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Posts posted by Seriya


    On 9/28/2020 at 4:10 PM, celest1al said:

    Wow. YJ was seriously glowing at her FM!!! And sure, there were some parts of the meeting that I would have fast forwarded LOL, but overall, I liked it. She had good chemistry with the actor who played Pyo Chi Su and she even talked about things that were new to me like admitting she lacks patience sometimes, wanting to be a bread baker when she was young, how introverted she was, how acting can be really hard for her sometimes, the legacy she wants to leave, etc etc. 

    What was that letter the actor who played PCS gave to SYJ?  Was it his way of saying thank you to her that he said he didn't get the chance to do so on the set of CLOY? It really was sweet that he sang her favourite song. I think he's the same age as SYJ, so does he refer to her as a senior due to her seniority as an actor rather than in age?  He did seem a bit nervous and shy to see SYJ, so different from PCS character!  Not surprised if these actors do get nervous doing the first table read with all these other senior actors, especially as part of it is filmed.  Hopefully they'll have a CLOY cast and crew reunion in the future.  I guess they don't have something like a Paley TV festival in SK where cast of TV shows get together to talk about the show? 


    Yeah, thanks to the fans on twitter who translated a bit more of the fan meet which revealed some new tidbits about her.  Still hoping for a transcript sometime.


    Where does the idea that SYJ likes to bake/is a good baker come from? I just know of the IG post where her friend complimented her Italian cooking.  I wonder if she's been baking bread like many of us have been during covid.  It seems like SYJ likes her carbs heh as I think she's also mentioned tteokboki as one of her favourite foods. 


    I do love the fact that SYJ loves to eat and isn't shy to admit it.  That fan question at Busan Film Festival where a fan actually admitted to watching SYJ eat a lot at a food tent at a festival cracked me up.  And I love how SYJ candidly admitted she just has a big appetite and ate ramen she couldn't resist before that appearance and she exercises hard to keep fit.  At the same time, I hate that actresses probably feel pressure and get questions about their weight in a way male actors don't.  I get that she says she has to watch what she eats while filming and must want to look her best onscreen, but say filming something exhausting like CLOY for months in winter, I hope she was able to eat healthy and filling food to give her good energy.


    HB and SYJ both mentioned lunch on TN set.  Does anyone know how lunch was on CLOY set? Do people in a kdrama set generally eat with each other in a common space or it's lead actors off to the trailers and eating there?


    On 9/28/2020 at 4:10 PM, celest1al said:

    Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I read a comment on Twitter that said something along the lines of "fans deserving answers," from BinJin... and that really made me upset. Just because we see them as public figures, that doesn't mean that they have to adhere to our demands to release information about their private relationship even though they may know how well supported they are. This is their lives and they can choose how much they reveal to us. If anything, I wouldn't want them to be reactive to fans and the public in the way they decide how to go about their relationship because then they will be tossed to and fro since public opinions are always changing and unstable. Like both HB and YJ have said, their way of thanking us is with their work... everything else is an undeserved blessing for us. 


    Unfortunately, I'm not surprised at such comments.  There's always a negative element in every fandom where fan entitlement takes over.  Which is why I do feel conflicted about real life shipping because I've seen how ugly it can get in a previous fandom when some fans can't handle disappointment, or the reality being different from fandom narrative/fandom "fact", and then end up turning on, blaming the objects of their affection.  I am not saying that will happen here, but for some fans, whatever is given will never be enough because they project their own desires onto these actors and forget they are not puppet dolls to fulfil their own desires but real people we don't actually know with real lives.  What we see on the internet and social media is but a very small fraction of their real lives, or in some cases, not even a real reflection of it.  A shipper lens can change your perspective and we all have a confirmation bias, I think it's wise to remember that when counting crumbs.  This is not to be a debbie downer on the ship but just a kind reminder to keep perspective.  I don't see having doubts, or not conclusively thinking they are together as any betrayal of the ship or whatever because I think it's actually good to acknowledge we don't know these people, certainly not in a personal, private way.  In a way, I think there's fandom narrative and then there's actual reality and the two may or may not cross at certain points, which we don't know.  Shipping and speculation can be fun as long as it's light hearted imo, with no expectations, and with the understanding that we shouldn't impose our personal wishes on them, and we certainly don't know better than them how to live their lives, what or who they want and need.  


    SYJ mentioned that she has spent a lot of time on her phone and at home in the past few months.  I don't know what she looks at online, but if she's seen negative or wholly inappropriately intrusive comments by "fans", hopefully she doesn't let them affect her.  So I well understand why HB choose not to have social media altogether.  But celebrities are only human too, and I hope people bear that in mind whenever they write anything online.  I think if you're an actor/celebrity and already have to share a lot of yourself with the public, and the public has this huge interest in all you do and all your personal relationships, you would try even harder to preserve your privacy.  Their works are for public consumption; their personal relationships are not.  I think if a relationship were special to me, then I would want to save that for my private space to keep it special.  Honestly, I don't know what I would make of such intense interest in my private relationships if I were a celebrity.  Hopefully I wouldn't let it affect me or any relationship, because fans really should have no bearing whatsoever on your personal life decisions.  This whole idea of having to confirm or deny anything to the public, to make any announcement, is not to my taste at all though I see that what most celebs feel they have to do in celeb culture. 


    On 9/28/2020 at 10:56 AM, Felizak@t said:

    Shipping is like investing in stock market. I assume we are here because we bought BINJIN stocks. We know that it's high risk given the fame status and personalities of our OTP. You probably bought it because of the infamous grocery pictures and you saw the possible gains. However, You can't be doing this if your only intention is to gain. You also have to be willing to take a share of that risk. STOP WHINING. You're distracting others who are strategizing.


    This analogy made me laugh.  But our happiness (returns on the stock market) shouldn't depend on how Binjin choose or not choose to live their lives.  Because their lives are their own, and our lives are our own.  We make our own happiness in our own lives and they individually/together make theirs in their lives.  Binjin's happiness returns also don't depend on our investment in them. 

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  2. Hopefully The Cross can really happen, so many projects delayed or even cancelled due to covid.  I hope SYJ gets her chance to do a HW film. I read somewhere she had the chance before but didn't choose to do it in the end? HW film or no, what matters most is the script, the character, the director etc.  The director of The Cross has done some good and interesting films in the past so hopefully this project with SYJ can happen. 


    The actor who played Pyo Chi So in CLOY has a great singing voice!  After speaking so harshly in CLOY hehe. So he sang that song as it was SYJ's favourite? How lovely. So her favourite song is One Late Night in 1994?  Lovely melody but it sounds like quite a melancholy song.  Does anyone know where it came from, was it a big hit in 1994?  Interesting choice of a favourite song for a young SYJ.


    It was cool to see SYJ online.  Hopefully there will be a transcript/subbed video sometime.  And those were some nice gifts for fans!

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  3. Thank you @slowpoked !


    Youtube hasn't made the Pirates available in my country, bummer. If you don't mind, can you let me know a country where you can get access and I can try with a VPN.


    i have tried looking for Pirates and MWGM or western torrent sites but no luck.  Yeah I definitely prefer to see the original R rated version lol.  Again, if you have any ideas about that please feel free to let me know here or via PM. Thank you.  I am especially curious about MWGM as SYJ got so many awards for it. 


    Let's hope for some good new content from the fan meeting! 

  4. 46 minutes ago, Babycake82 said:

    I am really excited for the fan meeting of Yejin later. Japanese fans are so lucky! 


    I won't expect something because it's not appropriate to disclose something personal on a fan meeting. We'll just enjoy the moment. This is the first time she'll be doing an online FM so it's gonna be fun! 


    Agreed.  I look forward to hearing what she can share about CLOY, her past works, her future work plans etc, but I have no expectations of anything else because I don't think a fan meeting is the forum for that either, and also please everyone remember, SYJ is a private person and they don't owe it to fans to share anything about their private lives. I am concerned sometimes that people have all these expectations of this and that from them, when they are under no obligation at all, and that sets them up for disappointment.


    How do these online FM usually go? Is it going to be an interviewing asking a mix of his/her won questions and fan submitted questions? Will they play games?  When was the last time SYJ did a fan meeting? Has she ever done in person fan meetings?  I don't think she does fan meeting tours like HB? 

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  5. That was an excellent interview, thanks.  Shared my thoughts on it in HB/SYJ thread but cool if anyone wants to discuss it further here.  A lot of great SYJ content there!  I hope we'll get more such in depth interviews with SYJ.  Hopefully with the fan meeting too. No idea how those work. Is it just answering fan questions all the way through? Or they will play games? Or interviewer will ask some questions too?  Has SYJ done fan meetings in the past?  I think maybe not every actor does them or like goes on a tour of different Asian cities doing fan meetings?


    Just finished watching The Last Princess.  I am glad SYJ got the chance to do a film portraying a historical figure (a very sadly tragic one at that) and tracing the trajectory of her life, which is not always an easy opportunity to come by for a female actor.  If more people wanted to learn more about this princess and that part of Korean history through the film, that's a good thing.  While I enjoyed the film, I think one issue with it is perhaps there isn't more known about the princess in real life?  So the personal characterisation couldn't go deeper, more complex, with more for SYJ to work on.  It was more a portrayal of a tragic figure being defined by her tragic circumstances.  I have really enjoyed some films about various periods of modern Korean history like A Taxi Driver, The Attorney etc, so if there's a strong script, I would love to see SYJ do a period film again.


    Next up: hope to find The Pirates/My Wife Got Married somewhere to watch. 



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  6. They look SO good in that CLOY pic with HB in black and SYJ in the purple sweater, may be the best pic of them ever, better than the random Seri/RJY photoshopped pics in their Swiss home. Why did it not end up being used in the actual series but just released as a still? 


    The opening credits also featured footage of them turning to look at each other by a Swiss lake.  Any chance we'll ever see filmed footage that never made it into the show if/unless they release a DVD?


    SYJ's post was lovely.  I love that she posted in English as well, but thank you for the translation of her heartfelt Korean words.  Nice to see fans showing her love and her sincere appreciation for her fans.  As far as gifts go, I think plants are a very good and useful choice that are appreciated by SYJ!  And the note from the Vietnamese fans was also nice and classy, well done. 


    Look forward to the fan meeting.  Hopefully it will be lots of fun and whomever transcribes the conversation has my thanks! 

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  7. On 9/14/2020 at 12:38 PM, slowpoked said:


    One of the ahjummas in NK was SYJ’s best friend in SITR. They had a lot more interactions there too.


    I am terrible.  I didn't realise it was the same actress until you pointed it out!  *headdesk* Still halfway through SITR.  


    Does anyone know how SYJ and Lee Jung Hyun became friends?  Watched this random video commentary of the wedding guest fashions at LJH's wedding and I dare say I liked SYJ's clean look the best. I read that SYJ introduced LJH to her Cinderella group.  How did the Cinderella group get to know each other and form?  Is there one of the group that SYJ is closest with? I think it's awesome that SYJ went from not really having any close actress friends in her 20s to having such a tight knit group in her 30s.  Having close girlfriends is such a great thing in life.  It's always better when women are supporting each other even when working in the same industry.


    Does SYJ's sister live in Seoul or she lives in the US?  I read that they used to live together before?  She's not in the entertainment business at all?


    Then there was another random video commentary on all the furniture shown in SYJ's house lol.  Interior design clearly seems to be one of SYJ's passions.  She follows a few interior design accounts on IG.  Was it a surprise to fans that SYJ chose to open part of her house for filming for that Master variety show?  She seems like such a private person.  Does anyone know who is the artist of the paintings shown in her house?  And what a coincidence or not that SYJ and Seri both had the coffee table from the same designer. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, QueenieBee said:

    SYJ also previously talked about how the TN box office wasn't what they expected either. I dont think low ratings or box office numbers taint the experience or enjoyment of the project itself. 

    @QueenieBeecan you share when SYJ commented on TN box office?  I guess TN did less well than was generally expected given the star power, not sure why.  But it's not something actors can control as they say, and there are any number of factors that affect box office/ratings and popularity is not always a reflection of quality either.  Maybe the premise of TN wasn't that appealing to Korean audiences, maybe they prefer seeing these star actors in more familiar kind of roles.  From the pov of trying something new kind of role and new kind of filming, I thought TN did that for both actors.  It's a treat that we as an audience got to enjoy HB/SYJ acting as both adversaries in TN and lovers in CLOY with such a contrast in characters and tone and story.  I saw zero trace of their other character in both pieces of work with each other, so applaud these fantastic actors. 

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  9. @yejinatic1981Thanks for your clear explanation.  It's like the Korean version of the International Emmys.  Would be very cool if SYJ gets nominated for the International Emmys one day, no idea if she is submitting for CLOY or anything she's done in the past.  Though it seems WTCB is the representative critically acclaimed series for the year (does make me want to check it out!).  But as I said, I imagine for mature and seasoned actors like SYJ, an award is just the cherry on top thought it must always be nice to get recognition from your peers and industry professionals as well as the public.  The most important thing to them may be creating a piece of work that stands the test of time and I think there are many pieces of SYJ's work that meet that test. 


    Just came across this old interview from the actor who played Eun Dong in CLOY where he talks about working with SYJ.  Are there other interviews with the supporting cast in CLOY where they talk about working with her? They all had such great chemistry together, especially the 5th company soldiers. 





    In particular, the affection for Tang Jun-sang led to Son Ye-jin's ad lib. Tang Jun-sang said, “There was a scene where Comrade Yoon Se-ri (Son Ye-jin) mentioned one by one before giving us a suit gift to our 5th company.” “I was the'Kindness Prize Geum Eun-dong' as the script award. I came up with an idea by doing my head RickRoll'D.” 


    Google translate is leaving me scratching my head a bit. So did SYJ ad lib something in that scene and what was it? I am curious to know if she did any ad libs in CLOY.  I don't know if that's actually allowed in kdrama or they basically have to stick closely with the script.



    In addition, Tang Jun-sang said, “Son Ye-jin was laughing together at the set, but when she just entered the filming, she caught the emotion and shed tears immediately. Seeing that momentary immersion, I felt great. I was really good at acting, so I wanted to imitate it.” “Hyunbin hyung never put a script in my hand whenever I saw it. I always watched and practiced. I thought I was a pro after seeing the details of taking care of the smallest things. I learned a lot this time,” he admired. 


    Yes, SYJ's ability to laugh one minute before 'action' and then turn on the tears the next is such an acting skill! Plus the ability to cry at the right moment the scene calls for it, not too soon, not too late.  To hit the emotional note just right. Like, how do you get that timing when you have to do more than one take?!  She must be a pro at crying by now but she had to cry some much in CLOY and her past melo works I wonder if she finds it draining. I remember she was scolded when she couldn't cry on queue at the very start of her career. How her skills have improved!



    About Son Ye-jin and Hyun-bin, Tang Jun-sang said, “Every time I saw them at the set, I was spontaneously admired. Son Ye-jin's sister is really beautiful and pretty, and Hyun-bin's hyung is really handsome and cool.”  


    Has SYJ worked with any of the supporting cast in CLOY before?  Is she friends with any of them?  Do younger actors really call SYJ noona?  






  10. 40 minutes ago, QueenieBee said:

    I enjoyed reading your post and reminiscing about the Swoon videos! 


    RE: the Compliment Me video, I think HB chose the flower one as the one SYJ wrote because she is a huge flower lover and he likely knows that. It was also the least fangirly compliment of the lot and probably the safest bet. He didn't know she was trying to scam him lol 

    I think they both figured each would write non fangirly type comments, but like you said, little did he know she was cunningly plotting to scam him with the help of the internet for a laugh lol.  I think SYJ was just anticipating that gotcha moment so much, she laughed SO hard! 


    It would have been sweet if that comment SYJ chose to be HB's was really his, but it was so complimentary perhaps better saved for their private moments heh. 


    40 minutes ago, QueenieBee said:


    I've watched those videos (especially couch talk) countless times and you definitely get a sense of how comfortable and familiar they are with each other, but also a sense that they (particularly SYJ) may have been purposely trying to make it seem like some answers were surprising.

    I think either possibility is possible.  It did register with me because there was a similar situation with another RL ship fandom where fans assumed they were pretending not to know each other well during those Q&As games about each other (I would love to see Bin Jin play one of those), but well, actually...that ship was never real but I don't want to be a downer here. I am just cautious about assuming too much. But to each their own.


    I really liked HB's thoughtful answer about a happy life, and I think it gave SYJ food for thought too since she spaced out heh.  Her reflections on travel and what it meant, shedding her public image and what people thought of her etc was also thoughtful and I hope the LA episode didn't affect them negatively too much. 


    They really give off good vibes together, especially when they are playful.  it's impossible not to love them. 

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  11. @ElectricHearts Re The Swoonies compliment video (you're not supposed to quote video here, right?), one of fave Binjin interactions: one thing I wondered about was when HB read that fan comment that SYJ probably liked the best (the one she said was written by someone very expressive, a concise and clear compliment etc.), she said when he first read it that she didn't think HB wrote it. But then at the end she picked that compliment as being from him? Heh maybe she just picked that one as it was her favourite of them all and stuck in her head.  HB's pick was a bit strange as well, no way he would have picked SYJ's real Ireland fangirl comment lol, but the flowers compliment was a strange pick imo.  Some of the compliments were really hilarious.  Maybe they both just picked the one they remembered best out of them all.  I thought another interesting bit was when SYJ tells HB that a comment said he was her type, and of course HB knew SYJ would never write that in her real compliment.  


    Couch Talk was interesting for the insights into them.  But it did seem like SYJ didn't know how HB liked to unwind after a day's work with the beer habit..... or maybe they are both good actors, I don't know.  As I said before, I have an open mind and no conclusions re their relationship status. 


    Mission Pong... competitive SYJ and she really wanted to get the compliment right too lol.  The tasks could have been more fun though, like writing your name with your butt heh.


    The fan calendar one... HB was very cute with his negative space idea and I actually quite liked the idea of leaving space to write resolutions. Meanwhile SYJ is all about making the calendar look pretty heh.  I enjoyed hearing her advice on how to cope when feeling down. 


    The Swoonies videos were a lot of fun.  Too bad we never got the full, long version like for other actor pairings.  And I guess we won't get them again unless Binjin are in another project together for Netflix.  The main take away from them is you really see how much fun Binjin have together and how comfortable they are with each other as close friends.  HB is so different here compared to with other costars, as others have noted.  They were energetic that day, looked great together, and not as tired as in other promos. 

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  12. SYJ's mentioned her love of the movie Thelma & Louise.  Wouldn't it be cool if she got to do a female ensemble road movie one day with her good friend and the other best actress award winner Gong Hyo Jin and others friends from her Cinderella gang? They would already have chemistry.


    In truth, I don't have a particular genre or kind of film that I hope SYJ does next.  As long as the script is good, the possibilities are endless.  I'm happy to let her surprise me and maybe surprise herself too.  But even if she's done a genre before, she can always bring something new with more mature acting.


    So I asked this is the other SYJ thread, but asking here again, does anyone know the story behind SYJ choosing her acting name to be Yejin vs Eon Jin?  What does Eon Jin mean in Korean?  It's interesting that Son = hand. I didn't know that before.


    I thought the Vogue interview with SYJ/HB was an interesting one.  The google translation is a bit hit and miss so hopefully I am getting the gist of what she was trying to say.  Excerpts below:




    Just as a doctor disinfects his hands before entering the operating room, Son Ye-jin cleans up his mind about the day by washing his hands in the bathroom by himself before entering the filming room. It is her own ritual for shooting. 

    Interesting ritual! But do they always have a bathroom on set? I actually have no idea, do actors get private trailers like actors do in American TV series when on location/on set? Or they just hang out in a room or sit outdoors while they wait for set up?



    In today's scenario, Son Ye-jin sees those who are strong and subjective. “Because we are oppressed in society, it seems that we want a character who can say everything we can say without hesitation, but at the same time we want a weak character who can project ourselves. Thankfully, I have been able to do various genres consistently, and I have a desire to do so in the future. Regardless of gender, I hope there are a lot of works that can show a really diverse group of humans. Movies like <The Witch> played a noir genre by a new actress. It's a movie that doesn't fit the officials' formula, but it's great. I think well-made content has shown that it works well. I believe that if there is real fun in the diversity, the audience will definitely like it.”

    Anyone know this The Witch movie?


    I would like to see SYJ do a film that touches on the Me Too/feminism movement in SK. Yes, I know SITR touched on the issue of sexual harassment but I would like to see a powerful film on this issue, especially as it's been such a significant issue in SK in recent years especially with brave women coming forward.



    The characters Son Ye-jin played were lovely women who lived by subjectivity rather than being conscious of others. As an actor, she loved the character she lacked. With compassion, I embraced their shortcomings. “I also liked the character that I didn't have, like In-a, <wife is married>. But in reality, I like wise people. Respect and love people who work seriously with conviction and a sense of mission no matter what they do. Lazy people don't seem to like it. Oh, but the charm should be felt by men, how long should the charm be felt by women (laughs)”

    Yes, in reality, I like wise people too lol.  Not sure what the last sentence meant?  Men get away easier with being lazy/charming than women? ;) SYJ is definitely serious and committed about her work and a very had worker.  I feel women may have to work even harder than men to be taken seriously in the entertainment industry, as well as deal with other burdens that apply only to women.  I think empathy for characters they play, even unlikable ones, is a really important skill for an actor and SYJ gets that. 




    Except for Son Ye-jin's appearance in the work, Sohn Seok-hee's <News Room> interview a few years ago is the most memorable. Son Ye-jin said, "I will try again in innocence."



    Does anyone know which interview is this? 



    “I am interested in small and fun stories that can be made with a small production cost, such as <Before Sunrise> and <Before Sunset>. There's a story about a really cool person sitting next to the plane. I have said that I want to make a movie like <Thelma and Lewis>. I'm interested in movies like road movies. And there's a German movie that was released in 1997 called Bandit. It's what's happening in a woman's prison. I got it on a video and watched it three times. Please take a look.”

    YES!  I love small, intimate, well made movies which pack a punch/have something to say. Hope SYJ becomes a producer as well as actor of such movies.  Excited to learn she loves Before Sunrise/Sunset movies as they are 2 of my very favourite movies so I get what vibe she's after.  A female road movie as well as a women's prison movie would also be super cool.  Think Orange Is The New Black, Hallyu version. 



     “The social structure is harsh for actors because they have various experiences. Even if you want to get drunk and buy, you shouldn't do that. (Laughs)” Son Ye-jin's way of pursuing newness is to be alone. During that time, I watch books, movies, and documentaries, feel a lot, and endeavor to receive new stimulation. When I finish my work and go on a trip abroad, I keep walking around downtown or anywhere. Sometimes I go to the Han River alone. He also likes to walk on the Han River with friends, but he said that when he walks alone, he feels like he really is.

    i'm glad she has good friends now but it seems there's definitely an aspect of being a famous female actor that makes one solitary and even lonely at times. It's hard to be out, and hard to feel free when out, you always feel scrutinized and judged.  Especially in k-entertainment/Asian celebrity culture.  So I definitely understand how much she values her privacy and how she isn't on social media a lot.  But at the same time, actors want and need full experiences of the world so they can bring that to their art.  No wonder she loves travelling incognito. 


    I would like to know more about SYJ's taste in books, movies and documentaries.



    In the previous question that assumed'Son Ye-jin's retrospective', Son Ye-jin did not select the closing film. He said that it would take a few more works to know. Our hearts were the same. Son Ye-jin is an actor who wants to see the current screening more than the closing film. The more three-dimensional Son Ye-jin moves, the more the public will'believe' in her and see Son Ye-jin soon become'persuasive'. Besides, she does not know satisfaction. “No matter how hard I try, I cannot be completely satisfied when I ask if I did my best. So I think I have to work hard enough to die.”


    I really do think there will be a SYJ retrospective one day as even now she's accumulated a good body of work.  But definitely the closing film is to be determined, not for a long time yet, I hope.  The Classic as opening film feels right.  I hope there'll be a 20th anniversary screening of AMTR (especially as it was such a big hit in Japan as well, her Japanese fanbase would love that) and that she and Jung Woo Sung will act together again.  I will be curious to see how their acting chemistry is now that they have both matured further as actors and in age. 



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  13. Is there a better translation of the Vogue interview somewhere? Because it's got some interesting and in depth comments about their acting but google translate isn't the best here.  I'm more into the words than the pics from this high fashion photo shoot lol.




    Love SYJ even more now that I read she also loves the Before Sunrise/Sunset movies like I do!  SYJ & HB doing a movie like that would be fantastic with their chemistry. But honestly not sure we'll see them act together again, at least not in the near future. 


    Also, does anyone know the story behind HB and SYJ's choice of their acting names? HB is something different entirely from his real name.  SYJ changed one character in her name.




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  14. @ElectricHeartsThe International Emmy Awards are something separate to Primetime Emmys. 



    Nominations will be announced in Sept, but I don't know if Kdrama/actors generally submit their work or if Korean entries are determined not by actor/management but by professional orgs in SK?  I don't know if there's history of anyone from SK being nominated/awarded? I do recall a TV actor from my home country did get nominated once upon a time. 


    But don't get any expectations up, popular hits don't often get attention from award shows.  Not saying CLOY wasn't a critical hit as well and well reviewed, but as I said award shows may go more for heavier shows with serious themes.  


    Getting an award is nice recognition from your peers, but sometimes I think fans get more worked up about them than the actors themselves.  I think actors like SYJ and HB and I believe SYJ has said this in an interview, is that she just wants to create a good piece of work/drama that is still good to watch/beloved/not embarrassing when looking back in 10 or 20 years.  I think creating a piece of work that stands the test of time would mean more to them than an award and I think CLOY will be such a piece of work.  Not to mention its popularity beyond borders must surely have exceeded all their expectations and that's a definite mark of a work that's made an impact on audiences around the world. 

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  15. I'm not familiar with Korean movie/TV awards.  I read that Baeksang/Blue Dragon/Grand Bell are the top 3 awards (and our girl SYJ has won all I think) but is there a hierarchy even within those, with one more prestigious or they are seen as equal?  And is the Daesang award (which HB has won) more prestigious than Best Actor/Actress or is it the same? Where do the Seoul International Drama Awards fit in?  


    Anyone know if any Kdrama/actors ever got nominated for International Emmys? It would be great if CLOY got some nominations there.  Though CLOY is the kind of popular hit that deserves critical acclaim as much as more showy/serious drama imo, but often these former kind of shows lose out to the latter.  Awards are great, but CLOY's biggest prize will be the fact that it became a big international hit. 


    It's too bad we won't get more red carpet looks of HB/SYJ in the near future, but we still had Baeksang and they looked great there. 


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  16. There's so much SYJ spam on youtube and elsewhere unfortunately, so many accounts using SYJ's name and her post CLOY popularity to get clicks using clickbait, dubious non fact checked content and rumour mongering about her personal life.  I never give them clicks and hope people take all the so called crumbs or content with a huge grain of salt.  I really hope people can focus on her acting and projects rather than her private life that she has rightly not chosen to share with the world.  She's worked hard for her success and worked hard to be a professional actor to stand on her own, I doubt she would want anything to overshadow that.  SYJ is such a private individual and I love and respect that about her, I hope she isn't bothered by all the intrusion and intense interest that can get out of line.


    It's good that she has a group of close female friends who are also in the biz who can understand what she goes through and can support each other.  20s SYJ was concerned that she didn't have good friends in the biz, 30s SYJ has a tight group of them so well done, girl. 



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  17. @Amethyst_S  

    They talk about this pic that was posted on SNS of SYJ and another woman (Yoona?) with the guy in the backseat (sorry, don't know who he is either?). The pic was taken at the celebration after his concert in Leessang.  Since they knew each other, the guy said why not take a pic together?  However, after it was posted, it somehow became a thing of people asking him whom would he date and there even ended up being a poll on some website. So he texted SYJ and said we really have to date now (as a joke I believe) but there was no response lol.  Then they start talking about another actress...(su chi?)  Then they joke about him having to pick only 1 actress he can be with out of 5 and never see the others again lol.  He screams SYJ at 12:55.  Then he jokes that he's cunning because he's picking the one he has more of a chance with.  Driver then says he's filmed with SYJ and knows her fairly well.  He says backseat guy might have a chance.  Backseat guy says he feels SYJ doesn't hate him lol. He says he feels SYJ doesn't treat him simply like an oppa or just a colleague she's comfortable with. Feels like... this is the first time I'm saying this, he says. The other person in the front seat just laughs.  Backseat guy tells him not to laugh and says he will call SYJ.  Frontseat guy says you have her phone number?  He calls, rings for a long time then finally SYJ picks up.  He says to her, we should date. Dead air. He says, are you blushing lol?  SYJ then says in a deadpan voice and laughing, oh I'm too happy, can we? He says, tell me quickly that you love me.  She asks him are you drunk during the daytime? He says, no... I drank because I miss you.... and because I have lots of money.  Do you want to go to TGI this Friday?  SYJ laughs in reply.  I can buy you Eastpak, Jansport and Nike bags, how about it? (Don't get this joke) SYJ says, oh too expensive.  He says, oh you really are a frugal girl.   Then he says I have a brother who's also a fan of yours and hands the phone to the guy in the front seat.  The driver just shouts "I love you".  The other person in the frontseat tells SYJ she's Haha's girlfriend.  She tells SYJ they were just chatting with Haha and ended up calling her.  SYJ asks, so you're filming right now? I didn't know, she says. She tells SYJ that it seems she maybe she likes Haha so they had to call her to find out the truth. So just tell us directly, if Haha wants to date you, are you willing?  Countdown in 1, 2, 3 to give Haha some pressure. SYJ says oh don't count 1,2,3 (she's so nice).  So she asks SYJ, what kind of man do you think Haha is?  She says she doesn't really know lol.  They ask SYJ if she knows there's a poll on SNS about who Haha should date.  SYJ says she knows her votes are a bit more, it's the fans' way of protecting Yoona lol, that's why she got more votes.  Then backseat guy takes the phone again and says it's him, you don't even know my name? SYJ says, isn't this the first time we are chatting on the phone? lol.  Then he says, yes I love you.  She just keeps laughing. He says, SYJ I'll come find you after today's filming is over.  She says, so we can get to know each other better lol.  He says ILU again.  He says thank you to SYJ and sorry about this and bye and hangs up the phone. 


    After he's hung up with her, he tells the others that he was kind of bullsh*ting before (not sure if translating this, right, not sure what the Chinese here means?), he doesn't really know her well. To be honest, he was exaggerating (?) before and his heartbeat was beating fast, he was so nervous, but SYJ kindly went along with what he was saying.  She's too nice, he says.  Then they joke about how nervous he was when he was calling her and she hadn't picked up.  Then he asks, should he send her a text now to apologise for just now? Frontseat person jokes, no, you have to be embarrassed for longer.  Backseat guy sends SYJ a text anyway.  Frontseat people joke backseat guy's been in a car for an hour now but they don't need him anymore, just SYJ lol.  


    Then backseat guy gets a reply text from SYJ. Oh thank you YJ, he says, she says she accepts his apology. He says, she's really too great. She said that she should have answered the call in a happier tone, it was very entertaining just now.  Then he asks, why did she put a smiley ^^ in her text?  What is the meaning of this smiley? Does it mean she likes him?  He laughs.  Then they all joke about making a call to another big global star.  Backseat guy accidentally calls SYJ again.  They joke, ask her why she put a smiley in her text lol. So he's called her again and asks her, there's something very strange, what is the meaning of the smiley? They all laugh. Driver shouts, stop bothering her.  Backseat guy says sorry about this and thank you to SYJ.  He tells her don't just laugh in front of anyone (because she's his woman), thank you YJ.  She laughs and says OK. 


    The End. :)  


    I don't watch Korean variety shows so no idea who the people in this video are? Please give me some context. How does the backseat guy know SYJ?  She was a good sport to play along but we know that about her. 

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  18. On 9/1/2020 at 8:59 PM, Amethyst_S said:


    I found this with chinese subtitle.:D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAMjSaaYQDc

    I hope someone can translate what Yejin said. I really want to know what she said with Haha.



    Video is a bit long for me to watch right now. If you let me know which are the YJ parts, I can do my best to translate.


    On 9/1/2020 at 7:42 PM, Dee.84 said:


    , the video is usually automatically embedded if you paste the link. 


    I also have not seen a longer version of SYJ's talk during the 2016 BIFF but I think this article, which is posted in the first page of this thread, is related to it.



    Thanks. I have tried to just copy and paste the link directly in posts but it just comes out as a url link for some reason.




    This was quite a fun/long interview with YJ that she did with her costar to promote SITR.

    She looks great here in red.  Found out some new things about her- that she liked to ski and she has done sky diving.  Does anyone know if she does any sports regularly other than pilates?  Think her SITR costar also said he was surprised at how fast she runs lol. And we see that in CLOY also.  She also likes daredevil rides and is competitive at games.  I love that she's an adventurous, competitive lady.

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  19. On 8/29/2020 at 2:56 PM, eLizza said:

    @Seriya thanks for sharing your thoughts..

    I agree with u on the  lack of skinship part between RiRi couple. Infact most of us were frustrated as there were so many missed opportunities..HB and SYJ have a chemistry to die for.But maybe the reason could be that it was the script's demand that they shouldn't cross the line or something like that..I guess it is our only consolation..

    Thanks for replying!  This was my first kdrama so wasn't sure what the general level of skinship is, or if it differs depending on the timeslot of a series.  To be completely honest, I did think some of the kisses did look slightly awkward here because with Asian drama they often don't move their mouths/lips much, not that I'm expecting open mouthed kisses or anything.  Not sure if that was more to do with actors or the directing for those scenes to show hesitation and shyness and RJH being a reserved character with little dating experience.  The finale kiss was a more passionate one, as befitting a reunion situation, so we had that at least.  I didn't expect passionate scenes for a family friendly series like CLOY but the characters were really super chaste in the Seoul apartment scenes considering they are characters in their 30s who had basically declared their love for each other.  Even when drinking soju together and sitting on a bed together, they kept a physical distance.  Like you said, maybe the script/directors/actors decided the tone was to be one of sweetness and restraint rather than to tap into sexual tension.


    After watching CLOY, I started watching SJY's earlier series SITR and was surprised to see so much natural kissing and intimacy between the couple so I guess the tone of kdrama can really differ depending on the writing and directing. 


    That said, restraint and subtlety can enhance romantic chemistry depending on the story.  One of the biggest reasons for CLOY to be such a good drama imo is that they built up the attraction and the push and pull between the two leads very well. 



    I think there was some mistranslation over the reshooting thing..She just mentioned that the reunion scene had to be done with CGI as the emotions didn't properly built up..There was no mention as to who requested for it..

    Yes you are right..that photoshoot was for their cabin in Switzerland..

    As for the last BTS pic where Seri was wearing a purple cardigan...many of us think that there was an alternate ending but couldn't push it through due to political or some other reasons.

    Ah I see, thanks for the clarification. So do kdrama generally shoot in chronological order and even airing as they shoot, except for the overseas filming which would have been shot out of order? Do they read through the entire script for all the episodes during their script reading before filming?  I enjoyed those brief bts clips of the script reading. They are all excellent actors so I'm not sure I could tell if they shoot out of order like for films, but it would have been interesting to start shooting with the ending scene in Switzerland.  I wouldn't have known it was a green screen scene without reading about it.  It seems like there is time pressure with the shoots for tv series so glad they got to do the ending scene again to perfect it. 


    I think the ending was about as happy as it could be while leaving space for imagination.  It was enough for me to know they managed to find each other again in Switzerland and even set up a home there.  I didn't need to see them with twins running around or to know that RJH would defect in the future.  But there are other kdramas/movies featuring North Koreans so I don't know if political reasons would be a factor in the ending here?


    I thought they presented the human side of NK quite well here, while not entirely ignoring the darker aspects of the regime but not delving into them as that was not the focus of the series.  The depiction of everyday lives and relationships in NK were a highlight and arguably a bit more interesting than the SK scenes for me.


    They looked too pretty in the black/purple cardigan pics. Deserved a framed photo in their home at least! 


    22 hours ago, MsHoon2219 said:

    From what I read somewhere, the Jeju scenes were from episode 1 where Seri was in the DMZ, running in the minefield and was being chased by Capt Ri and the ducklings. 

    I believe the Switzerland plot was chosen because it is historically a neutral country between SK and NK affairs. Another reason could be because it is a preferred destination of the NK elite which RJH and Seo Dan characters are a part of. Kim Jung Un and his siblings have lived and studied in Switzerland when they were younger under different names. The Swiss plot could have been inspired by this. Lol. It also happened that Switzerland is one country that allows assisted death which was a driving point in Seri’s story.

    On another note, I love this forum but if you want more active discussions on CLOY you may join us on Reddit! We have a weekly rewatch discussions if you feel like watching the series again. Lol 

    I've been to beautiful Jeju but didn't recognize those forests/running fields as part of the island!   I thought it was just somewhere in mainland SK.  SYJ looks like a good runner btw lol. Do you know where in SK the paragliding scenes in NK were filmed where they both jump off the cliff or was that all CGI?  And I'm guessing the NK village was a built set? But then I saw this pic of HB & SYJ at a famous Busan restaurant so it seems they went on location around SK as well?


    I agree that Switzerland was featured because it is traditionally where NK elites go for studies because it is a neutral country.  I liked that they touched on the difference in lives between NK villagers, elites etc with a deft touch.  I didn't find that the scenes in Switzerland from the characters' past to be a strong theme in the storytelling, but I guess the writer wanted to hammer in the themes of fate and destiny and the characters saving each other.  But for me, the story of the 2 characters simply falling in love in NK in the present was enough for me. 


    Yes, I'm still rewatching too but skipping all the villain scenes heh. 


    I was also wondering about, is it normal for Seo Dan's mother and uncle- or in any Korean relationship- to have the woman kind of kicking/shoving the man as a point of humour? Is that a cultural thing?  I didn't realize till after watching CLOY that they were in Parasite as well! 


    Was CLOY expected to do well before release because it was written by a writer who had written hits before and 2 top actors?  Or was it not expected to do well because of the NK premise etc?  It seems the series has exceeded expectations in terms of popularity both in SK and abroad.  Well deserved! 


    • Like 2
  20. Nice overview of YJ's career.  I discovered her as an actress from watching her work, but I have to say after watching more and more interviews of her as a person, she just comes off as a very likable person.  Love the way she's always ready to have a laugh, laugh wholeheartedly with her eyes.  Does anyone know when she first became famous for her "eye smile" and when she acquired the cow nickname?  She exudes a real warmth and positive energy that makes people feel good as her colleagues have said and it translates into onscreen and offscreen charisma.  I have so much respect for her work ethic and professionalism and how she puts in 100%+.  She clearly has a great passion for acting, always striving for improvement and new challenges which is lovely to see, so long may she continue her chosen vocation.   I also love how humble and grateful, down to earth and candid she can be.


    I think I like 30s SYJ even more than 20s SYJ.  She comes across as more self-assured, relaxed, blossoming as a woman and as an actress.  I actually find her more beautiful as a 30 something, and when she wears less makeup.


    A few longer interviews of YJ's that I enjoyed.  Maybe already posted here but I haven't gone through the entire thread.  Please share if you know of any more indepth YJ interviews that are around.




    Love her advice here on giving 100%, her attitude on ageing etc.




    Yes, I also want to know what she thinks about in her crying scenes and how she does them so well!  LOL about the hot brick in The Classic.  I like that she was able to free herself from more inhibitions to act freely in TTB.




    Is there a longer version/report of this talk she attended at Busan Film Festival somewhere? I would love to see it.  Love that she's so candid and humble with her fans.  LOL at the question about her eating habits and I love that YJ loves to eat and is candid about all that.  A healthy appetite shows a zest for life.  I loved Seri's healthy appetite in CLOY too as a character trait.  YJ's diligent Pilates practice also shows her strength and discipline. And she seems like she's quite a good runner.  She runs fast on film even in heels heh.


    Can't get that Pocari themesong out of my head after watching YJ's CF lol.  Was it the Pocari CF that gave her her big break to get cast in acting or had she already started acting at that point? It seems this ad is really remembered as a classic by Koreans. Just as her running in the rain scene in The Classic and the soju drinking scene in AMTR. 


    P.S. How do I embed video here?

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  21. On 8/25/2020 at 11:07 AM, Jbelr said:

    This forum helped me discover her as person, you can also check twitter fan accounts, they also have very good sources of her old interviews, CFs, and the like. :foryou:

    Do you have any recommendations for twitter accounts to follow for her news/old interviews? 


    On 8/25/2020 at 1:51 PM, ILSYJSG said:

    @Seriya The kind of raw and powerful acting you saw in TTB, YJ actually did show similar acting in Blood And Ties (BAT). Did you watch that movie? At that time, during many of her interviews regarding BAT,  YJ said that movie was the most difficult for her because there were many highly emotional scenes, far more than a normal dark thriller. YJ said she was completely drained after filming BAT.


    There are so many memorable YJ shows that it is very difficult to choose. For me, AMTR will always have a special place in my heart since it is the very first YJ movie I watched many years back and I really cried buckets over it. 2nd will be MWGM because it is amazing how she is able to convince the audience not to hate her character in it (Jin Ah) with her brilliant acting. And I think she looks simple yet breathtaking without much makeup in all her scenes. 

    I haven't watched BAT yet.  It will be on my list if I can find it somewhere.


    Recently watched AMTR, The Classic and April Snow.  Now that I've seen their poster art I recall them being big hits in Asian cinema way back when.  Wish I had seen them in the cinema back in the day.  I'm sure YJ would have left an impression on me even then in her early days.  Even from The Classic to AMTR to April Snow, you can see how her acting improved.  I think she had good luck/ability to be cast in such well made movies at the start of her career with strong directing and costars.  Those are movies that stand the test of time.  Does anyone know if she had to audition for those pivotal roles?


    As YJ said in some interviews, she wants to make movies/dramas that will still be good to watch/won't be embarrassing to watch in another 20 years and it's already almost 20 years for those movies and I think it's fair to say they are still well thought of.


    How do I do spoiler tags here?


    The Classic: that running in the rain scene is an absolute classic for a reason!  That youthful exuberance was so lovely to watch.


    AMTR: Also my favourite film of hers out of the ones I've watched so far.  It's a classic in its genre and a very well done movie overall. The soju scene is another classic and I really loved YJ doing the card trick. The relationship scenes were so sweet and believable despite being complete opposites. The scene where she talked to him about his mum and he talked with her dad were also excellent.  And of course the letter scene near the end... tears.  This was not an easy role and YJ acquitted herself well. 


    April Snow: the no dialogue solo crying scene in the restaurant was a killer! Also, shallow note have to say YJ has a lovely back and the love scenes were tastefully done imo. Must have been challenging to do them as such a young actress and really to capture the complicated emotions of a character in those circumstances. 


    After watching these movies and Be With You, I can see why she's called MeloQueen though I feel her abilities as an actress far exceed that.  But, she does seem to have a particular talent in touching people and making people fall in love with her in this genre, and audiences seem to respond to her in those roles particularly well too.  So I do hope she does some quality melodramas in the future too that are different to the ones she's done before, after a break since CLOY had those elements too.


    On 8/25/2020 at 1:51 PM, ILSYJSG said:


    For dramas, my favourite is CLOY. She simply nails all her scenes and emotions, without overacting and boy, her comedic timing is flawless! Whenever YSR laughed, I laughed. Whenever YSR cried, I cried. Actually YJ's flair for comedy can also be seen in Personal Taste and The Art Of Seduction.

    Yes, her comedic acting was so very good!  I may have enjoyed it even more than the melodrama heh, even as I was touched in those scenes.  In that interview, she said she watched a lot of comedy skits as preparation for the Yoon Seri role.  As some actors say, comedy can be the hardest to act.  It's clear she really put in a lot of work with her expressions and line delivery to make the comedy work in CLOY.  A less skilled actress could have made Seri annoying.  Will look forward to checking out her other comedic roles.  I would love to see her in an all female comedy in the future.


    On 8/25/2020 at 1:51 PM, ILSYJSG said:


    For great acting, I will choose Alone In Love (AIL) as my 2nd favourite YJ drama. The thing about YJ’s acting is that she’s fantastic when it comes to emotional scenes. She doesn’t need to shed tears, and we know she’s aching inside. Even when she is smiling, we can somehow feel the pain she is experiencing within. Sometimes the most subtle look or gesture has the power to generate the most emotional response from the audience. No words necessary. This is what differentiates a great actress from a normal actress.

    Exactly. Less is more. Often restraint in acting can be more powerful and I think YJ understands that.  AIL will be on my list too. There are so many emotional scenes in CLOY and I felt she calibrated them very well.  Definitely one of her acting strengths.  It wasn't just either 0 or 10. She has many degrees of crying/other ways of showing emotion in a scene and they didn't feel the same.


    On 8/25/2020 at 11:40 PM, Custo Barc said:

    I’m doubtful about her taking on this historical drama because I read somewhere that she doesn’t like doing them, which explains why she hasn’t done any since her first one in 2002.

    Since then the only quasi-historical project she has done is The Last Princess which takes place in 1925.  I read that she fasted for 24 hours the day before shooting a particular scene so she would look weak and sickly.  She was awesome throughout the movie and won best actress awards at Baeksang, Blue Dragon and Grand Bell. 

    TLP is also on my list. I did read that she cried for a really long time (like hours?) for one of the scenes and didn't even stop crying after cut according to her costar, who was so impressed by her immersion and professionalism. 

    I read that she also cried after AMTR and at the SITR wrap party.  It seems she has a lot of emotions to let out, maybe especially after a work that is very meaningful/challenging to her. 


    On 8/26/2020 at 5:08 AM, Kari said:

    I think that it's just the production company trying to use YJ and KHN's names to boost the drama. After the global success of CLOY, I don't think YJ will take on another drama. She only did SITR because of her friendship with the director.

    Can you share more about her friendship with the director? I watched some BTS of SITR and it seems he has quite a different directing style to CLOY or other Kdrama TV directors?  SITR director seemed to have a very specific idea of what he wanted in a scene and also was a big fan of natural unrehearsed acting.  I am interested to know more about YJ's acting process.  Some actors seem to like that unrehearsed take but it seems YJ is the kind of actor to like to prepare a lot in advance and then offer different options for each take and ideas to the director. CLOY director mentioned this, I would like to know what ideas she suggested. 


    I read that SITR director offered her another drama with the same costar right after SITR.  Haven't watched One Spring Night but i think it was probably a good call to go with something different like CLOY straight after.  


    On 8/26/2020 at 10:06 AM, yejinatic1981 said:

    Everytime Son Ye Jin is announced to have a potential project, there will be doubters and naysayers saying that she should not do this and that, and something or someone is more suitable for her. I remember when the press released the information about the movie The Cross, some people here said that it isn't the right project for her and the director was having a hard time finding an investor for it. Fast forward, they just released that YeJin is confirmed for the role and the movie will be shot with $30M budget.  

    Is it true that The Cross director approached YJ for the role before CLOY and even met her in S Korea? I read that somewhere.  I am excited about The Cross because the director is quite talented in the sci fi/dystopian genre even if his films aren't necessarily big hits but he's well respected.  So I'm hopeful that the female role isn't just a damsel in distress.


    For me, I don't object to seeing YJ in a historical drama or any genre, as long as the writing is good any genre is fine by me.  But I do think a historical drama may not necessarily be the best kind of role to capitalise on the global success post CLOY.  I think it would be less accessible to foreign audiences compared to other genres.  Good point about movie box offices being a question mark next year, but I think they will rebound strongly in the future. A film can do well and be a big hit even if only released on Netflix.  Mainly, I do think time is tight for her to take on a big scale drama before The Cross, if that happens as scheduled, and I feel she may want to spend a lot of time and effort preparing for an English speaking role in her first Western movie.  I don't know if it's too late for her to join any films filming in the second half of 2020 but a film role in a different genre to CLOY would be my choice.


    18 hours ago, SonBender said:

    Hi Seriya, Like you, at New Year I had never hear of SYJ. She was amazing in CLOY and thanks to the lockdown I'vewatched all her movies and dramas except for Sunhee and Jinhee for which I'm still looking for eng subs.


    Of her 21 movies, 2 are voice only which leaves 19. My favorites:

    • The Classic
    • A Moment to Remember
    • Be With You
    • The Negotiation
    • The Truth Beneath

    I do not watch drama series, but for Yejin I did. My favorites:

    • Crash Landing on You
    • Shark
    • Summer Scent

    Some thoughts on what I'd like to see her in next. I prefer movies, so I hope she does not get bogged down in doing CLOY season 2, CLOY season 3, etc. until she retires from acting :huh: However, with theaters closed due to the lockdowns, TV drama might be the only option for now. I'm not sure about that Hollywood move called the Cross. It seems to have had some false starts. The premise seems interesting. One reason I started watching CLOY was because of the culture and restrictions of a cross-border relationship. I think her English is improving so hopefully by the time of filming she'll have it mastered. Let's hope she doesn't get stuck in Hollywood, though.


    I think she does well in period acting such as Chi Hwa Seon (minor role), Daemang (about 3/4 of the series and dresses as a male trader), The Last Princess and The Pirates. So if she is going to do another period series it will be worth watching.


    I would like to see Yejin in something other than a pure romantic drama. CLOY was interesting because it had the romance, but there was also culture clash, politics, danger, business, comedy, gangsters, death, family strife and more. She has a large range of acting ability, and I'd like to see films use those abilities.

    You've definitely made more progress than me with her filmography! Need to work hard to catch up haha.  Wow you even managed to dig up Chi Hwa Seon and Daemang. Have no idea where to find those. I love the idea of her in a cross dressing period role. 


    Look foward to exchanging more thoughts with you when I've watched more of YJ's work. 

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