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Guest oochoklitoo

you gave me hope when u confessed your feelings. then i felt the like i found true happiness when we were together. but all that happiness was built higher and higher and you finally let them fall when you left. i never felt so much pain, i never cried so much in my life after that. because of you, my life has changed forever, because of you i thought that i could finally find someone that truely loved me, but because of you, i feel like i have lost all hope, and because of you, i dont think i could ever love again. because now, love just doesnt exist anymore.

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Guest bloopy_babo

omg. what is with high school boys?

why can you never have a decent convo with them cept for them trying to get you talk dirty or get you to show them some dirty pics?

i need to find someone who i can carry a conversation with.

i feel ashamed but i wish i was one of those girls.

why can i never be one of those girls.

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omg. i missed you so much. i'm so glad i got to see you today.

everything we did i loved. thanks so much.

thanks for the christmas present... which we agreed not to get each other anything! gah! now i owe you! T_T

when i saw it on the bed, i was hoping it wasn't mine... T_T but you're so sweet... <3

argh. especially with my birthday next week, seriouslyyyy! T_T i feel so bad now. T_T

you don't know how bad i want it, too. seriously. after today.... argh.

you are freaking awesome and i love it.

i'm slowly loving you. <3

you make me so happy.

and i'm so happy that your mum was awesome today.

i am really so thankful for her always taking me home. i feel so very bad, and i owe so much to her.

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Guest giraffe

i thought you would be the one who would wipe away all my tears and take any pain away but you're the one making me cry now. it shocked me when you said you wanted to break up, and even after everything i've said to try to salvage it, you wouldn't bulge. it's only been a day and it feels like years. i went out yesterday to our mutual friend's house and i almost started to cry but i hid it very well. i even played our game with a smile on but even if i would have won the game, it wouldn't have been the same. the win was always better with you. i wish you would give me another chance.. i know i'm john teshed up and psycho but i would have tried and tried. i regret not having faith in the relationship and telling you that. i'm sorry for all the pain i've caused.

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Guest chairya

i miss you tooooooooooo. get me a present from boston/LA/wherever ur travelling at the moment........ lollll

i can't wait til you come backkkkkkkkkk aighasdfjsl

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Guest predator

Why didn't you just give the present to me on that day?

Don't say you felt like an richard simmons for giving me a present

and no one else cause you gave her a present too.

She was there that day so you wouldn't have looked bad.

I hate you for doing that. <|3

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Guest fio209js2

Girl puhhhhhhleasssssseeeee! Get off my back. Kay?

I know your jealous and all but geez.. stop trying so hard. :P


Girl.. stop eye`ing my man.. he's mine.. now and always will be.. so you can take those eyes off of him.

I know he's fine and all.. but he's mine.. Kay? ;)

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two years is a really long time for me..i didnt think we would or could last this long..

considering the ups and downs we put eachother thru...i hate myself...for still loving you...blah..

the anniversary is coming up? what you plan for this year...sorry i ruined last yr... :(

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Guest crystallizedtear

it's hard for me to get over you.

i wish i knew who will be the one. i wish i was with him. i wish i had a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold on to.

pssssht. like that's ever going to happen.

anytime soon that is.

i don't want to turn bitter though.

i believe

that he's out there.


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Guest addickshun

the flirting last night was fun (:

you were cute asking me if i'm alright

too bad you live a bit faraway


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Guest AMIbunny


i am so in love with you ^_^

Omg. i really really like you, i hope you like me too ^_^

I love the way you make me feel.... :P Eeeek you just make me so happy. I want to spend everyday with you!

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Guest --infatuated.

nothingness. EMPTINESS.

sigh. fill it, somehow.

neeeds to be uplifted. can't waaaits!

<3. 1011. always mentioned. y'know how it goes tho.

new years ressss. tryna work it out.

help me? :] hahaha. always got my back.

daaaamnza. WHO AM I TALKING ABOUT? :D :D :D :D :D



would list'em but i don't have to.

under the definition -- you verify it.

completing it. SOOON.

closer. reruns. keen imagination.

goootems. don't tempt me. ;]

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