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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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1) I am bewildered by the indecision of the adoptive parents. It is true that they did spend 8 years together but then that togetherness was borne from deceit and lies as already commented by @Aunt Mamie. 2) Even through their indecision of what to do with KH, they should already be processing the legal matters regarding the issue  i.e. revocation of the adoption, rescinding any property or shares of stocks they may have given to KH. KH should not be rewarded for the fraud she and her parents committed. And making the legal documentation to show that JS is the legal adoptee.3)Even if they revoke the adoption, KH  was raised  beautifully with a good education and with this she can survive in the outside world independent and separate from the adoptive parents. What more is there to give? especially to a fraud? 4)True, they feel sympathetic but then KH and her real parents are guilty of fraud and deprived another person, JS of the good education and loving parents (adoptive) of which the aunt and uncle never provided JS and to think she is the blood relative of the uncle! I believe that what the adoptive parents have provided her so far (education and a nice comfortable life in the 8 years they were together) is enough.  5)If KH refuses to leave then I guess the adoptive parents let her stay but revoke the adoption. KH will never change and in the future when the issues die down, she will again try to covet everything. As Min Ki said "KH has no dreams, only desires"6)The adoptive parents should look beyond what KH is showing them and analyze the situation to protect their interest as well as JS.7) I really hate it when in the end of a kdrama, there is total forgiveness and no punishment. Let it be  that they forgive, but please not to the extent of even rewarding the evil one in the end just like in the kdrama "I Summon You Gold" That kdrama is highly not recommended. No moral values whatsoever and the evil MIL got away with everything evil that she did! OMG!

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The one who is going to reveal who is JH father is will be KH and it will be the only truth she ever tell it will be the thing that may separate JH and DH 

It is possible that KH will do as you say but I do not think the separation will be an issue. It will no doubt have some effects especially since DY wants JS to move in with her and hubby.

JS will marry and move in with JH who has his own place I expect. DY might make things smooth with SH and his wife and JS. But right now she is so posessive of JS I to am curious what her reaction will be.

DY hubby looks as though he wished thay had not even thaught of adopting. He knows and love KH but she is a liar and he knows and has spent very little time with JS but she makes his wife happy.

The look on their faces when KH offered to give JS a ride to work was a serious lol moment.

In the end I expect JS to move between both family. She can lunch with DY and SH wife and meet daddy at the office and have dinner with JH and MK in the evening and on weekends they can all meet for brunch. That is my ideal and I am sticking with it.

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BTW, in the Dramafever subs for ep 17 and 18, SK apologies for lying to them for 8 years.  Isn't it 18 years?

Someone who can lie and perpetuate a lie for 18 years isn't exactly tormented by guilt or consciene, is my opinion. 8-|

Actually, besides the adoptive parents suing SK and her parents for fraud, JS can also sue them for untold damages because of the life they stole from her.  All the money she had the potential to earn from her livelihood, if she had had the life in the U.S., education, etc. that was stolen from her. 

Then, both the adoptive parents and JS can sue that bunch for alienation of affection.  JS lost the love she would have received from the adoptive parents.  And, vice versa.  Whoa, boy!   I'll bet there's plenty of lawyers willing to take this case.  =))

I love the look on SK's bio-parent's face when she told them not to attend her engagement party.  Now, they'll realize that the truth of the matter is that SK doesn't want them to be her parents.  It isn't even a question of which set of parents SK loves.  Frankly, SK's focus has never been about love.  Her focus, during these fraudulent years, have been to have her 'ideal' parents, which her bio-parents are not.  [-(

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Guest leaaaaa

@auntie mame She was adopted at 17. 
I watch ep 18, it kind of bothers me that when DY and her husband talked to her, her bio parents were never mentioned. She is treated like an orphan. She said that she loved them as a real Mom and Dad. They should have pointed out that she went to her parents, the moment she came to Korea. Her mother worked for them and etc.. Her arguments are kind of weak. Like someone already said. They should made her stop calling them Mom and Dad

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I don't know how to delete my post that appears twice. It won't even let me edit it out.

Anyhow, Aunt M it is 8years.

A thaught - how will everyone handle JS seemingly apparent theft of KH's fiance. Because their relationship has bin hidden and only MK and KH really knows about their true emotions.

Will DY and her hubby think it is revenge? That more than anything might cause a rift if JS seems to be acting like KH. A rift based on dissapointment on both sides. JS seem to be easily hurt by people having the wrong impression of her and has not really made much effort to correct.

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Ah, right.  It's been about 18 years since DY first saw JS.  But, only 8 years since the adoption.  Thanks, nikkij!

With only 2 episodes left, I wonder if there will be any forgiveness since there's been no redemption yet for KH, her parents and JS' bio-father.  And, all of their acts were not simply a bit of sabotage, back-stabbing, etc.  Their acts were criminal.  :-?

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With 2 more episodes to go, the plot will not be complicated. The truth will be coming out soon.

I want to see KH to suffer the most for her lies & greed. (Luckily KH didn't acknowledged SH as her father as she may end up having 3 'FATHERs').

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I think KH DOESN'T want to acknowledge SH as her father because that would ruin her engagement with JH since it hinders on the shares and she can't possibly shut her parents and adoptive parents up if she admits SH being her dad. However she can't completely deny SH at first since she is seen as "adopted" and she acknowledges her mother being JS's so the only thing she can do is to make up someone else being her father. 
Without the preview I suspect JH will break the engagement and that causes KH to turn to SH since this is her last and final lifeline. I understand DY's husband's company is collaborating with Shinwha but do they care who is the CEO as long as the collaboration is profitable? Which might leads to the design showdown between JS and KH and winner takes all?
I still feel the romance between JS and JH is bit rushed - they barely went on any dates and they know eachother for few months(?) and it went from JH confession to JS waffling but says "lets try it out" to passionate kiss. I feel theres a part missing in between....

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Has DY stop drawing and painting? Maybe she can start again by doing a painting of JS mother to replace the the picture KH destroyed.

Even though I think evil aunty is right about her talent. But the picture she did of JS was very good.

I don't know about anyone else but I already have a big wedding planned for JS and JH and the picture is one of their gifts.

I hope next wednesday comes quickly. This show is an obcession I need to quit.

Good night and Good morning all.

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nikkij said: Has DY stop drawing and painting? Maybe she can start again by doing a painting of JS mother to replace the the picture KH destroyed.

Even though I think evil aunty is right about her talent. But the picture she did of JS was very good.

I don't know about anyone else but I already have a big wedding planned for JS and JH and the picture is one of their gifts.

I hope next wednesday comes quickly. This show is an obcession I need to quit.

Good night and Good morning all.

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Shim Eun Jin's Twitter update~
(Don't know what she said but she mentioned '그녀의 신화' Her Legend. kekeke)

eunjin Shim 심은진 ‏@eunjinsocial

그녀의신화 촬영장 대기중.. 심심한데 또 안놀아주는 스타일리스트 희진이. 쳇!


eunjin Shim 심은진 ‏@eunjinsocial

날씨좋당~ 그녀의신화 촬영도 이제 하루남았고,연애시대 첫공도 하루남았고, 연애시대에서의 내 이름도 '하루'고.. 암튼 오늘 하루 촬영장과 극장을 오가며 빡세게 보낼예정이예요~! 우리 같이 힘내요!^^


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shaselai said:  I still feel the romance between JS and JH is bit rushed - they barely went on any dates and they know eachother for few months(?) and it went from JH confession to JS waffling but says "lets try it out" to passionate kiss. I feel theres a part missing in between....

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Her Legend Episode 17 Recap/Summary October 3, 2013

The 17th episode starts with Do-Young finding Jung-Soo and they cry and hug together. Do-Young asks if she resented her and Jung-Soo tells her that she didn’t and she was just happy that she was okay and came back to Korea. Jung-Soo tells her about the promise and Do-Young tells her that she will never let go of her hand again. They go to the beach and she tells her about coming to the house and leaving notes and they talk about old memories.

Do-Young comes home and Kyung-Hee is making supper very cheerily. They sit down to eat and Kyung-Hee pours them a glass of wine and tells them that she loves salmon steak because Mr. Woo made it for them when she got into college and that it was her favorite meal.

They start to eat and Do-Young gets up and leaves Kyung-Hee pretends she doesn’t know why and lets Mr. Woo go to her and Kyung-Hee eats while crying. Do-Young thinks that Kyung-Hee knows that they know and is trying to put in effort and Mr. Woo says they should wait for Kyung-Hee to say something first. Jung-Soo is pricing some materials and she with the other market designers discuss making their own luxury brand if they use quality materials. Jin-Hoo meets Director Choi at work and asks how his grandpa is doing and he tells him that he is getting better and will come back soon. Director Choi says that is good because he thought he would have to recommend an acting president. Kyung-Hee goes to see Manager Kang and asks him why he has to take responsibility for the factory management. He tells her that they want him to leave because he betrayed Director Choi. Kyung-Hee gets mad at him and tells him that she broke up with him because he has no dreams or ambitions. She tells him that she knew about the offer from Red Milano and that he should have took it for himself and there was a lot of ways that he could have paid back Director Choi. He tells her that they have different dreams and that she couldn’t see his and that she is the one without a dream because all she has is useless desires.

Jung-Soo goes to eat and gets an omelet rice which makes her remember when Jin-Hoo made it for her and she starts crying. Uncle goes to visit Kyung-Hee and tells her to come home because Do-Young and her husband know everything and she tells him she will only leave when they kick her out. Director Choi sees Uncle leaving and tells his assistant to find out who he was visiting and comes back and tells her it was Kyung-Hee. Manager Kang comes and gives Director Choi his resignation. Jin-Hoo is with his grandfather and he still has not awakened. Jung-Soo, Uncle, and Shim Min-Kyung a young designer from the market have opened up their own business. Manager Kang comes and gets introduced when he is alone with Jung-Soo he tells her he resigned and that he would like to come work for her for free. He tells her that Jin-Hoo is having a hard time because his grandfather has gotten worse. The assistant tells Director Choi that Kyung-Hee is adopted and that she is the niece to Uncle because his sister died of a brain tumor. Director Choi orders Kyung-Hee to his office and at the same time his wife is there and when Kyung-Hee gets there she makes them all go out to eat together.

Jung-Soo and Do-Young are out eating together and Do-Young asks how her business is going and asks if she needs help. Jung-Soo tells her that when she needs help she will ask just the way she taught her. Director Choi and his wife and Kyung-Hee go the same restaurant and they all sit together. Kyung-Hee explains that Jung-Soo also worked at Shin Hwa and Jung-Soo explains that she was Kyung-Hee’s classmate and that is why Do-Young is out with her. Director Choi asks questions about Kyung-Hee. Jung-Soo and Do-Young leave the restaurant early.

Aunt is outside Do-Young’s house and Do-Young comes home and Aunt tries to plead with her to listen and Do-Young walks away. Aunt sits outside the house and Kyung-Hee comes home, she tries to persuade Aunt to leave but she won’t. Aunt tells her to blame the whole thing on her, to tell them that she was the one who forced her to go and that she didn’t want to but had no choice.

Do-Young at home remembers when Kyung-Hee put in a lot of effort and rubbed her legs. Mr. Woo asks her what she would think if they sent Kyung-Hee to the American branch so they don’t have to kick her out. Kyung-Hee comes home tipsy and goes to bed and cries. Director Choi is meeting with Kyung-Hee and tells her about her birth mother sending him the book on how to process fabrics and that it is a misunderstanding between him and Uncle. He asks her if she has heard anything from her father. Kyung-Hee goes to Aunt and Uncle and asks them if they know Director Choi and they tell her that he had a relationship with Jung-Soo’s mom but in the end he stole the book. Kyung-Hee then figures out that Director Choi is Jung-Soo’s father and she says she can’t let this happen when she is alone. Jung-Soo goes to her work and tells them that Charlotte the department store is looking for a popup store for the fall and winter season and that is is a great opportunity for them. So they decide that they are going to try to get their brand in the store.

Manager Kang gets a call from Jin-Hoo saying that his grandfather is in critical condition so he runs down to the hospital. When he gets there the doctors are trying to save the President and they have to use the defibrillator but they can’t get his heart beat back and he dies.

 Manager Kang texts Jung-Soo the news and she is shocked. The President’s funeral happens.

Manager Kang drives Jin-Hoo home and Jung-Soo is hiding in the bushes but isn’t seen by Jin-Hoo and she starts crying. Jin-Hoo packs a bag and puts the giant teddybear in the trash. Jin-Hoo goes outside and has flashbacks where Director Choi took him fishing and he asked him to be his father. Jin-Hoo goes to work and he remember a couple of men telling Jin-Hoo that they support him as the president. Jin-Hoo and everyone goes to the meeting to appoint the new President and almost everyone votes Director Choi and a couple of men that don’t raise there hand eventually raise it.

Jin-Hoo storms out and meets Kyung-Hee and asks if the engagement deal is on the table and she tells him yes and he tells her that they should get engaged and this is how the 17th episode ends.

So Director Choi has finally figured out that he has a daughter!! but now he will think it is Kyung-Hee! ugh and Kyung-Hee will try to hide the truth from her again! It is pretty exciting that Jung-Soo is starting her own company and that Manager Kang is joining them! I thought that maybe Jin-Hoo will be joining them now that he was not allowed to be President! but now he wants to get engaged with Kyung-Hee! I am not sure how that is going to help? The board members would want this to happen and make him president because he is making connections between the 2 companies? I am so happy that Jung-Soo and Do-Young have been reunited! I have been waiting for that to happen for so many episodes!! but they do not know what to do with Kyung-Hee! I mean couldn’t they just get an apartment for her or something? Thanks everyone for voting! lol it seems like Jin-Hoo and Jung-Soo ending up together is the most wanted, but I have to say Kyung-Hee feeling pain has a strong number of votes as well!!

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There's nothing much on the love line of Jung Soo and Jin Hoo. Although Jin Hoo knows of Jung Soo since she was in high school because of the "copied bag design" issue. And so he has been harboring some sort of interest in her, although he did say that he likes JS during his convo with Min Ki. For me, the interaction between Min Ki and Jung Soo are more genuine than what she has shared with Jin Hoo.

I loved the line of Min Ki when he said KY/SH does not have dreams but only useless desires. That was a great line and it did stopped her tirade. The actress playing KY/SH does not show any emotion and her manner of delivering her lines is the same, whether she's confessing her so-called liking to JH or telling her adoptive parents she love them or causing JS stress. Staccato and robotic...like she wants to deliver her lines before she forgets them.

The points raised by @auntie mame are all valid. SH/KY lived her adult life based on a lie and she kept on lying, as this is the only thing she knows. And she operated underhandedly so it means that she is not confident in her talents or skills. So much for her being bright and getting a good education.

Wasn't KH adopted when she was in middle school which makes her about 13 at that time. In one of the episodes I think it was mentioned that she's 25 or 26, so that means she's been living with Mr. Kim and Mrs. Woo for 12 or 13 years already.

I wonder how the show will handle the big reveal of JS being greedy Mr. Choi's biological daughter.

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