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Posts posted by nona88

  1. 59 minutes ago, budgerie said:

    I always have the feeling he's blind 1 eye only.


     I didnt think of that good though maybe he really blind in one eyes only 


    8 minutes ago, Blizzardistkaputt said:

    Is this drama following the premise of jdorama "Remote [リモート]"?

    Yeh drama and the manga remote 

     I did write yesterday  that I think it remind me on something I watched an  read before but I dont remember  what it that 

    I read all the manga when I was young 

     The heroin character  is not the same at all she has  another back story and character  but the sit story almost  the same  the lose of love one , a famously  detective now leaving  in isolated  in dark and locked life, searching  for the murder  

     Sure some different  here about him being blind and in wheelchair  but it really reminds  me of remote  but her it more dark, deep backstory for each character   so it different   


     Thanks for telling that I was thinking about it from first episode  that it reminds  me of something 

    But I dont think it remake  of it or will follow it they make it so different  from the start 

    • Like 4
  2. 4 hours ago, dramafan33 said:

    @azureblue7 Yes, I think in one of the synopsis they mentioned that OHJ was extremely arrogant (he seems to always have had a sort of “God complex”) and that arrogance is what provoked the killer. Given that OHJ is so good at analysis he probably already knows this (or like you said, he did it to lure him, which in itself is a daring “arrogant” stunt) and he totally miscalculated the consequences. This probably brings him a great deal of guilt and pain (so strong that it made him numb) I’m also very interested to know how exactly did this incident change him, so far we see that he was and still is arrogant, but this incident must have shaken him. We still haven’t learned enough about his internal process but I think we will. Looking forward to that


    I agree on that he arrogant  5 years ago not just the interview but the fact he couldnt lose to the killer was more strong then his love for his fiancee I know that he now regrets that decision so much that it killing him, he only living to catch that guy's as  only way to be able to forgive himself  a little .

    it like how CSY with her mother only a moments  of selfish destroy her forever  that why he helped  her in the end he could connect  to that pain and the fear of being too weak to not bring justice  to the lost love one more fearing anything also in the world 

    He not innocent , he will not be that good at catching monster's  if he cant  get into their head, he arrogant, stupid and yes had a God complex  he so good at everything so he really was thinking he untouchable and no one can win against  him 

    But he know his mistake now, not that he a better  person now but he at least knows it his fault 


    4 hours ago, dramafan33 said:


    I feel he is a bit “psycho” himself though (reminds me of Sherlock, the Benedict Cumberbatch version) who was a “functional sociopath” (not saying OHJ is exactly that but...) the way he is using Soo young as a sort of avatar or puppet at this point, indicates a great level of detachment. He is exposed to all these dramatic moments, tragedies, all this stuff he hears on that police radio and it is probably so overwhelming right?, but he feels nothing. Its all facts, clues, cold analysis, no feelings or emotions (he thinks Sooyoung's emotions are a weakness, did he feel this way in the past? Were his own emotions a hindrance at some point? Eh I guess this is a bit of a cliche but Im enjoying the idea of her helping him find his humanity) Also I felt excitement in him when Sooyoung found the bodies, she was terrified but he was excited. That is...chilling. But was he always this way or did the incident make him worse? I hope we get to find out. 

    He not the normal tybe for sure but I dont think he a psychopath  too , he really misses  the  excited of being in crime scene , the excited  of being right, the excited that he know things before others, he missed  the way he can read the crazy people  minds.  it obsession more then  he like them, it  was his all life before and with mind like him he will missing  using it again 


    But it was creepy too he want to know, he want to be there, want her with her talking making him feel like walking there himself  but he show that not more important  than CYS life when the roof  was about to crash he order her to get out not caring about the crime scene or the victim  it was just a rational decision without feeling nor for the victim  nor for the crime itself  so he not so obsess to that much 

    And his tear hearing the victim  voice and the fact  that CSY could save her tell more about him,  ah  he missed  something also beside  the crime he missed the joy when you save someone, he missed  the feeling of being able to help and save someone 

    So he not totally  a  psychopath 


    Cant wait to see him transfer more with CSY as his partner  I like this two feelings connection 


    33 minutes ago, azureblue7 said:

    hope so too... 

    I feel sorry for OHJ because of JH..he's too good at depicting a tortured soul... 

    That scene was behind  words it just tell how much feeling and suffer that man  having,  as I wrote above show that he not just enjoys crime and killer mind it also has feeling about saving other 

    But let me add that scene shows how much he suffered all this 5 years of guilt and disability to be what he want the most , the moment of saving a life mean so much to him like a light in his darkness , guilty  and suffering life 


    I can talk about OHJ scenes  all day what a great actor and a great complex feeling he shown without words :heart:



    My favorite  scene to when she was going in the factor how he was listening and talking to himself about her and hearing her talking about her mother how he couldnt stop his hand to open the microphone it was a moment that she connected to his feeling and get through his layers  of coldness and stones  


    " what I fear the most "

    "To be so weak to give up "  

    That what connected this two 


    • Like 4
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  3. So he blind I an really curious now 

    How much damage he has from the accident  

    No they really fearless  making the hero has so much damage  I liked it since in Korea drama they dont go that far they trying to keep the hero as good as they can 

    Like it Ocn if he hasn't that much damage from that big accident  it will not be realistic 



    So he in wheelchair, blind, have burn  body since he keeping hidden his hands with gloves and what why he keeping his leg crossed  !!!


    So waiting for more episodes he show that he still has feeling for other not just himself in today episode, really so much loving this drama 

    The criminal  from her mother car accident wasn't catch I guess the police officer  lie when he say the car license was wrong I think the driver was someone important and they cover it for him and I wouldn't be surprised if the killer of the girls linked to that story too it suspect that the car has a kid in it so maybe they all linked 


    • Like 6
  4. 13 minutes ago, Prettysup said:



    15 minutes ago, kohnlee said:

    Is he ?


    Or faking ??

     OMG I am waiting to see that is he even blind in drama ?? They didnt show if he can see or not he have a CCTV everywhere in his house and if his character really going to be blind is that true or faking 

    I am curious if he really cant walk too or another faking 



    Cant wait for tonight episode to see and know more 


    2 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

    I dropped this midway through ep.01, as it was hard for me to stand Soo Young. The actress seem to enjoy portraying these bumbling kind of characters.

         How she indirectly caused the death of her own mom just doesn't go well with me. Then they try to make her seem redeemable by bein' a police woman (not a good one at that) She tampered with the evidence for goodness sakes.

         And sure she has photographic memory so it's ok LoL. Noticed OCN only puts out crime thriller type of shows. Previously were Watcher & Player. I might reconsider picking this up again ( doubt it though) but will see I guess..  

    She didnt even go to police  school she just barely pass the police  exam to be police only for her memory and physical point, she has no learning or experience in crime scene  and to be honest if she didnt  fall down she did a great job every  evidence beside the body was going to be destroyed by the rain anyway  at least she had pictures of the crime scene  

    • Like 6
  5. First episode  was great I couldnt wait to watch it and it was worthy  

    I have to say with wheelchair  or not Jang hyuk is hottest  specially with him in dark and serious  character  :heart::blush: 

    It look promising so much cant wait for this two to start working together  


    CSY also having a deep character  a child of poor and deaf parents, she has so much complex on her to be confident and have the guilt  over her mother death and I think her story has more still hidden ,  I like that they given her a deep back story  not just a cheerful and stupid rookie detective.

    And I dont think she stupid or a slow as everyone  see her it just she not used to talk so much or explaining herself in words as she grow with not so much using it and let add her confidence in law stage so she just fear to talk or not used to it so much .


    Ofcourse we still didnt see so much of OHJ character but the less even talking as his character descriptions he really was and still so arrogant, rude and cant understand other feeling ( still hot , sorry it not love for bad guys  more than the fact he really rocking with few scenes) 

    So  he now in isolated is it by choice or he really had PTSD and cant go out even if he want ??, 

    Look for now that CSY  will be his legs, eyes and the doll who make him be in the crime scene while no body knowing so I guess it secret  that he still working it helping the police and that so many in the police  dont know about it that he still helping in the shadow  so it smell like a big  secret that the police had hand too in the murder 5 years ago 



    Cant wait to see this  two dynamic as partner he super confident and doesn't  have sympathy and she on other hand  have zero confident and a lot of sympathy   so mixing them together will help them both to grow 


    P.s. I just had the feeling I saw this story before or read it  , it a little  similar to the books and movie the bone Collector  but not that I had feeling it more similar to something also but I cant remember for now




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  6. hi everyone I have to catch up episode 13-14 and catch everyone posts since I was away for week 

    but I saw some video and I think I just don't know what going to happen next is this two episodes give hope for ji and dh together or it close  any hope left, I guess I need to watch the two episodes with sub to get idea but it the last week and the spoiler picture give so many possible ending so I don't know for now 


    I like at least how dh  react  to ji spying on him at least he didn't  see it like nothing and nor make a big drama from it, it was perfect for Dhabi character to take it slowly and trying to get the find the big picture 

    and the writer made him find in the way step by step how this little, poor and pitiful girl was helping and protecting him all the time 


    • Like 9
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  7. 1 hour ago, ninaanin said:

    About the end, I will put here the progress of my imaginations after watching the episodes:


    1. After episode 8: It will be an open end, they will see each other and smile, they are together but we won't know for sure if as a couple or as freinds: the shippers will think they are a couple, the non-shippers will think they are not. The war will continue... :wink: 


    2. After episode 10: It won't be an open end - after a short timeskip they will see each other, smile looking into each others eyes and holding hands, as a couple.


    3. After episode 12: They will be walking together, holding hands; they will hug each other tightly; the camera will make a close up, DH will say "let's go home", JA will lift her face and say "I'm home", they will look into each other eyes and the kiss :) .


    4. After the preview ep 13-14: The last half of episode 16 will show DH-JA life together as a couple, dating, kissing and ... making love (in a sobber way) :D


    Too far fetched option 4? Maybe, but it just represents the progress of my imaginations after watching the show. At episode 8, I couldn't imagine anything more than what I did describe or would think that anything different wouldn't fit the show. It kept happening at each phase. So, before the preview, I really couldn't imagine DH-JA making love because it would feel out of place. But after the preview, insensibly I start to imagine it and suddenly it feels like it would fit the script perfectly. I can't really say what are the reasons for this change, but I think that seeing DH running desperately (sexy and manly) has something to do with it :wink:.  

     wow I feel the  same 

    I did watch all the episodes for the first time last week and I finished them all in one week together.and sorry about that, I didn't weet 6 weeks and every week like everyone (it's  must was very hard for the changing of feeling even if it the amazing part here ) 


    but I get the same many thoughts after ep 6, 8, 10, 12 to be honest I feel the writer aware of that. it like he did want us to have a different thought and feeling for the storyline every 2 Ep's

    but right now I think after ep 12 and ep 13-14 preview that the thought that they should end together and that there hope  is just right 

    and yes they did make us wavering from the thought that  it not even possible or suitable as a couple to the thought that the fact  they together are just right and what we want and hope for 

    good written, acting and  directions my mister team 


    about the ending I think that DH will leave the company if he has to keep playing the dirty play of politic or maybe he will stay and change that  place but he will lose JI for a while since even if he wants to protect her she will not allow him to lose what he get finally cause of her 

    I think she needs to go away from his eyes and life even IF IT JUST for few days or maybe more then year for him to decide that it time to make a choice and stop living  like what others want him to live, for him to really decide what his feeling for his wife, family and how much the love and caring should  have limit  and he should have his own life and happiness 

    the most valuable  things Ji teach and give to DH was courage and not giving up your life no matter what your situation is right now 

    he saw how she go for her feeling and he saw how she still stand and fight back all this year's in hell and he means it that she really courage  since she has nothing and has so many to lose but she still makes the  choice to keep living and not giving  her life away 

    so it DH choice and fight it time for him to do that alone on his own choice no matter if he will choose his wife or Ji  or something  also, he needs to fight for his own happiness 


    me will like to have this two togther for one strong reason  that no one has the right to say it okay or not when it comes to people need and love each other, since what maybe be not be okay in general situation maybe be perfect  for one special situation and what may be okay perfect  for others and everyone, maybe  it will be the hell  and so wrong for some 

    so saying they can't be with each other cause age and other things from the start is wrong no matter if it looks weird   or okay, old woman and young man or old man or young  women it not important 

    I respect anyone who watch this drama but didn't feel it right for them to be together and anyone who see they perfect  together since as I said it different  from one to other but I don't agree for the saying that it  should never happen  or not okay for others to think like that 

    that why I will like to seem together in the end  ( and sure cause I also see them so good together after ep 9- 12  but that the second reason) 


    • Like 13
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  8. hi everyone 

    sorry i am so late to join the fun but i start watching it last week and i was forced to leave everything and keep  watching it till i get to ep 12

     i have to be shame of myself for not wanted to watch this drama when it start since i was so busy and have  so much many hard feeling from so many dramas , so  i decide to watch live only  a few drama since i can't handle more wasting my time and my feeling in live and get heart broken how it turn bad after 6-7 ep's like most of drama sadly 


    so when i decide what i wanted to watch live this two months i decide to drop "my mister" after  all the bad news and changing and i thought it will be so sad, the plot will be affected badly from all the Korean talk about  disagree on it  

    and i thought it not the kind of sadness i want to watch now ( i thought it will be  over melodrama )

     but i was wrong , i enjoy the dramas i choice before they were great but i regret not taken this drama and drop it before it start ,


     i come here read many thought but i don't think i have the right to choice side ( late 6  weeks  for the  interesting  and different thoughts  / talk ) 

     but let me say this i don't think that me at least can decide if DH wife can be forgiving for what she did or not and in the same time to choice if JI can have it or not ? they two different story and pain 

    DH wife was with him for years and choice to betray him and even join hand to get him out of the work he spend all his life trying to keep it, she has also lived years and from her side of the story she was sad and lonely so she have her point but in the end choice the most wrong way and hurt DH badly (they have years with each other that may be the reason why he can forgive her or may the reason why what she did can't be forgiven)


    JI know dh for only 3 months, she did help, protect him, love  and understand  him she did many things for him and most of it he still don't know , but she start it wrong , she use him and the other man and was ready to destroy him to save herself and her grandmother she was in hard time where her grandmother back to live with her and she fear what happen in the past happen again that someone keep beating her grandmother till or she killed or JI kill him  that way the girl who promise her grandmother to not do bad things and spend years working hard decide to take DH money first and join hand with his enemy as last hope to free herself and her grandmother

    but she did wrong she also hurt DH of what she did but she was only stranger who in pathetic life trying to get out but she did come to his life and privacy so much 

    but it the same they did had only 3 months together that the reason why he can understand why she did that at start and keep doing it or maybe the reason he can't forgive her


    as we say it affect DH in two way  what the the stranger and the person he know for 20 years  did 

    so it his choice to see the story from two sides that why people here even me can see that the side we seeing is more right since the writer did the two side so really to each group 



    myself i think DH wife lose her chance not cause what all she did but cause she didn't stop tell JI come and prove to her what bad choice she choice and worse then that she wanted him to be fired  after that too since it will be more comfortable to her after what happen till JI come again and till her to wake up DH know every things so stop trying to hide and make the man lose his job and stand beside him and stop that  man from hurting him and taking everything from him 


    i want DH to know what JI did wrong but i wanted in the same time to know how she used that to save him countless time and how she was the one that stop his wife from keep loving that man and help him to destroy DH  

    it fair if he know everything to know the good things with the bad things 

    then only then  it his choice to make 


    • Like 16
  9. 1 hour ago, cleoLsg said:



    @briseis i agree with you about oh gong fighting tooth and nail because he knows too well what eternal love is and how it is to be left behind forever . his supermarket confession comes from someone who knows the pain only too well. he is begging sunmi not to leave him and not to hate him . we don’t know oh gongs back story . the way he acts now can be either he has never been in love or he has been in love before and it has left him scarred for life . 


    i love sunmi for being sincere when she said okay i will never leave you for another man ever again or hate you and get angry with me . both of them look content after that. maybe sunmi finally decided to let go of the fear of what might happen in the future , but just to love him and be loved by him for now . she said to mawang with all smiles , we made up , my heart is at peace since i don’t have any expectations after ggg comes off . and oh gong was smiling at her at the end maybe he realized his feelings are not fake or just due to ggg and he’s relived he can trust sunmi because she promised him that she won’t leave her and of she did he can kill her . 

     sorry for cutting your post but I agree with both of you @cleoLsg & @briseis

    SOG has suffer for 1000 years from  a human betray we don't know the full story or if he was In love before or not but we know that :

    1) no matter how evil SOG act sound in the end we now saw how nice and low EQ he can be, the fact of what happen after the kiss was a really prove how much the powerful  and great saga is in the really just a simple, fool and has pure heart when it come to feeling , so I can imaging  how much it was in the past where he was trusting human as MW said and how  much he suffered 

    2) 1000 years  alone as punishment is so much as SM said and morever  he was a victim to human  betray that should made him really have fear to even be close to human , his pure heart is broken, his pride was destroyed and his power didn't help him to save his soul from lonely  and pain , so we can understand how he was in the start a little evil , liar and crazy but in the same how he still show interest  in SM as little kid and a growing women even before know she SJ after all he was interset  in her but fear to fall in human hands again , he wasn't evil but he was in fear and trying to protect himself  from his weak heart that keep want to know human 

    3) when he started to love her before or after he was forced to it( it doesn't matter) it was the same fight with himself, he know more then what we saw till now what he will do for human when he trust and love them , so he tried  to stop  and save himself from her, he trying to not be again a fool that human use and throw  away but he couldn't do that, he ready now to be used cause he had no other choice he love her and cant lose her but now he fight another fight , a fight of losing her what if she left me for another man? what if she stop want to be with me after all that end?( the same fear that SM have , he also having it and he fear it more then her since human feeling change), what If she die before me????


    the great saga living in fear and pain more then SM, he longing and fearing  her love more then she do to his love

    . you right human feeling change but for him it for life he just simply  in love and can't see complicated feeling,

    human die but he will live forever with that feeling

    human can betray  even the people they love to save themselves  but he can never do something like this

    SM don't understand  that her fight with her feeling is not even close to the fight that SOG having with his feeling,

    all what SOG want this little promises and feeling only just promise  me you want betray  me , promise  me you will not lover another man, promise  me that you will not leave   me and I promise  you I will not alow  you to die before me

    he know that all that is nothing , he not sure it will last forever  he had his fear but he just want to hear it and believe  it , he know she will die someday when he can't die but he mean it when say he can't allow that, that words was something that he mean it and will come back in the future to us , what he can do to stop  the fact that she can die and he will be left   behind !!!!

    • Like 12
  10. okay i love this drama so much but i don't like that they don't gave us the time or a good story to feel the other people or the evil soul and their story's and that sad cause we can feel it more and feel the meaning of SJ and SOG important task by feeling the pain of that so that made me sad every ep's is long enough to gave us that space to feel the story's but i don't feel it since they don't us time, feeling, backstory that make us feel them  (in the past loved the ghost story in MASTER SUN at least i was feeling their pain and their need for help BUT here they just coming and going and don;t left me with any feeling or important why they even show up  ) 


    about SJ and SOG love : 

    i agree that he start having feeling for her from the start , we could see that she touch his heart and feeling even in the start where he was acting in front of her as monster who only want to eat her but he ending caring for every words she say when she not there , if heaven or whatever who is behind all that really made SOG wear it so he and SJ never know their true feeling since they know that they have feeling for each other and know that they need one of them to kill the other !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if that true then it crazy and not far , they know from the start it not that it happen after that when they didn't think about it 


     i think  next ep will show at least for SOG himself that his feeling is real since he will have to choice who the one who will be his heart master , i think SOG power is more then what anything can stop or control him , and when he really want to run from anything he can handle any pain and be free , the only reason he didn't do that with SJ cause he really didn't want to eat her and harm her  from the start and what happen just gave him a logic reason to gave up on eating her , but when her life in danger and  in the same time his heart in other one control he will show how powerful , smart, crazy and lairs  and can  be free from that fake love 


    MW and SOG 

    wow this two , i really want to know what happen to MW wife and what happen in the past between MW and SOG , SOG show last week that he was angry from MW to the point if it wasn't him he would fight him to death , but he didn't since it MW and that fight mean that SOG going to kill him 

    they for sure care for each other so much , like a really friends no matter how they show how much they hate each other but i keep feeling that there more , there something also that connect this two , a reason that SOG still don't want to harm MW or leave him alone , it like he feel bad for him about something or feel that he did something wrong to him in the past 




    • Like 3
  11.  hi 

     I am missed so much fun be away 

     but what to do work is work 


    something catch my eyes, SONG OH  say all the time that when JS die it over he doesn't need to feel pain and he will free but he doesn't even realize that he already prove that it will never happen 

    when JS was shot in the film she died there but SONG OH couldn't leave here he even burned all that world to bring her back 

    MW know that he said it himself " that the world she was shot and died on, he burned it so that why he could get her out safe " 

    but is the great saga even know that ?? that she was dead, already dead and that he still couldn't stop loving and caring for her ??? I think he still doesn't understand the meaning of what he did there 


    the second fact that  some of my of you had already talked about and ut the fact that he really  ready to burn world for her  add to that it does not just cause he has to or forced to do by fake love but cause that his true heart, his true heart that can never let her die or leave him 


    I think MW is the only one now who really know what the meaning of that event, he may joke around about it but he the most aware of SONG OH feeling and what he could do - and after all we know how much power and easy angry he can be .  but looking at it know  MW also care so much for SONG Oh maybe her really send the  little JS to save him back then , i love   this two MW and SONG OH know each other so well , they care for each other so much , even when they hide it like to kids act as they hate eacth other , but in the end the reason why SONG OH keep staying with MW even when he can get any house or anything also from his little brother is cause he care for MW and WORRY about him, something wrong happen in the past between MW and SONG OH and it will be related to MW wife and SONG OH feel bad for it , that the only reason he doesn't burn MW alife after all what he did when he can be crazy angry and he more powerful from him


    what going to happen now we don't know , but the monkey has to face the fact that he in love with her for real and his love  has so much danger on it , the world ending that JS has to stop from coming I am wondering now if it all will happen cause that love, a love that doesn't care how much, or which world will be destroyed as much he keep her safe 

    it scary that SONG OH keep saying it himself in normal words that he doesn't care if this world ending or what happens to all the people as long as his love say that he has to save her , he saying that thinking that it causes the fake love but what danger can come from it after we saw when he really burn a whole world for her , that not easy and normal act even for the crazy MONKEY 



    • Like 6
  12.  HI everyone 

    after watching wp 1-2 with sub i am totally loving this drama 

     i am sad to hear about all that news and hard time they face  now 

    but i am just hoping they keeping up the good drama and level till the end 

    and i wouldn't mind one ep in the week that will be long and perfect then two short one that don't gave the story and the acting be interesting or two long ep's that will hurt the people who work on the drama

    it interesting drama for so many level just look at the writers and all the big name actors on it and the story itself and  the the filming style it had so many things to be a big hit and more it  has every reason to make people so interesting in it and it will be a good story and place for many Rumors  so i just feel bad for the people who working hard to give us this amazing drama and they have to face from  the start a very hard working  , accidents , rumors and a lot of pressure  I HOPE they can make it with all this crazy things they facing 


    about the drama now 


    i am so waiting to see the monkey king or the great sage  falling in love

    i know it will be or cause he trying to trick her and wanted her to remove the bracelet  from him or cause the bracelet itself he thinking he in love ( since that maybe how it work to control monster to make him in love ) but even so i will like seeing this two facing danger and fallen in love ,

    since Son Oh-gong has start having feeling for here before the bracelet she sure make his cold heart shaking by her few words and even when he said he feel no bad about what he did to her we see that it not the true he gave her a special treatment and not just because the contract  , when he stooped in ep 1 to talk to her and make their meeting look like a fairy meeting by sending that boy to bring her to him to that place was because what he said to her " since you called me a  fairly i thought i will give you a fairytale ending "    so it was still in his heart all this years that he trick this little girl who helped him and even look it up to him and thought of him a fairly 

    and what he did with the Umbrella it wasn't to be won point in front of her or act nice since he didn't show her that he he one who fixed it , it was a really feeling from him since he know how much this little things is important to her and  he want to gave it back to her ,

    and more and more everytime he face her he show that cold and unfeeling face and talk only about wanted to eat her but he ending hearing her , amazing be her , feeling bad for what he doing , wanted to give her more and want to protect her strong soul and wanting to live power

    i was thinking just by watching ep 1-2 even before seeing ep 3 preview that he will soon find himself in love with her and that will be so fast , and i want to see th love of that monster when he lived all his uncounted years or age just fighting and trying to prove that he the best of the best out there



    • Like 8
  13. hi everyone 

    i think i am going to join this drama this far i watched ep 1 and i am waiting to see ep 2 after seeing some of the videos from it 

    i  like the drama so far and i liked the story and everyone so i hope it going to keep this mood till the end 


    i will write more after watching  the full ep 2 with sub to find the miss part after what happen in sunday 





    • Like 5

    14 minutes ago, uglypearl said:

    I'm not sure but It seems JC didn't kiss HJ because he's afraid that something worse will  happen if their relationship goes further.



    I think he didn't kiss here because he didn't want to kiss her just cause he saw it in his dream 
    i think he don't want this feeling or future be  decided by dreams

    8 minutes ago, kembie said:


    @nonski thanks always chingu for the roll call :) 


    Too bad this sweet kiss only happen in Jae chan's dream..but don't worry sleepyheads, we'll see the real kiss very soon!!! Jaechan already fell for Hongjoo but he don't realize it :D 



    i think he realized it too , he know that his feeling start to move to her  but i think he take think taking it slowly is better , HJ is different she liked him and saw in her dreams that they going to be together so she act so fast like it was nothing that why he thought at first that she weird , but JC don't like to trust his dreams or let it decide his future and feeling 

    • Like 14
  15. wow the new OST  is amazing 

    here the eng translate (not the best but as much as i can )


    I feel good in my heart
      Your breathing fragrance
    It's okay if it's a little late.
    Slowly one step at a time
    You knocked my heart

    You belong to my world
    You belong to my heart
     Even the world pushes us
    I am always near you.

    The days I've always dreamed spread out before my eyes
    Looking at your face
    I feel good about my day


    You belong to my world
    You belong to my heart
    The world pushes us
    I am always near you.
    You belong to my world
    You belong to my heart


    Time after time, next to me
    I wish I had you all the time.

    I miss you more now
    I miss you even if you are by your side.
    My heart toward you
    It grows without limit

    You belong to my world
    You belong to my heart
    To be able to hold you forever
    I hope the time has stopped.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 1
  16. okay what going on i watched this drama that have which had a story of one girl can see the future in her dream 

    and now every ep's i found another one who can see the future in there dreams??????

     three people till now !!!!!!!!!!!!! what happening here ?

    HJ had dreams since she was a little we know that for sure 

    then she had connected with JC after their fathers was killed in the same person hand and he seeing dreams too ( we not sure if he was seeing them before too but look he new on this matter and it just start happen after meeting HJ again )

    the police man he see it too and he see it before they save him that day that mean he has a connected past too with them ( don't tell me he the son of the soldier after all )))

    wow where they going with all this !!!!!!!!

    • Like 9
    • LOL 3
  17. 5 hours ago, triplem said:
    5 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

    glad to see too @triplem You these deaths dream. I think their dreams is a subjective future events which is given to them as pieces of puzzle. Hong Joo sees the result, JC gets the fragment process of it. In JC's dream his brother aksing him for help and said he's innocent. But as HJ told, she sees him killing. There's a conteadiction prophecy here. So, I assume it is unlikely become as the dreams sequences of HJ but it has different conclusion. Like how she dream hugging JC. She is not sure why is she doin that and what events that makes her runs towards her. And look how she cuts her hair to prevent mom"s death. She hates her long hair, the accidents happens while she has it. And who knows that future is still unchangeable even she had tried. She's commam and her hair start growing just like what happens in the dream. But then JC has got the same dream, he has the ability to change it. 

    Omg! This is such a good observation. The reason why they both need each other is because each one holds different pieces of the puzzle . Daebak ! So only if they can connect their dreams together can they see the full picture. She sees the outcome of the dreams or future event. But he is the one with the power to alter their fate ...so excited now:D


    nice catch here :thumbsup: wow i didn't think about it i was busy with the two differnet future's they both saw 

    but know it make sense more they see also different sides from the story of the future they need each other to see the whole future that why they can stop it together




    • Like 10
  18. 2 hours ago, desertflower said:

    Another episode (3&4) that was excellent.  My take on Hong Joo's dream is that it's not that Jae Ha blames his brother for the murder he supposedly committed but rather Jae Chan tells him to blame him so his brother can be free.  


    Hong Joo and Jae Chan have a fated moment together as kids and somehow forged a link in that intensity.


    Excellent acting and directing.  Also, the evil one is doing a great job being evil!!!  






    1 hour ago, tianaa said:

    If i am not mistaken, both of them met at the funeral because  jung jae chan's father was the dead police officer shot by the soldier.. so both of their fathers dead because of runaway soldier incident.. i think we will get a lot flashbacks to explain her dreams




     yeh they meet in the funeral both of them lose their fathers in the same day and on the same person hands

    the real question if JUNG JAE CHAN was in that time also seeing dreams or it happen cause he meet her and they meet again , me i will like to think that he was too seeing dreams back then  too but unlike  HONG JOO he didn't understand them  we will neet to wait for more flashbacks to know the true as you said but that was a big shock he too see dreams i didn't see that coming since they were  always talking about  HONG JOO seeing dreams  but with the first EP they gave us the big "NO  you don't know anything about what going to happen  ":joy:


    1 hour ago, Visually-wandering said:

    Wow, @nona88 good observation. I was frightening about changing the fate but then it's not. It's a logical matters wrapped in fantasy looks.


    Now I can understand the drama more thanks to you. Writernim telling us a story about Life is about choices. In each Intersection of life, there'll be choices whether to go right, left or straight. And some path can meet the same crossroad again (unchanged fate) and some other path leading to different places. We'll meet people that can affected our life choices along the journey, we might go hand in hand with them or saying farewell—separated—and take our own path without them. 


    I take a bow to the writernim. 


    @bebebisous33 what do you think about this chingu?


    Btw, happy 100 pages. 

    Wow, only first week and the pages speeding up quickly.

     yeh i was frightening about it too before the drama start but now it intersting but let not forget as you said changing choices change path but there path that will be crossed each other no matter what,  and no matter what choices you make  there bad things in life that will happen and you should learn to accepet it after all  there no way you can stop everythings 

     i like how you write about the roads path and fate nice writen dear :heart:

    • Like 10
    • Thanks 2
  19.  i watched ep 1-2 ( or 1-4) today

    i have  to read everyone posts later but for  now wow 

    so she not the only one who see dreams 

    the dreams show different future timeline, she dream about hugging him and she also  dream about her mother death so from the start she dream about two different future the first when he save her and her mother don't die and the second where he didn't and she has to face the other fate with her mother being death and she end as criminal

    so that what it  make it interesting she not playing with fate but the fate has so many road from the start and the road that actually happen is the depend on people decision like  how Jung Jae Chan decision to believe in his dream and go and save her ( so it not that her dreams and future change cause she make move it from the start she has two different dreams - nice play writer )

    i like the start everyone in his place  i have to write a lot about everyone on this drama but i will do it  later after i read everyone post here 


    • Like 16
  20. 14 minutes ago, Riman Rakshit said:

    Yes, she dreams, he solves the cases , and changes the future, but every time the future  is changed, nobody knows about the change except them, so there are alternate future timelines, the ones in her dreams and the ones that happen after changing the future.


    Unlike "signal" where changing the past was subsequently changing the present and the future, often to disastrous results, here ONLY the future changes, but who's to say that the NEW future will be better than the previous one. The Doctor says that certain events are written in time, permanent, can't be changed at all.


    Its going to be interesting, to see how they work on prosecuting the criminals "who did not commit any crime yet", I mean how is he even going to convince the authorities? Potentially tricky! (JC- Judge-nim, my future GF has scary dreams which comes true, and she saw this guy who is now innocent, kill a man next tuesday, Jail him please:tongue:)


    But what happens when criminals actually comes to know that these two are stopping crimes even before they occur. Maybe they will try and hurt them.Scary!




    thanks yeh who say that the new future will be better that sad if they really losing a better future cause they stop things from happening while thinking they helping other that will be very sad 

    there a price tp pay for sure for playing with fate and they will face dange if they trying to stop danger things from happening 

    it really dark i think she will be the one who suffer the most in this story can't wait for it to start 

    • Like 8
  21. the new teasr really more dark it look that she not just can see the the future but everytime she change it the past also change as like she has the power to go back in time and have another path , if that true it maybe she lose her life and love everytime she start again 

    but they said  she see how people die in her dream and didn't say anything about going back to past to change what happen , and maybe it not the past she change but her future that keep changing that why we see many differnet story's 

    but is she going to jump for really is that part of her future dream or this really happen to her ??

    and we see that their someone who trying to kill her or him 

    • Like 8


    hi everyone

    first post here i am back and after reading about this drama this week i think i am going to enjoy the fun here  " don't hate me i was so busy to know what drama coming up - so yes i just read and know about  the fall drama's just one week ago " so i am just back to be ready to the coming drama's and the new VER of the soompi forums :expressionless: , i watched the teaser and read about this drama this week and i think it going to be great i liked the videoand he feeling  that the two lead's gavin and i think it will be interesting seeing them together here

    i am also interesting the story since changing fate and time is the most interesting things since there will be so much price to pay for playing with other fate , i hope it will not be sad story or ending but for now i am going to try watch it and hope it will be even  more great then  what the teaser's  show 

    p.s .i am still having problem with the new VER since it not working for me all the times i think i need to wait to be able to get used to it or for all the problem to be fixed






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