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Guest imogene_af

The plot thickens, it is a farewell flower and he seems to relate this to his situation.

Also why doesn't DC answer DW fully about his interest with a woman? DW knew there was YR... so he's curious if there's a new one. DC smiled and grew silent.


and now DC sees more into HR knowing of her green house hiding days.

When will HR know of HIS hiding days?

LMAAAAAAAAAOOOO at Dahae in Apron. sexay! :lol: Way to get a man's attention, right? LOL.

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OHMYGOD, you are so bad. :lol:gaga!

Heh is Mike in bigger trouble now?

DC's giving HR the smoldering SSH stare or it could really just be SSH. :lol:

imogene... haha I know it also played around your mind girl... I just know it! hahaha

Anyway, is it just me or are you guys kinda indiffierent with the whole Mike situation... I mean, it just seemed to me that it was a lil bit random and a kinda disjointed subplot, when it happened... There were no indication whatsoever of their family conflicts then waaahlaaaa the next minute they are in pursuit of each other and are trying to kill off one another... I'm like..."huh!? where did that come from?"

RE: farewell

Is it an indication of DC's farewell for YR's love? (I'm really hesistating to go that road again in anticipation and get let down again...) or is it the other way around... DC's farewell to any chances of him with HR, since if Mike dies he'll be free to love YR again? hahaha I'm not trying to rain on your parade guys, I'm just trying to be careful of having my hopes up then just end up being let down by the turn of events again hahaha because for all we know we might just be being set up for another round in the circle... hahahaha okay I'll shut up now... hahaha :sweatingbullets:

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Guest imogene_af


It's a farewell to someone you love, though. HR ain't even close to that. :lol: I would gladly accept that progress, but ehhh it isn't so.

Another thing is it could be a foreshadowing of how that flower is basically the symbolism of HR-DC's relationship but I'm leaning more towards YR since she's the past love. But that still does not hold on to anything.

It's all a matter of Dong Chul opening his heart, if he's capable of doing so.

and no comment on the flower. *ducks*

DC's odd, he seems to have a thing for girls who are overprotected... it's like green house... sexxxaaay. (j/p before you pelt me with tomatoes).

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awwww! imogene you have some strong sense of restrain lately... hahaha why won't you comment about the flower :lol: ... hahaha

anyway... so is it a farewell for a loved one... I see... I missed that important bit hahaha... Now you've given me an incy bit of hope... hahaha I'm having positive thoughts about it now... *crosses fingers*

happy_day, try http://www.viikii.net/channels/goto/eastofeden I tried to look into their site, but it seems that it's not working right now... maybe the problem is with my connection so you might want to try it out...

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Guest Happy_Day

O thanks hagrid, will try that. I just watched the clip given in the last page though but it was so fuzzy and hard to understand the words. I don't think DC is looking sentimentally at the flowers because of HR. HR said in the car something about how the flower represented longing for past love (it was hard to understand because that clip was all fuzzy). But that's what she said, and then DC got all mopey - then right afterwards DC-YR theme song came on. Is it a "farewell" flower? I don't think so.. unless they talked about this in another scene.

Am I right? The flowers at the moment seems to be a symbol for DC-YR.. although later on maybe it'll be the link between the three of them. Because before HR even told DC the flowers' meaning, he seemed really interested in it.

[Edit] Thanks lilcrash! That one is very clear, lemme rewatch that scene. :) By the way, did you guys get the subs for this ep?

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Guest yojan17

Just watched today's episode, really good and next week's is only going to be better.

HR/DC moments is really sweet. DC seems to have some special interest in HR's flowers. He looks at them many times. :D I think he is starting to like HR. Back at the casino, you could see DC is concern about YR's feeling as he looked back to see YR's reaction, but right after that, I saw him sort of smiling at the flower that HR gave him. I don't think it was my wishful thinking, it is really happening now......anyone saw it too?? DC is responding a little bit in my opinion. :)

haha can't help but laugh at this part... sounded wrond to me hahaha! but, back in the car DC was giving HR that sort of stare again- the"I'm interested -in-you-and-I'm-checking-you-out" stare again..." I dunno it might just be me thinking that or SSH's looks are just waaaaay to confusing for my simple mind... haha

:lol: :lol: :lol: Ditto! Naughty me! :lol:

BTW, I haven't seen the past few EOE epis yet (the last one I saw was epi 26, then our PC crashed. Nice. Maybe I'll resume watching next year. Dang.) but judging from your posts and caps, it seems that things are getting more and more interesting... especially the DC-having-interest-in-HR's-flowers part. *naughty* Kaloka!


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Guest imogene_af

O thanks hagrid, will try that. I just watched the clip given in the last page though but it was so fuzzy and hard to understand the words. I don't think DC is looking sentimentally at the flowers because of HR. HR said in the car something about how the flower represented longing for past love (it was hard to understand because that clip was all fuzzy). But that's what she said, and then DC got all mopey - then right afterwards DC-YR theme song came on. Is it a "farewell" flower? I don't think so.. unless they talked about this in another scene.

Am I right? The flowers at the moment seems to be a symbol for DC-YR.. although later on maybe it'll be the link between the three of them. Because before HR even told DC the flowers' meaning, he seemed really interested in it.

[Edit] Thanks lilcrash! That one is very clear, lemme rewatch that scene. :) By the way, did you guys get the subs for this ep?

Not according to HR, it isn't a farewell flower, more of a reminiscent of a past love. Thanks for the translation. Dang, I can marathon EoE tonight.

What the hell is up with HR and horticulture. :lol:

And also, why did DC react like that when she said not to judge her?

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^ I sense it as HR wanted to tell DC that she knows and respects his past feelings. Don't need to feel burden about this. She can wait till he's ready. Or whatever it's free for him to decide .

I don't get hyped up for anything because I think they will not give us the resolution till the end. There will not be passionate love for HR like in SG but it's ok. Just let us know in the end.

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Guest imogene_af


You think she knows about YR? Haven't seen the episode, was she making excuses to YR when she saw her in the casino? Did she look like she understood?

We're nearing 40 and HR seems so uninvolved up to now. Like she has no effect in both brothers, I really hope this changes soon. The only thing different now is DC seems to be more open to see her as a friend rather than Ms.Blackmail or Ms. Arranged Date.

But with the March due date, I'm guessing this will be extended.

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I have not seen the episode either. However, I don't think that's she knows nothing or can pretend to know nothing. It's obvious signal from the past - she saw DC and YR together in front of her house with that kind of protection from DC to YR, she may have sensed st, right? Do you remember that she skipped saying about that meeting when she met DC in the dump site. And YR's expression in the lobby when HR,YR, DC, Min and Guk met together, who could not sense st? For the time she's matched with DC (must be a month or so?) she could have seen DC's hesitation too - he's avoiding to look directly into her face and he always stepped back.

So, who will not think that DC and YR had a past? Also, it's not like HR did not know anyone who longed for past love for so long (well, you-know-who) so, she may want to tell DC something about their relationship. It's not a burden for him because he's matched to her.She understands that he may long for his past love and she's ok with that.

She assured my thought when she explained to YR that the flower was for Janice. Did she have to do that? No. DC and HR are single and they can do what they want. But did she want to make DC uncomfortable about her being around? No. IF DC has feelings with YR, then she would not want to put him in misunderstanding with YR. He's free with his choices.

I admire this girl because what she thought and did for others. It's not like whether you gain the love is most important, but how you gain it, and how you treat the beloved ones. So far, HR is the only one among three girls who tries to make the one she loves most comfortable and give them the choices, not her making choices for them.

I am short of time and could not write something good, but will come back after seeing the episode.'

see my post below

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Guest aimalleb

I have to hand it to the writers for their attempt in making a smooth transition into HR & DC’s relationship. Many people, including myself, have been wondering when and how (if ever) is it going to be possible for DC to move on and start developing feelings for HR, without cheapening the feelings/relationship/past that he had with YR. And now I think we have the answer. The symbolic nature of the flower is indeed powerful, as it intimately represents DC’s predicament of his painful love for YR. There is a sense of realization in DC that he finally gets it now. In his heart, he knows that it’s time to let go and I have a feeling that he will be ready to do just this, soon. Perhaps he will display the flower on his desk and it will serve as a reminder for him to let go of the past and make peace with the present. As the saying goes, “when one door closes, another will open,” thus, the symbolism here can also signify a new beginning. And since HR was the one that gave DC the flower, she can be credited for helping him letting go of the past and moving on, as his new beginning.

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Guest imogene_af


So she DID make an excuse!

Hye-rin seems to be just happy standing by the side of someone she feels at ease with, or maybe falling for. She does not seem to push or anything. But due to this she's always the girl in the sidelines... when will that someday come that someone will be able to see how amazing she is. :(

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Guest aimalleb

Darn it, so the flower is not meant for him but for Janice? NVM about my last post then. I suppose I got too excited with the possibilities. <_<

Need to wait for the subs and not make anymore assumptions in the mean time.

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Guest imogene_af


I think it was meant for him, but she made an excuse to Young ran that it should be for Janice? But it was meant for him and he seemed to have kept it.

Screencap time.

I need subs now, Park Hae Jin is amazing, not since Kim Bum have I had such an emotional tidal wave come over me. I was so teary eyed when he held on to his son, I never seen such despair portrayed so beautifully. The scene when he teared up watching with guilt and at the same time longing for that love, that life Dong Wook lived... so much pain. Such a tragic character.

On Hye-rin...

I love dogs... so forgive me. haha.






















nerdy apron...











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So she DID make an excuse!

Hye-rin seems to be just happy standing by the side of someone she feels at ease with, or maybe falling for. She does not seem to push or anything. But due to this she's always the girl in the sidelines... when will that someday come that someone will be able to see how amazing she is. :(

There will be the day that she's paid back. We just need to wait.

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Guest imogene_af

That was some long conversation in the car, and before the flowah conversation, he seems rather drawn to her background. Her story, especially upon learning about the girl in the green house. When she told him about the significance of past love, even she seemed as affected, having her own pain building up inside. Seems like the scars in her heart are still there and bleeding. Both her and Dong Chul, of course cowered from emotions. Typical of these characters.









pre flowah










talks about flowah

























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