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Posts posted by Seriya

  1. On 2/7/2021 at 6:47 PM, tncloy1819 said:

    My admiration to this woman just grows more and more. 

    Part of SYJ interview done last March of 2018 in the article Korea times.


    I have seen many of her intelligent answers from interviews done in the past but this one for me is one of the best.


    No wonder she is where she is now


    How far #MeToo will go? And what kind of changes will it bring? 

    Asked about the issue, popular actress Son Ye-jin did not answer immediately. She paused with her head down and right hand holding her chin. After several seconds, she spoke in a low and serious tone. It was a striking departure from the vivaciousness she showed when greeting this reporter for a recent interview at a cafe in Sogyeok-dong, Seoul. 

    "It would be a good pain for our society," Son said. "I hope this campaign will change the outdated male-centered perspective about women once and for all...and also bring down all the practices harmful to women." 

    @tncloy1819,I'm with you.  I came across some interviews where SYJ talked about the MeToo movement in SK some time ago when I was discovering more about her, and I really appreciated her response on this issue too.  Glad to know I am admiring a strong feminist who isn't afraid to speak up on such important issues.  From what I've read in the news, the MeToo movement has definitely created waves in SK society. And controversy, too, in what is still a conservative and patriarchal society in many ways.  It's a subject that's ripe for film imo.  SYJ's SITR dealt with sexual harassment somewhat but I would love to see her star in a film that really revolves around this issue and the MeToo movement. It's a topical subject for a powerful film for a powerful actress, and female-centric (though really, men need to understand this issue!!).


    Celest1a1 posted another of SYJ's responses on this subject.



    Wow, that Yejinpoly set!!  So much effort and creativity by fans!!  I think she would love it.  Might even make HB play it with her lol.  I think she really loves games hehe.  I remember that TN solo interview where the host played some arm wrestling game with her and she was really into it and wanted to take it home at the end lol and she was so pleased when they gifted her with this mini snooker game.


    Another lovely bts pic from CLOY of them at the picnic site.  But how do these pics surface? I read it's from weibo, but where do those people get it from??  I do wish we'd seen more of Seri & JH together at the picnic.  The piglet still makes me laugh.  I wonder if SYJ thinks singing or dancing is more awkward on camera heh.  Singing and all things musical would be right up JH/HB's alley.


    HB looks great in the UA ad.  I prefer this kind of look to the one where he was staring into a cup of water, albeit stylishly.  Too bad they didn't show more of his muscles in CLOY after he mentioned in every interview how he bulked up to play RJH!!  Director!!  I mean, couldn't they show him in a vest or something every time he got shot or stabbed and Seri would be there gently caressing his arm... cough.  What a waste! 


    If HB and SYJ were to do a joint cf, I would love for it to be them sweating and working out together... for a sports brand, get your mind out of the gutter! :P They would look very hot together no doubt and they are super fit.  They could spar together in a ring hmm... OK I wouldn't mind if they have to sell some mattress together either hehehe.  Can't help but notice that SYJ gets all the typical "feminine" image type ads.  I would love to see her fierce image in an ad for once.  She's a certified pilates & TRX instructor for crying out loud, no sportswear brand or sports product wants to tap into that image? A shame but I'm guessing Pocari probably doesn't choose any people over 30 or even 25 to be in their ads.  Maybe HB will tell UA how superfit his gf is and how hot she looks in UA stuff too lol.


    Smart seems to be getting a lot of mileage out of Binjin. Hope they paid them well!! 







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  2. SYJ seems like a mature, level headed person.  So hopefully she's handling the unprecedented level of interest in her private life well, but yes, it's got to be overwhelming, especially for such a private individual.  But she's got a supportive partner, team, family and friends to be there for her as she navigates this new reality of her celebrity.  Hopefully they can still maintain their privacy, the interest from media will be less in due course and fans can be respectful and not be intrusive.  I just hope people can continue to appreciate SYJ as her own person, serious actress, and not just be seen through the lens as HB's gf.  And I hope all the questions and assumptions and pressures about marriage and babies and all of that don't crash land on her, as the woman, as they often do, from the media and fans.  Hope she is allowed time and space to keep her private life private or share whatever she wants when she feels comfortable to do so again.


    On a lighter note, thanks for that walk down SYJ's fashion memory lane.  Many great looks but 2 of my all time faves are missing!  The white off shoulder flowing dress at the film festival red carpet which is her best all time red carpet look imo & her casual look in the grey coat at HB's movie premiere. 


    Is white SYJ's fave colour? Or she just wears it a lot cause she looks good in it?  Who is her stylist, by the way?  One of my least favourite looks was probably the safety pin dress when she sat next to HB hahaha.




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  3. @QueenieBeeyep, the fact that SYJ and her girlfriends stopped posting pics (or without faces) of their gatherings together was already a hint that she/they preferred to keep those private.  I don't know if fans were asking about them or not.  I can imagine that probably every second comment on SYJ's IG these days no matter what she posts about will be about Binjin... most fans may mean well, but that's got to be overwhelming and a big change. 


    Binjin are both super private people as we can guess from HB not even bothering with social media, and SYJ never once making public any relationship in her 20 year career.  They've acknowledged the relationship publicly, and may be thankful for all the well wishes, but it doesn't mean they want something so private and special to them to be available for public consumption. The last thing they may have ever wanted or imagined was becoming this big celeb couple with massive public interest in them.... but well, it just happened that way :) they fell in love with a fellow star, and thanks to the gift that was CLOY the interest in them exploded.  They are both sensible and mature people who have been in the business for years, so hopefully all this unprecedented level of attention and interest in their private lives is not affecting them too much on a personal or professional level.  Hopefully they can still protect their privacy and not feel too constrained in their everyday lives.  


    And I hope the next time they come out with a project the media attention will be on the work itself.  They've both worked so hard as actors to get to where they are.  I think the last thing they would want is for their private lives to overshadow their work.  I hope SYJ isn't asked about HB and marriage and babies in every interview as many women are, unless she is comfortable sharing on her own. 


    I saw a similar discussion on Twitter this week about SYJ with a few fans concerned about why she isn't working right now - that maybe her focus is on her personal life vs her career.



     It's 2021, it's not an either/or.  Women can choose to balance it all, or if they choose to prioritize one over the other at any given time, it's a valid choice as long as it's HER choice.  Unfortunately, I feel women in whatever field get judged about this far more compared with men.  The same judgments and assumptions aren't made about men.  Women ourselves have got to stop judging our fellow women like this. 


    I think SYJ's passion for acting is crystal clear and HB is well aware of that as her biggest fan.  Him cheering her on to continue acting like cow yejin is so wonderfully supportive.  So no matter what the future holds for them as a couple, I think she will act until she is a grandma as she said. :D She may feel expectations are high after the success of CLOY, who knows, and she has always chosen projects carefully, so maybe she is waiting for that super special script.  Covid has shaken up schedules all round but I too feel confident she'll deliver a new project this year, be it Cross and/or something else.  And who knows, maybe her current project is interior design which she also seems very passionate about hahaha.


    When fans really want something, I think it's good to ask: is it for you or for them?  If we really love and support Binjin, then it should be about respecting them, their choices, their perspective. 



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  4. 18 hours ago, welh11 said:

    I do wonder why after 6 1/2 years SYJ established a new Chinese social media account.

    It seems she has had a weibo account for a long time but had trouble logging in/posting so it's been dormant for a while.  So she/her agency just went with a newer, hipper social media platform instead.  I'm not on either so don't know what she posted in the past or how active her Mainland Chinese fanbase is, but would guess it's substantial.


    18 hours ago, welh11 said:


    Yes, she is very appreciative of her fan support and gifts that she has received in the last year. Most of her new popularity is international, but I thought most of it came from Japan, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

    I think she and HB and other Korean stars are massive in Mainland China.  I think I read that the CLOY finale even broke the mainland streaming platform due to overcapacity.  In terms of sheer numbers, I would guess that mainland fans are not insignificant simply due to population size.  I'm nor sure but it seems they were the ones who did one of the big building/subway ads for SYJ's bday and sent over some expensive luxury designer items for their idols.  It does seem like SYJ was shocked by the scale of her birthday celebrations/gifts from fans all over.


    18 hours ago, welh11 said:

    Second, she is a savvy businesswoman. Could she be re-introducing herself to the Chinese market? Or more specifically, Hong Kong which is English speaking (hence the English caption)? She could be considering a new China-Hong Kong (co)production project. She did one before, Bad Guys Always Die (2016), but that movie did not do well at the box office.

    These days, whether you're from Hollywood or Bollywood or elsewhere in Asia or wherever, no one in the entertainment business ignores the Mainland Chinese market.  Again, sheer numbers.  Purchasing power and market value.  More Asian/East-West co-productions now depend on Mainland investment to get made. I'm sure she and her agency are savvy about this.  She's already done ads for a Chinese makeup brand.  But Korean/Japanese celebs popular in Mainland China also need to tread carefully at times given the minefield that is the historical relationship between the 3 countries.  Innocuous social media content by a celeb can generate a backlash stirred up by nationalist forces and there have been many examples of this absurdity and celebs have been burned and made to apologize.


    I think the English caption was just a filter so wouldn't read too much into it.  Xiaohungshu/Weibo are Mainland oriented apps. HK and Taiwan use different apps like Instagram/Twitter/Line/Whatsapp etc which are officially blocked in Mainland China. 


    Honestly I don't want to see her do a commercial Chinese film, though I'm sure it would be lucrative.  I would much rather see her working with renowned Chinese arthouse type director/actors.  Working with a Taiwanese/Oscar winning director like Ang Lee or HK director Wong Kar Wai in some multi country co-production would be a dream. Or costarring with Gong Li or Chow Yun Fat.


    I think I came across some old interview of SYJ's where she said she was a fan of HK films when she was growing up(?).  Guessing it might have been during the golden era of HK film in the 80s/90s when they were popular across Asia.  She even named some actors she would love to work with.  Can't remember who she named or where she said this.


    I thought SYJ's mandarin was pretty good in CLOY.  Her mandarin enunciation may even be better than her English one, tbh.  But her English seems to be improving with every project.


    I would be happy even if SYJ simply continued to do quality Korean projects.  Korean film & television have produced a lot of high quality works in recent decades that have dazzled even Hollywood. 








  5. I have no idea if it's an old pic or a current pic.  Maybe it's her at home look plus filters?  I find she tends to look older with more make up and I prefer her with less.  Either way, it's nice she made the effort to connect with fans through another app.  I think she was maybe genuinely surprised and shocked by the scale of the birthday efforts for her this year from ardent fans.


    Read some translated news on twitter that suggests SYJ may be reviewing new projects since Cross is delayed (and may be delayed beyond Sept even?).  Not sure how legit it is.  But I feel SYJ will do a new project this year for sure, one way or another.  Hopefully she's being flooded with great scripts!! 

  6. APAIN lol.  Thanks for the translation.  HB saved the best for last. :heart:

    Since HB has movies coming out this year, I think it likely we'll see SYJ at the premieres supporting her dear bf.


    I was curious to see who had top billing between HB and SYJ (does that affect who is nominated for a Daeseng?), whether there was still the practice of male lead being named first even when leads have basically equal status/roles, or if they had equal billing.  I noticed that for TN SYJ was billed first, but for CLOY, HB was billed first.  Anyone know why?  Billing is the kind of thing that would be negotiated by agencies in HW, not sure how it works in K-ent.


    CLOY gets a mention here. Hopefully Binjin will work on a Netflix production again in the future. 


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  7. Congrats to the CLOY team for all their awards!!  Well deserved.  If I am completely honest, I would say SYJ had a few more moments to shine as an actor in CLOY for me, whereas for TN it would be HB who had the showier role.  Just a matter of the writing allowing for the actor to have more to do.  So I do wish SYJ had the chance to win the Daesang for Seri at one award show or another.  But in any acting collaboration, a strong, trusting, (loving, ha) partnership is what it takes for each actor to shine. It's a team effort. So I don't doubt that Binjin would be equally happy for the other as if they had won the award themselves!  His success for CLOY is her success, and vice versa.  And I hope they had a very good celebration at home hahaha.


    HB spoke wonderfully of his professional (and cough personal partner cough) Ye Jin-ssi (are they ever going to drop the -sshi or it's just not done?) in his thank you speech.  There's just something about the way he speaks of her....aww.  I didn't doubt he would thank her when he named others.  I had no expectations of him alluding to their personal relationship because I don't think he/they would think that's the forum for it and they want to keep the attention on their professional work.  That's not to say they aren't aware and grateful for all the warm wishes from fans and everyone.


    HB does look a bit tired though so I hope he gets some good rest before filming starts!  SYJ sometimes looked tired too. Have they both been staying up late for Netflix (and chill)? Hahaha.  Envy how HB can bulk up/slim down so easily.  Well, I'm sure it takes work but yeah.


    SYJ was sweet and gracious in her thank you speech as usual, complete with cute clapping from her and the unseen audience (which was more than those who actually turned up to the venue got lol).  She knows how hard and how crazy fan voting can get so I'm sure she feels the love from fans, win or lose.  (Though I personally don't think voting should be hard or crazy or cost money, but well...)


    She looks great in white as usual but I feel like I haven't seen her in other colours in a long time lol.  I actually loved her look in colourful sweaters in NK in CLOY so hope she'll wear some bright colours again sometime.


    I didn't know HB's manager was actually his high school classmate.  That is so cool.  I did chuckle when HB's manager said he loved and appreciated HB like nobody else.  Awww.... but Yejin may beg to differ lol.  So both HB and SYJ are with managers who have known them even before they made it and for years in their long careers.  That just speaks to how both of them value loyalty and friendship that stand the test of time. Another value they share. 


    I do think we'll still get the chance to see Binjin photographed/filmed together in the future (that's not from Dispatch ;)), even though I think anything like handholding is unlikely but not impossible.  Again we may be surprised when we least expect it! 







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  8. On 1/19/2021 at 7:57 AM, KimDdalgi said:

    Hello guys it is an off topic. I'll post it here because #CLOY was trending in our country and in Twitter today. The government of our country was so a CLOY Fan they make them as an example. CLOY was really dominating the World not just only in Asia. These series is really true example of good values. I give CLOY Team and BinJin Couple a big praise and applause. (Wink Wink Wink)


    Please excuse me for replying to this OT, and I can't say I'm familiar with Philippine politics beyond the general picture, but I am not really a fan of politicians using something like CLOY for their political agendas. Not even sure how CLOY is even relevant here.  There are laws requiring authorisation from universities before police and military enter campuses in many democratic countries for good reason, to protect institutional autonomy, prevent authoritarian creep, and to preserve students' right to free speech and assembly.  


    I love CLOY but it's fiction, and me liking the characters of RJH and the solider ducklings doesn't change my thinking about the NK regime and what is known about it in harsh reality.   South Korea had a long and challenging road to becoming a democratic country where students were actually killed by the military/police.  So I think it's kind of inappropriate actually to use a kdrama to justify this kind of policy change. 


    Back to Binjin.  I am sorry if some fans got ripped off by APAN.  Beware those looking to exploit fans for money and clicks (which is money).  Binjin unfortunately has become a commodity for many.  I personally prefer to support Binjin or any artist's career directly by buying tickets to their works/something they are directly involved with (if it's also something I myself support).


    As Binjin have said themselves before, awards are not their main motivation in their work.  They are simply motivated to be the best actors they can be and produce high quality work that can stand the test of time and hopefully resonates with audiences.  So if they win awards, great. But if they don't, sure they have a good perspective about it all.

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    19 hours ago, welh11 said:

    @Seriya As I recall, the SYJ hospital trip was during location shooting in winter (January). It could have been fatigue, flu or dehydration as she was treated and returned to the set. You can tell all of the cast looked ill (redness around their eyes) from long outdoor scenes.

    Yes. She especially looked red during the first border scene.  And a lot of her outdoor scenes in the freezing cold involved so much emotional energy and crying, over multiple takes, it must have been easy to become tired and exhausted.  Even the indoor sets must have been quite cold given everyone's almost always wearing big down jackets or have blankets wrapped around them. 



    I think she has received many offers since CLOY but seemed content to do CFs and her fan meeting than committing to a non-challenging role. I do think she did set aside the first half of 2021 for The Cross and was only recently told of the delay. I think she has been studying English to do a foreign language film. I think many Korean actors now see American productions as a huge career move because they pay better and expose them to new markets. For example, a Netflix original production could double an actor's Korean pay rate.

    I believe SYJ when she said Hollywood wasn't something that was a must do on her list but when a good opportunity with a good script/character/director arose, she was receptive to it and relished the challenge of a foreign language role.


    I have mixed feelings about Asian actors doing HW projects.  While it's great Asians get more representation, they really have to be good roles in good films and not stereotypical or token kind of roles.  I've seen quite a few good Asian actors end up in bad HW films.  And nowadays, with global streaming content that opens people to content from so many countries easily, you don't necessarily have to act in English to have a global impact. See: CLOY.  I would rather see SYJ in a high quality Asian language production like Parasite or Crouching Tiger, which are so good that they even get recognised by HW, than be in a mediocre HW production.  I would definitely love to see SYJ in another Netflix production in the future (I think now she definitely sees the reach of that platform) or in a film that goes on the film festival circuit. 


    Scifi/dystopian is a genre she hasn't done before so I do think Cross is a project with potential, if it happens.  Or a female driven project in whatever genre., I'm on board. 




    One potential concern is that SYJ is still attached to melodramas and romantic comedy genres. Would she take such a role in 2021 (and how would shippers react with her love scenes with a different leading man?)

    I think there's a real strength to SYJ's emotional acting, whatever the genre, and audiences respond to that.  That tends to be in melo and romcom roles so I think they will continue to be a part of her future works.  But she's also shown her versatility and interest in different kinds of roles, so I don't think she will do another melo/romcom soon unless it's a really compelling and fresh character she hasn't done before. 


    SYJ's been acting for 20 years and she's a serious actress.  I don't think things like shipper reaction to love scenes would be something that would impede or even be a factor in her considering whether to take on a role.  She wants to do films that illuminate the human condition, and if love scenes or looking old and ugly or whatever are necessary to show that in a film, then I don't think she would have any qualms with that.  She's done roles in films like April Snow and MWGM which may have not been typical for a young actress, and she never let any concerns about image stop her then.  SYJ's talked of films like The Handmaiden before so she strikes me as progressive and open minded in her attitude to life and film.  Which is cool.  I don't think marriage will really or should change her choice of roles.  Acting is not real life.  And hope fans are mature enough to understand that.  If not, well, you can't live your life around fan's sensitivities. 


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  10. Have they ever won an APAN award before? What are they nominated for again? Who determines the winners (the ones not by popular vote) What award has SYJ already won? Is this the one where people had to buy hearts?  Sorry I lost track. 


    Congrats to those who voted, a Binjin appearance is your reward!  Maybe they did choose to appear at this event to thank fans for all their efforts.  I had very little expectations of Binjin appearing together again at another award show or of any PDA in public (though I'm sure they will be their sweet selves).  Keep expectations in check (though hopefully there will be one or 2 interviews with them) and you may find everything even more enjoyable! :) 


    Hopefully Binjin won't be overwhelmed by all the attention from fans and media.  They must expect it, but still... hope they won't be made uncomfortable and can continue to only enjoy positive vibes. 


    They were clearly trying so hard to avoid suspicion at Baeksang with the furtive looks at the camera (but still they couldn't avoid that sweet split second of connection on stage hehehe), hopefully they can be more relaxed this time.



    I'm not sure I love the tweet capitalizing on their relationship to get people to buy tickets :rolleyes: (although I understand from a marketing point of view). 

    Ditto. I had no idea before this fandom that there were award shows where basically money could go towards votes. Between that and selling tickets online, I guess the award show biz can be lucrative. ;) Hope stars are well compensated for appearing. 


    I think it more likely HB's parents are just scouting out potential homes for their son and future daughter in law.  Unless they are even more loaded than Binjin lol.  BInjin are well able to afford their own home and hopefully free enough to look at homes themselves too now that relationship is confirmed.  But then I read that in traditional Korean practice, the groom's parents often buy the marriage home while the bride's side supplies the furniture.  And there seems to be a lot of rituals involved with Korean wedding planning.  Not sure how traditional Binjin or their parents are though.


    That TVN CLOY video with the new captions was fun.  Though I want to know why the eggplant in that epic scene outside the hospital lol.



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  11. Good point about depending on when she knew about the Cross delay to the second half the year, if that.  It may be too late for her to sign on with projects filming in the first half of the year, I don't know.  And as you said not sure how much stuff is even scheduled to be filmed this year in Korea, due to covid.  If the rumours are true that HB will do CA2 in Feb and it hasn't even been officially announced that he's signed on, then it seems to be leaving it till quite late.  Not sure what the usual practice is for casting announcements in SK.  Stars at their level probably have their schedules known for the next few months in advance and SYJ seems the type to want to do a lot of prep work in advance of a role. 


    I miss her magazine shoots/longform interviews, but I guess if she doesn't have any specific project to promote she doesn't need to do them. And I don't think she will do any just due to her private life announcement.  Too bad we probably won't see her and HB in a hot magazine photoshoot together again!


    I do think that she has a wedding penciled in for before she turns 40 or at 40 (whether you follow the Korean age system or the regular one) and it will happen regardless of what other projects she takes on or not. 


    Who knows maybe her current big project is not film related at all but figuring out the interior design for a new married home?  Seems like something she would be into and that's a big undertaking as well. 


    Anyone can share more about her fatigue episode during CLOY?  As I didn't watch CLOY in real time, didn't know about it till later.  What were they filming when it happened?  Thankfully she's recovered. But I can imagine these drama schedules are very grueling.  You can pretty much see the actors looking more tired as the drama goes on. 








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  12. Haha maybe HB's parents are the biggest shippers of all if they were telling the real estate agent that their son is going to marry SYJ.  I would brag about such a daughter in law too! :P Guessing their new home will still have a patio/garden as SYJ loves her plants and greens.  I'm surprised if K-ent stars don't make real estate/hotel/wedding prep staff sign a confidentiality agreement. 


    18 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    It's hard to say. HB had a busy 2020 with wrapping up CLOY filming and then Bargaining shoot which took a lot longer than expected plus filming in Jordan in the middle of the summer. He may be reviewing scripts, and signing up for CA2 is a high possibility. We should know more on that soon since filming might start in February. 

    CA2 sounds like a good project for HB so I think it's likely he'll do it.  He's had almost half a year break to spend extra time with his loved one. :)  Though it's a shame they couldn't go on vacation together anywhere. 


    18 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    With SYJ, it is a bit harder to guess. Her last 2 projects were dramas and she normally does not do dramas back to back because they are more demanding so I assume she will do a film next. It was supposed to be Cross starting in April but we know that got pushed to September for now. She may do something else in the meantime if it fits her schedule. The pandemic has really thrown everything off course. 

    I'm guessing she'll do a film next too.  I think another drama will be too much too soon after CLOY and with possible Cross and possible wedding planned for 2021.  Unless there's an irresistible drama script from a writer she's always wanted to work with.  I don't know if she and HB planned to work on CLOY so soon after working on TN together, or if it was another one of those it just happened that way things :P and they rightly didn't want to pass on the opportunity of a good script with a good writer and ideal costar casting hehe to test out their onscreen chemistry (and relationship).  But they sure both seemed keen to work together in the romance genre together after TN, onscreen and off hehe.  I love that while they already had good expectations of each other as colleagues prior to TN, their expectations of each other as actors, as people, were clearly surpassed from TN, and they wanted to repeat that experience again, and have the chance to grow their relationship as co-stars and as more than friends. 


    18 hours ago, QueenieBee said:

    The bigger question is when they plan to get married (I assume this year) and whether either or both intend to just take a prolonged break to enjoy their life together a bit. Or they may surprise us and jump right into work soon after. While I get the idea of capitalizing on CLOY, they are both at a point in their careers where their past successes speak for themselves. They are top actors in their fields. Its less about whether roles/offers are coming in (they are) and more a question of whether they want to work, and how often. 


    Be it Cross or a Korean film, or both, I really do hope to see SYJ film something new this year.  It's been quite a long hiatus by her standards.  She has such a passion and hunger for acting, I don't think she'll go too long without a new acting project.  I would understand wanting to take time off to spend together and to prepare/enjoy married life, but if a really good opportunity comes along, I think they'll make it work so they can balance both.  I would like to see them capitalize on CLOY momentum in terms of doing a high quality/high profile project next, though I don't doubt they already had their choice of offers prior to CLOY.  If CLOY's popularity can make something like an all female ensemble film happen like SYJ's always wanted or make a writer/director have her as their top pick for a juicy role, then I'm all for it.  Though I think SYJ will always consider the scenario/character first for any project, high profile or not, from a famous or a rookie director/writer.  Something of the caliber like Parasite or Minari would be amazing.


    I am going to guess a late summer/autumn/winter wedding.  Spring may be too soon considering the dating announcement came in Jan. But I hope they do it according to their own timetable on their own terms.  If they got married tomorrow, it would be awesome just the same!  Whenever it happens, highly likely within this year.  No idea if they truly delayed a wedding from last year due to covid, but I hope they'll be able to have the wedding of their dreams this year. 


    18 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    Some of those bus clips came from TN promo/media companies' social media accounts. And yes, pink bubbles everywhere :wub:

    Did TN staff think they were promoting a romantic film instead of a negotiation thriller? Lol.  Love how HB was game to be all cute complete with funny faces and filters though it may not be his natural habitat. That's how you know he was really into SYJ heh.


    18 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    I also laughed at SYJ talking about how good they looked together. Did you catch HBs face the moment she said that? He was originally looking straight ahead and then quickly turned to look at her. It's like he couldn't believe it :lol:

    HB looked at SYJ/smiled shyly every time SYJ complimented him on being "cute" (while playing a hostage taker lol), or having a sweet voice, or having great skin and hair lol.  Meanwhile, SYJ was laughing shyly every time HB said the reason to see TN was to see SYJ, and he kept saying it lol.  Noticed they both touched their ear/neck when they got shy/embarrassed by the compliments.  So I call the TN promo stage Budding Attraction & Shy Flirtations. :P  Then by CLOY promo stage it's So In Love & Going Steady & Outright Teasing of a Comfy Couple.  We're blessed to see this love story in these different stages thanks to promos of 2 works. 



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  13. I'm a terrible Binjin fan but I have a question again because all the cute content just mixes or melts my brain haha. 


    In Edelweiss' I Finally Found Someone fmv, there are some clips of Binjin on TN promo bus being super adorable together where they make a series of cute faces at the camera in close up shots (from 1:49).  Where is that from? I thought it might be from SYJ's IG posts with HB, but no, it isn't. Help.  


    All the TN bus stuff was pure gold.  How much flirting/heart eyes was going on there? :P Love the clip from SYJ of HB fanning her with the electric fan.


    When SYJ said/joked at the TN press conference that people said she and HB looked good together at those press events, who was she referring to?  Fans?  TN staff?  Or Kmedia were already writing about how good they looked together even then?  And she and HB had talked about the fact that they did look good together? :P And then somehow segue into wanting to work together in romcom? Haha.


    The bridegroom comment MC and another lady MC (narrator in KBS entertainment segment? the one who asked them who they were to each other at TN press conference lol what kind of question was that?!) were teasing them quite a bit during TN press conferences.  That lady MC seems to know SYJ well? Or at least has interviewed her before. Not sure if it was the same MC for the CLOY press con.  If it's any media person that may get them to comment on the relationship in the future in an interview, it'll probably be someone they know well.  Though I think they will always remain very private people and hope fans can understand that even though the interest is very understandable haha. 





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  14. Thank you @Sweet Juliet, yes that is the interview I was thinking of.  I noticed it even got featured briefly with a shot of SYJ in that purple sweater in that KBS entertainment segment about HB/SYJ this week.  I still can't find it on youtube, maybe not using the right key words.


    If Cross is mean to be, maybe it'll happen sometime in the future.  But I hope SYJ doesn't put everything else on hold for it if it doesn't look like it will happen this year.  Even if it films in Sept, she could still have time to do a film project in the spring.  She's done 2 projects in a year before.  I hope we don't got another year without SYJ filming a new work, and I don't think we will, because I think SYJ herself will be raring to work after this long hiatus.  If HB is doing a new film in the spring as well, then it seems not all their focus will be on their personal lives.


    CLOY did so well, I just hope SYJ can capitalise on that momentum.  No idea if she's being offered even more roles, though the main point is I hope she's offered high quality ones.   And she's in her prime as an actress, so I selfishly hope she doesn't wait too long before blessing us with her onscreen presence.  

  15. Some of the cakes and flowers looked like they were set on YJ's dining table so it was cool that MSTEAM actually did take all the stuff to her house (poor person in charge of delivery and unloading!).  There was so much stuff I wasn't sure if it would be kept at the office instead.   How do idols deal with this?!  Honestly, while the fan gestures are no doubt appreciated, it's impossible to keep everything.  She'll have to share her cakes far and wide because no way 2 or even 5 people can eat that much!!  MSTEAM staff definitely deserve it after uploading a 2nd (!) video for fans in the middle of the night.  I hope fans were kind to them, felt bad for them that they felt like they had to do another video after criticism.  I don't think video editing is the main focus of MSTEAM staff.  It's really the sentiment that counts and MSTEAM already said they were so impressed with fan efforts and appreciated all their love for SYJ.  A thank you video isn't even obligatory in the first place.  Don't think talent agencies do this kind of thing in Hollywood.  While it's nice that fans choose to make gestures of appreciation, I hope actors/agencies don't feel pressured to say take a photo/video of every single gift that's delivered.  

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  16. Thank you @Sweet Juliet!  Is there a link anywhere to any bit of that interview?  So she said that all the way back in 2013, but I think it applies to HB now hehehe.  Actually SYJ comes across as quite an affectionate and tactile person to me so I was a little surprised to hear she's more quiet at home.  Are Daegu people known as more reserved? 


    The latest post from SYJ was so heartwarming.  She has a way with words that feels so heartfelt and sweet and thoughtful.  She's just one cool girl. :D 

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  17. What a gracious and touching post from our dear Yejin!  Gave me all the warm fuzzies.  She always sounds so sweet and sincere with her words, in English no less. Can imagine she's been reflecting on a lot, 20 years since her debut and reaching a milestone birthday.  It can't have been easy; she definitely deserves to pat herself on her back and enjoy all the love in the world from us and loved ones like HB haha.  Glad fans can help give her some warmth and encouragement; she does the same for us too.  And yes, let's hope this year will be kinder to everyone and filled with more good news. 


    And what's this I hear about SYJ being on some TV show to talk about her 20 years and HB?  No expectations, could be some entertainment show just hyping stuff up.  We are already in a shipper paradise as it is hehe.  Have to say I didn't expect a joint CF as not sure celeb couples who are dating want to work together like that, usually they are married before they do that. But hey, if Binjin want to surprise me... :P It does seem like SYJ will be at APAN as well as HB if she did a promo video.  But I have no expectations for any PDA...so I will be pleasantly surprised if there is any hehe. 


    I did get the CLOY photobook from Japan.  Pretty happy with it overall.  A few more photos of RJH/YSR kisses would have made it even better hehe, and a pity they didn't have a photo of YSR in the leather jacket in Switzerland. Thought that was one of her best looks! Didn't expect to see Binjin BTS pics in there as well!  Guess the publisher knew what buyers wanted hehe.  Now if only we can also have a DVD with deleted scenes and commentary. *dreams*

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  18. 15 minutes ago, Blithenostalgia said:


    I purchased it and it's all pictures! No words except the cover and the publishing details. Very high quality pictures too. Wihle I recognize a lot of them, there were also new pictures I haven't seen before. I decided to buy it as a "souvenir" of this past year and am really glad I did after hearing about their confirmation, feel like i have a piece of history. hehehe

    Thanks for letting me know! I'm inclined to get it then. Coming from Japan I'm sure the print quality is great. I kind of wish they'd chosen a less angsty shot for their cover (the wrap around from behind hug and Seri's in tears) but I guess angst sells haha.


    Rewatching the TVN CLOY binjin interview (SYJ in pink sweater one) and I love that HB finds YSR and SYJ attractive for freely speaking her mind without hesitation, and he notes that SYJ does it not intrusively like Seri sometimes does. Love a dude who appreciates a strong, forthright woman. HB was like on a happy high during all the CLOY promo videos hehe. Everything's more fun when the woman you love is by your side. He trying to make her laugh (successful!), she with all the too familiar and friendly nudges and well planned scams lol. 


    That interview where SYJ said HB let go of her hand during that shot and said she thought he would never let go of her hand, poor HB's face. Probably he reassured her after that he would never let go of her hand hehe even if it was just in character.


    HB being so bashful and both of them being kind of shy in that CLOY rings scene also reads a bit differently now that they are confirmed hehe.


    It's fun to rewatch their interactions with the confirmation in mind.






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  19. Did anyone purchase the CLOY photobook published from Japan? I'm considering it, but given that I can't read Japanese, am wondering what the photo to word ratio is? Japan gets such good mementos. If only there could be more non Korean/Japanese language stuff available and the CLOY exhibition can go on a world tour haha.


    The SYJ tuk tuk is so cool. Glad MSTEAM included it in their video. MSTEAM is cute. The font they chose haha. They should run a contest or collaboration for SYJ fan art/videos, but maybe they can't due to copyright issues.

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  20. Oh loved that FMV from edelweiss. Great choice of song. Never gets old seeing the way HB look at SYJ and hearing him talk about her... their smiles and laughter together.  From TN to CLOY, they just look so good together in every way.  They are in their prime, personally and professionally.


    Lovely to see all the loving gestures and messages from fans to SYJ on her bday.  Sure she's feeling the love and being touched by it all.  I like that Philippines fans' also made a donation to a charity in her name.  That's something that she and the beneficiaries will surely appreciate. 


    First bday after openly declaring her love for a good man for the first time in her 20 year career.  Must be freeing and feeling blessed.  Even though covid means a smaller gathering, sure it's no less wonderful with her dear loved ones.  CLOY succeeding beyond all expectations, ushering in new fans from all round the world, and warm reception to the news of her and HB, they both have a lot to celebrate professionally and privately.  


    A longer than usual acting hiatus is something new for SYJ so I hope it's not difficult for her and doesn't last too long.  I hope she can capitalise on CLOY and have the pick of a great project next, even one before Cross if that has to be delayed. And I do really hope Cross happens for her as I think she would love to tackle that challenge.  Whatever happens, she now has a good person beside her to go through it all with her and give her love and support, and who importantly, loves her as a strong woman, and just the way she is. 


    Thanks to @complicated in SYJ thread who may have identified the interview where SYJ said she is not very affectionate with her family and they are all like that maybe because they are from Daegu, but with her boyfriend, with all the affection built up, she will show him everything.  Anyone have a link to the SBS power fm interview where SYJ wears a light purple sweater and sits at a roundtable with DJs? Thanks.  I love the idea of SYJ showing HB all her affection haha. 


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  21. On 1/7/2021 at 2:38 PM, complicated said:



    i think SBS power fm interview back in 2013? 

    Yes, I think this may be it but I can't find it again on yt.  Can anyone find it? I heard the SYJ quote again in some KoreanStars channel compilation video but I'm pretty sure I heard it originally in a filmed radio interview (SYJ wearing a light purple sweater?).  She says she's not very affectionate with her family and they are all the same way, maybe cause they are from Daegu, but with her boyfriend, with all the affection built up, she shows him everything. 


    Very cool to see all the creative stuff for SYJ on her bday from Korean and international fans. Sure she's feeling all the love. 

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  22. On 1/3/2021 at 1:32 PM, Sun-shine said:

    Sorry with my bad English.


    Welcoming...Our lovely Queen of Troll...Yejinssi!!!


    sbs interview/the negotiations / 2018

    Mc : what is your first impression to him?

    Bin : ( expectation....my acting, my personality)

    YJ : He has a smooth skin. The hair is also soft. That skin, that hair is too good for a man. It is really desired by a lot of actresses!

    Bin :...Hahahaha...

    Haha I think YJ really had those thoughts about his skin/hair (which made HB shy :D ) but she was also going to keep it light in her answers and not going to share anything deeper/anything that could be misinterpreted about a male costar in an on camera interview.  But HB keeps throwing all these sincere compliments in her face. :D 


    On 1/3/2021 at 1:32 PM, Sun-shine said:

    The swoon compliment me, 2019

    Bin : I cheer on the beauty and acting skills of actress Son, who always works hard whenever and whetever! Don't hold back on that beauty and acting ability, and continue working hard like a cow. Cow Yejin fighting!

    (also Bin expecting the best compliment from Yejin)

    YJ : Oppa...i first saw you when i was my 2nd year of middle school. I think it was when you appeared as kang gook in Ireland. Hyun Bin oppa is the best actor in my life. I listen to the ost"if it isn't me" everyday. I have watched all of your projects since then. The more i watch your acting, the more touched i am. I will always support and cheer on you.

    Bin : (shocked mode)...Isn't this a SCAM?? How could she...

    This is FRAUD!!!! Do Not be fooled by her eye smile!!!!

    YJ : ...Hahaha...

    This game was SO fun to watch.  If they were already dating at the time, or even if they were not yet but just attracted to each other, they would so want to know how the other would compliment them.  I can just imagine YJ giggling to herself as she googles the internet and can't wait to prank HB and imagining his face when he finds out lol.  She was so adamant the did it all herself without the help of staff lol.  Poor HB he didn't see it coming, but he'll take all the pranks from her in return for her LOL and eye smiles I think.   YJ really is such a great actor and had such good self control and didn't even crack a smile though she must have been dying inside lol when HB responded sincerely to her compliment.  I do think she was sincere when she said she was touched by HB's acting and will always cheer him on and support him.  Awww.   I love that HB complimented SYJ's skills as an actress, her work ethic, her drive, loves all that about her and never wants to hold her back. 


    On 1/3/2021 at 1:32 PM, Sun-shine said:

    Jan 1, 2021

    YJ : Announce her BF in her personal account (in front of 854,5 million instagram users. 4,66 billion internet users.

    I'm thankful to have been able to meet a good person...

    Bin: Yaaahhhh!!! OMG!!!! ...(faints because of the happiness)

    Wow, SYJ's IG followers is up to 4m now after the announcement and her post!!  


    I hope they are both feeling warmly embraced by all the love from everyone.  They've earned the goodwill and support from being lovely people over a 20 year career. 


    Sure they have received many private congratulations from their friends and colleagues.  If there are chat groups for CLOY/TN staff... the Company 5 actors haha.... fun imagining their reactions to the official "news". :P  I'm sure people wondered about them but maintained their professionalism. 


    On 1/3/2021 at 1:32 PM, Sun-shine said:


    Bin interview 2005

     i like girls who love to laugh. Because i am very dull. If my girlfriend is also dull, it should be very boring if we are together.


    congratulations Binssi!!! You win a heart of Our queen of troll!! Your life will never be boring!!

    LOL.  This was priceless.  They both strike me as being self aware people hehe.  Here's to hoping they have a lifetime of laughter together. 


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  23. Thanks @ElectricHearts. I'm pretty sure it was a video, just can't recall which! I watched SYJ's interviews when she was promoting her various movies/projects so it could be one of those videos on yt. It would have been before TN but not too early in her career, probably from her 30s.


    Lovely to read her thoughts from the article you posted (and her black/white portrait pic there is one of my favourite of hers).  SYJ has a lot of relatable thoughts for women in their 30s on marriage/staying single.  Single or married, the important thing is to be able to be happy and live your life on your terms.  Just really happy for her that she found HB in her life at the right time, even if she may not have been consciously looking for it.


    It's fun to look back to see what SYJ and HB said before about what they look for in a partner.  Life and love can take us by surprise though, and our outlook changes with age, so keep an open mind! 

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