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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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hi, i'm new here..

I thought I'll watch EOE after reading your post here it sounds like great drama..but right now I think story line is going to be something that is not interesting! apart from SSH and LDH acting there is not much to look forward..actually I don't want to stop wacthing as I think I will support SSH..welcome back drama..but I was feeling so sleepy and tired when watching those love story....is there any reason to extend EOE? is it because they spend too much episode on love story which they should not?

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^ Part of the reason why most of us here hung on because we believed that the writer would give us what we all wanted - the gripping and riveting revenge story and clash of the 2 brothers. But so far, we have yet to have a really good taste of what's going to happen. All I can remember clearly from the past episodes were glimpses of the love story between DC and YR, and the sub-plot of HR's own story. Just when we thought things were starting to pick up and fall into pieces in the recent episodes, now we have another sub-plot of Mike-YR-DC. Well the triangle has always been there, but emphasising so much on them IMO has taken away (and will continue) the whole focus and essence of EOE.

Some of us, not just LDH fans, but also PHJ and HJH fans felt let down and disappointed. In fact, we have been hanging on since forever. I now don't know if it's worth all the wait anymore..

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I dont have the time to watch this drama!

But the thing that bothers me a lot is, I've read a lots of comments and articles that says it's not final who's the Leading female role!!

It's between lee yong he(if I'm not mistaken) or could it be Da HAe?

Is is really da hae? or not at all? I'm very curios!

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^ Part of the reason why most of us here hung on because we believed that the writer would give us what we all wanted - the gripping and riveting revenge story and clash of the 2 brothers. But so far, we have yet to have a really good taste of what's going to happen. All I can remember clearly from the past episodes were glimpses of the love story between DC and YR, and the sub-plot of HR's own story. Just when we thought things were starting to pick up and fall into pieces in the recent episodes, now we have another sub-plot of Mike-YR-DC. Well the triangle has always been there, but emphasising so much on them IMO has taken away (and will continue) the whole focus and essence of EOE.

Some of us, not just LDH fans, but also PHJ and HJH fans felt let down and disappointed. In fact, we have been hanging on since forever. I now don't know if it's worth all the wait anymore..

Yeah..I agree like you said too..I feel like the storyline have so many things to focus now. For HR and DC part in here I feel very down and disappointed after all..The director or writer of the drama are not doing like they said and maybe just let it be revenge story of the 2 brothers. I probably wait for the end of EOE.

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Guest june1972

Hey Everyone, please cheer up!!! I quit watching EOE fully (fast forward) many episodes ago. Just watched HR's parts only. I keep thinking that they're going to drop a big bombshell about HR's role (I hope). I don't think DC deserves HR anyways. The man can't make up his mind. And for goodness sake the chic is married. I just don't feel the love between DC and YR!!!! This loveline is not that appealing and it lacks emotional connection to me. I hope HR gets more screentime!

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Guest imogene_af


In all fairness to DC, he isn't pining over a married woman. He is moving on by also caring about her, and Episode 30 isn't really a DC-YR episode as a Mike one (which is WHAT BOTHERED ME), with STH-DW (being the main plot).

Anyway, anyone wanna translate this long richard simmons article? It's so weird that I'm saying press releases using DC-HR pictures since yesterday. It's all a bit WTHHHHH. :lol:

Also what is this I hear about Dong Chul fighting Gook? Over Gook's betrayal? DC will finally work independent of him? What is going on? No subs yet. :lol:

And what did HR-DC fight over?


스포츠서울닷컴ㅣ김지혜기자] "A는 참 쿨해! B는 참 뻔해."

A와 B가 사람이라면 의심의 여지가 없다. 쿨한 A가 인기있고, 뻔한 B는 외면당하기 쉽다. 하지만 A와 B가 드라마라면 이야기가 달라진다. 뻔한 B가 각광받고, 반면 쿨한 A는 소외받기 마련이다.

드라마란 세상은 사람 사는 이야기를 하는 곳이다. 그러나 드라마를 보는 시청자는 이중적인 모습을 보인다. 쿨한 이야기에 고개를 끄덕이며 채널을 돌리고, 뻔한 이야기에 욕설을 내뱉으며 리모콘을 고정시킨다.

대한민국 안방에서 가슴 따뜻한 명품 드라마는 왜 늘 '그들'만의 눈에만 보일까. 반대로 염장 지르는 뻔한 드라마는 왜 늘 '다수'의 시선을 집중시킬까. 뻔한 드라마에는 있고, 쿨한 드라마에는 없는 한국형 정서를 살펴봤다.

◆ 뻔한 드라마에는 있다

MBC-TV '에덴의 동쪽'과 SBS-TV '아내의 유혹'을 즐겨보는 주부 신영주(42)씨에게 드라마가 어떻게 끝날 것 같냐고 물었다. "동철이 아버지의 복수를 하겠죠. 신태환 회장은 끝내 파멸할거고. 은재도 자신을 버렸던 남편을 향해 복수의 칼날을 갈겠죠. 뻔한 것 아닙니까?"

신영주씨는 드라마 쪽 일을 하는 사람이 아니다. 그러나 그는 이 두 드라마가 어떻게 막을 내릴지 훤히 꿰뚫고 있다. 이런 류의 통속극이 어떤 결말을 맺는지 수많은 드라마를 통해 수없이 봐왔기 때문이다. 반복 시청에 의한 학습효과인 셈이다.

신씨에게 다시 물었다. 뻔하디 뻔한 이 두 드라마를 본방 사수하며 보는 까닭은 무엇일까. 돌아오는 신씨의 대답에는 뻔한 드라마에 빠질 수 밖에 없는 매력이 숨어 있었다. "복수의 과정이 궁금한 겁니다. 절대악이 어떻게 파멸하는지 그게 보고 싶은거에요."

뻔한 드라마를 이끄는 뻔한 공식이 있다. 비밀과 복수다. 게다가 등장인물의 성격은 선악이 분명하다. 통속극은 이같은 운명의 실타래를 중심으로 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 갈등이 또 다른 갈등을 낳고 비극이 또 다른 비극을 양산시키며 시청자의 감정이입을 유도하는 것이다.

◆ 쿨한 드라마에 없다

반면 쿨한 드라마에는 뻔한 드라마의 단골 소재를 찾아보기 힘들다. 인물은 절대악도 절대선도 아닌 평면적이다. 복잡한 갈등 구조나 비극적 위기 상황을 만들지도 않는다. 이야기의 소재가 드라마 타입에서 벗어난 것. 전혀 극적이지 않다. 대신 우리네 일상과 닿아있는 부분이 많다.

요즘 방송되는 쿨한 드라마의 대표격인 KBS-2TV 드라마 '그들이 사는 세상'이 그렇다. 우선 이야기를 이끄는 주준영(송혜교 분)과 정지오(현빈 분)가 너무도 현실적이다. 악(?)의 축으로 나오는 손규호(엄기준 분)와 양수경(최다니엘 분) 조차 그리 밉지 않다. 이에 그들의 갈등은 시청자의 분노를 자극하지 못한다.

아이러니는 이런 것들이 '그사세'를 쿨한 드라마로 돋보이게 만든 일등공신이라는 사실. 드라마 속 주인공은 아기자기한 일상적 에피소드를 블록처럼 쌓아가며 일정한 톤을 유지한다. 갈등을 억지로 짜낼만 한데 그것 조차 평범하다 못해 사소한 트러블이다.

그 결과 '그사세'는 오늘 안봐도 내일 보면 되는 드라마가 됐다. 아니 오늘 봐도 내일이 궁금하지 않는 드라마가 됐다. 평론가 이문원씨는 "'그사세'가 추구하는 리얼리티는 작품성을 높이지만 상품성은 떨어 뜨린다. 드라마에서 통속적인 설정은 어느정도 필요한데 '그사세'는 정직할 정도로 진솔하기만 하다"고 지적했다.

◆ 현실과 이상의 괴리

새로운 드라마가 시작될 때 "이제 통속극은 그만"이라고 외친다. 그러나 결과만 놓고 보면 시청자의 머리와 가슴은 따로 움직인다. 그도 그럴 것이 올해 폭발적인 사랑은 받았던 드라마 대부분은 뻔한 통속극이다. 반면 '명품 드라마'라는 수식어가 붙으면 하나같이 시청률에서 참패했다.

이것이 바로 현실과 이상의 괴리다. 이상은 '명품'을 갈구했지만 실제는 '대중품'을 쫓았다. 한 방송국 관계자는 "아직까지 한국 시청자들은 드라마를 일종의 '환타지'라고 생각한다"며 "현실에서 마주하기 힘든 드라마적인 설정에 빠져들고 그들의 비밀과 복수에 몰입한다"고 분석했다.

이문원 평론가 역시 쿨한 드라마가 평가절하될 수 밖에 없는 이유로 한국적 정서를 꼽았다. 그는 "드라마의 재미는 연속성이다. 계속해서 보게 만드는 힘은 결국 갈등의 이완과 수축, 증폭과 해소다. 쿨한 드라마의 신선함이 뻔한 드라마의 궁금증에 밀리는 이유다"고 설명했다.

드라마가 현실을 반영하는 거울이라 했을 때 평면적 인물의 일상적 에피소드는 분명 의미있다. 삶을 고찰한 결과물이기 때문이다. 그러나 이야기를 소비하는 시청자는 여전히 리얼리티보다 희노애락에 흥미를 느낀다. 드라마를 통해 공감하며 사색하기보다 드라마를 보며 분노하고 몰입하고 싶은 것이다.

<사진 = MBC, KBS제공>


-통속극, 참을 수 없는 진부함의 매력…"뻔한 이야기에 빠진 까닭?"

-[댁의 중3은 어떻습니까] 15세 드라마의 모순…"현실과 이상의 괴리"

-불황이 깊을수록 드라마는 호황…"TV, 희망을 노래한다"

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Guest twinkle05

hi peeps i'm actually a silent reader that likes to just browse around in dahae's thread and like some of you guys i am sick and tired of watchin eoe with all the never ending cycle of dc/yr ... i am soo fed up with it to the point that i lost my appetite and curiosity that i had when i first started watchin eoe ... the scenes are so redundant per se and it does not help that some of the people portraying the characters does not have the depth to bring out the best in what they're supposed to act in ... <<<< (it's soo exasperating to watch yr act its like a chalk grinding in a board.. no offense just my opinion) ... it seems to me that eoe is losing its luster and striving far away from the plot that draws people's attention into watching it in the first place whatever happened to revenge??? birth switch??? and brothers going against each other ... all i've seen soo far is some bromance between dc/dw the half-a** story of hr/dw ... jh/mh hardly gets any screentime and to top it all off all the ridiculous time jumps that tries to cover up the half-as*ing with the main plot because to me there does not seem like a plot anymore except the never ending story of dc and yr that i find unnecessary ..

sorry for the long essay or should i say complaint .. i dont want to post this in the eoe thread coz most people there are not sensible and i dont want to be attacked ...


i do love you guys insight here coz ur not biased with da hae/hye rin's performance you criticized her objectively just like everyone else and i totally fell in love with her during her my girl phase and the only drama i have not seen of her is robbers ... probably when i have time i'll watch it ....

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^ Welcome to the thread, twinkle05. There's no better place than LDH's thread for you to vent out our frustration I'd say.. cos it's too easy to irritate ppl over there in the EOE thread. What more, we're crazier over here...:lol:

Amber, what's up with all the press releases about DC-HR? Are they comparing the 2 couples or what? DC and HR aren't even a couple yet..lolz.. I'm counting the episodes DC and HR can share as a couple IF they end up together... it's not a good sign..

Btw, I came across a chinese translated article on Writer Na...


- Writer Na's health condition is deteriorating. She has fainted twice whilst writing EOE's script, and is not fit to continue with her current condition.

- She will be replaced by writer Lee Hong Gu, continuing from where Na has stopped (Ep 35).

- Insiders revealed that Writer Na won't be leaving the production team entirely. To prevent any major script changes, she will be around to guide writer Lee.

- There won't be any drastic changes or impact to the current broadcast of EOE despite the sudden change, and it is possible that Na would return to the writing team once she has recovered.

credits: mydaily/ baidu

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Btw, I came across a chinese translated article on Writer Na...

credits: mydaily/ baidu

thanks for bringing over this trans in HJH thread.

about our common sentiments..we are so disappointed that if we can call heavy drinkers LDH & HJH for a few rounds of soju, we will :D

is it to the disadvantage of our favorites that they can shine in short minutes given them? but how much should be given so others will?

I expected DC-HR-DW full build up prior to revelation..but its far from that.. really nowhere in sight for this to happen.

we predicted that it will be MH centered episode..it didn't turn out, if be based on screentime..but content wise, plotwise, I think its for MH.

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hi peeps i'm actually a silent reader that likes to just browse around in dahae's thread and like some of you guys i am sick and tired of watchin eoe with all the never ending cycle of dc/yr ... i am soo fed up with it to the point that i lost my appetite and curiosity that i had when i first started watchin eoe ... the scenes are so redundant per se and it does not help that some of the people portraying the characters does not have the depth to bring out the best in what they're supposed to act in ... <<<< (it's soo exasperating to watch yr act its like a chalk grinding in a board.. no offense just my opinion) ... it seems to me that eoe is losing its luster and striving far away from the plot that draws people's attention into watching it in the first place whatever happened to revenge??? birth switch??? and brothers going against each other ... all i've seen soo far is some bromance between dc/dw the half-a** story of hr/dw ... jh/mh hardly gets any screentime and to top it all off all the ridiculous time jumps that tries to cover up the half-as*ing with the main plot because to me there does not seem like a plot anymore except the never ending story of dc and yr that i find unnecessary ..

sorry for the long essay or should i say complaint .. i dont want to post this in the eoe thread coz most people there are not sensible and i dont want to be attacked ...

Welcome twinkle05. I'm totally echoing your sentiments regarding the dc/yr never ending, boring, wake me up when its over saga. With regards to yr, I agree with you 101%.....her acting stinks; its like she only has 2 expressions on her face and holds either one of these two when she delivers her lines and freezes that expression while reciting whatever she has to say. It is downright irritating. We get first class acting from LDH and HJH and they are shelved in favor of the one who can't act. I don't believe that it is because of the popularity of the DC/YR pairing because LDH has more fans and also, LYH has been castigated by the netizens for poor acting. So, what gives?

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Guest Huong_83

In episode 30. HR's time is only 40 seconds...40 seconds, can you believe this? How could it be? How could they do it to her...this's so unfair...When YR come back, is she have to return YR the playground...why, she is just the shadow of YR or just be replaced when YR's away???...Is there any body can explain about this???? I'm gonna quit nor I'm gonna die!

Now, I have ony one wish for the new writer. I wish he could let HR character...die some day...do not hurt LDH by banishing her in a dark room and sometimes, let her out for some daylights, just like they're doing right now with her character in EOE...She doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

I think I really need some more patience

I've tried to love YR character...but I can't. Sorry for all YR's fans, she've got a poor acting skill...

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Welcome twinkle05. I'm totally echoing your sentiments regarding the dc/yr never ending, boring, wake me up when its over saga. With regards to yr, I agree with you 101%.....her acting stinks; its like she only has 2 expressions on her face and holds either one of these two when she delivers her lines and freezes that expression while reciting whatever she has to say. It is downright irritating. We get first class acting from LDH and HJH and they are shelved in favor of the one who can't act. I don't believe that it is because of the popularity of the DC/YR pairing because LDH has more fans and also, LYH has been castigated by the netizens for poor acting. So, what gives?

...I've tried to love YR character...but I can't. Sorry for all YR's fans, she've got a poor acting skill...

I have to agree with the both of you with LYH's acting skills. Maybe that's why I can't stand to watch her. I've fastforwarded her parts in this drama.

I hope the new writer will put this drama back on track. LDH...such a veteran actress...and she's gets less than a minute of time on air. That's just ridiculous.

So, I have one request....Will someone WAKE ME UP when the the DC/YR saga is finished? If not, I guess I'll be sleeping throughout this whole drama!!! <_<

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Guest ducchinh77

I've tried to love YR character...but I can't. Sorry for all YR's fans, she've got a poor acting skill...

Are you talking about YR character or about actress LYH??? YR character can't have "a poor acting skill", can she? Until now, I don't see any problem with this character except there were too many crying scenes.

Poor HR, if there was just 40 seconds, does she have enough time to say a line? (I haven't watched ep 30 yet).

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Guest Huong_83



Enough for 40,right? :lol:

You're so funny. Make me laugh though my boring mind.

Ducchinh77: I means both of them...I don't like LYH and also her characters...Of course "poor acting skill" is about LYH.

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Maybe some one said this, but i can't understand YR's reaction towards DC at the beginning of Episode 29. She let him go , saying that she's trying to be happy. He tried to see her whenever he's in Macao, but she did not want to show him her eyes (swollen by crying too much) - well, this is ok. but after he asked if she is not happy with Mike, she showed him her bitterness like "why are you like that? Aren't you my bf who is, now, asking if I am happy with other man??". Her reply is trying to make him sad (you know, fighting back), saying "Don't hope that I am not happy, Mike is loving me even more than LDC". WTH with this comparison? It's like DC pushing her into Mike?

I know this is not EOE thread, but my feeling is - YR is still holding onto this and making DC uncomfortable , though he's loving him, the harsh and bitter words will push him away. Well, people used to say that DC loved YR - the person she is - bitter, tough, bratty, etc. but I wonder if he's like that for all his life?

It's funny that YR mentioned about DC's house and the run away - like, sometimes she really likes to run away and go to DC's house, like in the past. DC just stopped her and say that she could visit anytime. She asked "how I could " (it seems that she's not running away with DC, how she could just go there) but DC said st , like they are there and she can visit. You know, like she's close to them so she can visit, it's not because only of linking to DC that she can visit there. So, that's why YR does not look happy, she's deep in thought and signed after DC left.


About HR in episode 30: I feel bad about 40 seconds, however, well, she showed us more than just 40 seconds hopefully. I am not there yet and will be back.

Another thing: It seems Baek did not know about HR's condition, he's shocked came in her room and the only words from his lips "Why? Hasn't Hye Rung been doing well abroad, mom?"

Hye Rung's mom also does not know details of HR's illness, so she's kind of shocked and asked HR what they should do for good. Hye Rin mentioned that only Baek can make HR better, and step mom did not say anything, she's sobbing, so, after that , Baek-HR scene of her taking ring off her finger. I guess this time, HR's family is not against it, and HR is set free.

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Guest phuonglinhbaby

haha no problem

Lee Da Hae is still best character in EOE

I love Hye Rin and that's enough for me

For me 40s or 60 minutes is same

I watch EOE and I will look my Da Hae haha

all fan Da Hae fighting!

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