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Posts posted by nona88

  1. 1 hour ago, Avocado80 said:


    BR about to decide  to trun himself  on ( for killing) but someone suddenly appeared and made a shocking  proupse/suggestion ( really who this now ??? What the suggestion I am totally curious to back later  and write another future  though) 


    Is it possible if the guy is MC? He always want to take blaming for killing bad guy so he can go to prison to kill HHJ hmm....

     I have another  wild though 


    Remember  that the doctor  called the political  woman after BR tell him he hearing voice and losing control and then she called someone and ask a favor  


    What if she asked  someone  to keep eye on him and stop him from crossing  the line but if did cross it , she also asked to cover it up and fix everything  


    They more then capable  of doing that , since there no way they can get him arrested  and the secret  of the surgery  get out 

    Imagining  the articles talk about" the national son was forced to be a killer cause the dirty political use a series  killer to put another series  killer mind on his head without even have the approval  of him and his family " 


    There no way they can let that happen, beside letting  HHS out ( the national  still hate him) , and making him doing surgery and above all that force innocent  guy to have a mind of series  killer that will be the end of them literally  



    So yeh the only one with shocking  suggestion can only be them ( let cover it, it not your fault, he was not even human , you will get better) that exactly what they can tell him  


    Another simple  choice his friend, he was with his friend  so maybe he called him, his friend  will not want BR to destroy  his life cause he was trying to save his fiancee  and for killing that psycho  killer  

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  2. Okay I am back 


    First of all : the lawyer  killer wasnt a surprise to me I already thought he was the one that even kill the little  girl and the father though it only a mistake  and cover for him, what was suprised  that his mother story and she was the woman we saw in ep (1) asking Daniel  at the hotel lobby and that why when he get to the room he was having hairs simple ( she give him that and asked him to test her son) that a big bravo for the writer since she starting to answer early questions  and cover the holes early ( I hope she can keep doing that well till the end)  but I sm still angry about her making any person  has the gene become  a killer  



     BR & BY:  that was sweet and sad connected that I know I should never invest  on it , I know I should never shipping  them even as human warm connected, but yeh I know all that, but they keep giving us those little warm connected  between the two wounded souls that make me cant but have feeling for them even when I am so sure it all just going to hurt me later, but I have to say BR  going to her as solely  comfort after God was nice touch , at first he was in the role of the protector ( or acting like one :unamused:) but now she the little kid who protect him and give him a safe place to show his sorrow and conform  his good natural  that he want to believe on ( yeh that was warm  but  not for long I know better to not fall so bad on theirs trick )  but good balance in this episode  at least 



    BR:   you know my friends there nothing that I want to believe more then that BR  really wasnt the killer from the past, that he now struggles cause Yh and that he only going to be dark hero who kill and catch murders,   but sadly my mind know better to buy this, I know they going to play with us for more 2-4 episodes before realizing that he was a killer but now he having feeling( giving hope to play with us), I will like so much to be wrong, I will be thankful  to the writer no matter  what she choice to do with him at least dont make him the one that kill BY granny  and Mc brother.  

    But sadly all the signs saying he the one, and that he also HHS  son( or at least  HHS think he is) or he wouldn't share all his secrets and legacy  with him


    BY; BY is the fresh winds of the spring , that both show the victims suffering and struggling even when case closed and show also the real fight between  fear and courage, between warm and darkness I really hope they don't keep hurt and destroy her , BR  I am wishing you innocent  only cause of her , she the bridget  between  all the characters, the weak spot and innocent person that still in the heart of Mc and BR and even us 

    One thing I fear now and that why the laywer target  her ??? Even BR  wounder and even MC  and Hj  said she dont fit the standard, and the laywer  laught at BR for asking a laught that  mean " dont you know that she dirty too "  I know that he crazy and that he major little mistakes of the victims and make them dirty person


    but BY dont fit that at all, don't tell me that they going to show that during  the year of her being along she did make mistakes, or that she was targeted  cause someone asked that f

    cause she close to BR( is there another killer that want to do something  to BR or is HHS trying to bring his son to his natural by taking  all who around him) 


    MC: he want so badly to kill devil to go to prison  and kill HHS but I start to feel that he going to ended killing BR if he found that he was the killer from one year  ago that going to be sad all the characters  going to end badly and without any hope if that happened 



    Officer shin you still a suspect  okay I am with the theory that BR was originally  a killer but you never was off the radar you totally  getting more and more suspicious but we only were busy with BR ( I am not letting you go , the writer can also keep our focus on something also to get you out of suspicious but we still awake)   


    HJ: I wrote enough thoughts about her till yesterday, nothing happen to make me change one of them or add to them , she still in my eyes the same as I wrote before 



    The story in the start about the women their pregnancy and children, in the start and the start of every episode,  yeh I said the same question yesterday are we sure there was only there mother and three children  with the gene that Daniel found , and they give the answer today yes we not sure there so much web of connection  to the past that they didnt  show yet , there so many killers and psychopath born kids in this story ( which I will still hate the writer if she make all of them a killers or only show hope by the end,  I want fair argument:cries:


    P.s. when HHS said to BR " I really hope that you dont allow  YH take over you" and tell MC" that he will regret  killing YH"  I believed him in both saying , that I think he mean YH was innocent, he dont want the innocent  and the feeling  that YH had to take over BR ( that more why I think he think BR is his son) 


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  3. As I said i will come later to talk about ep 10 but it not going to be more later then I thought   so I will come maybe more later or tomorrow


    but for friends  who wounder if they playing with us again if BR really kill that man dont  worry  or wounder the text preview of ep 11 confirm  it ( so fast out to make us more suffering  till next Thursday :isannoyed:



    Ep 11 text preview: 

    " 죽여 ! 죽여 ! " 바름 의 머릿속 에서 악마 처럼 속삭이는 요한 의 환청 ! 그 혼란 속에 결국 우 형철 을 죽이고 만 바름 은 자수 를 결심 하기 에 이른다 . 하지 만 그때 , 바름 앞에 나타난 누군가 ! 그는 바름 에게 충격적인 제안 을 하는데 ... ! 한편 , 강덕수 와 마주 친 봉이 는 불안 에 떨기 시작 하고 . 그날 처럼 비가 쏟아지는 어느 날 , 그가 다시 움직 이기 시작 한다 .


    "Kill him kill him" the voice of the hallucination of YH keep saying that like a devil whispering in BR head, in the end he really killed WHC( the killer) ( yeh :unamused:


    BR about to decide  to trun himself  on ( for killing) but someone suddenly appeared and made a shocking  proupse/suggestion ( really who this now ??? What the suggestion I am totally curious to back later  and write another future  though) 


     and the part that I hated the most even more then BR  really killing :


    the creepy guy apper infront of BY( I am still will not even write his name)  she start to feel anxiety , and one day when it rain a lot he start to move 



    okay kill him, I am totally peace about BR being a killer now, I was ready for that from so long, so BR or a anyone kill that guy please  I can't see her going through that trauma  again, i cant handle  seeing her suffering from her child wound  like there no mercy for her, someone kill him by ep 11 or I am going to kill someone  if I have to wait for another two week to know what happen  to her till ep 12 ( i already asked to get him out from ep 9) 

    as I said child abusing is the things that I cant forgive  the most 


    yeh I will have to write a long post of how much childrens in this drama go through different  kind of child abusing beside BY

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  4. Still watching I will come late today to comment  about tonight  episode  but I have to say they still can suprise us even with all the prepar and the things we already figure 

    I need to come late to make a properly  comment  but later just after few hours

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  5. The new ost  a mouse in  trap 

    Cause there was  a written lyrics  I tried my best to translate  it to eng forgive  me if there was a mistake  I just like it so I had to fast give a translation to it  


       Here in Seoul, where nights are more  longer now
     I go into the  streets without  having anything( without anything) 
     Loud noise from everywhere 
     Their joy becomes a poison to me
     Hide me so no one can find me
     If you leave it alone, it will change
     Even if people avoid me, you  have to hug me( embrace  me) 
     Even if I suffer from unnamed wounds
     Before it turns even more terrible
    Please Bind me and lock me up
     This is a very lonely prison

    Like a rat in the trap
     Get ready to go out
     Get ready to go out
     Like a rat in the trap


    I want to be more human , answer me 

    I'm still same but people around keep changing
     She abandoned me and she even asked if i was crazy , she  really did
     Even if she asks now, my answer is still obvious
     I'm not a monster,I'm just a little different
     It's just an expression
     That surprise reactions when they/you see me

     Don't be afraid of me, just like you
     The size of my wound is the same as you
     Hide me so no one can find me
     If you leave it alone, it will change
     Even if people avoid me, you  have to hug me( embrace  me) 
     Even if I suffer from unnamed wounds
     Before it turns even more terrible
     Bind me and lock me up
     This is a very lonely prison
     Like a rat in the trap
     Get ready to go out
     Get ready to go out
     Like a rat in the trap
     Like a rat
     Rat in the trap
     I don't know, maybe there is poison on me so leave me and go
     It’s beautiful, even without me , this world goes well
     Before it turns even more terrible
     Bind me and lock me up
     This is a very lonely prison
     Like a rat in the trap
     Get ready to go out
     Get ready to go out
     Like a rat in the trap


    P.s. I translation  it myself   with my limited knowledge of Korean so forgive the mistakes and take  it in account  when you share it somewhere else please

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  6. Wishes  for today  

    1.BR didnt kill or really attack  MC it was all his imagination 


    2.BR going to tell the truth to BY since he need help now


    3.BY help BR  overcome  his though for now ( not help him get away with crime's) 


    4. BY stay a live please  


    5. And ah I forget the creepy guy who after BY ( didnt I asked for him to be killed by ep 9!!! are  they going to keep us hanging with his creepiness  till next week till ep 11 ??? Why when I am earnestly asking for something  it not happen  and wheni wrote crazy it happens) really get him out I having hard time with BR and others already and the creepy  who hurt a child and go after her when she grown on that a nightmare more then serious  killer to me 


    6. And the bride killing , not BY , not his friend  bride  can we have a one little happiness  memory  without killing 




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  7. 9 hours ago, carolinedl said:

    @nona88 and @Ale - hugs to you too. I had to give up three episodes ago but I feel your pain. I always say it is good to give the show the benefit of the doubt so hang on. In case you give up, we'll be three here! I still lurk but I just needed a break. I have been watching happy shows lately so to get over all this darkness. I like darkness but this is too much for me, and god knows I can take (I am a lit professor who specializes in genocide literature!!) a lot but when it is pointless or to just shock in an entertainment context...


    So hugs to you both! 

    Thanks dear I think I need therapy I am thinking the same like the writer  that so dark and crazy 

    Yeh I holding up well till now but I love the peace  of my mind more then any story specially  a live one where I cant  watched  it or read it all at once 

    When the drama go behind  logic  and any hope and do darkness  and twists for the twisted as a reason not the story itself  that my limit 

    I will see If they will dare( sorry they will dare anyways) then I will see if they really will choice  to destroy everything  even right now  and how much I can keep up without taken break 

    This year so many  supposed to be great dramas ending having mess before the second  half and I am keeping with them and giving them chances to only getting out with traumas 


    But I have to say no matter  what all the actors and  actress  in this drama doing brilliant  work to have a new level of respect  so that too made me having hard time to not support  them 


    8 hours ago, ferily said:

    My goodness, I was shocked when I saw that happened... I don't know if they would kill him off though since he is an important and main character. Just like @nona88 I will not believe that he is dead until we see the whole scene next episode...!!

    Yeh tell everything  end nothing sure they played enough  with us till now but that dont mean I am not ready that they really can kill a main  character  like MC now( accept  the craziness  dear that they prove they have) 


    19 minutes ago, Ale said:


    Yes, my feelings exactly, the brain transplant thing is too big a stretch.  Also I feel the drama is getting darker and darker, I dont see possible redention for JBR.  Im torn though because I am really really curious to know what will happen next so I still watch the episodes.    About the posssible romance between BY and BR , i think that ship has crashed LOL, because it looks like it was her the one watching.  Oh, and a previous person pointed out that there is someone else watching BR killing MC, I wonder who that can be???

    Romance my friend!! That ship , I am from two weeks hoping they not ending killing BY soon or make more uncured  damage  to her again 


    They have cute scenes together  but after few seconds  I always  start to see creepy another meaning of him targeting her and using her and only going to destroy her before killing her 

    So yeh what romance  they will keep give us honey to give after that the most darker and twisted  minds thought and event 


    I am here praying to save that girl from death  and darkness  not daring to ask for more 

    2 hours ago, nrllee said:

    Really?  So brain transplant like we thought?  :expressionless:.  

    Honestly this writer is just giving the audience gratuitous gore.  Shock for the sake of shocking.  So MC dies?  Sigh...he was my favourite character.  Why would the writer muddy the waters of nature Vs nurture by giving BR a double dose of the gene (with the brain transplant)?  You can’t do that in real life.  Brain transplants I mean.  They (BR and YH) weren’t even familial so the odds of the body rejecting it is real.  :expressionless:  Or was it just a dream/hallucination that he was killing MC?  And he was really killing the cat? 

    Writer trolled us with BY killing YH.  So chances are she may well troll us with the death of MC?  I can’t imagine her killing off a key character like that mid drama.  We’re not even close to the end yet.



    Dear yeh they did all the craziness  till the minds transplant  dont look so werid and illogical  compared to other things they did 

    Welcome  join me not even have the power to get angry anymore  


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  8. Okay  back to others murder  I still think the ex detective  isn't the killer but his son, his son first kill was the little girl from the same neighborhood, his father found about it and hide his son crime he burry  the corpse and add with her the detective daughter  hairpin(that I still think she Hj)


    He though even if the corpse  was found someday  they will think it the detective daughter and not the the neighborhood  missing child so never will found evidence  on his son ( we talking about 25 years ago the DNA test was limited  and wasnt so working on bones  so using what was on the hairpin was logical) 


    But what he thought was one time mistake from his son,  wasnt, and his son was a psycho murder  after growing up he keep killing and again the father try to save him 


    The ex detective  was so sorry  infront of his friend and was closing his eyes waiting for him to kill him that not a behavior  of a series killers but a guilty heart of a father for helping his son to hide his crimes 


    The question  if the son was  always  like this or he was one of the child's that HHS mess with, and that why the father still feel the needed to protect  him 


    Hj cant be innocent  in my eyes, beside hidden her past, even see her parents  misery  life cause losing her all that can  be explained  by guilt but she was the one who send that  tap she was totally giving the though for the political  to use HHS to save BR and mostly know that they will use YH( she wasnt even  suprise  when they announce  his death) and now she act like she know nothing, there a limit of how much all her acting can be explained  as guilt or victim trauma reacting 


    And yeh if it BR really memory  she the girl from his past , she was the one who was with him for so long and that dont fit with YH who she meet  as growing up or maybe they didn't  show everything till now ( and yeh I am not wanting to go more darker question  if the her child was even YH  child-l had enough  being right about crazy things) 


    Edit and why would ever HHS  change his mind to do the surgery, why would he even tell them to use his son Yh brain, and why he will ever was interested  in BR eyes from the past, and why would he even tell him about his secret  lap the secret  he hold for 25 years and even tell him his life story that he never told anyone about , that only can be explained  if he really found that BR  his son he was saving his son, giving his son his legacy or that HHS  has another plan now to show the world his brilliant work 

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  9. You know my friends  I am really not angry or in crazy mood like the past week but that not good not getting  angry mean I am giving up hope I am sure how this really going to be 

    As @nrllee said before I sign up for drama that will show the natural vs neutral, but from ep 6 when I start thinking and writing  crazy thoughs that keep come true I understood  that will not  be what we promised to have,  the only figh going to be between  or the Old bad BR and the new one who has feeling  or  between  the old good BR and the crazy new killer instinct 


    And I realized it from ep 6 but I keeped hoping the writer  will still show balance fight between  the two side's  cause yeh no matter  who she decides  that will win in the end it up to her but the argument  itself  and the fight  should at least  have 20% on the good side too


    since if she didn't do that , it mean she sign off all the people  who really born as psychopath  to be killers and that not even true in real life ( there the socialpath who more danger and even them not all really ending a killers)  that totally one side argument  not what they promised  about 

    ( as I write before  YH will just a bad side too as how the environment  only destroy people) 


    That even darker  then the real life, that like showing yeh they had the right to kill the baby's  if the test was 100%sure they psychopath  and not genius  and that not acceptable 


    I understand  that the main idea to make the psychopath  have regret but there should be little  hope and balance  all the way not only showing it in the last few episodes 


    I am still hoping even when all my mind disagree with me , I keep seeing what she will choice and still tell myself  maybe I will be wrong in one point  



    I wrote that if they killed BY I cant keep  on, not cause  she my favorite  character , not cause she cute or not cause I even had hope for romance ( they make me see all the romance  in creepy way from ep 6) I said that cause the balance that I talked about she was one of the major one ( the victims  of muilty things but still stand and stopped  from doing wrong )

    if this drama only  was made to make the  the psychopath  killers suffer they should said that from the start not adding the interesting  promise  of having that argument  too  


    I am hoping I am wrong , but if by ep 10-11 if  they killed BY or made her even help BR on his crime then that the last logic  evidence that I can't after that ignored  the sure  really path of this drama  

    BY didn't  show in ep 7 , in ep 8 she had two to three scene only , the same with ep 9 that not going well 

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Ale said:

    WHAT WHAT WHAT!! I dont think everyone here has watched the latest episode yet so I dont want to spoil it, but is anyone else feeling sad like me?  I'm frustrated because I think my favourite character is going to die :bawling: I think i may stop watching untill all the remaining episodes come out

    I watched live:surprisedwut: I am not sad till they show that full scene next episode ( we were tricked enought with half scenes and imagination  one) 

    But I am holding on not cause what happen but cause what I know  what they can do next that what I am fear not just only going to make me sad but can break my willpower to even watch it 

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  11. 7 minutes ago, incoty said:

    Bareum really turned into Dexter and Joe Goldberg

    No comment  I am  only worry about my inner  peace right now 

    Ep 10 and properly  ep 11 will decide if I can even  keep watch it live  till the end or waiting till it end and watched once or even drop it totally  ( as I said BY making her death or help BR  in his crime  is my final  red line)

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  12. As I said I am not believing anything  tell they show it till the end that why I am at peace even with this ep with all what happened  on 

    I just have to give one warning  if they killed of BY no matter who do that and why I am off this drama there a limit  of how much they can make us connected  to characters and then kill them off 


    I had my limit at the granny and priest  I can even hold myself  with Mc ( he maybe still a live ) but BY is a read line I cant even  watch it anymore no matter  who do that; she the only innocent  one here that make the drama have hope and warm feeling 


    Ah I have one thing to add they can make BY cover BR crimes thinking he really has no control  cause the brain surgery  


    Yeh they crazy enough  to do that dont blame me later ( I said I have limit they most stop doing this two things I cant have a totally dark drama that everyone   or become twisted or ending being  death   ) 

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  13. Didn't  I said we should question  any scene that wasnt showing  from the start to the end I know that there was a chance that Hj keeped the baby 

    It not that I am so smart I just give up my thinking and understand  what the writer  mind and start know what she can think off ( throw my logic  and go as much as I know she can do) 

    I never trusting anything  they didn't  show all , all the true are lies  till the end no answer  giving only another twisted  in another one giving hope and taking it again and then giving another and then taken it 


    I am only in peace  today  cause last week I took all the crazy thoughts  as things that will happen  for sure

    now I am calm  even with all what happened  I just know it logic  the mind of this drama  writer  

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  14. I am holding up I said I am only expecting  crazy theories from last week  on 

    I am still holding on even when I wrote about it myself , still I have the right to get angry about non science  things 


    But I am still clam till now if they go by all my crazy thoughts  if they can still make me angry at the end of this episode  I will wait and see 

    But I am doing well till now 

    Breathe Take It Easy GIF by PLAYMOBIL

    And the question  still the same 

    10 hours ago, nona88 said:

    But all that not a clear answer,   if he really transplant YH mind on BR the question  still the same the memory  of killing belong to YH or BR??? 


    Did BR was a killer and YH brain what make him now having feeling , or did BR was innocent and the killing memory and though belong to Yh


    I guess we will never know the full true till the last few  episodes ( and BR trying for now  from the preview to convince  himself  it is YH memory not his) 


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  15. 3 hours ago, bedifferent said:

    @nona88 I think possibility is real regarding HH's experiments with his victim's brains before he was caught.  Whereas Daniel Lee believed that he can predict behaviors with genetic testing,  HH disagrees and feels it is something that can be manipulated and changed.  Daniel strongly thinks that people cannot overcome their genes and change their personality.  Head Hunter, on the other hand, wanted to prove that he can surgically alter the human brain to change the person's behaviors.  No doubt, he thinks he is God, capable of changing what is given through DNA at birth.  The brain operations I think were done when the person is still alive since he needed to measure the reactions to his surgeries.  That's what make it gruesome.  


    The idea is interesting if is explored correctly.  


    Ohhh and the idea of brain transplant vs. neurosurgery done by HH on BR.  I am in the camp that think brain transplant did not take place. What may have happened is perhaps HH (?) excised the damaged area, repair the vasculature, remove the edema.  In doing so, he removed the brain matter that were repressing and moderated BR's psychopathic gene so now the gene is fully expressed in the remaining matter.  The brain areas that are left, those that regulate emotions, fear and translated into memory are changed somehow - BR is now fearless and more aggressive, not capable of controlling his anger or emotions for example.

     Yeh I agree that probably  what happen  

    HHS  didn't give clear answer and even if he give it not like it can be trusted  since BR for him  is an experiment now  so he can lie to him for the control of results or making continue  psychology experiment on him


    Yeh I think the main idea to give the psychopath  feeling  that they dont have, so they can regret  theirs doing and your idea at least it better then mind transform  things ( I liked it more far then the other choice:thumbsup:

    I asked my self the same question  today in the morning  that if it not the trnasform then did HHS experiment  has something to do with changing normal to psycho and psycho to normal since as I wrote someone  with his IQ and ego surely wounder if he can change his fate and other fate on something  that he lived his life forced to it ( not that he want to be normal but he maybe wanted to have the power  to decide  that on others too) 

    so your idea more logic he maybe needed something from YH brain but not a totally transform of a full area from mind to mind 

    2 hours ago, mellinadear said:

    Well...Ep 9 & 10 will be intense

    Yeh next Wednesday  is the election  day in Korea if I am not mistaking so there will not be airing to ep 11 ( ep 11 will be aired on Thursday)


    And they choice to air special episode   in that day, the product team said that ep 9 to 10 will give so much answers and make so much change so the special  episode  is needed  for viewers to catch things and reminder and re-order  details ( I think they need that more then us we so much in details that we can test them on it :sweat_smile:

    Anyway getting  special  episode  not bad idea since the episode 11 will not aired anyway that day ( I am curious  if they going to show interview  to explain  things or only rewatching to the important  scenes with new details that we will know this week ) 

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  16. There new pre video of ep 9 




    I guess I was right to write wild theories and throw science  out,  HHS really was killing people  to take their head and make experiment  on it.  I will not write the grossly  details again how I though he was taken victims  and  made surgery  on them and only throw the body when the experiments failed  or they died on the progress :pensive: I am not even suprise anymore   


    From the video HHS  saying that BR figure it up fast then he though and he remind him that his name is the heads hunter and that he love that  name to make BR realize  that HHS was killing for the progress  of making experiments  on the heads 


    HHS  talling about how perfect  everything was( killing and experiment )and how he could change things or fate ( something  like that, make success of something) and wounder what will happen  if everything wasnt destroyed ( I think he mean how the child MC destroyed everything) 


    But all that not a clear answer,   if he really transplant YH mind on BR the question  still the same the memory  of killing belong to YH or BR??? 


    Did BR was a killer and YH brain what make him now having feeling , or did BR was innocent and the killing memory and though belong to Yh


    I guess we will never know the full true till the last few  episodes ( and BR trying for now  from the preview to convince  himself  it is YH memory not his) 

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  17. Good morning  my friend  it D-day I will try hard to watch it live or early  today but there a chance  I will have to wait late to do it,


    so for this week:

    1. Are we going to really know the true of what HHS did to BR? Or is it even  going to be the full true not another lie??


    2. ARE we going to see BY in danger  again ( really can we have one episode  that this girl on the episode  show up   without  being in danger ) 


    3. Mc is he going  to stay in jail for a while or they will know the true soon 


    4. HJ can we see her past or that going to stay for the last episodes 



    one note  about HJ, WHY I think that BR  was really involved with her, since when she send the tape  for the political woman  YH was out of danger and BR who was in danger so yes she send that tap  to save BR so or she really so much feeling  guilt about her past and she innocent , or that she really still under  HHS control  and he order that, or she really was involved with BR 


    her being innocent  not likely  with all the flashback with the little girl going to meet the pscho  child on yellow 


    but I still believe  that the child on yellow  isnt jae hoon since he was more younger and more confident  and more enjoying  his madness but jae  hoon who show after 5 year was really sad and trying to resist  his own darkness and even praying to God to save him 


    about Daniel in ep 1-2 they show that he come back to Korea after 5 years  from HHS jailed  and still using his freind lap with all the political dirty  and unofficial projects  are we sure that they didnt continue  the project in secret  even when it was rejected in public ( are we sure there only 3 kids who they have the gene) 


    and here new still's 


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  18.  Here where I choice the non logic  plots of brain transplant then to have to choice that it really his memory  and he was involved in  romantic way with HJ  before, who was playing with BR and YH  in the same time ( a really scary  woman)  it feel like I choicing between  two fantasy hindi plots :surprisedwut:





    And when we know that mouse  is different and make us fight between  us on the same character (Good vs killer) now are they going to be different  and make a crazy love line like this ( okay I will quit  wanted romance  here if that happened) 


    Dont even tell me to be positive  that shy face he make infront of her how much they really going to mess with my good mind 

    • LOL 3
  19. 33 minutes ago, __jesse said:


    I think the whole brain transplant plot is a fake out, to confuse BR and make he think "psychopath YH" is living inside him. This is also the reason (in terms of storytelling), why YH has to die, and Chikook is still in a coma. Eventually, BR will realise he is the real psychopathic serial killer and Chikook would be the only living victim who can testify against him. 


    (Will update with supporting screenshots when I get home tonight.)

    I think that too even when I hate it but the main  idea in this drama making psychopath  feel regret and remorse so the only way to make this idea  true is by making BR is the really killer who lost his memory  and have feeling  now 



    That make us wounder  what HHS did to him, if it wasnt  brain transplant then  they bring him to just fix his brain but HHS did something  more .

    Cause even losing your memory  or everyone  told you a good person  dont make you have feeling ( believe  that you have but sure you will not have again that not science- but we have this writer)


    BR  seem to have really feeling  after the memory  lost he not acting or hidden  both bad and good though and feeling  so what HHS did to him? 

    HHS was a genius and brain surgery  who perform experiments  on his victims  what if his experience was involved  who to make normal  people into psychopath and make psychopath having feeling ( eith his ego no way he wasnt curious about that) 

    • Like 6
  20. 2 hours ago, Avocado80 said:



    Yes, it is also possible thought. There is old mystery Novel the Murder of ABC by Agatha Christie.. it was a serial murder with the name of the victims is by alphabet. But actually the killer only want to kill one person.. for example the person with name commencing with alphabet D...to avoid the suspicion, the killer killed other persons who have aphabet A, B, C, E, etc so it looked like the serial killer with no connection with the killer. 

     Agatha Is my favorite  writer i know the story, but  I dont think it the case here ( the other just to hide the real victim one) 

    What I meant is one of two the first was different  wasn't  connected  to 7 sins and other yes were since he couldnt stop his killing instinct  he choice reason to kill 


    Or second all the killing has nothing to do with the 7 sins he really killed them for another reason and the first was the most personal one 


    In ep 8 we start to see that one of the victims  had Brian so she couldnt eat well but that mean the killer made mistake or it all of them really had another reason to be killed and the  being so good not to do the 7 sins just a lie from  the start

    25 minutes ago, rocher22 said:

    Baby, fighting..   

    I wouldn't be more happy if he really brove that he not the killer Omg that baby face 


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  21. We need to ask important question  why the murders happen one year ago ??? 

    Did they really happened  because  they were good people  who didn't  do the 7 sins or was another hidden  story that the killer only misleading  MC to think that was the reason  


    That question  important  cause the first kill the boxer he was killed messy and out of rage and was hitting  so bad as revenge  and grudge  


    The first killing is the most that has significant  and clue about the killer


    why he was beating  like that?  if it was YH we understand  that the boxer maybe was one of the people  who hit him in his high school  days , YH dont seem to care about his father since he didn't  connected  him til he did  that first so the fact that the boxer is the brother of his father  victim  dont look related 


    Then why??? Why he was beating like that , it was a mess and has a lot of clues about personally hate and grudge so if it YH or BR who did it, then again what that man did to them to hate him like that?? But again if there was a reason to hate him so much then the killing wasnt against  the good people,  since the first wasnt a good one to make that hate killing happen!!


    The voice of the killer said the first was out of control, mess but he couldnt forget the taste  of the killing so that again explain  the first wasnt part of some punishment  to God or have anything  to do with 7 sins, the first was personal and was the start for the killer losing his control over his killing instinct 


    So what the really sin that the first victim  did ??? It something  that related so much to the killer  and will uncover  his ID that why he will never admit the real reason  behind  that one killing  


    We have BR and YH, and jae  hoon who I still believe  didn't  kill his family ( who maybe has  reason to revenge  them) and we have the kid in yellow  clothes  who my instincts tell me he maybe a different  kid from Jae hoon 


    We have the missing body from jae  hoon family body( another survivor) and BY who we never saw her parents  photo which the most suspicious  things ( since Korean will have at least one for the year ceremony which very important to them they strongly believe of the spirit of death need that ceremony) and we have BR with only a photo of his mother not mentioned  to the father or photo  of him ( which  more suspicious)


    We have the little  girl who still come  as flashbacks as HHS helper, as visiting victims  with guilt, as seeking the child and show more creepiness  then what he had and the biggest chance that she HJ and she more twisted  then the killer itself 


    Why all this webs feel that they all connected  to the same start point!! Why I have feeling that they all hidden  cause they all the answer for the same question  !! All the mystery  about the family members of all the characters  the most  suspicious here, all who we dont know  or saw theirs  both parents till now are connected since the details  of family is part of culture, when family  lose someone  young they will more value  his photo and memory and even make a stand of his photo in their house ( in Korean at least ) 


    I am not feeling it natural  that BY dont have anything like  that on her house( there reason why the granny wouldn't want to vaule the memory of her lost son or daughter)  the same with BR and father  photo 

    p.s. I already wrote in the past theory  of BY being the sister of jae hoon who maybe was the really only surviving  from the killing since the age match 


    It all simple  if some  characters  speak what they already know, all this mess is upper from each side of each  characters or people around them hidden  the true and the past 

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  22. 1 hour ago, Sleepy Owl said:


    They actually showed her waiting have surgery in the Operation room, saying "sorry my kid" in the 7th episode. So I think that she went for the abortion actually  

     That what I mean just show that nothing also about her after that or for one year even the work she back only one month  before she meet BR and MC again so yeh there still a chance she didn't  do the abortion that why she was away for almost a year and just back month ago 

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  23. I am not worry about the ending  vincenzo  only trust CY  I dont think he really go to the basement  without telling her so yeh he maybe was testing his friend  loyalty  i really hope CY will come out next and save the situation 


    About his friend  i really curious  what vincenzo  going to do with him since betury  is the most unforgiving things in his term 

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  24. I expect  everything  from this drama now ready to be heartbroken  anytime I even throw the thinking to much logical and falling in the web  of the writer  over and over 


    But there one thing I know that can happen  and even so I think it will break my heart more when I saw it, 


    If the writer proposes is to make psychopath  feel pain and regret  even if it in drama land and she choice BR as previous  one who after losing his memory  all the memory  that come to him seem like a memory  of someone  also even the good ones 


    Then that why the year jump  was, for him to trust the good one and convince  himself  he a good person even when he cant feel the memory  as his and then the bad one come and he suffered to believe  it was him ( since both look like watching two different movies to him  he not really remember  any of them as his but choice  the first and good one) 


    Now the question how the writer  going to make him feel regret  and guilt only by facing what he done now that he have feeling ????or by making him too lose what he love 

    Here come my fear for BY  the favorite victim to the writer( really spare the girl:unamused:)   , did she plan to get her killed in the end after BR become so close to her to make him feel the feeling  of the victims  family  


    Yeh that wild again, I am not taking anything  serious  here but I know that this will really break my heart  if it happen


    Edit; are we sure that HJ didnt give birth to her child we didnt see  after she go to the surgery  room she maybe change her mind and the fact that there was one year jump  and they said in ep 8 that she  back to work one month  early  only( so no one probably  have idea about her for the last 11 months ) 



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  25. New still's the article  talk about new operations  against the man who make joke with people  life ( that JW)

    I think Killing him was mercy  that he doesn't deserve yet in vincenzo  thinking  way he should pay heavy  for what he did specially playing with their own feeling  specially CY


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