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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Guest jellylovesfaith

our boy looks beautifully tired... can a person even be beautiful when they r tired like that? i feel so bad for him. he can't even go to the airport like a normal person and the media will make it out as if he's directly responsible for those injuries. i hope that he wouldn't break down from the pressure of it all but if it were me, i'm certain i would've gone into self-exile or something... anyway i have faith in him. He'll be okay... just can't help but feel worried at the extent of his fans' behavior though.. 

another news article on himhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39s_ZFK7Xeo&&hd=1

AAAAAND get ready to celebrate guys!! He's currently around 12,981,288 fb likes and by tomorrow (it's 11.30 pm for me right now) He'll hit 13 MILLION!!! 806493.gif
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HannaP said: i found this on FB. could someone translate this :



之前有報道稱中國粉絲買斷報紙廣告版面祝「叫獸」金秀賢生日快樂。與此相比,長腿「歐巴」李敏鎬的粉絲毫不示弱。 3月6日上午10點整,韓國藝人李敏鎬的貼身拍品在網上開拍。讓人瞠目結舌的是,短短15分鍾,起拍價380元的手機就被狂熱粉絲拍出了18.5160萬的天價。然而更讓人意外的事情發生了,2個多小時後被再度刷新為18.5260萬。超出原價487多倍。




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Guest kayabun


a short summary of the post, it is mainly about the taobao charity auction

due to the support shown by the fans, the price of the mobile phone had gone from 380 to 18.5160 in mere 15 mins and broke record again after 2 hrs, went up to 18.5260, 487 times higher(than 380).

taobao staff said the mobile phone is the hottest item, not only beacuse Minho was holding it the whole time during the shoot, there are some photos of Minho stored in there too.

the auction will close on 8 march(opps cant recall the time), the proceeds will go to mango v foudation for charity purposes.

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Guest HannaP

He's sexy and he knows it.  ;)  :-O i wanna touch that biceps andddddd that BUTT again.       :-\"  oh my! i think i'm turning into a perv. lol   :D  8->

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Guest califgirl

Please vote LMH as best actor:


You can vote daily.

P.S. I don't understand why he isn't nominated for the best eye candy.

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Oh my. That Solomonic choice again: VIP or Public? Whichever he chooses, he's bound to apologize. What a life huh. We understand that Minho merely aims to please his fans (who may have camped for hours) but until the airport mgmt guarantees safety for everyone or until his Chinese fans learn to control themselves, Minho has to err on the side of caution and just take the VIP route every time. It will be sad for everybody, most especially for Minho, but it's better than anyone getting hurt. I wonder how it's going to be at the Taobao public event? I shudder at the thought of a crowd out of control. By the way, did you guys notice how much thinner he's become? I hope he's gotten stronger cz I don't like him this thin. But it looks like he's growing out his hair--- yay!

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Guest Moonrain

oh my!! so GORGEOUS!! kyahh!! that eye porn he is giving. lol   [-O<  ^:)^ <

My under¥@&t$ just left me somewhere =P~

Sorry just coudnt resist :)>- ;))

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Guest Moonrain

@adlyn13 Either cheek/s will do :P Btw I said I would bite--pinching won't do it for me :))

Dr. Lecter is that you?

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Guest Moonrain

@Pixie0622 dunno what happened but wanted to say that it was you who said biting was bad for the enamel or something but it got lost :))

LMH what have you done to us ~X(

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