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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest ripgal

I went to OJH's thread..

And there was this fan-taken picture of him and some guys... Lee Min Woo was there too?

OJH knows Min Woo, so does Da Hae?

So maybe they already know each other? haha..:lol: I'm just plain guessing...

Not even sure if it's the M we're talking about..

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Guest imogene_af



She's so BEAUTIFUL, she has a different glow right now, a new kind of confidence she hasn't had in a while. I think JMK captured something in her... it's great that he did this photoshoot. This is like the BEST I've seen her WERK it.

She's just so captivating... I literally held my breath at each single moment I scrolled down. DIVINE.

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Guest ripgal

I think Da Hae just felt really comfortable with the shoot, what with JMK being there to guide her and all.

I agree that there's this different glow and freshness to her look compared to before where she just appeared a bit bland and somewhat pale.

You can see that a lot of effort was put into filming the shots.

Esp the last one, with the window frames capturing Da Hae's longing-ness in her eyes? It's very unique..

The old Da Hae is finally back?


And man I love her heels!!! So damn cool!

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Guest imogene_af


Seriously, if you compare this to her magazine photoshoots that probably had a bigger budget from Allure, In Style to that iffy Vegas shoot... this just came out more natural, more disarming, very feminine, classy, poignant, and has a very odd (in a good way) ethereal feel to it. Meaning it's like twenty times better than those shoots.

I love it a lot, if only this laptop had Photoshop I would be working on something right now.

IF she confirms for CHUNO, I can see why this will be the woman who will play a Helen of Troy-esque character from the Joseon era. It's like she can enslave anyone's heart with that look! it's not really her physical qualities per se, there are tons of prettier actresses... but her whole aura in this shoot, is just... bewitching.

Also looks like maturity is now fitting her well... around her years from 2007-2008, it seemed like she aged a lot, but now it's like her face has gotten to adjust to it. kinda hard to explain... but looks like 25 years old looks real good on her. hehe.

and now that she's growing her bangs, hope she doesn't cut it too short again! Let it grow!

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Guest antinh85


yup yup..i love these shoots too. I think her aging is really due to her loosing weight. In a way i kinda miss the way she looks in 2006.

But anyhow we all have to grow old right. I think she does look her best right now. Some may not had gotten used to her changes. That's probably why they think she looks like the typical korean actress now compare to her "my girl" days.

But i love her beauty.

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Guest imogene_af


Yeah because of the weightloss, recently, though her face kind of has a healthier aura hence my point that she kinda looks better nowadays.

Hope JMK posts this in his website, stat.

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Guest ripgal

^I loved how you came out with those descriptions chinggu... ethereal's the word of the day. The end.

Apart from her pretty outfits and natural-than-before poses (I say this because we know how our girl can appear awkward posing in front of cameras), I also love how they did her hair. I'm glad they did away with the bangs and braided them instead... it has some sort of Greek goddess feel to it...

And on the second picture, I wish I knew what Da Hae was thinking about.

It's weird having her stare into the picture but the picture's like NOTHING? haha..

Somebody should just PS her boss' picture in there.. :lol:

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Gosh I super LOVE her in those pics! She's just gorgeous... I agree JMK brought out a distinct glow in our DH... I love every shot but the third pic is the one I like the most... It's just super artsy! haha! melikey! imogene described it best that I don't think I can even add anything! haha!

anyway... here we go again with the Chuno roller coaster! I tried to google translate it and the headline does not sound affirmative but the entire article sounds like old recycled news... accdg. to google translate the headline says 'Chuno' crew, "a woman who, I do not consider Lee Da Hae, etc."... I dunno what to make of this... This makes me really nervous! I hope this isn't anything bad or anything...

This morning I was quite relieved when I read that the casts were finalized although LDH was not mentioned... I mean they could not have finalized the cast without LDH saying yes to it, right? and if she said no I think the new female lead would be all over the news... so I thought this might be a good news... but then the news ripgal posted doesn't sound good and it really makes me nervous... I hope o-cha would drop by and say everything's fine... haha

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Sorry guys I couldn't post those articles from Jo Min Ki's shoot yesterday. Let's just say I was stuck on the train going back from work for 3 extra hours... :angry: . I will post one of those articles soon....but want to share the good news first. This is the article that dear ripgal posted.

'추노' 제작진 "여자주인공, 이다해 외 고려안해"

'Chuno' Production Team " We Are Not Considering Any Female Leads Besides Lee Da Hae"


[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김명은 기자]

[Monitor Today Star News Kim Myung Eun reporting]

배우 이다해(25)의 사극 '추노'(追奴)의 출연 여부가 관심을 모으고 있다.

Whether actress Lee Da Hae (25) will be in the sageuk 'Chuno' is drawing a lot of attention.

지난해 MBC 드라마 '에덴의 동쪽'에서 중도하차한 후 휴식기를 거치며 차기작 결정에 고심하고 있는 이다해는 현재 KBS 드라마 '추노' 제작진의 러브콜의 받고 있다.

After leaving MBC Drama 'East of Eden' she's been resting. She's been debating on her next project. REcently Lee Da Hae has been getting love calls from the 'Chuno' production team.

앞서 일부 언론을 통해 이다해의 캐스팅 확정 소식이 전해졌지만 이다해 측은 "출연 제의를 받은 것은 사실이나 검토 중인 여러 작품 중 하나일 뿐"이라며 보도 내용을 부인한 바 있다.

Previously Lee Da Hae's representative has spoken to the press "It is true that she's received an offer for the part but this is only one of several works that she is considering."

이와 관련, '추노'의 제작 관계자는 11일 "이다해가 여자주인공 혜원 캐릭터에 가장 적합하다고 보고 있다. 오랫동안 (캐스팅에) 공을 들여 온 만큼 현재 다른 여배우의 출연은 전혀 고려하지 않고 있다"며 "제작진은 이다해 측에서 긍정적인 답변을 해올 것으로 믿고 있다"고 전했다.

Regarding this someone responsible on the 'Chuno' production team spoke on the 11th "Lee Da Hae is the most suitable for the female lead Hye Won. All this time (during casting) there's been a lot of rumors however now we are not considering any other actress for the role." Also "The production team believes that we will get a positive answer from Lee Da Hae's side."

'추노' 제작진은 최근 "(추노의) 출연을 긍정적으로 검토 중이었으나 고사했다"는 배우 한효주 측의 입장 발표에 대해 "한효주는 이미 한 달 여전 캐스팅 후보에서 제외시킨 상태였다"며 불편한 심기를 드러낸 바 있다.

Han Hyo Joo's representative said "We reviewed about acting in 'Chuno' but we humbly refused." to which the Chuno production team said "Han Hyo Joo has been excluded as a candidate for the past month."

한편 '추노'는 도망친 노비를 쫓는 노비 사냥꾼의 이야기를 그린 독특한 소재의 드라마로, 최근 남자주인공에 장혁과 오지호가 낙점됐다. 여자주인공 혜원은 원래 노비 출신이었으나 양반집 규수로 신분을 숨기로 살아가다 장혁과 오지호의 추격전에 휘말리며 두 주인공의 사랑을 받는 주요 배역이다.

'Chuno' 's storyline is unique as it tells a story about a runaway slave and the slave hunter that goes after him. The male leads Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji Ho have been selected. The female lead Hye Won is a slave who took on a new identity as a daughter of nobility. This chracter will receive love from the two leads Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji Ho.

영화 '7급 공무원'의 천성일 작가가 대본 집필을 맡고, 드라마 '한성별곡-正이'의 곽정환 PD가 메가폰을 잡는 '추노'는 드라마 '아이리스'의 후속으로 방영될 예정이며, 오는 13일 첫 촬영에 돌입한다.

This drama is written by Chun Sung Il of 'Grade 7 Civil Servant' and the PD is Kwak Jung Hwan of 'Conspiracy in the Court'. 'Chuno' is scheduled to will 'IRIS' and will start first shooting on the 13th.


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Guest ripgal

o-cha chinggu...thank you so much. :D

You're always in time to save the day, at least I feel more relieved right now...

I should know better not to fully trust google translate...luckily the title turned out to be some more positive than I thought. hehehe...

So they're set on Da Hae being the female lead?

Da Hae, maybe you should confirm already. They only want you!

Re JMK's article interview..ack, sorry to take up so much of your time chinggu. If you're too busy, you can put it off for a while. I can translate from the Chinese versions when they come out..

Again, thanx for the positive news! :D

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Phew, thank you O-cha for your translation-looks like good news to me. Fantom, Fantom, still wants the cheap publicity there. Why you still want to push your actress, she's already popular, no need to compare it with LDH.

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I finished one. The other one is almost done but I gotta get ready for work already..hehehe. I'll post one first. Let me just say the Jo Min Ki-Lee Da Hae articles are really fun to read. Please excuse the translation..I might have mistranslated some parts....


[조민기 별을 찍다] '인간 이다해' 신태환의 렌즈 속으로...

[Jo Min Ki-Taking The Stars] ‘The person/human Lee Da Hae’ through Shin Tae Hwan’s lens

[작가 조민기 16㎜ 포토 인터뷰

'인간 이다해' 신태환의 렌즈 속으로…

[Reporter Jo Min Ki] 16mm Photo Interview

‘The human Lee Da Hae’ through Shin Tae Hwan’s lens

"코도 깍아주고. 턱도 만져주는 거지?" "아니. 손 하나도 안댈 거야!"


 '조민기, 스타를 찍다'의 두번째 손님은 조민기의 절친 후배 이다해. 드라마로 치면 일종의 우정 출연이다.

‘Jo Min Ki, Taking The Stars’’s second guest is Jo Min Ki’s close hoobae(junior) Lee Da Hae. They became friends after appearing in a drama together.

 각별하게 친한 선후배 사이인 만큼 사진 작가와 모델로 만난다는 게 기대도 됐지만 한편으로는 부담도 됐나보다. 선배는 촬영 며칠 전부터 화보 컨셉트에 걸맞은 세트 준비에 공을 들였고, 후배는 화보 컨셉트에 맞는 의상을 찾기 위해 동분서주했다.

This particularly close sunbae-hoobae relationship between them makes their meeting as photographer and model something that they look forward to but also feel burderned. The sunbae (senior) has been preparing the photo shoot concept even from days before the shooting while the hoobae (junior) had been on the move looking for clothes for the photo shoot concept.

 조민기가 제안했고 이다해가 반색을 해준 오늘의 테마는 '인간 이다해'. "다해가 공주 같은 사진이 많던데. 전 아름답고 섹시한 이다해가 아니라 인간 이다해가 가진 강직함. 치열함을 보여주고 싶어요."

Jo Min Ki proposed the theme of the day of ‘The Person Lee Da Hae’. “Da Hae has many princess like pictures. I don’t want (to show) the pretty and sexy Lee Da Hae but the honest/straightforward human Lee Da Hae. I want to show her intensity.”

 구구절절. 후배에 대한 애정이 차고 넘친다. "열심히 사는 친구예요. 무슨 목적이 있어서가 아니라 자기가 좋아서 영어 공부도, 중국어 공부도 참 열심히 해요. 운동도 열심히 하고. 늘 발전하려고 애쓰는, 자기 자신을 참 사랑하는 친구죠."

He talks about his junior affectionately. “She is someone who lives trying her best. She learns English because she likes it not because she has a certain goal, she also learns Chinese. She really works hard. She makes the effort to develop herself, she is someone who loves herself.”

 사진 몇 장으로 과연 인간 이다해의 매력을 표현해낼 수 있을까. 포터그래퍼 조민기가 선택한 첫번째 사진 컨셉트는 백스테이지의 이다해. 검은색 창틀 뒤쪽에서 화려한 드레스를 입은 채 뭔가 자기만의 생각에 빠져있는 모습을 떠올렸다. "화려함 이면의 모습, 무대 뒤의 프라이비트한 느낌의 다해를 표현하려고요. 릴랙스돼 있는. 온에어가 아닌, 오프에어의 다해라고 해야할까."

Can he show the person Lee Da Hae’s charm through the pictures? Jo Min Ki’s first photo concept is Backstage with Lee Da Hae. When asked about his thoughts on taking a picture of her from the back wearing a gorgeous black dress. “Showing the gorgeous back, I wanted to express the feeling of a private backstage encounter with Da Hae. She’s relaxed. I am not showing the on air Da Hae but I want to show the off air Da Hae.”

 인간 이다해를 부각시키려면 여배우 이다해의 의상은 화려할수록 좋았다. 이다해가 택한 의상은 긴 자크를 끝까지 쭉 끌어 올리면 옷이 완벽하게 둘로 갈라지는 시크한 검정 드레스. 참을 수 없는 섹시 카리스마가 온 몸에서 풍겨 나온다.

To highlight the person Lee Dahae, the actress Lee Da Hae was happy to be able to wear pretty clothes. She chose a long jacket which at the end was torn perfectly to a black dress. It’s impossible for her not to exude the sexy charisma.

 "이거 뭐야, 인간 이다해를 보여주려고 했는데 또 섹시한 이다해야?" "뭐야. 자크를 그냥 확 올려버린다!"

“What is this? You wanted to show the person Lee Da Hae but now you’re doing sexy Lee Da Hae?” “What is this? You just tore the jacket like that!”

 사실 조민기는 크리스털이 줄줄이 박힌 스와로브스키의 보석 드레스를 강추했는데, 파리로 공수돼 간 바람에 구해올 수 없었다는 게 이다해의 볼멘소리다.

Actually Jo Min Ki pairs the dress with swarovski crystal jewelry but the jewelry got stuck on the dress. It was just Lee Da Hae’s grumbling words since not even a fly can go through the rip.

 허허실실 농담은 뒤로 하고, 본격적인 화보 작업에 돌입했다. 찰떡궁합. 선생님 같은 '친절한 민기씨' 덕에 모범 제자 같은 '영리한 다해씨'가 원하는 그림을 딱딱 만들어준다. (참고로, 조민기는 건국대 영화학과에서 교편을 잡고 있고, 이다해는 이 학과의 학생. 아직 수업에서 만난 적은 없다.)

All joking aside, they did the photo shoot earnestly. They were perfectly matched. The teacher like ‘Close Min Ki-ssi’ and the model student ‘Clever Da Hae-ssi’ both worked hard on taking the pictures. (Jo Min Ki is actually a teacher at KonKook University Movie School, Lee Da Hae is a student of the school. But they’ve never met in class.)

두번째 사진은 당당한 모습으로 그림을 들여다보는 장면. 나르시스트 이다해를 형상화하는 듯 하다. 하지만 촬영 과정은 코미디 그 자체다. "그림 봐야지, 다해야. 내 그림. 소 익스펜시브! 그래. 그래. 너의 그 학같은 목, 학 같은 손을 쭉 펴서, 비싼 그림, 비싼 그림을 쳐다봐야지!" "아 정말, 웃겨서 못하겠네."

For the second picture the scene is ‘Confident Self’. Lee Da Hae has to visualize herself as a narcissist. However the shooting site became a comedy place. “Look at the painting, Da Hae-ya. My painting. So expensive! Yes. Yes. Your crane like neck, crane like hand, expensive painting. You have to look at the expensive painting!” “Ah really, it’s so funny I can’t do it.”

세번째 사진은 인간 이다해의 자신감과 당당함이 주제. 비싼 조명 기구의 앞에서 확 고개를 젖히며 정면을 응시하는 도발적인 신이다. 헤어케어 제품 CF를 찍듯 긴 머리칼을 휘날리는 다이내믹한 장면이 수십번의 NG 끝에 극적으로 포착된다. "짐작은 했지만 정말 프로네요. 어떤 작가들은 자신들이 원하는 걸 설명해주지 못하는데. 연기 선생님이라서 그런가. 어떤 느낌으로 찍어야할 지 너무 잘 설명해주셔서 정말 편해요."

The third picture showed the person Lee Da Hae’s confidence and pride. In front of the expensive lighting she looked straight ahead looking provocative. She flicks her long hair tens of times just like shooting for a hair care CF and the scene was caught in the NG. “I guessed before but he really is a pro. No other photographer can explain himself better. Maybe it’s because he is also an actor. He can explain things very well no matter what kind of photoshoot environment it is. It is really comforting.”

will post the other one later.

About Chuno casting. If what the Japanese blog (posted by hahatk @ Chuno thread) is correct about casting finalized then Da Hae is for sure the female lead. It seemed like the contract negotiation is running longer than expected. The good thing though is Chuno team is dead set on Da Hae and the Chuno Production Team is saying all the right thing about Da Hae. It's pretty clear they want Da Hae to feel comfortable even to the point of fighting with HHJ's rep...:lol:

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Guest anne0129

^I'm so glad that the production team of Chuno clarified also that HHJ is definitely out of the casting list since she declined. This is so good cause even if LDH hasn't confirmed yet, she is definitely not contradicting the news that she is in this series already and that no other actress has been offered the part of Hye Won. It seems that Chuno team is really positive that LDH will get the part since they are not scouting for other actress to play the roll. I am just so happy for this news......:D :D :D :D

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o-cha... thanks a bunch for the great news! You just lift off the weight in our hearts... It really worried us... so thanks for translating!

I think LDH should really confirm (or reject) ASAP because they're all just waiting for her... It's great and all but we don't want another reason for antis to label her primadonna! haha! But, I'm really glad that she's really studying her comeback drama carefully...

o-cha... no need to apologize or too rush... we're glad that you're offering to translate at all... Thanks again...

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hagrid : Don't...I repeat DO NOT give Da Hae any ideas to reject Chuno....do you want to dash all of our hopes? I will hold you responsible if she rejects Chuno :lol:

anne : Yeah I'm happy to read that too. I think in general the Chuno team has been straightforward that they want Da Hae in the role....let's hope Da Hae and J-Tune don't think about HHJ casting rumor anymore.

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Guest anne0129

^Thanks for your hardwork o-cha, I was so happy about that when they confirmed that HHJ is definitely out of the running. :)

Regarding the JMK-LDH article, it seems that they had fun and were so at ease with their relationship as senior-junior in the entertainment industry. I really hope that they will get to work in a drama series again, may be with JH all together....I bet that will be a hilarious set since everyone will have such a friendly atmosphere around them.....I would love to be on that set if this ever happens...I can be the person who gets them coffee and I will be fine with that. hehehe! Thanks again.

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* LOL o-cha... you're right! I shouldn't give her any idea about that! hahaha Lee Da confirm already! We all know you'd want to relive your on screen kisses with JH and be all lovey dovey with LJH! come on now! There! I guess I'm off the hook now? haha

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Guest jaejoongstolemyheart

wow thanks o-cha.

woohooo, looks like good news is coming our way soon. and wow, they are like badly wanting her!

hahahh. cant wait man! i think the show is gonna be so fun off screen(though on-screen its gonna be totally different) cause of the friendly relationship between them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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