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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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thanks hagrid0211 for the summary!! Appreciate that you do summaries immediately after each episode! :)

Geez.. I dont understand how Chulrin is going to happen if DC still holds onto YR? Gee... Im wondering whether this supposed triangle is something like DW <3 HR who <3 DC who <3 YR... :crazy:

no prob dear... haha you do realize that if that's the case it's not really a triangle... hahahaha more like a completely messed up square... haha the triangle is more like HR <3 DC - HR<3 DW - DW<3 DC, since HR's love is clearly not reciprocated by either of the Lee bros. and the Lee bros. only have the hots for each other... haha... those brothers only reserve all their love for each other, be it romantic or brotherly... hahaha

Anyway, more than HR's lovelines I'm more engrossed with MH's predicament right now... goshhhh his scenes with his mothers just shreds my heart into bits... his situation is just too complicated that if I were in his shoes, I'd probably gone alcoholic already...

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Thank you for the great summary, now I am looking forward this episode. I have been wondering when they will start playing background music in the DC/HR scene, yeah....this is good news.

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Guest imogene_af


OMGAAAAH dog is sooo cutie!

So sorry, I have an odd weakness for dogs. You know how people get excited over babiez? I do that with dogs.

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Just watched today's episode, really good and next week's is only going to be better.

HR/DC moments is really sweet. DC seems to have some special interest in HR's flowers. He looks at them many times. :D I think he is starting to like HR. Back at the casino, you could see DC is concern about YR's feeling as he looked back to see YR's reaction, but right after that, I saw him sort of smiling at the flower that HR gave him. I don't think it was my wishful thinking, it is really happening now......anyone saw it too?? DC is responding a little bit in my opinion. :)

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Guest luthien

Some caps from ep 34



Looks like HR and her mom cooked breakfast/lunch


What kind of flowers are these? Seems like there's some sort of meaning behind it.






She's trying to explain something to avoid any misunderstanding?






For the first time, I think SSH is attractive from this angle.


DC-DW bed scene. This is a sweet scene.

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Guest imogene_af

thanks luthien for HQ caps.

The flowers HR gave DC ( :lol: ) are orchids? but too short. nevermind. unless it's bonsai style.

Is DC into flowers? :lol:

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Guest imogene_af

It really looks like a midget orchid.

Whatever happened to HR's fave gardener? Did he die? Seems like her way of perceiving of men is mostly based on his kindness.

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What kind of flowers are these? Seems like there's some sort of meaning behind it.

It is a Clyclamen, it blooms in early spring or late fall, a member of the primrose family. There are different shades of colors, purple, lighter shades of pink, white and red. This flower means goodbye. :mellow:

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Guest imogene_af


HR will probably give some reference to it. In Western standards it is given to people who are resigning, saying goodbye, ending a relationship or erm... dead but it's always given to someone you love with passion, it's a vocalized goodbye to someone you love according to the meanings. But yes, it's a sense of finality.

doesn't make sense though since she gave it?

Other meanings:

- great seducer

- sincere love

Acacia is more for platonic and chaste love if given to someone. HR and her plant symbolisms.

Will this mean a painful goodbye for HR and DC? Seduction? Sincerity? What. :lol:

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Just watched today's episode, really good and next week's is only going to be better.

HR/DC moments is really sweet. DC seems to have some special interest in HR's flowers. He looks at them many times. :D I think he is starting to like HR. Back at the casino, you could see DC is concern about YR's feeling as he looked back to see YR's reaction, but right after that, I saw him sort of smiling at the flower that HR gave him. I don't think it was my wishful thinking, it is really happening now......anyone saw it too?? DC is responding a little bit in my opinion. :)

haha can't help but laugh at this part... sounded wrond to me hahaha! but, back in the car DC was giving HR that sort of stare again- the"I'm interested -in-you-and-I'm-checking-you-out" stare again..." I dunno it might just be me thinking that or SSH's looks are just waaaaay to confusing for my simple mind... haha

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The flower should be cyclamen persicum. Need Subs!!!

Were they at Rebecca's house or Pres. Min's house? I think Rebecca's, but not sure.

In the DC and DW bedscene. DW asked DC if there's a girl that he's interested in...but DC didn't answer

In the preview. YR was crying, because she received a letter from Mike. Maybe Mike might die?

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I think they were at Rebecca's house, and HR was walking Rebecca's Labrador Retriever.




The flower should be cyclamen persicum. Need Subs!!!

In the DC and DW bedscene. DW asked DC if there's a girl that he's interested...but DC didn't answer

In the preview. YR was crying, because she received a letter from Mike. Maybe Mike might die?

Awwww.... if mike dies, YR and DC will be free to love each other! hahaha I'm happy for them! hahaha... HR will be one happy independent girl... me like-y happy single HR hahaha!!!

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Guest imogene_af

haha can't help but laugh at this part... sounded wrond to me hahaha! but, back in the car DC was giving HR that sort of stare again- the"I'm interested -in-you-and-I'm-checking-you-out" stare again..." I dunno it might just be me thinking that or SSH's looks are just waaaaay to confusing for my simple mind... haha

OHMYGOD, you are so bad. :lol:gaga!

Heh is Mike in bigger trouble now?

DC's giving HR the smoldering SSH stare or it could really just be SSH. :lol:

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I checked here and there ... no dl link.. I can't go to aja aja,and dakbonsa has not up theirs yet ? Well maybe I can't read Korean so I just check around and there's only #33. Anyone can help?

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Here you go - Ep34 with chinese sub


Now I know why DC shows that much interest in the flowers. By the way, it is indeed cyclamen, so all of you are correct. Anyways, HR explained to him that the flowers carry the meaning of "farewell to one's past love", that really caught DC's attention. Also, DC made a comment that HR grew up in a protected environment "greenhouse", and HR told DC not to think like that, and not to judge base of the look of her upbringings. DC was surpried by her response.

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