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Biology Lesson

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Everything posted by Biology Lesson

  1. The premise sounds cool, but it also reminds of a JLo movie, The Cell , and I really hope it's nothing like that. From what I understood it was really bad... I do wonder about the immersive part- does that mean that the audience will be able to influence the detective's decisions? Like a computer game?
  2. I noticed something interesting, the show The player from 2019, just got a second season. This is something that we're seeing more and more, second seasons to shows that I guess had high ratings? The fact that it's not a new show, but rather old, is interesting... I wonder- what show of JH would you want a second season of? Also, Lee Sang Yeob appeared on the recent Radio star, and mentioned that he recently got married and that JH attended his wedding- https://www.instagram.com/p/C8OQ_v3BaYZ/
  3. I admit that after Goblin, and just how I hated it, I never tried watching anything else this actor has done... But, since right now I'm looking for shows with leads that are not in their twenties or teenagers, this Sounds interesting...... About this moment between Jihyo and JH- I also was wondering what they were talking about. I hope it's about a project...
  4. Just watched the episode, and it was hilarious! Actually, what I didn't know is that it's a two parter, meaning- JH will also be in the next episode. Joy! What was interesting and different from his previous appearances is that JH's part is partially scripted. I'm quite sure of it since JH says in the begining that he's bad in football, while we know for a fact that he's not. To be accurate, it's not so much as scripted, as it is a setup. JH has a premise in this episode, and it's hilarious- the first part is him being bad in football, and the second part is him getting preferential treatment by KJK because he's his friend. That's the running gag in the episode, and everyone joins in on it. Including JH. So, throughout the episode KJK is being his usual bully to the other guys but extremely sweet to JH while JH most of the time is serious and quiet, but when the other guys turn to JH, expecting him to be the responsible adult, he turns around and joins KJK's bullying and nonsense, and it's so funny! everyone were having a lot of fun with it. Also, Kang Hoon was being his adorable hilarious self. Lots of fun and laughs. But in the preview for the next episode it seems that JH's secret being good in football is actually revealed All in all- a lot of fun, watch the show! I'm sad for him, but really he should have known- the last few projects of Disney have been awful! Especially those involving the other Korean actors. I really hope JH will not fall for Disney's money... hi!!!
  5. Several clips from yesterday's RM ep: https://youtu.be/YvwguGiLuJg?si=7ptBbb14BsMEYRw4 Imitating JH... Actually in the previous show JH, he neutralized the imitations pretty quickly, making it about an acting lesson- Spoiler More clips: Losing team not eating meat? Feeding JH all the same KJK the bully, and JH helps The black team lost, but had a lot of fun-
  6. Good for him for not allowing his insecurities to hold him back! And Finally we'll have the opporunity to listen to his own words, and not through translators. The English doesn't have to be perfect, just just enough to help him convey his thoughts... In the mean time, I understand that The Acolyte, in which Lee Jung-jae had a role in, is a complete disaster! This makes it the third or fourth Korean actor who ventured into a big Hollywood production, only for the production to turn out to be a complete dud. Seeing that- I would encourage JH to continue and take his time. Not to rush into a production just because it's big, and for god sakes- STAY AWAY FROM DISNEY!
  7. I'm not saying that the guy is not a a good actor, since I don't know him. I'm just saying that it's easier for an actor in a Kdrama to be more impressive when he's an antagonist or even just not the protagonist. The best example that I can think of is Park Se-Young- to me she was super impressive in BM as a sort of an antagonist, while in MF she was super bland and boring as the FL. Maybe that is why so many people like JH in Voice, as he managed to make his character interesting and spicy, even though he was protagonist. Also, maybe this why I was so disspointed in Park Sung-Woong in the killing vote. He was a sort of an antagonist, but he still managed to bore me! now, that is an achievement! Completely agree with you on that. That aspect of the show was very surprising and refereshing for a Kdrama. If we go back to The Killing vote, the main bad guy kills essentially cause he's obsessed with Park Sung-Woong character. but since this is a Kdrama, they dont go all the way and explain why. The most obvious explanation would be that this is a sexual obseession, and the show almost says it, but ends up avoiding it, making the root of the obsession some sort of a strange admiration of the guy. The same goes to the bad guy in TMWYS- he's presented as being obsessed with OHJ, but again the show goes out of it's way to avoid the obvious sexual aspect of the obsession, and instead makes its root to be in a strange form of respect and resentment, something that can't explain why it drives a person to kill over. Not to mention all the shows focused of serial Killers. From what I understood almost all serial killings have a sexual aspect to them, butI have rarely seen a Kdrama that includes it, making the murders not make any sense. Brutal for brutality's sake. There are shows that almost go there, but then stop short. If I remember correctly, the bad guy in Voice is presented as sexy, just from the the way the actor was portraying him. However, his killings never had a sexual aspect to them, making no sense. Again, I don't want Kdramas to go the American shows rout and become overly sexual and explicit. I just want them to portray humans as humans, and not sanitized puppets. I sure did...
  8. I am with you about the husband of the main antagonist. He and the antagonist were the most impressive, character wise, in the show. But I don't know if that makes them the better actors. The fact is that the antagonists being the more interestinng is a pattern I noticed in revenge shows, and in cop shows that have a main baddie. The protagonists tend to be generic and generally boring. Even if there is some attempt to make them interesting in the first episodes, it usually fizzles out as the show progresses, since the focus is more on the investigation and less about their character, which leaves all the character development to the antagonists. In the mean time, I also tried to watch another Korean show, this time a show called- Risky Romance. At first it was cute enough, though the reason the FL gets involved with the ML is too feeble- she a doctor specializing in hormones ao she can't help herself- she has to try and heal people, no matter what! But then the ML, that is a surgeon with a brain injury, starts abusing people. Mentally and Physically. Actually hitting and abusing people, including the FL. What made me drop the show was the reaction to it- everyone just accepted it. And the hospital never even thought twice about allowing a surgeon with a recent brain injury to continue and operating on people. I know that the abusive ML is common in Kdramas, but I just can't take it, so I dropped it.
  9. This person posted a report of the Fan meeting. Seems like it was mostly stories we've already saw in the latest Radio star episode JH attended, and the rest sounds like Karaoke , where JH sang random songs along with the crowd... Sounds like they had fun, but there was no news. Rats!
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