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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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What?!? Only 40 seconds? I can't believe it! :(

I haven't seen Ep 30 yet...not sure if I should watch it...since Mike (Dennis Oh) has lots of screen time.

I'll just watch Terroir in the mean time. It's sad Painter of the wind is ending this week (tomorrow)! But I still got Celebrity’s Sweetheart / Star's Lover to look forward to~


Yes, Terroir is more interesting than EoE right now...at least it's not draggy. And kinda funny too.

You should catch up on Painter of the Wind, it's really good! MGY and MCW are enough for me to watch it. PSY were annoying at some scenes...

General Hospital 2 looks interesting, but I heard there are lots of BLOOD. More blood than New heart....

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joicy, I echo your sentiments about YR. I guess her life with Mike was so terrible and unbearable, that she just couldn't hide it no more in front of DC. For sure YR has not moved on like what she said she would do 6 years ago.. it was evident that she bore the brunt of marrying and living with somebody for 6 long years without ever forgetting DC. Her tears showed it. But what about DC? I still think he has feelings for her.. the way he looked at her and called her GookJa, I don't know.. it seemed to me that he was still full of love for this girl. If DC really treasured his friendship with Mike, and genuinely wished that YR would forget about him and move on for good, I don't think he should have asked whether YR was suffering living with Mike, and whether or not she was happy. It kinda urges YR to pour out to him about her plight.. and unknowingly, he's definitely susceptible to revelation of his true feelings in front of the already-married YR again. And what's that? It's another circle for goodness sakes... It has been going on for tooooo long...<_<

Moreover, I was a bit disappointed with how LYH acted out the scenes... I wished there was more heart to it. Sometimes I even think it's not LYH's fault...but how her character's written, and how her story's being played out thru out the drama. It's so over-kill that I think she's trying too hard to make her actions and feelings more REAL for us to see, and yet failed to do so. I don't know maybe it's just me..

Somehow I'm starting to lose my interest in EOE.. I liked the part with Rebecca and STH, but the rest was again, just bland. I know I used to hype and giggle around when there are DC-HR scenes.. and now even with or without such scenes, I'm not sure I can hold interest any longer.

LDH's good, and she has shown improvement in her acting... but again, some of her scenes also failed to tug my heart. Some of her scenes didn't do anything for me, altho sometimes I try very hard to convince myself that she's so good in this scene blah blah. Now when I think of it, I was a bit oblivious to the fact that I wasn't exactly blown away or actually REALLY IMPRESSED. It's just that I'm a fan of hers, so I say she's good, when as a matter of fact, she wasn't. Arhh.. I don't know.. It's totally different when I watched her previous dramas, whereby I was sooooo very impressed with how she acted out her characters... I know it's not her fault, it's the direction and the lack of focus on her character development, but I can't help feel bad for her, because I know she can do sooooo much better if she was given a better script. A better opportunity to shine.

Sorry for the complaints, just wanted to vent it out here...


And yes lilcrash, I'll be joining you with Terroir...it seems like a fun drama!

Painter of the Wind too.. I'm lagging behind a lot, at Ep 13, but still, the storyline and MGY's more than enough to get me hooked..

Will be be focusing on General Hospital 2 as well.. at least it's more intriguing and interesting than EOE right now..

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aww, looks like EOE29 & 30 sucks! LOL!

really not interested in so much YOUNG RAN!


LOL! ripgal & lilcrash,

haha! yes yes, let's change our drama addiction for today! LOL! :P

terroir? hoping subs would come out.. :(

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Guest Huong_83


Definitely agree with you :blush: .

Just after finishing episode 30. With so much disappointment make me think nothing :fury: . But, untill now, after thinking about it carefully. I deeply feel that DC - YR is really end up by now :w00t: .

YR - She has been living with Mike for 6 years. I have no idea about her feeling for Mike during these years. Maybe that not the happiest life she wishes for. But I'm sure that Mike did everything to make her comfortable, peaceful and happy. She came back to Korea just because Mike doesn't want her to get involved in his stuff - it's for herself. And after all this, he had to run away, didn't bring her with him - Let her stay beside DC for her safety. So, with such a great Husband like this, Does she want any other guy? DC, no, she can not - that's her husband's best friend. I think there no way for YR to be continue her love with DC. If she still, she'll not deserve for both of them.

DC - For sure, he'll hide his feeling for YR in his heart till the end. He's a great man, Mike is he best friend and YR is his best friend's wife, he'll never betray his friend, he'll never do such a bad thing like that...

But it's just my thought. There only 20 episodes left. How could they fill in all the blanks left to satisfy the viewers. That's a big question.

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^ Ripgal: actually in the car, I sensed that DC felt uncomfortable about YR's miserable. You know, like someone you care so much comes to you and .. cries though she's trying not to, what do you feel? Protective, right? Sad, right? but just a moment. if you look closely at the scene when DC brings YR's bag to the room, he did not try to stay, or at least did not look into her eyes with that painful eyes - like - oh poor my baby, how come things go this direction .. He told her to visit his house with just sympathy, and left. I mean, no romance or tears in eyes or softening or whatever (he indeed softened when seeing her at the airport but that's the only moment).

Anyway, I agree with he has feelings but it's not like past.

About LDH's acting: I think the previous episodes are better, after she's struggling for Hanseh, she lost her strength, toughness (and part of charm= she's too fragile some times), but I guess it will come back. I think we all loose interest because of a lot of disappointment - for JH, MH, HR, unexpected DC-YR story, all of that distracted us and makes us think too much. I guess if we just try to ignore "that character" (and acting too) we may feel better. No offense to her or fans, but really, for me feeling good, I have to remind myself - she's not coming back as a lover any more, she's married woman, she's married woman :D

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Mike is he best friend and YR is his best friend's wife, he'll never betray his friend, he'll never do such a bad thing like that...

DC said that Mike's like his brother. Wow, this is big deal with DC, definitely he will not involve with brother's woman. Hey, but isn't it interesting that later on, HR as brother's woman will confront him :)

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Guest Huong_83

DC said that Mike's like his brother. Wow, this is big deal with DC, definitely he will not involve with brother's woman. Hey, but isn't it interesting that later on, HR as brother's woman will confront him :)

It's because DC doesn't know HR is his brother's woman :sweatingbullets: . But I think there's a difference here. YR is Mike's wife and HR is DW's old women (I'm not sure if DW was ever in love with HR or he just felt pity for her cause he could never forget JH)...Pure my HR, just the second woman in Lee's brother life. Be lonely successful bussiness women is OK for her :lol: .

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Guest phuonglinhbaby

For me DC - HR coiple or not is not important

I want Hye Rin is more interesting. This character is so interesting but until now there's no special

Hye Rin is strong, lonely but it's noy enough

I see it's still short of something

I want to watch the ambition of Hye Rin

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DC - For sure, he'll hide his feeling for YR in his heart till the end. He's a great man, Mike is he best friend and YR is his best friend's wife, he'll never betray his friend, he'll never do such a bad thing like that...

I just had a thought when you said this. Could the writers be using this Mike episode to put on closer on DC/YR on YR's side? It's obvious this gal is still crazy about DC, but I believe DC has accepted his fate and got on with his life. So, with Mike being a grave danger, maybe YR will see that she could lose Mike. I mean, Mike is such a good man and I'm sure he is good and very sincere with YR. So, maybe upon nearly losing Mike, YR might realize that she does have feelings for Mike....and from there...on the road to forgetting DC....then DC and HR....

sorry...just a thought....and wishful thinking, of course....

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Guest k3n4uri

I share the same sentiment as the rest of you. I woke up at 4:30am in the morning only to get disappointed by a less than a minute screen time for Min Hye Rin. I was thinking - that's it? I'm hoping that she'll have more screen time in the coming episodes. She's suppose to be the main female lead yet she get the least screen time. I am not asking for a whole lot. I just hope that they could be fair.

On a lighter note, I just watched the single scene of Hye Rin in episode 30 with subtitles.Thank You Fansubbers!!!. I really like the banter between Hye Rin and Dong Chul. I like the idea of Hye Rin having the upperhand - she always says the last words. On this particular scene...she was stalking Dong Chul because she wanted to get an exclusive interview with Janice. She told Dong Chul that it was harder to meet him than the President. Then, she used the bag incident in Washington to blackmail DC to arrange an exclusive interview with Janice. Lucky for DC, Mr. Gook came. She asked HR to go upstairs. She used this opportunity to tell Mr. Gook that DC was so "hard to deal with." Mr Gook then defended DC and told him to take care of HR. When DC was about to leave, HR didn't let him off easily. She told Mr. Gook, "See, look at him trying to avoid me. I can smell something big."

Credits to: JiYeon & Kdrmaniac and other EOE contributors.

I don't find Hye Rin's inquisitiveness annoying at all. She's a reporter and that is what's expected of her. I find it charming. It sets her apart from Young Ran and Ji Hyun. I'm hoping that eventually her wit would be one of the characteristic that would make DC fall for her.

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^ I agree with you. Even though it was just 40 seconds it was all worth it.

Now I truly understand why Pres. Guk will be the one who'll set up HR and DC together.

And it's funny how in Ep 30 YCH was asking DC when is he going to get married? But he said DW can get married before him. Pres. Guk touched on the subject too in Ep 29. I want to hear *wedding bells ringing* soon.... (imagining HR in a wedding dress, since she's the only main female character not married) :lol: thinking too much, haha don't mind me I'm going off to LALALA land here...

Hhmm...only 20 episodes left.

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Aw just when hope is lost..haha.You guys make me feel like ChulRin's going to happen.I actually thought HR was attracted to DC,not the other way round.In epi 30 I mean.Which sorta dissapointed me.But its still too early to tell.It would be nice for DC to finally gets attracted to a girl,instead of being just a workaholic.I hope DC makes the first move tho!

LilcashI think this would be one of those strangest times when I would love for a 15 epi extension.

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hahaha i actually have faith in DC-HR love story i mean ofcourse there wont be instant love story between them =/

but 20 more ep still quite long though for their love to progress along with the other story like the revenge and birth reveals and else, just wait guys, the whole thing between DC-HR there must be leading to some relationship XD

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Guest symphonee.

Thanks for sharing the lovely MV sheherizade3. Hopefully we'll get some more decent DC/HR screentime so that we can get more MVs from you.

Okay, so I just backtracked quite a few pages since my last post from last night's episode. I was too tired and pissed off last night to right a coherent comment so I've left it for today. They gave HR like 1 minute screentime. WTH? The only thing it showed was HR pushing more of DC's buttons. If they're the so-called “fated” couple, can they at least get a decent segment together, that is, not just 40 seconds of mere bantering?!

The introduction of the Mike subplot really killed it for me last night. Where the hell did Mike come from? Please don't tell me they decided to give Mike some more screentime just to boost the ratings. Sure he's good looking, but his acting is another story. Then they have him telling DC to “look after grace” ... are they implying something here?! I don't think I can handle another round of DC/YR. If they kill off Mike, then I don't know what to say anymore – since killing off Mike is basically shoving YR to DC.

Moving on though, what has happened to JH/MH? Their storyline seems to have been put on hold? I miss their subplot. Lately, I seem to only like the scenes that Rebecca's in *sigh*

I'm glad writer Na will still hang around the production site to maintain the script. The original storyline better have DC/HR. I'm just gonna have to be content with the fanmade DC/HR fanvids you lovely ladies have made us for the meantime. the only thing that will make me forgive the writers for the terrible subplots is if DC/HR have a hot and lusty lovestory later on, lol! c'mon, DC's like how old? late 30s? surely he's feeling deprived of female company :rolleyes:

(sorry for the horrible rant. Last night's episode was just really disappointing though)

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Guest luthien

Goodness, this thread moved so fast overnight!

I think we all loose interest because of a lot of disappointment - for JH, MH, HR, unexpected DC-YR story, all of that distracted us and makes us think too much. I guess if we just try to ignore "that character" (and acting too) we may feel better. No offense to her or fans, but really, for me feeling good, I have to remind myself - she's not coming back as a lover any more, she's married woman, she's married woman :D

Good advice. I'll try to keep this in mind Joicy. Sounds kinda wrong, but I'm glad I was not the only one disappointed... otherwise, I would've thought there was something wrong with me.. But I've calmed down a lot after taking my mind off EoE for the whole night. I'll take Lilcrash's suggestion on Terroir, too. It might help.

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Guest imogene_af

I agree with you, joicy on the way Young Ran was written and portrayed. Her character's plight is very needy, I really thought she would love Dong Chul silently protecting him, noble, restrained, and it will all implode on us once he needs her most. Instead, I see a lot of escape and resentment. Her love for him is back to being needy (in my view, of course). Her love for him symbolizes her escape to the constrained world she lives in... her revisiting the past is a recollection of the days when she was "free" with him even though it's only a short amount of time.

Dong Chul, while still has strong feelings for her knows his place. Knows his fate and also tries to move on.

I just find it VERY hard to root for a female character like this whose end-all and be-all is her love for a man.

As for Hye-rin, she sadly lost her fire, which is her character trait right now. She kind of became a "sell out" to Hansae, it was different back when she was rebelling, or suffering but loudly, or the times when she was scared to the brink of being pushed to the fires of Hansae. Now, she accepted her fate. Lost that fire. I hope it comes back soon, I have not seen her 40 second run in Episode 30. :lol:

I wish though she was a more brash reporter. Written as a woman who drinks, smokes, and cusses loudly with a dry humor. But MEH they portray her as Babwa Waltaaahz. :lol:

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HR caps in Ep 30


Cute Fan drawing


Credit: baidu and as tagged


Very cute fan drawing, all of HR's fashion style hehe...

Cheer up guys! We can't lose hope yet...hopefully the new writer will do LDH justice!!!


I really hope so, fingers crossed. ;)

Seen this MV? Can You Hear Me? [Lee Seung Chul]



Hi lilcrash, I love this song, is there any lyrics you can share, please? and thanks.

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I wish though she was a more brash reporter. Written as a woman who drinks, smokes, and cusses loudly with a dry humor. But MEH they portray her as Babwa Waltaaahz. :lol:


Hahaha :D you crack me up with your "Babwa Waltaaahz", but hey BW had an affair, so HR might? oh yeah she just broke her engagement with Baek.

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Guest purpledrama

we are close to the birth secret, ,,,, is time for this,

poor DW and MH they will so hurt when this is out,, how this will affect all of them i think this secret will reveal in episode 35 or 36!!!

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