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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Thanks you all for adding the photos, keep looking at Dahae without tired,sooooooooooooooooo beautiful like a living doll.

another news on Dahae-she supporting the Dongkuk University Hospital.


well, looking at Dahae's MV with Wilber there, that song becomes most downloded song of this year. So, good investment for Wilber working with Dahae and more publicity for her since they showed this video on 2009 China Digital award last night-this song was downloaded more than 11 millions.


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OMGAWD!!! Must catch up!!! NOW!!! arghhhhh I hate that of all the days, we just had to do our late Christmas shopping today!!! I can't believe I missed my most awaited press conference!

Anyway! Is it just me or are you guys having this evil urge to push them all off the stage just to have a better look at that poster! C'mon guys get out of the way! But, with what little we see from the poster it looks uh-mazing!!! I love LDH's daunted expression... you can almost sense her anxious uncertainty...

Okay, I'm a lil bummed out that they didn't come in character and in costumes! haha! on second thought it would be kind of impolite to face guests (aka the press) in rugged worn out rags! haha!

Maybe I'm in the minority but I'm not feeling LDH's dress... haha! it's edgy yeah but it's just not to my personal liking... haha! I don't like the top part... it looks kinda awkward... I think I would have liked it better if it were see-thru all the way to the sleeves too... I don't know... haha! The bottom part is okay I guess... haha oh well maybe not her best but she still looks fantabulous! and those shoes are to die for!!! *wipes drool*

LOL! don't you just lurveeeee the guys letting their hair down like that! haha! it's like they're about to put on their vintage glasses and pull off those pants to reveal their bootleg pants underneath... then they'd suddenly bust a 70s song and dance number! haha! disco baby! haha! BOOOOO KJS and GHJ are buzz kills for not wearing their long locks! hehe

anyway... first off... the pictures! gahhh


whoever took this pic is such a meanie!!! haha!!! Look at how badly that came out! LDH's looking a little cross-eyed! haha! MEAN MEAN photog! hahaha!


LOL maccay the pageant pose! haha! LDH's awkward pose in full force! HAHA!


OMO LDH how can you be this pretty!!! it's not fair! haha


OMO LDH is an apparition! hahaha photogs should disable their flashes before they take LDH's pic so she wouldn't look so ghostly white!


awwwww our love triangle! how are we supposed to choose between those two guys! I like this picture! The two guys look like they're in character! JH's came out looking smug like DG! and TH looks meek and gentleman-ly like TH! cuteness!


Kim Ha Eun looks really really cute and hip!


CAPTION: LDH (talks to herself): OMO KHE's here! better grab my men tightly!!! *smiles*



Who else is digging HJS's look! ME! ME! ME! Awwww that intense look in his eyes! I'm meltinggg! C'mon boy work that hairrrrrrr! make mama Rihanna proud! haha! I love love love his look! He's oozing of charisma and hawtness! *pshhhht (haha pretend this sounds like a sizzling sound!)


okay excuse my pervy-ness but TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! *meltssssssssssssss* Seriously these pics are developing a fangirly crush on HJS inside me...

I love how much they seem to be having together!



LOL! looks like they're teasing OJH! haha!


Thanks H for covering Kwak Jung Hwan! haha these girls were preoccupied drooling over the hot Chuno guys! hahaha


OMO look at that poster! I'm soooooo wishing they'd release individual character posters!!! DEYYYYYMMMMM!


SOOOOOO cute! I wonder what these three were talking about!!!


LOL! WHATDAHELL? haha! they look like two 3yr old who are about to kiss! haha!




MC Kim Bo Min said this to Han Jung Soo who wore a black vest and suit "I heard you've got a six-pack". Han Jung Soo replied "Everyone is good at acting. The only way I can win is with my body" He then continued saying "Should I show it?" starting to pretend to expose himself emitting screams from the audience.

GAWD he even has a very good sense of humor! He's the perfect man! hahaha! okay I'm totally fangirling over my new found crushie mr HJS!!! *swooooons*

RE: technical difficulties

oh no! what happened with the video! I'm fine with another press conference but I really really hope this troubleshoot didn't richard simmons off the members of the press by making them come there but failing to show them the video they expected... Maybe HJS (and other Chuno guys) should have taken off their shirts (for real this time) to keep the press preoccupied and relieve them of their frustration... heeeheee

yah imogene I think someone's gonna get fired... too bad... on a brighter side, ONE MORE presscon guys! YIPEEEE! This time in costumes, k?!

LOL ripgal, I was thinking of that same ridiculous idea LOL! hahaha! I was like "uh-oh, someone's out to sabotage the greatness that is - CHUNO!" haha!

RE: JH's recommendation of LDH as HW

that's nice to hear! There's the proof that they've built up a strong rapport back during the Robbers days! we should thank JH for helping LDH get this amazing gig!

RE: LDH's take on HW

Lee Da Hae said "Hye Won had a heartbreaking feeling with Dae Gil, and when she met Tae Ha she starts to feel her heart throb. Therefore when she meets Dae Gil again later she feels confused." "When they face each other again there's a different feeling. It's difficult to have this kind of sentimental acting."

Interestinggggggg! I really hope LDH would be able to deliver this kind of complicated emotion. I hope we'd get to feel this complication in DG-HW's dynamic once they meet again...

About acting with the two actors "This is my second time with Hyuk-ie oppa after 'Robbers'. In 'Chuno' I act with Ji Ho oppa 90% of the time." She also said "The two have very different acting styles. Especially Hyuk-ie oppa; He looks and acts very different from 'Robbers' so I was quite surprised."

Ohhhh we're gonna have A LOT of TH-HW scenes! These two are gonna go through a lot together! No wonder HW finds herself wavering after her encounter with TH. It would be refreshing to see the female lead for once at least acknowledge a new found love after her one great love...

sorry I condensed my post for the Chuno thread and LDH thread into one! hahaha! there's just too much to cover and squee about!!!

THANKS CHUNOHOLICS and CHUNOJUMMAS for keeping us posted throughout the presscon!

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Guest imogene_af

Da Hae attended a charity function @ Konkuk Uni


credits: naver


Love her laid back/casual style...^^

she looks beautiful here. I like her outfit. She's really participating in a lot of charities. She also helped the deaf in the Chuno press con.

Yes, definitely the bright side... TWO press cons!

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Javabeans' write-up on Chuno's Press Conference...

Press conference day for Chuno

December 21st, 2009 // by javabeans

The wait is almost over — KBS’s upcoming fusion sageuk thriller Chuno (aka Slave Hunters) is two weeks from its premiere, and held its production press conference on December 21.

All the actors from the main cast were present, led by the drama’s three main stars Jang Hyuk, Lee Da-hae, and Oh Ji-ho. The series will take over for IRIS’s Wednesday-Thursday timeslot in the new year, and Jang Hyuk said regarding that: “There are a lot of advantages that IRIS ended with high ratings. Also, because we have a completely different topic than IRIS, viewers will be able to feel a fresh, different appeal.”

Jang Hyuk has been in a sageuk before (2002’s Daemang) and said of Chuno, “There are advantages to being a sageuk. The characters are three-dimensional, and the plot is fresh. The subject matter is different from other sageuks — previous court dramas, biographies, or hero tales express one type of style. However, Chuno is able to show a diversity of colors.” That’s why he decided to take the drama, saying, “I found its mix of melodrama and action very appealing.”

Lee Da-hae said, “I feel excited each time, but since this is a large-scale drama, I felt even more nervous.” She plays a young woman who was born a slave, but is raised in a noble family after fleeing her owner’s household and hides her low birth. She initially is in love with Jang Hyuk’s character, but as the drama unfolds, she becomes more and more conflicted between him and Oh Ji-ho. She doesn’t appear in the drama’s first two episodes, which focus more on Jang and Oh, and shows up soon afterward.

Asked about the love triangle, Lee answered, “I’m happy to receive the love of both men.” Supporting actor Gong Hyung-jin chimed in jokingly, “Watching Lee Da-hae filming, it really looks like she enjoys the love triangle.” As this is her first sageuk, she expressed some concerns about getting down the dialogue and tone (sageuk dramas require a more deliberate, serious tone of dialogue delivery that often trips up the less experienced), “but I’m not uncomfortable at all now and am able to act comfortably.”

Chuno premieres on January 6.

Lee Da-hae always looks wonderful, but here she looks particularly stunning:

Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji-ho are the chaser and the chased; it’s a little odd seeing them with that hair in modern dress (it looks much better, imo, in the show’s stills):

I’m anticipating that Lee Jong-hyuk’s villain’s role will be portrayed with his usual charisma:

The supporting cast is rounded out by Kim Ji-suk, Gong Hyung-jin, and Han Jung-soo:

Via My Daily, Asiae

credit: javabeans @ http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/12/press-co...uno/#more-13654

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Guest imogene_af

some moar pictures



a look at the tight richard simmons poster:



all of Da Hae's quotes have a reference to her ENJOYING being loved by two men. :lol: I can't help but think it's a swipe to her situation last year. :lol:

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Amen to 2 press conferences! :lol:

It is so obvious that the Chuno cast are really close with one another. It's so nice to see them all so chummy like that. I guess this is the nice thing about having the dramas pre-taped...when press conference comes the cast are all close already.

Da Hae is really beaming at the press con...laughing, joking around just like with old friends.

And awww at her and Hyuk-ie...I think their admiration for each other goes both ways... they must have a close oppa-dongsaeng relationship...and this time a REAL oppa-dongsaeng relationship...none of those close oppa-dongsaeng = dating....hehehehe.

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Guest imogene_af


I know it's so touching how he suggested the role to her. And I like how Dahae just ENJOYS the camradarie she has with everyone. It's just that she's in a great, sunny disposition right now and it shows.

Anyway... one moooooar...

Two rugged, hot men and one pristine, beautiful leading lady.


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^ Just love that picture up there.... the guys do love our girl eh? ^_^


Thanx for all the goodies peepz...and of course to o-cha for your wonderful translations. :D

Totally love how Da Hae calls Jang Hyuk Hyuk-ie oppa... :P It shows the level of comfort they have with each other, how sweet eh?

And Da Hae's just a tease... now everybody knows how she loves hanging out with the guys. lolz.. Even Gong Hyung Jin's aware of how desperate Da Hae is when it comes to the attention of the men.. hahaha...

On the poster itself, really... no words needed man.. EPIC!!

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I have a feeling the three (Da Hae-Hyuk-OJH) coordinate on their looks for the press con...

The two appearing in their wild 'unkempt' hair in order to show Hye Won's elegance and beauty.

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Guest imogene_af


Jo, she has no shame. She says she loves watching them exercise and flex such muscles. I almost spat water all over my keyboard. She is insane and I love it. At least the girl is truthful, because come on now... if you are surrounded with such BEAUTIFUL men like you are in an Asian 300... and you, being the only girl don't have much of a choice but to appreciate such BEAUTY. so excuse you! you go get it, Da Hae.

o-cha- what you think they called each other? Going "teeeeheee, what are you wearing? OMGGGGAAAAH ME TOO!!!!"

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^ Be careful Da Hae, you might get it from Mrs. Jang.. hahaha..:lol:

I think it's cool that Da Hae's enjoying Chuno this much. She clearly loves the comfortable relationship with the whole cast ehem.. guys and is not afraid to show it. Bold move girl, you're gonna scare away other actresses this time. haha..

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Guest imogene_af


it's so harmless and cute though when it comes from her because she will just be sarcastic and snicker all along. The guys seem to tease her a lot, she's just one of the boys. I mean, who else would joke about nature calls in the mountains in front of her leading men? :lol:

and she deserves to kick back and have fun after all the stress and chaos she had last year.

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Jo, she has no shame. She says she loves watching them exercise and flex such muscles. I almost spat water all over my keyboard. She is insane and I love it. At least the girl is truthful, because come on now... if you are surrounded with such BEAUTIFUL men like you are in an Asian 300... and you, being the only girl don't have much of a choice but to appreciate such BEAUTY. so excuse you! you go get it, Da Hae.

o-cha- what you think they called each other? Going "teeeeheee, what are you wearing? OMGGGGAAAAH ME TOO!!!!"

hahahahaha........That's what I was thinking...they call each other up before hand...

I mean..come on...both Hyuk and OJH let their hair down...they look like each other's reflection with that hairstyle. Hyuk has been pretty creative with his new hairstyle but this is the first time I've seen him let his hair all wild. OJh though on the other hand has been walking around with his hair down for a while.

Da Hae has no shame..and that's the way we like her. I mean what other actress would admit to enjoying being the only girl oogling at all the hot men? She is such a hoot! Love this girl.

And once again Da Hae shamelessly favors her Hyuk-ie oppa by selecting him number one among the hot bodied men.

Mrs Jang better be best friends with miss Da Hae....:lol:

Although I think right now Jang Hyuk is definitely the safest choice for Da Hae. The guy is happily married with a kid (and another one on the way) so chance of a 'scandal' is pretty small. Imagine if she said all the things she said about Hyuk but about someone else. I bet there'd be a huge scandal.

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Guest ngothuha

uhm, what is 'sageuk'? i need translate to Vietnamese but don't understand it??

and who can help me to translate this to E ''21일 오후 서울 화양동 건국대학교병원 피아노정원에서 열린 ‘제2회 건국대병원 환우사랑 바자회’에서 최주영 월드컵 축구 국가대표팀 의무담당 트레이너(왼쪽부터)와 백남선 병원장, 탤런트 이다해(건국대 예술학부 영화전공 1)가 바자회 기증 물품인 국가대표팀 사인볼을 들고 기념촬영을 하고 있다. 이번 바자회는 병원 의료진과 직원 및 지역사회 업체로부터 바자회에 판매할 수 있는 물건들을 기증받아 저렴한 가격으로 판매하고, 그 수익금으로 치료비 마련이 어려운 환자를 돕는 방식으로 진행됐다. 2009.12.212 g; _8 C8 Z6 I. y, K

1 L( B( M# m- c1 _1 j

( ^1 l! K% B) N+ e, s; E------翻译机翻译如下-----------------& }. x `% W$ `8 @8 B3 N/ {

建国大学医院,帮助患者街* e. n& k. `5 Z

! Z( E! o- s8 U

医院,建国大学,11月21日华阳花园首钢琴,建国大学医院,第二环宇爱街'世界杯的主管教练职务队choejuyoung(左起)和baeknamseon医院,女演员李多海(建国大学的艺术系,主要电影1)在义卖捐赠mulpumin sainbol队举行纪念照。在医院和社区工作人员和供应商的工作人员在集市上出售的捐赠物品集市正处在一个合理的价格出售,所得收入来帮助照顾这个困难maryeon进行病人。 12月21日,2009

cre: leedahae.ifensi.cn

pls :D

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all of Da Hae's quotes have a reference to her ENJOYING being loved by two men. :lol: I can't help but think it's a swipe to her situation last year. :lol:

LOL! I think so too! hahaha! while last year she was in a series where they can't just seem to fit her character into the story that they had to let her walk a dog just so she'd get her screen time for an episode. Now, she gets to have the attention of two HOT guys all to herself! Talk about a complete reversal of fortune!

Da Hae has no shame..and that's the way we like her. I mean what other actress would admit to enjoying being the only girl oogling at all the hot men? She is such a hoot! Love this girl.

And once again Da Hae shamelessly favors her Hyuk-ie oppa by selecting him number one among the hot bodied men.

Mrs Jang better be best friends with miss Da Hae....:lol:

JH and DH's oppa-dongseng relationship is really nice to see... I like how friendly and close they seem to be with each other... soooooo unlike that guy who allegedly got her character all screwed up in the other drama she was in! haha tsktsk! *runs away and hides*

anyway! yah she's sooooo shameless... I really love her humor! It's so candid and careless! haha makes her all the more relatable... I mean at least we know we're not the only ones drooling over these Chuno hunks aka Chunks (LOL... I know I'm lame! haha)... haha! maybe when she's not on the scene she'd be watching the guys shoot their actions scene and be all mezmerized like a true fangirl!

and yeah she better be BFFs with Mrs. JH after making those random comments hahaha!

anyway... Too bad we don't get to see LDH in the first 2 episode of Chuno... We'd have to wait longer but I'm sure the rest of the cast will keep us entertained and will leave us in awe that we wouldn't even mind another week's wait...

thanks for updates you guys!

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Guest imogene_af


I'm cool with her not being in the first two episodes... we get 22 episodes of her later on, anyway. That's more or less 20 hours of Dahae. :lol:

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Guest janezio

Wow, LDH looks stunningly elegant and beautiful in the Chuno press conf and it's so nice to see her hands linking both her hot leading men! I am elated to hear that 90% of her acting is spent with OJH! Sorry JH and other guys! No wonder you need to chase them hard!!! LDH has to thank JH for recommending her to Chuno - so she gets to spend so much time with these hot hunks and staring/looking/breathing their hot bodies!

I should thank the malfunction (pity the guy if he got into big trouble cos of this) - this means we can look forward to another press conf and more photos!! Yeah!!! Big bonus for us fans!! :)

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English version of Chuno press conf.



In times when one who slaughters animals was called a butcher and looked down upon, a chuno was considered even more lowly than beasts for their job of hunting down human beings. But Dae-gil (played by Jang Hyuk) decides to become such a chuno to make a living after he becomes the only one left of his once-wealthy upper class household which has exterminated from a fire set by a servant under his control. Dae-gil, who takes on the boss of the top chuno gang of the Joseon Dynasty, composed of Jang-goon (Han Jung-soo) who ruins both himself and his family after failing to pass the military service examination and former thief Wangsoni (Kim Ji-suk), one day receive a request to capture Tae-ha (Oh Ji-ho), a man slave in government employ, who has taken flight. Dae-gil, who must catch Tae-ha in order to maintain his reputation for the job and also to accumulate wealth in preparation for his old age, becomes involved in the mission he must complete while avoiding the threat of a mass of servants who have formed a society.

Meanwhile, Tae-ha, a former military officer who falls from grace after the prince he served becomes assassinated, decides to run away from his life as a slave to achieve his dream of enhancing national prosperity and defense of the country. He does not have an easy time living as a slave on the run but his feelings start growing for another runway slave Hye-won (Lee Dae-ha) who actually used to be Dae-gil's first love Un-nyun. The TV series will premiere on KBS2-TV on January 6, 9:55 P.M.

Preview Rating: 9

The press conference for "Chuno" was held at the CJ CGV theater in Youngdeungpo which holds a super-sized screen. Hence, the event itself saw technical difficulties but it was enough to prove the producer's intention of wanting to flaunt the spectacular non-drama like features of the show. About ten episodes of the series are ready for showing and the cast and crew shot on various locations throughout the country while putting in great effort to the computer graphics to enhance viewers' visual satisfaction.

But to any extent, its majestic appearance will only serve as the base to the story. It seems that "Chuno" will not make the mistake of drowning all other elements to the drama with its sideshows. It breaks from the convention of simply laying out history in chronological order but sets its vanishing point as the standoff between the chaser and the one being chased. Therefore, history is what chases the characters into their state of chaos while most of their relationships are intertwined with personal conflicts and grudges. Whether "Chuno" will be a hit or failure will depend on how articulately the macroscopic background blends in with the microscopic stories. It will also be worth paying attention to how well director Kwak Jung-hwan's density weaves in with writer Chun Sung-il's pliability.

Reporter : Yoon Hee-Seong nine@10asia.co.kr

Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@10asia.co.kr

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr, Lee Ji-Hye seven@10asia.co.kr

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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