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[2007 Movie] 不能說的秘密 Secret

Guest kkandy4mee

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sed mauris in magna rhoncus placerat. Vestibulum adipiscing. In eu eros. Suspendisse molestie, massa sit amet volutpat vehicula, leo orci scelerisque tellus, nec dignissim massa enim id libero. Nam porttitor. Sed fringilla, odio eu sagittis volutpat, odio nisl mollis tellus, sed vulputate mauris dolor eleifend enim. Etiam semper pretium magna. Phasellus sollicitudin diam vitae risus. Nulla dictum. In at orci. Nulla magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut mauris.

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Donec convallis feugiat ligula. Nam ac mi quis est pulvinar dapibus. Vivamus tincidunt. Suspendisse risus augue, auctor vel, vestibulum at, venenatis id, urna. Etiam convallis, velit sit amet ornare condimentum, pede neque tristique magna, eget venenatis nisl nibh sed pede. Duis sed nunc. Sed et urna. Suspendisse scelerisque volutpat nisi. Cras egestas erat sollicitudin pede. Fusce in mi. Phasellus accumsan metus sit amet justo. Praesent lectus turpis, feugiat ac, feugiat sed, malesuada a, mi. Suspendisse commodo. Proin et sapien a turpis hendrerit mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut gravida felis a nisl. Quisque imperdiet tortor at lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer auctor dapibus risus. Nullam dolor velit, ultricies sit amet, gravida nec, iaculis in, odio.

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Guest kkandy4mee

Anyone know where I could dl a high quality version of this movie with subtitles?

I'm also looking for Blue Gates Crossing...

Any help would be appreciated ^^

if you have a livejournal(and even if u don't, sign up for one b/c you can find nearly EVERYTHING on lj) join the jdramas community, and then go *here*

Blue Gate Crossing is *here*

i have the same versions of both movies posted in that community as well, if u want a different site to upload to instead of megaupload, just ask :)

other than that, i don't know of any cb's that still have it, and even the chinese bt links are long dead. buy the movie! (i bought it XD )

7654321friend that was some awesome analyzing....i rewatched it a 2nd time with friends, but now i gotta re-REwatch it XD plus that'll definitely help my argument with one of my other friends about the plotholes in the story. Granted there are probably still some, but your view definitely helped :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe I finally watched this movie so late! I am SO amazingly impressed and surprised with Jay's directorial debut. I think the film is BEAUTIFUL in all aspects!

ONE point of confusion:

Why did the janitor become the way he became (I'm not sure what the correct term is)? At first I assumed it was because those students hurt him for defending Xiao Yu. But it really didn't seem like that group of students cared enough to really gang up on him.. and all they did was throw some stuff at him and then paid no further attention to him.

I think I have an abundance of confusion, especially after reading all these different analyses of the plot. buuut I'm too tired to think about that haha

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I love this movie! It's great!

I loved the duel piano scene. Anthony is pretty funny. "You got any more smokes ?" take a puff then scolding the students. He even tried to cheer up Jay when he was feeling down. the school dance was pretty good. the father and son dance was entertaining. ending was unexpected twist there.

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

Just finished this movie & it's soooooo sooo unbelievably good! And the ending was really sweet! But I do wonder what happens to the main character(jay chou)'s dad. Anyways, it's definitely the best movie I've watched this year :)

I was kind of confused on one part though:

did xiao yu die in 1979 while writing on the desk? Because when jay chou goes to her house in 1999 and asks for her, xiao yu's mom says that she's listening to music, so that must mean that she lives until 1999, but jay chou's dad says the last time they saw her was 1979. BUT if she did die in 1979, then what happened to her between 1979-1999?

nvm :sweatingbullets:

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Guest JOONIE.su

This movie is GENIUS.

The best taiwanese movie I've seen. The plot was so clever and creative. Gosh I dont even know what to say...

After I saw this, I recommended it to literally EVERYONE haha. It was THAT good.

I cried so much towards the end .... and when I went online to read the plot explanations I cried even more. There were things that I couldnt pick up while watching the movie and it made me feel really stupid. For example, when XY counted the steps to the classroom, I didnt know why she did it but after I found out the reason, I bawled.


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Guest Lilazinprincess

I really admire Jay's talents in this movie. He proved himself as a musician, producer, and most of all, a lovable man. Great movie and script. Like YieLun (sp?), I would go back 20 yrs to see the person I love.

I highly recommend this movie. Can't wait to see more of Jay's productions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

if you have a livejournal(and even if u don't, sign up for one b/c you can find nearly EVERYTHING on lj) join the jdramas community, and then go *here*

Blue Gate Crossing is *here*

i have the same versions of both movies posted in that community as well, if u want a different site to upload to instead of megaupload, just ask :)

other than that, i don't know of any cb's that still have it, and even the chinese bt links are long dead. buy the movie! (i bought it XD )

7654321friend that was some awesome analyzing....i rewatched it a 2nd time with friends, but now i gotta re-REwatch it XD plus that'll definitely help my argument with one of my other friends about the plotholes in the story. Granted there are probably still some, but your view definitely helped :)

I joined LJ but when I logged onto the page you linked, I got this message "You are not authorized to view this protected entry". What shall I do next?

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I watched the movie without much expectation because first of all...Jay's acting -- need I say more??? I think most of you (whether you are J's fan or not) would agree with me that his acting needs a lot of work and secondly, the story of

time travel

had been done many times before. Boi, I was surprised how much I like it...perhaps I didn't have much expectation...so when the story unfolds...I was in for a good ride.

I thought the story was predictable most of the time. It was so sweet how she fell in love with him at first sight and I thought so was he. I wish there were some more sweet scenes between them. I just have to make a complaint...the scriptwriter should've done a better job with the dialogues. I have yet find any memorable quotes from the movies. Usually when I watched romance movies...there are some quotes that touched my heart...a quote that could wrapped up the whole movie...but all the dialogues in this movie is soo elementary.

The music...it's awesome. Jay did a good job with the OST as well as how the music were used throughout the movie.

All the piano playing scenes were awesome...especially the "battle" scene.

Anthony Wong - apparently they tailor the role for him. Seriously...the dude is too cool to be a principal.

GLM - she played the role pretty well...and look sooo much prettier here than BGC...

I really liked the last 10 minutes of the movie...when the whole puzzle revealed....

It was sad how they think she has psychological problems and her mom gave her the medications. The part I really like is when she wrote her name on the desk...telling J she loves him and asking him if he loves her. It was pretty heartbreaking when J's white-out pen ran out. I was like oh...no!!!! He was trying soo hard to draw the heart...and she died not knowing how much he loves her. (She didn't see what J wrote at all) That has to be a classical moment for me.

I read somewhere that J actually wanted a tragic ending, but the editor didn't want to. Although I like happy ending, I thought a sad ending would be more memorable for me. It just doesn't make sense for me how in the end

he went back to her and graduated together, because everyone else would not see him (assuming that has the same concept when she went in the future to see him). Also, that would just ruined/altered the history timeline.

Although there are a few loopholes...I thought the movie was beautifully executed along with the great used of music.

Overall, I would recommend this movie.

No, when he went back in time, people were able to see him because you can see him in the class photo :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest fobbiyo

I really loved this movie. SOO MUCH! I'm planning to watch it again. It was so... different than other movies. and the ending left us going .."wtf happened just now.." hahaha. and it makes you THINK. I actually CRIED SOOOOO hard near the ending. Reading you guys interpretation helped me realized that ..... I don't really remember anything from the movie. HAHAHHAA. Only SOME scenes I can vaguely remember. But now that I have a better understanding of the ending, I'm going to give it another try. I remember I read another interpretation somewhere too. RIGHT AFTER I watched the movie, and it kind of made sense. ahhh. I don't know. I'm just going to watch it again.

I love all of the piano scenes. It was just toooooo crazy.

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I've heard of Jay Chou before Secret because he's famous, but never took much notice of him. After Secret, I am a fan for life!! Though the story has loopholes, they did not take away my enjoyment of the film. The piano playing and music was awesome. I must have watched the movie numerous (countless) times. A MUST WATCH! Best movie I've watched in a loooong time.

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Guest xXsmilesXx

This was such a great movie

well i didn't like it all that much cause it

was kinda confusing...but overall it was great

i especially love the piano parts..it was beautiful

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