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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af

sunocox- you are deliciously evol. I cannot stop laughing in my work desk, I literally had to step out for a while to breathe.

their faces when they said, "Sir... Dahae... is quitting by Episode 40."

I was in tears.

GODDANG I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING. I cannot stop watching.

"East of Eden, I'm really happy for you but Imma let you finish... SUNOCOX has the best East of Eden take of all time! Of all time!"


omg, the Yonsama joke had me in stitches. The fuhrer is angry!

"Birth reaction 6 times!"

"go to the priest 6 times!!!"

"Strangle the nurse 6 times!"


Jo- thanks for sharing the Baidu fanarts. It's so cute, I hardly make sense thanks to sunocox. ohgawd.

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Guest imogene_af


oooooh the one she's doing with Kim Tae Hee?


credits: baidu

She looks real pretty, vibrant and just really refreshing/blooming.

thanks for sharing.

*rewatching hitler video*

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This happens when sunocox throws us a BOMB,

even Kanye West comes out with a violent reaction.

That was hilarious Imogene!

That was such a cute HyeWon fanart ripgal!

Oh wow the soy CF! she looks so fresh and vibrant! Love her sweet smile!

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Guest imogene_af


she looks so much better now that she gained a little weight, right? She's been so frail last year, it's a bit refreshing just to see her gain weight.

sunocox- you are evil. I want a sequel! With the Inglorious Basterds in it... preferably Shoshana! And if he can diss LDH's Boomquisha hair one day, I will celebrate.

I hope people do realize it's a joke, a satire, a poke fun of the whole mess, though. I mean friggin HITLER, the biggest killer of all time, the most despicable human being in the planet is hurling insults at EOE... if only people get the irony of it, but I feel like it will get lost in translation and I hope we don't get fighting bombs in this thread from EoE fans. And may equal LDH fans = Nazis. If people cannot get the irony of that... I don't even know. sunocox was simply making light of the mess that happened, if Hitler reacted. Like, really... we'll celebrate to have Hitler on our side? Come. on. Hitler is asking her to do a crappy alien drama. Do kung fu. Come on. :rolleyes:

siiigh it did get lost in translation. spoke too soon. siiiiiigggggggggggghhhh. I think we'll be labeled as nazis any time soon. lol.

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So I see she really did the BOBOGO soybean mixer CF huh?

Agree with you all that she looks better nowadays... still thinner than her MG days (where I thought she looked the best), but definitely fresher and healthier than last year. Well they all say when you're happy and all, it shows! :D

Don't think we should worry too much about sunocox's video.We've all gone past the EOE era, people have forgotten. I didn't even think about how LDH and the drama suffered back then.. all I did was just LMAO! :lol:

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Guest imogene_af


Ikr, I was just laughing at the thought that Adolf the mass murderer is watching EoE and fangirling over LDH. It's a stretch of irony and dark humor, but methinks some people won't get it. But whatever. I think we're forever tagged as the crazies. That dang LDH attracts the crazies.

WTH is a soybean maker? Why is it a pitcher? Explain.

and because of that video, I need to give homage to Hitler's biggest enemy... Shoshana! (badly needs a new banner--- meh)

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^ Haha, I really do not know too. But that's not the point, the point is that pitcher or soybean mixer or whatever is supposed to be the focus of the Ad or CF right, but it looks so damn plain next to Da Hae right? hahaha..

I did worry a bit that ppl might not get what the video's about. And that it may spark off some heated debate again or something.. But since it's been ages since it happened, don't think people would take offence? If they do, then we really can't do anything right?

Poor Da Hae, she has crazies as her fans. :lol:

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Guest imogene_af


Yeah don't blame Lee Da Hae, she just has fans with demented humor... actually just blame Lee Da Hae because she attracts crazies. Psychotics. Stans. And *shock* nazis. [insert sarcasm here]

I thought it wasn't going to be a problem until my friend told me that some people weren't too happy with Hitler. :lol: I hope the hatred for Hitler did not stem from him just hating EOE. :lol: there are tons of other things that he did that are despicable, ya know? Shall I put a swastika on this thread?

Does that pitcher thing make MILK? SOYMILK? I find it utterly useless, and I wonder why they got expensive Korean actresses to advertise it. Is Kim Tae Hee's ad out yet?

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yes very simple items for expensive actress, but this is her stepping stone for china market-Song Hye Kyo also did a very moderate cosmetic line (Hazeline Snow) before this.

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Guest imogene_af


LDH has done a few Chinese ads before... well, one I remember is that cream/poor man's Oil of Olayish product. And I believe there's another one of those cosmetics, but I could be wrong.

It's just that a soybean maker is so random. You'd think.... wth is Dahae doing cheesin' with a pink pitcher?

And it's like... you do not even know what it is for. :lol:

Chae Rim too has hella Chinese ads.

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haven't been here forever!!! i'm definitely looking forward to Chuno.. and all LDH fan's ramblings.. it's gonna be so much fun!

I saw some pictures of DH during the asia song fest, golly.. she has this ethereal beauty, especially in that pink, or was it light purple(?) dress... but i liked the flow of the black dress best...

anyway... thanks amber for catching my attention on this video.. sunocox you rock! i have yet to complete the entire video.. but the first minute had already me ROFLMAO :lol:... my stomach hurt so much already! Thanks for your wild imagination.. brilliantly done! gaaahh.. i wanna watch the rest by YT is slow as a turtle for me...

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Guest imogene_af


:lol: I just remembered you suddenly when I saw it.

We miss ya here, Luthien. But Miss Park is coming out with HOT BLOOD and that's a weekend drama I will NOT miss.

I kinda like the black dress better too, even if the cut is a bit weird, I thought she pulled it off real well and looks rather elegant.

I'm scared to see 20 people on here, when there's no new LDH update. *hides*

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You know the market nowadays... they find endorsers for the plainest and most insignificant products. Like you said, the mixer is really of not much use right? So how to sell the product? Get actresses that have huge fan-bases in China... Da Hae's one of them.. and I already see Chinese fans clamoring to get one in baidu..hahaha..

luthie, welcome back to the thread. We miss ya ramblings here!

I checked out Miss Park's new drama too... and it looks hella promising... arrogant Hae Jin and HOT CARS... definitely not to be missed! (and yes, on KBS World!)

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dear all, fans of (you know who) already saw the video-as expected they called us blah, blah, blah...

But I don't care, they did the same thing to LDH before, actually the war was started by them, calling LDH's fan crazy, so as they wish, we are really crazy bunch. Funny thing, they act like a child, the love throwing the stone others, but when poeple fight back they cry.

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Guest imogene_af


well now I know what it is for...

instructional video.

They should make an instructional video with Dahae in it. Preferably speaking Chinese... and with Boomquisha hair on.

Boomquishaaaaa in the hauz. afro fail but we love you anyway.


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