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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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bright energetic image.? I am thinking of My Girl. Hopefully this is a real transformation.

Ah, as I remember about the plot, firstly she is a nobis but then she will live another status in a rich family. If she cuts her hair short so what about the later part when she will play the role of a rich girl? Will she need a wig then?

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Guest ripgal

I don't know, did Moon Geun Young have short hair in Painter of the Wind when she played a boy? I can't remember very clearly right now..

Ermm...I remember Ha Ji Won sported a rather unique scruffy hairstyle in Duelist/The Movie. It wasn't that short tho...shoulder length? But really, it came as a shock to me at that time because all ladies in the sageuks that I've watched had long plated hair..

So it's definitely gonna be something for a girl to have short hair in a sageuk this time around..

But again, from locks to bob, will Da Hae cry? haha..

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Guest imogene_af

LOL that mushroom head looks real awful on her. That better not be the Un Nyun hairdo.

Jo- MGY didn't have short hair, she just tucked it into the male head gear, in order for it not to show. Even the men that time had longer hair.

Joicy- I'm guessing extensions. I guess it's easier to fake long hair than short hair.

They said her role will be pretty serious, transitioning from energetic to a pained woman. Hye Won and Un Nyun are polarizing characters, one so different from the other. It sounds real good premise-wise, I also like the fact that she's in a sneaky disguise, not because she got to be a concubine to be a noble or something to that effect, the fact that there's this nervous climax about to happen with her revelation makes it all the more exciting.

we are so mean we're like LOLOLOL is dahae gonna cry? HAHAHA.

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no joicy I think what the articles are saying is LDH has always been known for her bright energetic image but she will show a different side of her in Chuno.

Posh style Bob? hahahhaaa..yeaaah somehow I think that hairstyle will be way too revolutionary for the Chosun period :lol:

Maybe the reason why it took Da Hae so darn long to confirm her role was because she'd been debating over having to cut her hair short..LOL.

Gosh darn she's not shooting till September...which means we'll have to wait a little bit more for her stills.

LDH's role in Chuno sounds very interesting...two totally different roles. I think she'll be able to pull it off wonderfully.

and yes miss Jo I agree with Miss A that short hair looks great on you

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^ Thanks, I should read the article again.

Ripgal: I think only Lee Ji Ah in Legend had the short hair (a bit shorter than shoulder length). I am watching Queen SD and the young Deok Man has same hair style. May be LDH will cut her hair that short?

About the hair extention: well do you have that kind of technique then? They were quite smart, don't you think? Haha I am just kidding..

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Guest ripgal


^Hahahaha.. you're probably right there o-cha chinggu..

Da Hae was considering whether to cut her precious locks.. haha..:lol: Maybe the production team told her, "No worries, you want beautiful locks, we'll give you when you become Hye-Won. And by the time we finish filming, your natural hair will be back."

joicy, ahhh...yes. I remember, Lee Ji Ah. But that's more of a fantasy-fusion sageuk tho, anything's possible... But yes, maybe it could be that of a similar length..

Thanx Ms.F and Ms. A for the compliments.. I prefer the short hairdo too. Too bad my mom keeps nagging on how I'm getting all tomboy-ish because of the cut. haha... but I'm still planning to keep it short. The hot weather here is just unbearable >.<

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Guest imogene_af

Maybe the reason why it took Da Hae so darn long to confirm her role was because she'd been debating over having to cut her hair short..LOL.

WORD. :lol: she was like, "BOB?! A BOB?!!!! MY PRECIOUS HAIR!!! OTTOKEEEEE"

I think I heart her too much that I'll say it's cute either way. haha. She can look like she cut her hair with tin shards and I may go, "awwww, it will grow on me!"

On LJA: But did she actually have to CUT her hair? A bob in definition is like SHORT. to the JAW short. LDH will have short hair, and I am wondering how her face shape will go with it.

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Guest ripgal

I'm on a sageuk-female-weird-hairstyle frenzy right now...

Here's Ha Ji Won with her scruffy hairstyle


Lee Ji Ah in Legend


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Guest imogene_af


that's not too bad. But none of them had to cut their hair. Maybe CHUNO will be the first drama that will feature a female sageuk character with the shortest hair. But hey she's an actress, she's paid to be in character. but we shall have a party of farewell to those long locks.

Hmmm... wow, the research on Nobis are like a NEW phenomenon, there is hardly any research on Korea's slave trade back in the 1200s-1600s. There's not a lot of information on nobis. Researchers are just figuring this stuff out, so yeah, CHUNO is like something entirely new on our plate.

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Where are all the regular crazy fangirls?

Calling you guys to celebrate .....

Hey ripgal... hagrid signing in!

Gosh! There's like a news overload in the LDH thread and nothing else can get us into a crazy frenzy like this! BWAHAHA anyways I'm sorry you guys for missing out... My Sims are keeping me really really "busy" haha... LDH (and LDW) just gave birth to triplets and I named them Jun Ki, Hyun Bin and Rain (Ji Hoon) hahahaha! I know... it's like kdrama dreamlandia in their house right now... anyway... they've been driving me crazy and keeping me away from soompi! haha

anyhoooo let's get some late comments out of the way...

RE: vacation pics

it's so nice to see her having a good time and partying with her friends... and I sooooo agree she looks like a very pretty mermaid in those underwater shots! haha! lemme just add I totally do that too underwater! hahaha I bought a plastic pouch that can protect my cam underwater and I take my own pics while swimming! haha! I call them underwater popselca! Also how CUTE is it that her friends have fruit names! hahaha! Pear, Apple and Cherry the fruity trio... and I must say her friend Apple is really pretty... LDH's friends are very good looking I want to be in on her group of friends! haha

RE: imogene's poster

Gosh girl that looks so good! I am already excited for the next batch of fanarts you're gonna make once official stills and pics are released... save me a banner will ya? haha

RE: LDH lurking the soompi thread

OMO if she IS lurking this thread I just have to make it clear that I am not a pervert I swear! ahahaha! but can you guys imagine if she's reading dramabeans and sees all the madness of the comment-ers there! hahaha she'll be like "oh my I have some crazy psycho fangirls! I'm soooo touched"

seems like Mr.X has some connections with the director, hehehehe and I love what he said about Lee Da Hae, potentially one of the best actresses of her generation. WOAH WOAH WOAH.

Oh my! pressure's on LDH! Gosh I really hope Chuno is the right material that will validate this theory!

Now onto more recent news!

YAY! HURRAH!!! Finally the elusive confirmation that we've all been waiting for but not really (because we all knew she's in it although they're playing the "not confirmed" game on us) bwahaha...

awwww she's with LMK! I agree with imogene LMK is one of those guys that I wish she'd be able to work with! haha he's just so quirky and cute and I just think they'll jell well together!

Jo- this is what I am wondering about too... it is a bit weird for women during that time to have short hair. Unless she is in sort of gender-bender ordeal, but even so MEN that time have longer hair.

However, according to this research paper, nobis were forced to have their hair SHORT because it is a class system they followed. They are also forbidden to wear silk and only had to wear cotton or hemp. It classifies them as a slave.

Nobis are also denied a family name, for they were not considered as people within a family. They are only given first names, no family name. So I guess she's Un Nyun.

http://www.informaworld.com/index/791393669.pdf by Gwyn Campbell

information taken from the book : The structure of slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia

another thing to note, nobis are not very common, they are not a huge chunk of a population... there are commoners but nobis are just the lowest of them all. The nobles hardly interacted with them.

The Choseon era had the biggest nobi emancipation/revolt and it crushed the system.

damn, dahae making me research!

I was wondering the same thing too but this makes it all clear now... Gosh I love the elitist and marxist drama that Chuno's going to showcase... Thanks for the info imogene and LOL on you doing research for Chuno! BWAHAHAHA

According to the articles...she'd have a bob hair? This will be the first time we see Da Hae with short straight hair, right?

Remember Da Hae once sported a short mushroom wig in one of her Kimchi Fridge CFs?

That one was hideous...tho she still looked really cute..

o-cha, you know we love you right?!!

You always bring the best goodies... who knows how much effort you've spent on those translations..


Maybe the reason why it took Da Hae so darn long to confirm her role was because she'd been debating over having to cut her hair short..LOL.

Gosh darn she's not shooting till September...which means we'll have to wait a little bit more for her stills.

LDH's role in Chuno sounds very interesting...two totally different roles. I think she'll be able to pull it off wonderfully.

o-cha, thanks for the translation! We really love you to bits!

ANyways OMG!!! she's gonna cut her gorgeous hair! I feel really sad for her! I love her locks probably even more than she does! hahaha! a celebration over her haircut! haha you guys are cruel! hahaha maybe it's more sympathetic if we hold a farewell service for her locks... haha

A BOB?!? OMG! seriously! I'm feeling really depressed for her! haha! LOL o-cha This must be the crucial condition that LDH was feeling kinda unsure of! haha

ripgal! I remember! OMO that doo really looked kinda cute but was really ridikkk! haha... short hair kinda makes her look older remember in sweet 18 she looked like she's 6 years older than her actual age! hmmmm I wonder how her new bob will look on her... although I don't think it'll be like Posh bob I just hope it'll look Posh FIERCE on her!

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Guest imogene_af


I will not put my hopes up on a stylish bob, they probably want to stay simple, it might even look like a clumsy, tin shard cut in the drama. Because I doubt nobis had great hair stylists back then.

OMO if she IS lurking this thread I just have to make it clear that I am not a pervert I swear! ahahaha! but can you guys imagine if she's reading dramabeans and sees all the madness of the comment-ers there! hahaha she'll be like "oh my I have some crazy psycho fangirls! I'm soooo touched"

Yes. Touching. Because Lee Da Hae fans are only one kind... devoted in a serial killer kind of way, evol, biased as hale, crazy, psychotic, demented fans or as Eminem would say "stans". Lee Da Hae should be ashamed of herself for attracting such personalities. we're all the same, we may even all have bobcuts after this in dedication to Un Nyun/Hye Won. because yes... we are psycho. :rolleyes:

not to mention... pervs like hagrid and I.

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Guest ripgal

Bring on all the crazy Da Hae perviness and insanity! :lol:

Anywayz, an update on Da Hae's cafe..from the admin of her cafe I think..

Remember the guy she took a picture with? hehehe...


Hello to all Emerald family members (members in her cafe are called Emeralds).

There have been numerous reports recently about Da Hae's consideration on whether to participate in Chuno. However, the final announcement has just been made.

J-Tunes has issued an official statement yesterday, confirming that Da Hae has already decided to take on the role Hye Won in Chuno.

Let's celebrate Da Hae's casting in Chuno!

No matter what please give all the support you can.

The drama is scheduled to be released after IRIS.

We will update again when we have more concrete details.

Till then please stay healthy.

credits: dahae's cafe/ cherryche @ leedahae.ifensi


So this IS the confirmation we have been waiting for..hehehe.^^

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Guest helijet33

Anyone know what happened to Lee Da Hae and Lee Dong Wook? As a new fan of her after watching My Girl, I read in other forums that she's rumored to have a relationship with Lee Dong Wook rather than only close friends. It was two years ago and I wonder what happened between them now since no one bring it up anymore.

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Guest antinh85


It's all rumors. Mainly because of publicity for the drama and because of their good chemistry on screen and off. They are just good friends. But who knows, she mentioned on the Guerilla interview that she had a boyfriend the period after "my girl". We could imagine it was DW. But they just still friends now. He's off to the army anyhow. Nothing will happen now or in the future.


you still looking for news of her confirmation huh..lolz Still doubting until this moment eh.. lolz I hope this will not exceed 24 episodes or i'll look at stills or screen caps.

I have a new addition>>> vietnamese dramas.. Finally they are as good as korean n chinese. So i am slowly running away from korean series.lol

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Guest ripgal

^Well we will never know... it could be Lee Dong Wook, who knows..hehehe.

Anyway now we know they're good friends... Wookie just mentioned in a recent interview that he still keeps in touch with Da Hae. And Da Hae also referred to him as Dong Wook Oppa in a recent interview... if anything, we know they're still very close friends.

Who knows what will happen in the future? hehehe..

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Guest helijet33

How about the rumor between her and Will Pan? I'm sure it's not mentioned anywhere on this thread as I've just finished looking through the last 300 pages. Nothing at all. For a moment I thought that she's done with LDW and now heading for Will Pan. I'm just confused. lol.

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Guest ripgal

Erm... some of us did suspect that Will Pan's interested in Da Hae (well, who wouldn't?), what with all his jokes related to Da Hae in his interviews. But it was kinda brief because Da Hae only worked with him in one MV. I remember some of us did rant and swoon over how this American boy was falling for our girl a few months ago I think? There were no rumors to an extensive scale because their collab was just a one-shot thing.

You missed the biggest scandal tho, the latest one with Eru, the singer. That one caused a media frenzy, and Da Hae was so overwhelmed by it that it kinda saddened her for quite a while. She even came out to clarify that she only knew him as a friend and that they were nothing close to being a couple.

Overall, Da Hae just has the tendency to be closer to guys. She has lots of close male celebrities, and they comprise of actors and singers alike. Her close celeb friends include Lee Dong Wook, Jang Hyuk, Lee Jong Hyuk... some good friends, Jo Min Ki, Park Hae Jin, Go Su... etc.

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Guest helijet33

This is getting very interesting. I can't believe I missed the scandal with Eru. Anyone mind bringing it back so I can have an idea of what had happened? If not, that's fine. I'm just curious. :)

As for Will Pan, I've seen a couple videos of their interview. He made some pretty crazy jokes that she has no choice but to just laugh. Lol.

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Guest imogene_af

Her biggest scandal was with Eru, most of the others were fan speculation, so I do not think it's harmful for her career per se i.e. LDW.

Eru was a media leak, however. Came out of nowhere. Nonstop media blow up. Even wedding rumors (ridiiiikkkkk). I think it was sort of coming from another camp. According to reports the Eru rumor started from another actress' manager. LDH felt really offended around that time, but she pulled herself together after a few months of it. She was never the type who was fond of scandals. She stated once she hated being treated like a toy that anyone can pair her off with with just anyone.

LDH broke up with her last boyfriend... November 2007? Before her "I Love Rock and Roll" performance. Based on her revelations, the guy doesn't seem to be a big showbiz hot shot, because in that guerilla interview (the 07 one not the 06 one), she said SHE would wear disguises, while he didn't. So heh anyone's guess. The only time she openly talked about a boyfriend was her Aussie ex, Michael.

I think Will Pan was more Taiwan media-hype-focused, offcam they seem more shy and formal around each other, like normal acquaintances would be. She did extend her hand for friendship, though.

LDH said so herself, it is very easy to misunderstand her in Korea. She grew up in a Western mindset when she can freely hug men in the middle of the street and find no malice in it, and now she's in a culture that will find it as a "love scandal" whatever you call it. I honestly think she's a single lady having fun (see her clubbing pics in Phuket? Yaaah!).

She has a lot of guy friends and is often seen with them in public... and she really doesn't find malice in it. She said she doesn't want to wear a hat or a mask every time she goes out with a guy.

I really think LDH's lovelife will be just any K-actresses love life, one day, we will be surprised that she already got married that certain day. Lee Young Ae much? It's ALWAYS the same story. They all just marry one day and we will go, HUH? She was in a relationship?!

Korean actors are very careful about their private life for numerous reasons, it's risky in their careers too to be involved in scandals. I think LDH loves her career too much at this point. Heh, but we don't know once love takes a hold of us, right?

ANYWAYS, she said she asked a fortune teller when her next scandal will be... and the fortune teller told her SEPTEMBAAAH! I wonder with who? rotfl.

Jo- LOL they call her fans EMERALDS? Are we EMERALDS? I prefer psychos.

more news on LDH. Talks about how she's been studying in Konkok U and also balancing her work. She will be seen in CHUNO next year. This article also enumerates all her awards.




come on y'all... yell out with me! Kang Tae Bong and Ju Yoo Rin!

On her HAIR:

I hope they announce when she'll cut her hair. Document it through video and everything, post it in her cyworld. I am serious. hahaha.

Only Chosun Era Slave pic I can find:


still cannot really decipher the hair but she can wear em' big hats... with her Hemp dress. very Vogue hemp dress!

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