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my titles never have anything to the stuff i'm posting, lol.

sooo, yes i know, i've been posting a lot; sorry about that. i suppose this will be my last thread for a while.

i hardly ever make graphics with stock pictures (as the main focus), but i couldn't help myself after i saw the new pictures in the stock thead ^^;

this is my last goodbye


there is still hope; please believe


a dose of nostalgia


+ hawksmont Universe for floral brushes, soompi stock thread for pictures

- -

i hope you all enjoyed viewing the graphics as much as i enjoyed making them ^_^ thanks for viewing <3

sorry for the choppy introduction btw, i really didn't know what to say.

i actually spent like ten minutes to come up with four sentences to greet you guys with. >_>; haha.

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Guest pour dieu


*shaking fists* WOAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


lady you amaze me. woah.

wahh my favorite's the...



i can't choose T_T

they're all so danged pretty T_T *rubs face against screen*

sooooo pretty @_@;;;

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OMG.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE ARE 235$%&#^%!@$&%&

@%%*$%@% GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg... i think i'm

gonna have a spasm attack... seriously... those are like

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it screams beauty!!!! What else

can I say BUT perfection, gorgeous, beautiful, AHHHHHH

lol~ sorry!!!! BUT those are just too beautiful I can't even

say which one is my favorite...



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Guest *_Milia

omg babe that's so freaking beautiful!!!

my favorite got to be the 2nd graphic

the brush and the stock are just a great combination....

and this is your last thread for a while? :( PLEASEE DON'T STOP POSTING, cuz I LOVE YOUR WORK *you're going to make Emily cry lol*

this new style is a plus!

<3 Emily

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Guest satisfaction!

Omg Salee (if you dont mind me calling your name),

those are so drop-dead gorgeous..I don't know what to say..

I just love every effects you've used... wow...very creative too.

Hope you dont mind me saving some of these for inspiration =]

I really love the hope one...I can just feel the emotions so well..<3


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The graphics are grogeous <3, Your blending to the first poster is amazing <3

i love the color or it and everything. its beautiful <3

I like the second poster the most because it really shows me hope in it <3

Its like how she is reaching out. ! I love how its greyish (:

the last graphic is beautiful <3 i like the simplicity of it <3

The colouring is perfect for it <3, looks so peaceful <3 nicely done <3

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Guest starlette*

holy moly mother of O___________________O

you think you're posting a lot? actually, i resent that.. i think you don't post enough! XD salee salee salee! *chants* those are so freaking gorgeous. man you always leave me so speechless with your artwork posts! you crazy talented, girl, you.. :D

the mood for the first one is a-a-mazzzzing! and i love the soft tone of the colors.. the blending & effects all around looks awesome. same goes for the other two graphics. uwah don't stop posting.. okay? =D if you stop posting.. who will i feed onto for my hunger of pretty graphics? :P

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haha. rainy days (: i love rainy days<3 but that's besides the point. you're graphics are lovely<3 i don't even know how to describe that thing, was it a brush? i'm guessing it is :3 idk. it's really beautiful. all three of the graphics are beautiful, but i must say that my favorite is the second one. it's like she's throwing that thing. hahaha. gosh. i hate the word thing now. it's uglies everything <_< the blending and colors are gorgeous. amazing (:

you left a sweet comment on my thread earlier and i couldn't help but notice that you know my name :3 haaha. what's your name, if you don't mind me asking?

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Guest ADORE.you

*jaw opens


Those are so omg. Their so ETHEREAL! I love the flowerly pattern and your blending skills and EVERYTHING. Its collaborated with each other so nicely.

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Guest twist&fall-


love everyone single one of `em. they are beautiful!

(= & naww, don't you dare stop posting. =P~

we will choppie your head if you do. LOL!

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