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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af

^ HAHAHAHA..:lol:

I laughed so much when JMK tried to pull DC's helmet.. JMK's such a hilarious ahjusshi..:lol:

And what's with the guys blocking DC and HR when they were starting to gaze at each other? SSH was a bit confused and tried to shoo them away..lolz...

:lol: I think she should have bowed already, they weren't really supposed to look at each other that long, if you actually watched the scene. SSH's reaction was funny like, Dude! Ruining the moment!

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Is this HR's signature wave of goodbye? She's the only one who does funny waves, one was with Baek, mostly with DW.

Thanks for the caps imogene_af. Luv it!

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I wonder where Baek is? I fear he will come back. :lol:

Do you want to bet with me this time again? :) I think he will come back when HR-DC is smoother.

And DC-HR scene : I could not hear what SSH said that time. Did he really joke? OMG and the way they created an electric current. I feel like watching the Happy Sunday show.

Ripgal: yeah !! I love that scene too. STH, he's so so cute. I Love him and Guk teddy bear too.

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Guest bimatnho

인기 드라마 '에덴의동쪽'(MBC)이 작가 교체를 분수령 삼아 새롭게 탈바꿈한다.

 '에덴의동쪽'의 한 제작관계자는 수요일(3일) "동욱(연정훈)과 명훈(박해진)의 뒤바뀐 운동이 밝혀지는 다음주부터 건강 이상을 호소해온 나연숙 작가 대신 이홍구 작가를 전격 투입한다"고 밝혔다. 작가 교체에 때맞춰 앞으로의 드라마 내용 또한 남녀 주인공들의 러브라인에서 벗어나 형제에서 원수가 돼 버린 동철(송승헌)과 동욱간의 번민과 갈등 및 대결 등에 더 포커스가 맞춰지게 된다.

 제작진은 올해 64세인 나연숙 작가가 극본을 쓰던 중 2차례나 쓰러지는 등 건강이 급속도로 악화돼 더이상 극본을 하는 것은 불가능하다고 판단, 나 작가가 적극 추천한 이 작가가 남은 이야기를 마무리하는 것으로 입장을 정리했다.

 이 작가는 최근 일일 아침드라마 '흔들리지마'를 집필한 중견 작가로 전작에서 불륜과 뒤바뀐 운명 등의 통속적인 소재를 능수능란하게 다루며 높은 시청률을 이끌어낸 경험이 있는만큼 남은 이야기를 긴장감 있게 그려내며 드라마의 대미를 장식하기에 충분한 능력을 지녔다고 제작진은 신뢰를 보냈다. 나 작가 역시 드라마의 마지막까지 이 작가와 함께 대화를 나누며 스토리가 통일감을 갖고 이어질 수 있도록 조력하겠다는 입장이다.

 시청률 부진 드라마가 국면 전환을 위해 작가를 전격 교체하는 경우는 종종 있었지만 인기 드라마가 작가의 신변상의 이유로 작가 교체를 한 것은 이례적인 일. 올들어 '왕과 나' '스포트라이트' '그분이 오신다' 등의 드라마와 시트콤들이 시청률 부진 등으로 인해 중간에 작가를 교체한 바 있다.

 화요일(2일) 방영에서 시청률 28.1%(TNS미디어)를 기록한 '에덴의동쪽'이 다음주 시청률 30%를 돌파하며 대박 드라마로 도약할 수 있을 지 주목된다.

  < 정경희 기자 scblog.chosun.com/gumnuri

hẻre is article

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What!!!!??? Changing the storyline in EOE? Do I smell.. disaster?? :blink:

Hopefully someone can translate asap and possibly bring good news *fingers crossed*

Ah I just really hope that in the next episodes, we'll get to see more of Chulrin's relationship progressing... In that way, the wedding/funeral scenarios would be more interesting... :)

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Guest imogene_af


No. It's just about the change in writer, that article is actually reassuring that NYS will still be part of the decisions and they will remain true to her story. The article is just weary of the new writer saying that new writers do not really bring good ratings (and go off track with the story) but they are hoping EoE will be different.

it also says the new writer would like to explore more of DC and DW's rivalry. Other aspects of the story too.

Oh and a new drama is already in the works for EoE's timeslot... but it won't show until mid or late March (still in talks maybe later)... sooooo I'm thinking we're leaning on extension.

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more DC and DW's rivalry....I would like to see that, because that could means more of HR as well, since she is supposed to be the woman between these two men.

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Guest imogene_af

The new writer used to write non-primetime dramas and his jarring storylines so there's a measure of concern in the article. But it didn't say that he will change EoE's premise.

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Guest imogene_af


Thanks for sharing the fanarts!

I wish she'd let her hair down more.

:lol: at cancelled... where do they hear these rumors, anyways? 4 weddings and a funeral.

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Imogene_af: do you think that DC becomes interested in HR first? In the trip in US, the scenes in the hospital, party and on the airplane, are they trying to show that he was curious and interested in her? Then in the episode 31, 32, they show HR interest more in DC (LDH acted it out more than SSH, that's may be due to DC's character, not showing his emotions). Because DC interest in HR and he, could not help himself wanting to know more about her - though YR said not go, he still went to Japan with HR. He did enjoy moments with her, the "uhh" expression when they were mistakenly considered a couple and so on.. well, I think DC is interested in her, that's why he felt sad thinking about YR.

Even if I am writing a fanfic :D but thinking back the countless encounters of the couple, I think I should keep my hope high.

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Guest imogene_af


I think he's interested like any male would be. He's curious but he does not trust her. DC is hard to read in the romance area. :lol: I hope they won't just give us a curveball one day with DC all crying and going, "ICAN'T!!!!" at HR. I hope the next few episodes establish their relationship, not really just the romance aspect but more as two inherintly lonely individuals reaching power for their quest, both giving up on love at some point in their lives. They just HAVE TO TOUCH on the fact that they are alike. They just have to!

And please give LDH a kissing scene. I am not used to watching a drama of hers with nada huggies or kisses.

:ph34r: and next time their hotels are next to each other... who will have self control? :lol:

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^ DC will trust her when he finds out she's with DW before. It seems only DC and Chun (besides HR's family) knew what HR's been through. When HR gives up on DC , DC will finally know that she does not want to harm or threat him. In the end, she's lonely and hopeless so she held at him because he's the first one who offered the help unconditionally. Someone she does not need to "gain" the help. Actually, she is used to the concept that she needs to have something to exchange for what she wants (her family, Baek, etc) so remember, when DC said that the mission was too easy (it did not have to have a threat backing) she just asked how she could gain his trust (she could not believe his words, she could not believe he could help her without getting any thing back again).

She may have thought that DC could help her without any threat but she's not sure, because after DC changed to a tough (dumpsite guy) - not a mysterous guy anymore - she can't be sure about him. That's why she used the threat to back up. And she used it again, as an excuse to hide her wanting to see him more. HR is pity but at least, this time she could step ahead towards the guy, she's not just hiding in one corner and looking at them. I am relieved. She will be repaid for what she offered. I believe.

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Guest imogene_af


I think during that point she did not want to get too personal with DC as you said, she believes favors are always in exchange. Trust has to be earned. Like love for her is something that should be earned, a favor just the same. I actually feel sad just thinking how her concept of love is so painful. I wonder if the "second" pattern for her will hold true all throughout, I want that "curse" broken. :(

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If the writer gives HR a truthful and unconditional love, in the end, HR will become confident and have faith on herself. She's believing only when she's experiencing it. If the writer wants to make HR hurt and painful and turn dark, if she does not want to give HR a chance, then, she will be the pitiest character so far.

DC is able to give HR that kind of love, the question is: is he ready yet, and if he ready to part with YR. Because, if he's still in love with YR, there's no way for him to offer anything to HR.

I think you are right about the extension, my dear :) I hope so too.

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Guest imogene_af


:lol: There are a lot of ill-fated characters in EoE. I actually don't mind her losing the love or not ending up with that love, as long as she experienced a mutual and unconditional love for just once in her life. I'm good. She just has to experience it at least once.

Well... she said love will always be her crossroad. She will show the truth of love, so I'm guessing HR will get a chance to love.

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^ Yes, EOE is a dark drama so far. But, all the characters (besides MH and HR) have confidence that they received love before. Even STH :D Maybe that's why I am so interested in the two. I want justice for them.

Imogene_af: what I mean is love partner.

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