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Which Language Would You Choose?

Guest aphotic twilight.

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Guest dmph

I'm learning Japanese at school. I reckon it's pretty easy compared to Korean - that's my opinion he he.

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Guest Kiss Me

I would personally take Korean if I were you. Then take Japanese after. I think it would make things a lot easier (:

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Guest chamisul

Chinese and Korean first, the best combo to start. Plus, start off with the hard one, it's even harder if you learn it at an old age.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest simpletea


it really depends on you though. do you think either language would benefit you in the long run? ie do you think you'd live in either place or have a career in which either language would be helpful?

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Guest Leni1430265175

lol.. between japanese and korean, i would choose... both =] .. actually i took japanese in highschool and currently taking korean now =] i like both languages and tehy are actually quite similar =]

but i also want to learn some more Thai, i can speak basic things but im still not so great at it.. maybe also some french or italian.. idk.. a european language =] and hindi :D lol.. i wanna learn everything.. =D

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