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Biology Lesson

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Everything posted by Biology Lesson

  1. I've been watching Modern Family and I have been thinking JH needs to go Sofia Vergara's rout- no need to try and make his English sound perfect. Lean into the accent and go for the funny. Six episodes... I wonder what that is about... Glad to see he's showing swords fighting. If whatever project he's doing in historical, than I'm confident JH can make it big
  2. I didn't say he doesn't want to do mainstream roles. I said he wants something more. However- If you look at all the last shows he has done, none of them are what I'd call mainstream- starting from MC to TMWYS and BH. in all these shows JH's character wasn't the usual character you see in Kdramas and all of them were deceptive- all of them made you think one thing, while they were another. I don't think it's a coincidence. Even his character is the horrible Family was unusual. So, you know what? Even though JH has not said it, this is what I'm saying- yeah. JH has had enough with korean mainstream shows. Is the movie successful?
  3. I don't think he meant he has only one challenge in him, I think he means he wants to challenge himself one last time. Accepting main stream Kdrama roles is not a challenge for him. You can agree with his choice or not. It's his life, and I respect him wanting something else for himself. What he's doing is super couragous and risky. He himself said he doesn't know if he'll succede, but he has to try. I guess in a way I can relate since in the last 10 years, the moment I got to a place where I was doing well in a job and felt like I got the hang of it, my instinct was to move on and look for a bigger challenge. 5 years in a job I was doing well in, and I left and looked for another challenge. And now I'm 3 years in my new job, doing well, and again- my instinct is to move on. but since essentially I moved from one organizaion to another, what JH is doing is so much more impressive to me, as he is building something completely new. And I respect that. This is something I aspire to... Do I wish for another FTLY or another show as success as Chuno? sure, but it looks like shows like that are scarse. I also am not sure his path is the right one, as i think his emphasis should be on script, and not action. But- the bottom line is- we don't know what he's planning, so all we can do is wait and see.
  4. @YouwinJH I think you are missing a very central point- what JH wrote in his latest post. He wrote " I want to challenge one more time in my life..." I don't know if this is what he means, but the fact is- JH has already done it all. He has had a huge hit and several big ones. He did, not one,but several iconic roles. In cinema? he has not had such big success, but he did make some good movies. So what now? Do the same thing over and over again? Fight for another role and hope it will be a success? In most professions, veterans get more responsibility and more influence,while only in acting, veterans have less opportunities and less influence. And JH knows it. JH has always spoken about himself as an office worker, and as such he is giving himslf a promotion. Is he worthy? For sure. Is it a risk? For sure. Do I support him? For damn sure!
  5. Since he's now without an agent and it looks like there is no one really in charge of his promotion, maybe he should hire someone to have a working plan that is oriented towards promotion... These random posts seem to essentially just be a reflection of his random thoughts when he's bored
  6. I's like to think he's hinting at something, but we already know sometimes he's just being random So who knows if this post is a hint or not... I checked the language in these posters and it looks like they are in Polish... Is he in Poland? And what is this painting? Do any of you recognize it?!
  7. I ran into this video of the new James Bond practicing his shooting in the same range JH went to when went to the US, as Keanu Reaves did before him. I guess that place is that popular or good... And that made me think- what about if JH appeared in the next James bond? It's not that far fetched as James Bond will usually feature several badies... https://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=181692 BTW- I heard a movie commentator saying that due to the recent box office dissasters that Hollywood has been having, it stands to reason that Hollywood would to turn to making more and more action movies, as they are relatively cheap and have higher chances of making money. If this is true- then JH's timing is perfect! OT- in the mean time I tried watching a show called Night Light, mainly due to Lee Yo-Won as I liked her in My Horrible Boss and I was kinda hoping that she will do another project with JH as she seems such a unique actress for Korea- not the usual cutesy actress. At first I liked it, but to my surprise not because of her, but rather due to the other FL. However, as the show continued I got more and more bored and dissappointed by Lee Yo-Won's acting, as it was identical to her acting in My Horrible Boss! Her lack of expression and tough exterior got more and more tedious, as well as her "smarter than everyone" character. I tried to tough it out, but finally I gave up. If this is her acting range- I hope JH has no further projects with her ... when I checked the comments on the show, I was surprised to find quite a few that said that the show was boring. My reaction to her kinda reminded me of Jo Jung-suk. At first I liked his acting in Oh my ghost, but then, once I tried to watch other shows he did, I realized his acting never changes, and I dropped him.
  8. Kinda corresponds with what we know. Since JH is not flirty at all in interviews and shows that he appears in, I think this explains why young women are not too much into him. I remember when MC was being shown, I often saw tweets from young women almost offended that JH as BW was making them feel things... Hot things... As to men liking him more- this clearly is due to his acting and action. Even in shows that he came across as sexy, that was never his intention, so it doesn't turn guys off. Also- Chuno has a lot to do with why men love him. I don't undersand why but young Korean men love chuno.
  9. Oh, I don't mean Bromance. I mean an actual couple! They were super cute in the show, so this is one of the only pairing I could actually see as a couple. The actual love triangle was super cringey
  10. Oh, I nominate- Wang so and Shin Yool... Shine or go crazy had one of the most dissappointing and baffling ending I've ever seen! Also, I will nominate Doo Chil Sung and Seo Poong from Wok Of love. While the FL was insufferable, these guys' chemistry was off the charts!
  11. 😁Had to read the definition of the survey first... Yeah, I think you should change it to them. As to Chuno- I admit I didn't think DG should have ended up with UY. I thought she was way too boring for who he became. I wish the show have given him a different love interest that was more... fiery I didn't like the other girl either, since she was too annoying
  12. It was maybe the most dissappointing and senseless ending I've ever seen. Wang So was married to Honey Lee's character, but never touched her (it was a political marriage). also he married Shin Yool first , whom he really loved. But for some reason, after they went through many obsticles, at the end Shin Yool decided to leave and travel while he was left to his marriage with Honey Lee's character. Just like that, out of the blue. It made absolutely no sense
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