  swapping  in the past is crazy - you see I was the one who said that idea first and laughed at myself  saying it a crazy idea   before others laught at me

    and now they mosty  will made that (  I said the writer  more crazy then my crazy thoughts that new to me even from GG14days writer, I thought i am the most crazy and wild :isannoyed:


    21 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    BR can’t exactly fake a leg injury after a car accident.  He was in hospital?  What does that say about the doctors treating him?  So is the writer going to say that BR killed grandma after all and YH is the good guy because he was about to inject poison into his drip line so he could kill BR and stop the killings that way?  That’s too twisted?

    Let have faith it going to be not like this , it not going to make everyone  stupid  for the mystery 

    21 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    Don’t tell me BR has some Jekyll Hyde split personality where he is kind BR and then serial killer BR at the same time?

    That going the next 2 weeks question  if they didnt  show us more ,is BR faking ? Or he have muilty  personality  ?????? 

    Okay I gave up I keep saying u dont want that and this I feel like I am being bad here but really I dont want all those 


    Let not be panic let wait and see ( dear after watching  it come and tell us did it fe better  or like me it make me more confused) 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, carolinedl said:
    18 minutes ago, backstreetboysfan said:

    Episode 5 was brutal. Go Mu-Chi Hyung :tears:

    We guessed right about the fake video.  BR is not the killer. DK is still on my suspect list. Officer SS is still on the suspect list as well.

    Just watch episode 6 now and all this is going to change...

    I think we all have to be ready to change our mind muilty times from now on 


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  4.  YH is not the killer  for me  ( or the only killer ) there so much evidence  for me to believe  that  ( okay I am mystery  freak dont like easy things :joy:) but I am serious  now 

    Yh  obviously  was following  BR, he was suspect  of him when he talk to his mother he said " you know your son is a series  killer,"  he didnt  say you know that "  I am" 

    If my crazy idea that the mother switch  the children  when they were  young then she all the time was knowing or following  what her son doing  that was her biggest  sin  and in the same time making YH living as HHS son and destroy his life 



    I dont know if BR is the killer  till now , but he sure a psychopath , maybe he really was trying to win the battle  against  himself  and didn't  kill till now or maybe he was killing from young age  


    But I think the fact that YH was following  him and check  on him mean at least that BR mostly be the real  son of HHS or at least  YH thought  that  


    I dont know if what happen  in the last scene was BR psychopath  awakening  or he was like that from the start and he also get hit in his brain with hummer so yeh there the medical  road of damage  the brain  explaining ( which I dont like already  )



    Yeh we wrote so much theories  till now but I know the game will start next week when we really see what is BR made of !!!


    I still hope he not the killer  even if he a psychopath i still  want to trust that what we born with dont decide  our life  I want to see the case when a born psychopath  can use his own darkness  to fight darkness  rather then be drawing  by it 



     And mostly  I am worry  for BY really, what this girl have to deal with more , if BR really was the one who killed  her granny  ( and yeh they killing the romance  and turn  it to horror each time we see them together)

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  5. OMG  OMG  is that another trick shooting  again like in end of  ep 4 you know I cant trust what i am saying anymore  since they keep playing  with the visual  true 


    It not like we didn't  see that coming  and even  make theories  about it but still what I cant believe  if they really making that happen  or it another  trick of what we see 



    Major spoiler  be aware 


    If that true, they make us see BR kill the bird, psychopath  cant control  themselves  infront  of animals  they cant hide their  true infront of them 

    And it harder for them to act infront  of animals  and hold themselves  then they do infront  of people  


    Even the ones who not killers  they tend to not raise or even  be around  animals    


    If that scene was true and not another visual  trick I dont why but for something......

    they playing a dangerous  game here making us double  again and again till we get to point when they show the hint of true and we dont take it thinking  it another trick ( the twist inside  twist  inside  twist.........) 


    But if that true that explains  why he give her the bird he couldn't  control  himself  so he give it  to her to stop himself  from killing  it 



    But still he psychopath  that doesn't  mean he kill  people  already  right ?   Anyway  it not going to end well if he keep  involving those people   if he already  killer or not he going to end bad seeing what he had to see now 



    They really can suprise me choicing how to show things that I already  know but the way they doing it still suprise  me 


    Not paying it , they playing with so much for me to pay anything they give  now 



    And another  trick I dont fall for 


    When yh  said to his mother you know  that your son is a series  killer  that dont mean he was admiting  that he a killer  


    What if he was talking about another son, I still believe  that the mother did something  to her son in the past that YH isnt the son she fear and tried  to kill in the past 





    Edit : just to be sure we will never go crazy in this drama plot to body's/ souls switching :joy: right we have a serious  drama here we not going  to scifi though  


    forgive  me it was a heavy  episode  and week I have to make sure it not going to get wrong since i am sure it going to go darker  but at least not wrong 


    Yh  clearly was from long time following   BR the photo on his house was focusing on BR even before the granny  die  , he go to check on him for reason  I am more sure now that BR is the real son of HHS 


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  6. Okay I will like this drama for one reason there a writer  who maybe prove he more crazy then me when it come to wild crazy plot  thinking ( I cant believe  that what I call crazy wild theory  maybe come to be true in this drama )   I am not spoilering but maybe it really wasnt that crazy about all what I wrote about HHS wife did in the past and about the really  ID of HHS real son 

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  7. 1 hour ago, nrllee said:

    @rocher22 I noticed JH drew with his right hand and he pulled out the knife from his dad with his left.  YH is definitely left handed.  Maybe both BR and he are ambidextrous. The crutch I guess can be used under either arm so it didn’t really matter that much

     I dont know if that scene when he open the juice  bottle  say he left hand too 

    I do the same I am right  handed  person ( eating , written  doing most of the things)

    But when it come to open things I usually  hold with my right  hand and open with left hand or when I have to do something  that needed  two hands  I usually  ended  making the right hand hold things( since it more steady to do the holding) and let left hand do the work

      so that not saying I am  ambidextrous since I cant do most of basic things in the left hand ( it just from habit  there things I am more comfortable  using the left hand, and it more had to do with me doing handcrafted things as my hobby, so I used from young age to use my left hand more on this kind of things )  


    I dont know if that related  I am just saying that when people  by chance seeing me do that they think I am lefty or that I am ambidextrous when I am not 


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  8. Ep 5 was good at suprising  us and even killing the priest,   but there one lacking  and it the emotional balance that was in the first 4 episode  since this episode  was all about the hunt  and the tv show time and  we didn't  get to have balance   from the emotional side   it all was mind play between them and the killer and sad events 


    There something  good about how dare they are to kill many characters  from the start specially  important  ones for all the main characters,  but there danger side to that too ; they killing the emotional  balance  between  the darkness  and the normal and take out the humanity  connection between  the main leads and others beside the crimes itself  


    They have to he careful  and close that gap  by making more emotional  connection  with the leads themselves  or with them with others characters  or it will be all dark and chasing  killers and that good to only some limit after all it 20 eps that we  cant spend  on the same only line or only the feeling  of losing and deaths 


    Dont get me wrong, I like ep 5 so much but all I am saying they have to he careful  and throw some balance  often  or as we all know  to much from something,  no matter  how good it , it always  go wrong 



    But I understand  that  they using the first 6 episodes  to build  the main characters  ( the detective, the reporter  , BR, BY) they make them lose someone  they love, they make them build  that trauma and  determination to hunt and to catch killer 

    this drama prepare  them to be the futures hunters( no mater what twists  there to each one of them) so they need to share the same Feeling of pain, losing, death, guilty, death and have nothing  left to them to start the real hunt 


    P.s. I hope BY will be okay she character who keep collecting traumas  like she has no break and it to much for the only 19 years old to face all that


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  9. I am speechless  :facepalm:  mentaly, really  they can  just kill every suspect  on our list one by one till the last episode   


    I never saw drama make characters  leave  so much impact  in short time and then kill them :thumbsup:  really Barvooooo  


    I understand  now when they say twist after twist  


    That good really good :popcornjackson:


    And dear friends  I wrote  today crazy theorie about switching  babys but I dong think it  totally  crazy now 


    Maybe yes that happen but I think we have to wait to see that or not 

    This drama there no guess  


    They uncovered  things anytime and kill any time and anyone 

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  10.  Waiting for ep 5 but probably  I will watch it late 


    I have question  BR had photo with him mother only as a baby  ( usually  they put the most new one when parents  die) 


    He was raise with his aunt at some point ( we dont know exactly  when ? Or at any stage he go live with his aunt and her husband) 


    The question  here why the photo with his mother  only as baby ? ( did his mother also die young even before he can walk or have other photo with her) ?


    Or cause he think that his only good memories  with her ( he seem really glad  and even honestly  admiring the photo when  BR said his mother is pretty) 


    Again I still think HS wife did crazy things in the past if it was killing , or switching  child ( I go with her at some point maybe switch  babys  since she was sure he will be monster)


    The twist here, if she switch baby's  and her real son  trun to be good and the one she took( in that theory  it YH turn evil:joy:)  okay switching baby's is crazy I know, i just go a bead of thinking what twists they can come with  ( but if she switch baby's  maybe with BR mother - that crazy I know ) 

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  11. You know my friends  usually  I go a head of my self written  muilty  crazy plot  trying to anyalse  everything  specially  in mysteries 

    Mystery  was my favorite  kind of novel to read from young age so I do the same while watching  too ( as many of you here already  know I go so wild in thoughts) 


    But what making me happy  it not just I like so many doing the same here ( I love that too :heart:)  but cause i  also though my self  overacting building my own victims  and suspect  board ( i really build  one from ep 2 )

    but I dont feel I overacting  anymore, this week I found that I am not the only one guilty :joy: no matter  where I go in social media  ( not just in this fourm) I found that there many people  go more details  from me bulding  maps  of every  character even the passing one fearing to mess any hints :joy:



    I heard the drama cast, writer  and company  are happy and surprises  seeing how big the wave of fans  playing detectives  and profilers  and seeing  they trying to solve the case  by profiling  everything and building boards  and maps of the crime's( but be aware  dear drama people  you have to live up to all those effort  that the fan's giving) 


    Cant wait for tonight  episode, I cant watch it live sadly and maybe will be late to join the fun and catching  the episode  itself  


    So  let catch later my friends,  have fun I hope for another great episode  

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  12. 56 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    I think BR has a childhood secret as well but I get the feeling he’s a good guy.  I know there’s a lot of speculation about his hair style change moving forward but I think he’s NOT moving into serial killer mode.  I liken it to having a buzz cut when you go into army.  He’s changing from the BR of the past who cries and vomits to one who is like MC - driven to bring the perpetrators to justice.  Question is - presumably MC doesn’t have the gene and BR does, MC has already been shown to be incapable of killing.  Is BR capable of doing that (killing perpetrators) because he has the gene?  

    That interesting  I still half -half with BR being a killer  or not , having psychopath  gene dont make you killer and yes they tend to try hard to be part of the social  more then normal people  cause they feel they have to since they not normal 


    And that not all the time for evil  reasons some just really want to feel normal and loved by others  and it more when they or hidden  darker part or when they raised  in healthy  environments( where they really want to he that person for the people  who treat them as human) in both cases they tend to match the social  so much 


    Even if BR has the gene that dont make him killer, but for sure he hidden  most of his real  face under  that kind and clumsy one 


    But I still half think he maybe since they promise  it a drama of many twists till the end 


    About if BR is ready to kill or even be violent  like MC that back to what I say before  being someone  who has no empathy and can do it easy doesn't mean you choice to do that( maybe you trying more harder from normal  people to not do it) , but in the same time  what we call normal  people  are more the ready to do worst then that 

    ( they making series  killer are the worst since they kill many and without emotional  or material  reasons,  but how horrible  Is to kill for those reason  as normal  people  do:surprisedwut: I think this drama will show all those arguments)  


    1 hour ago, Sleepy Owl said:


    This scene definitely raised my eyebrows too. The coffee stick was in plastic ziplock bag as you mentioned, and he by mistake randomly did it? At first I thought I was mistaken with the zip lock bag thing, but when I rechecked, it surely was the case. What made me sure of it, was when he smartly cross checked Yo Han's alibi. It was as if he knew that the alibi was fake. That was the moment I knew he is not an ordinary guy, instead he is very much like Ba Reum, acting all clumsy and slightly stupid blending well into the society while having the tendency to be psychopath. 


    I think, Mu Chi will get back to this scene while thinking from scratch about the case. This is definitely something worthy of being suspicious of the guy. All the things including this incident being leaked made me more suspicious of this guy. 

     I agree with that too he start to he suspect  from that moment  acting all stupid  and clumsy to destroy what obvious  evidence  and then think fast of way to discover YH friends lies 


    And him being properly  the unborn son of that politician from ep 1, 


    I think we have more then one killer  like everyone, and if they not working  together  then what about they have people  work for them ( the head hunter fun club  is so scary  especially  with all the power he has inside  and outside  the prison) 

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  13. 3 hours ago, rocher22 said:

    Im a little disappointed with that scene, but he is so handsome..  :D

    I am not disappointed  actually  it natural  

    He hold on to  all his brother violence , humanity and even treating  him as nothing but stupid  and slave infront  of everyone  who know the true and all the time 


    Moreover  he always  under so much stress  that his brother  will kill him if he anger him or made unforgivable  mistakes ( which  can be any little  mistake and be unforgivable  in JW book) 



    Living with all that stress  and holding to all those  kind of violence   cant done peacefully he had to throw it at others  and sure at people  who had to hold infront  of him just like he had to do  infront  of his brother  


    It not that he evil or doing that for fun like JW he just had to empty  all that anger and pain at someone so he can hold on in front of JW ( serious  I cant imagine  living with jw  for even week , he totally  crazy who has no rules to avoid  his anger or bullying)



    It not like I am okay with him doing that,  I am Just saying it natural  result to what he going throw,   this man can be free only if he die or his brother  die since as long as they both lives JW will never set him free , he literally  tormenting him for being even born from another mother ( with jw  case i think he was going to the same even to a real  brother from same mom he Naricssit who cant handle  sharing anything  with anyone)



    Sorry for long post , I found myself  writing  since I didn't  actually wrote about those two from that side 

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  14. 1 hour ago, nrllee said:

    Follow up on research?  Which is why I wonder if it was YH he was meeting at the amusement park.  He may have wanted to follow up on all 3 of his research subjects?  YH spoke to him over the phone for over 3 min? Would it take that long to organize a meet up face to face?  And yeah how stupid is he to meet up late at night at a deserted amusement park?  Just asking for it?  Was he killed by one of the other 2 with the gene?  Did he organize for 2 of them to meet him there?  Why would YH need to climb a fence to get in?  I can’t imagine Daniel doing that?  I get the feeling YH was there after the event.  He found the body, then panicked and decided to dump it because it looked bad for him to be found with it.  

    That can happen  and what as you said he come to see the results  of the three subjects after all this years he was going to get  nominated for Nobel prize  for his research  as they said  in ep 3 


    If come not caring about the serious  killing that happening in Korea but come  to see the results  of the three subjects  who grow in different  environments  what happen  to them  so he probably  didnt only connected  YH , as we only know cause what they show and his phone  show 

    Maybe he come in personal  connect with the others 


    We need  to remember  that his research is specifically  in that area  and this three cases  any science  in that filed will die to have a fresh  3 different  cases who was letting  to grow naturally 


    P.s. seriously  now cant we wait for ep 5 -6 we building theories  for all the plots  that can 10 dramas even think about from the start to the end :joy: but what can help me i cant stop the talk here is interesting  ( thanks for  all the criminals profilers  here :love:

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  15. 35 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    wound was on the left abdomen.  So if killer was standing on stairs facing the dad, he would be right handed.  Dad fell backwards and landed head down the stairs.

     We have to take all the sides of the stories 

    If jae  hoon didn't  kill the father or the family  then he found the father on the stairs  he take the knife  and go upstairs  searching  for who did it or trying to protect  his sibling  


    Or he saw who did it 


    If we can look all the choices beside Jae  hoon being the one who killed his family then let take a note of ever suspect  


    What if the step father  abused  wasnt only  direct  to jae  hoon ( a man talking about being humiliated after hearing what his step son did more the talking about worry or fear or about the dangers  situation  that he just heard about , that man sure not normal )


    So what if he also was hitting the rest member of the family even his kids 



    1. Maybe the wife killed him 


    2. Maybe he was going to hit the kids and on of them ( step brother  or step sister  stab him with knife  ) and they hid in fear 



    3. What if it was someone also a stranger come and kill all the family and when Jae  hoon arrived  they all were death 


    As someone  said here before  it not normal that jae hoon stab him from above then get down look and look at him from that side if he only want to look at him he was going to be in the opposite , and he take the knife  out and decide  to upside  again 



    Or maybe it was the father  who stap most of them then one of them stap him 


    That explains  again why there only three  body's and if Jae hoon not yo han and the mother not the one who was in that house  then we  again know nothing  about who survived  beside  jae hoon 

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  16. 3 hours ago, nurlayla said:

    the biggest twist, there is no gold under the building :tounge_xd::joy:

    omg i'm already feeling miserable....Saturday come pali TT 


    Can we imagine  that 

    That the Chinese  man take out all the gold before he die without  mr Choi  knowing  


    All that will be for nothing  :joy: vincenzo  already  spending so much on the gold operation :joy:

    3 hours ago, raziela said:

    Poor Vincenzo suffered in this episode!  Good thing Cha Young and Mr Nam were chaperoning and instructing  in the background:lol:

    Okay that what we call the thing we do for love !!!! Even if it his mother  case vincenzo  was never going to think of doing that in that way and by himself  , CY  forcing him to do things out of his coolness  ( dear vincenzo  that what love do, dont talk  about deserving  it or not,  you already  under CY love control - no escape :joy:


    3 hours ago, raziela said:

    Also Vincenzo's reaction to his mother in the hospital.  From her facial expression Cha Young realised something is up.

    She the smartest  person in Asia :joy: she proved that she  catch things fast and that she hide most of what she figure up about people  and sure she queen  of acting and hidden  her reaction  so I guess she already 90 % susbecysuspect  vincenzo  connection  to Ms oh


    1 hour ago, shinystar1985 said:

    was thinking the same thing! She has always been instinctive from the get go. She didn’t buy Vincenzo simply wanting to help the Geumga tenants with no motive and questioned his supposed love for the building. Though she called his bluff about the gold which she will for sure beat herself up for later. :lol: She figured he was affiliated with the mafia based off of his strategies and his constant referencing of the mafia. With his sudden outrage at his mother and offering up to pay her medical bills, she will connect the dots quickly. Vincenzo may be our cool suave mafia consigliere but he wears his emotions thin when it comes to his mother and Cha Young is too smart to not see that. 

     I agree 



    1 hour ago, shinystar1985 said:

    Vincenzo sure has an idea about jjw. He notices the way jjw is able to change choi myung hee’s decision to decline the settlement of a compensation to the Geumga tenants and calm down Babel’s “chairman”. What kind of intern have that much power? Looks like his true identity will be revealed next week. I wonder how Cha Young will feel.  Vincenzo is going mafia mode and I’m here for it. While I thoroughly enjoyed ep 8 with all the humor, I hope we actually get a dark episode next week. I’m ready.

     I agree with you he start to look suspicious  toward  jw  from the time they was talking  with him and  CM and he make her sit down telling her the boss maybe agree on this 

    With MC character  she will never make intern  tell her what the boss want or not ( not to forget the time he talk about not wanted CY to be buried that eyes he show cannt escape  vincenzo  radar) 


    And again in the sign  agreement  he was looking at them when jw  show happy and not the innocent  face when the women CEO show up to sign the contract   


    After that he was,  as you said,  obviously  stopping and ordering  his brother infront of vincenzo  even when he hide it as nice advice  


    Vincenzo  not stupid, he could with few minutes  to know that the brother is fake, and he expert  at reading people  and fear and he know what kind of people who can be the leaders, he could already  suspect  jw  since he more then once show his dominant  eyes and people  around  him show fear listening  to him even when they act differently  


      CY is the one who going to feel hurt , she really cared and treat him well and he will be one of the people  who cause  her father death  


    And I think it jw  who going to cartels  ways before vincenzo  going to mafia  way , jw  cant handle  them keep messing with him so going to be heartless  and darker ways now , we most be ready who going to be killed next or should I say how much will be killed? 


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  17.  I think we missing asking some question about Daniel

    1.this we didnt miss,  the question  if he fake one or more of the DNA  result ? 



    2. The  second  that they mentioned  in ep 1 that he was adopted  and it was his not biology  sister  jenifer  who die , now all that seem just back story but what about him having a real brother  that he was still searching  for back then, making him searching  for missing  brother dont look just random  backstory  to someone  who will be killed in ep 3  so the question who this brother  and  if that brother will have anything  to do with what happening? 



    3. And the most important  question  , in ep 1 we saw when Daniel  back to his room he had a simple  of hair  , what was that and why he carrying that around ? 



    4. Why HS  send Daniel  a rat  ?? He didn't  betray  him , it was his wife who give the evidence of his crime and he did nothing to her, is that cause he make that test and cause of it his wife kill his child ( like she told him)? Or is HS figure  up that Daniel  really betray  him with something  ( rat  for cowardince , betrayal ) 


    5. That bring us to the final  question  why HS  hide the head in his house in the snow man ??? they found nothing  else in the house not even a one trace of other murders  or theirs head so why the family  heads  was in the house if he had time to make snow family  figures  then he had time to go and hide it were he hide others ( they didnt even mention  they found others)  is that was simply an offering  to his family and new unborn  child ? Or did someone  frame  evidence  to make him arrested  ( he sure the killer) ? What if he hide them some where else and ssomeone bring them to the house put them in the snow man to prove the crime on him 



    I still think Daniel  has a lot to do with what results  we have here , they killed him early but I was glad they said he still will appear  as flashbacks 

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  18. 2 hours ago, nrllee said:

    Yeah @maddymappo I don’t know if the subs got it right or not.  Yes to the mom not being there at the Police station with JaeHoon and Daniel was

    Daniel wasnt there that day 

    It was his imagination after reading the file of the family murder  he imaging jae  hoon leaving the police  station  laughing  as he suspected after reading the file that jae  did it since he know he has the psychopath  gene 


    But it was only his imagination  and thinking ( the hairstyle  and the clothes  he had  are the same when he read the file in the present  day ) 


    25 minutes ago, nrllee said:
    On 3/12/2021 at 7:30 PM, 1ouise said:

    The subtitles here don't tell us the whole story either.

    "Murder of Guryeong family ... Fire in the Guryeong residential area ... Tragedy of a family caught in fire"



    We didn't see it, but Jae-hoon's family members died in a fire.

    It could be that Predator was seeking "an eye for an eye" when he set the trainer on fire.

    Wait...are those 2 separate incidences?  The murder of a family.  And then a separate fire in another household which killed a family?  So unconnected?  Or are they one and the same?  If they are unconnected, then JH’s step family was killed but the fire was some other household in the area

    I didn't  think about that :thumbsup: all the respect  - wow 

    I know they played  with news and scenes of different  ages grown kids with abnormal  behavior  I even though they trick us to think they all the same kid when they were different  kids who had the pscho DNA from different  ages


    But it didn't  cross my mind that the family killed news can also be for two different  families  - that possibly  as much I see they playing  with us about the past information  and flashback  


    Br said he get the money after his family death , getting  killed in fire as it can rule as accident  get him a huge insurance money   


      I still believe  that the reporter  is the same girl that HS use and tried to bury  in the past and she probably the detective daughter, HS was happy  reading they find her remind  in news but that can be another trick information  from  the drama and the news talk about another body he also killed, or that her father faked  the test  of the body  that was found  that it his daughter  to protect  her , as long as HS  a live  even if in prison she will be danger  and more then her life-  the danger  if he talk and said what he made her do  .then she will be haunted  by it all her life 


    HS hated  the detective  enough  to not stop trying to destroy  him, it was personal  between  them that why he take the girl and didnt just kill her 


        Ah this drama drive me crazy it only 4 of 20  episodes  I know that it will be more  clear after 2 to 3 another episodes  but I cant stop thinking about it build  theories 


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  19. 6 hours ago, nrllee said:

    I have a feeling this will be the case.  It’s not safe for her to be staying by herself.  What’s more she has no income.  I guess she could stay with him but she seems okay with the idea of marrying him so maybe that’s what will happen.  Both of them have issues.  I get the feeling there’s a reason why BR rides a bike and doesn’t seem to drive.  If he can afford that house I would think he can afford a car of some sort?  Did his parents die in a car accident?  Which is why he only rides a bike?

     I actually  felt  so bad for her when she ask him if she can marry  him

    How much she was feeling  to even ask like this , feeling she doesn't deserve  it and even offered  to be good in everything  if he take her 


    She scared  from the man who harm her, no matter  how strong in body she get she so weak and destroyed   mentally,   and the fact it not just the fear is the reason , she lonely  being outside for so long and not to mention  how she must be scared  from men after what happened  to her 



    It was sad scene how much she was aware of all that when she asked him to marry her , she understand  her granny  view it not easy to find man she can be comfortable  around and he treat her nicely   


    my only concern  if BR wasn't really that good person  as we fear 


    3 hours ago, carolinedl said:
    5 hours ago, holyfea said:

    And BY always speak in banmal towards BR haha.. BR is 24 yo and she's 19..

    BY surely feeling insecure about the man in a jail who will be release in 2 months.. What did actually happen?

    It is related to BY parents or herself that young BY gave 1000 won to MC for avenge her grudge?

    What kind of makgeolli tragedy??


    Mi sento stordito.. :crazy:


    What we have saw makes me think that a man attacked and and possibly raped her (hence the girls gossiping about her in class; still in many cases in SK, being raped makes you an outcast and guilty... I think that is why BY has not told BR yet.) Also, interestingly, the man used a puppy as bait, which is the same as in "Signal". I wonder if that is based on a known case in SK.

     I agree they hint for it 

    It not like they can fully show that scene or talk about it in detail  since it have child raped  issuse  


    Abd yes they still blame  the victim  seeing her as become  damage and fit yo be with their innocent childrens so yeh she must be was suffering  from outlasting all her life 

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  20. Another masterpiece  of craziness  when you think what more they can do , suprised  we still in start  line here 


    What fun is that we have two smart and crazy minds here , two wild  that  just join hand 

    It not just vincenzo, CY ideas and craziness  on top level  and this two together  just wow they steal the hearts and minds  

      They fit each other so much even in no romance  plot   just by being partner  of craziness and their hints  for romance  are top too 

    And bravo mr writer you never let me down  (  I am fun from God of quiz as from the start  ) he really know how to create something   great from nothing



    Edit and about all the theories of who vincenzo  birth  father or if he the step brother of JW or ....... I think we can officially  throw that out :joy: dont take it to heart this writer only telling us do you think I am that simple  or typical  writer  to go that road

    • Like 5
  21. 4 hours ago, holyfea said:

    Remember, in hospital while CK's been hurt, he got really mad and disgusted towards YH attitude to ajumma patient who lost her baby. When camera focusing YH and DK eyes then DK pulled back his fist, why he distracted by YH eyes? Meanwhile, even when CK got surgery, he seems so calm, no worry.. Just like his expression in grandma murdered scene..

    For me the more clam you are the more you not that dangerous  

    Psychopath  and specially  the killers one use to hide their true cause they have thing to fear if they were found out 


    That why they act more nice and family  and social  man ( or women) 


    That dont mean that DK off the suspect  list , something  off about the  look of eyes  thing too 


    4 hours ago, holyfea said:

    And for Bong Yi, why she is on main lead list?

    What kind of story behind her.. 

    she one of the main lead her story of being victim herself  , her  connection  to BR and we fear that she has more like we know nothing about her death parents , 

    And more crazy if she was that little  girl from jae  hoon home ( that crazy she probably  death but I thought  If she a live then she mostly  be around BY age- forget it )


    If she keep involved  with BR she sure main lead no Matter  if BR is a killer or the one who  hunt  them 


    I have question now they keeped talking about her marriage  with BR since  ep 2 not protect  her as sister  or just family  are they planning  to make her marry BR now that she has no one ???? 

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  22. My fear for the next two episodes first we all know that vincenzo  mother mostly die soon and the other is JW brother death 


    If thing get really messed  as vincenzo  and CY  said destroy  the fake for the real to show up , but they have no idea that they dealing with psycho  CEO  so if the brother  keep messing up and the company  keep losing money and image  


    Jw  mostly will kill his own brother and throw all the blame on him and he himself will  raise as the new innocent  and decent  CEO  who coming from legal  world and come to fix what his selfish brother   did 


    He more then capable  to do that plot, he can just kill him or making  him suicide,  the brother  so under his control  and fear him 


    And if jw  smart enough  he can  even use that to frame or CY or vincenzo 



    No matter what,  thing has to go more darker at some point specially  when vincenzo  will  had his limit  acting nice and only use smart and funny  games facing this kind of people 

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  23. Okay let be clear that another crazy operation  that CY  and vincenzo  doing against  their enemies but what that mr vincenzo :joy:




    What kind of mission  you have to do now :sweat_smile: and we were suprised  about the sudden  hug in the preview between  CY and vincenzo  let hope it not part of their new crazy melodrama  that they playing 

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  24. 28 minutes ago, nrllee said:


    3. the Politician’s son.  Potentially raised in denial (?).  With no particular emphasis placed on the child having the gene and just raising him as you would any other child.

    I will add to that dear 

    He was raised  in more danger  environments then all the other

    , being the son they waited  for so long , and be sure he not psycho  since Daniel  maybe fake the results  

    And the son of rich politicians :unamused:dont we know already  how those people  raise their childrens  specially  in South Korea, spoiled  and surrounded  with protecting no matter what they do and they test the power  and lies as nothing from young age  since his father  in that field  of work 


    So what more perfect  environment  to make a psychopath  even if he didnt have the gene ( let add that he was born like that too) 


    And I agree on BR  



    52 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

    . I want this for Mouse... I want different case scenarios to convey the reality of it. Just saying that there is a psycho gene and that it is expressed is wrong and would raise some serious ethical questions/issues

    I am not worried  about this , since this drama specially  questions what more strong the DNA  or the environment  so the writer no matter how many killers he will make he will make it clear that monsters  are made not just born like this and we who make monster  and can help stop it too as much as we can 


    As @nrllee said if we have 3 children  with the gene but they grow on that totally totally different  environments then the writer  planning to show the difference of each case 



    And about the ethics part I am against test like this , and against  taking a life before it born even if that test was 100% right, since we know that not every  psychopath ended as killer and in ep 1 they only mention  the 1% wrong as it nothing  if it was on national  counting it make it maybe  thousand of innocent  that will be killed and not to mention  the count of people  who maybe had the gene and can be not the kind to be killers 


    If we talking about human ethics  , crime  will never stop cause of killing all the children  who have that gene, the number  of victims  that were killed in each year cause what they call normal people  is so  much  higher  then ones who die on the hand of the psychopath  


    The unborn baby has right , you cant punish  them for what they didnt do yet, the parents  and specially  the mothers have  right you cant just kill their own kid and force them to do that in the name of law and future 


    And as a girl myself  do you even understand  what mother have to go through  when miscarriage happen :rage: for me all the political people  are more psycho  then anyone in the world specially  when we know that they want that law to save face and theirs chairs  after the public  were angry ( not  the one who vote with or against  was doing that for good reason  all of them want the power only - not the one who did cause his wife was pregnant  so he did understand  the feeling of the parents for that one second) 

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  25. 1 hour ago, maddymappo said:

    The detective also tells Dr. Daniel Lee that the entire family was killed (in the beginning of that episode) but they show three shrouded bodies in the picture.  No mention of the mother and we never see the mother die, but how would Jae Hoon be alone in the police department? How would he walk out of the police department alone? He was only 11 years old.  Why not mention of the mother?

    Yeh it not just the mother  they didbt even mention that anyone survived  just like you said they said that all the family  were killed  then again I am asking like you why only three bodys

    I double  that the mother was the one who survived  if she survived  they would never say the whole family was killed 


    That more back me to think that the one was one of the kids  somehow  the police  maybe didn't  know how much children  was there or think that one body was destroyed  by the fire I dont know but as you said something  still off  ( dont tell me the little  girl survived) 


    But that more maje me sure that jae hoon wasnt the doctor 



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