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Good early morning YooGals... Waking up at 4am, couldn't sleep so here I am.. :P Must have slept too much yesterday afternoon.. hehe. I don't think I can grab hold of the computer later on until late afternoon.

aalhl, thanks once agian for ur warm welcome,promise u that i will visit this house as often as all of you are here :D

hello agian natedao... Good.. so we will be seeing you more often from now on.. he.he.. FIGHTING!!! you will get use to the posting here very soon.. ;)

I see 2 ghosts.. are you one of them my faye? :P


*** Credit as printed@dcGY ***

To finish off the OFD previews I posted, here's the continuation...

Episode 5 and 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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Guest queeninmycastle


first installment of YOOHouse history...more to come ;););)

i dunno if you want to read this...but to those curious...this is just a summary of what happened in this thread... during the early pages.

Once upon a time...in the land where only soomper's exist...there's this place where a huge void was inevitable...and so a nicely fairy GODMOTHER decided to build up a community that will be a Haven for those who appericiate NATURE'S beauty.

....This is how the birth of YOOHOUSE took place.

On October 04, 2005 a fairy GODmother in a name of hershy kissez decided to build up a GONG YOO thread in appreciation for his wondrous works.

Suna on seeing that the thread was up, replied to hershy's post and talked about GONG YOO's hottness.

Sarangsweet- talked about GY being so under-rated.

days grows into months...

months grows into years...

The thread grows and so is the love of some soomper's to GONG YOO. ( i will give credit to those first GY lovers)...

kevjc- thanking the fairy for re-opening the Gy thread! ( i dunno if this GY thread was closed when soompi crashed or something)

clride-the first one to share GONG YOO's picture in the thread and talked about how GONG YOO made all his leading lady feel at ease.

elin- the first one to admit that she/he re-watched She's on duty kissing scene of KSA and GY a lot of times...(showing an early sign of pervyness huh)

loving D, angelix and sarahILa- talking about how they Love GY and the chemistry of GY and KSA.

smooglez- the first one to recognized GY and hyo jin's tandem in BTSC.

Tsai-first to confessed that she/he re-watched BTSC a lot of times.

vanda- the first one to confess that she made GY picture into a computer wallpaper.

lovek- the first one to open up about seeing GONG YOO in My tutor friend.

as the days went on and on...GONG YOO's follower multiplied.

non-stop talk about SOD, S-diary, BTSC....

lady red- the first YEH fan visited the thread and post on how she likes GY.

ay-link- of S2 subbing team made her first post.

in the thread you can see a funny banter among friends...one telling the other to admit that GONG YOO is hot ^_^.

a lot of things happened in the thread...

a lot of confussions came-out...

nak3d- the first one to confessed her/his confussion between GY and Jo In Sung..sayin why Jo In Sung become so hot all of a sudden??? belatedly felt foolish bcoz its not JIS but GONG YOO. (cute aint it?)

storme- mistook GY's name as Go Soo...later on noticed GONG YOO to look a lot like Hyun Bin coz of his dimples...is it YOOGALS?

phoenix- the first and only soomper who did not like Gong YOO....(hmmmmm...im just wondering if this soomper ever changed her/his mind now?)

days flies into months...

months into following year...

alyak- the first one to post a SUPER YUMMYLICIOUS GONG YOO pictures ^_^

march of the following year...many soomper becomes GY admirer

love_jesus- "the translator" made her first post...sayin BTSC as her fave.

Rebby- of YEH's thread also made her first post here...sharing some Playboy Baseball team pictures..where GONG YOO was part of it.

July 2006

more talk about the up-coming drama series..One fine day. so is the talk about how Gong YOO is really a one fine Dude.

ailin- the first one to Greet GONG YOO on his 28th birthday ( its july 10...if yoogals don't know.)

love_jesus- posted the Hang-Ten pictures " autumn Lovers" together with GOng YOo is a new comer..Lee Hana and...

talks about how she loved GY thread coz she got to share her GY obsession here when all of her friends cannot somehow relate with her. ^_^

chigurl- made her first post in GY thread...she's actually from OFD thread. sharing more yummylicious pictures of GY ^_^.

aalhl (aka.unnie angel)- made her first post...and guess what girls?...she was asking love_jesus why the posted link will not work...( unnie was this really your first message in the thread?bwahahaha)

BASING ON THE EVENTS/REPLIES THEY posted...i think this exchanged messages made this 4 ( aalhl, chigurl and love_jesus,ailin) became close.

on July 30,2006...unnie angel finally confessed her love for GONG YOO's voice

chigurl seconded on the following day...but chigurl was being jealous on the girls that GY serenade and hold hands with.

august 2006

1st video link posting of unnie angel...i guess unnie angel converted some files into another format so other that cannot download the original format can download her version...waaaaaaaaaah unnie angel "aka video Queen" you are so GENEROUS ! muaaaaaaaah.

ailin- posted some pictures of GONG YOO sporting a funky hair style

xosandy- "the thread moderator"...shared some info about GONG YOO's fan meeting to be held in japan...( was this the first fan meeting?)

august 09, 2006

The first commotion about GONG YOO having a girlfriend spread like a hot-fire.

it was Unnie angel who first posted the picture...and everyone became ballistic.bwahahaha

soutsada- first one to react

ailin- first one to identify the girl...as the same girl GONG YOO made a CF with.

chigurl- being the jealous type...wonders also hahaha.

love_jesus-translated the scandal captions..trying to decipher if that picture was for real...and confessed that she'd be happy if GY will finally have a girlfriend but will be sad at the same time.

ailin- posted a reply to lov_jesus that she too although sad but said GONG YOO deserves to be happy and that as a fan...should support his decission whatever it is to make him happy...(awwwwwwwww so sweet)

unnie angel- answer?...safeside hahahaha.saying that she have to wait and see if there's any confirmations on the issue.

...if he'll go on a date- angel will be happy

...if he'll get married- angel wished him luck

see girls how angelic our QUEEN is??? ^_^

chigurl- happy but sad and wont let GY go bcoz he is hers bwahahaha. (i guess chigurl is a teaser)

the scandal result?...GY and that girl was just doing a CF...where Gong YOO was a first male model to do hair product. EVERYONE was happy in the end.

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*WAVES* to aalhl unnie, why do you wake up so early? please take more rest.

Hi to Feelings, raahmose, Aqi_Li, wwch.

Quennie, LOVE YOUR HISSTORY PACKAGE, mwah, mwah, mwah. How could yoo do that? Wow, I've just logged in and quick reply to Angel unnie. Thanks so much.


well Val, frankly speaking, that song didn't attract my attention at first.. I like all the songs except that one. but after lots of repeating, I found the beauty of it.. :)

Bwahhhh, Angel unnie, from the beginning I guessed you don't like that particular song as much as the others. I actually felt in love with that song at the first time hearing it. The rythm is unique, the warm and deep voice mesmerizes me, is it SG's voice? :rolleyes: and the true feeling is like hanging around in far far away dream. Love it.

Thank you for sharing the lyrics... yeah.. I think it does fit the drama because it's telling the story of how Gun was not able to accept the fact that he loves Haneul and how confused he his with his feelings.... boy baby Yoo sure expert in acting out confused feelings... :rolleyes:

Thanks unnie, for your sympathy with the song. Agree with you, I'm amazed by his acting, esp at expressing confused feelings, from Tae-In to Seo-Gun and of course HK. He's so good at emotional expression. The person who's sometimes playing around, sometimes naughty, but indeed a honest and sincerest person, in all his dramas (BTSC, OFD, CP), he is the true image of his characters. I don't know how many times we mention that, but he's a true OUTSTANDING talent.

errr.. you mean you want an MV with this song, Val? yeah.. I don't think I made one with that song last time.. I'll try to see what I can do, ok? I can't promise you when yet because I need to get inspiration first.. :P

Yes, my Angell unnie, an MV with that song. Thanks so much, I'm not good in computer tek at all :( Please take your time. Big hugs and kisses to kamsahamnita unnie.

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my dear queenie. Thanks for the history write up.. whoa!! I'm having a cracking time.. LOL!!! and you are making me blush with embarrassment.. haha..

aalhl (aka.unnie angel)- made her first post...and guess what girls?...she was asking love_jesus why the posted link will not work...( unnie was this really your first message in the thread?bwahahaha)
was my first post in Yoohouse asking about non-working link? *hides* lol!! I cannot recall at all.. actually I'm from OFD thread too.... I joined in the forum in June but only posted at OFD thread in July (when OFD nearly come to an end) after encouragement from Ailin... She was the first person I PMed because she's always the one supplying download links to OFD's eppi.. as we talked, she asked me to say something on the thread...

I should copy this and let chigurl see.. I bet it will crack her up too!

xosandy- "the thread moderator"...shared some info about GONG YOO's fan meeting to be held in japan...( was this the first fan meeting?)
that was first fans meet in Japan. :)

well, will be waiting for the continuation.. ;) go queenie go!!

*WAVES* to aalhl unnie, why do you wake up so early? please take more rest.
*wave* Val.. not that I don't want to sleep, I woke up suddenly can couldn't sleep back.. so might as well get up since I might not be able to get hold of the computer later on.. :P Will be going off soon.. Gotta go to the market.

yeah.. I didn't like that song very much, and I think it wasn't played that much during the beginning.. only towards the end right? oh yeah.. we have been through and through countless of times mentioning that baby YOO is the true OUTSTANDING talent.. Can't get enough of it right? :rolleyes: OK.. I'll do the MV for you.. any particular pics/scenes that you want?

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Quennie my dearest,

Are you continuing packing YOOHOUSE HISTORY? Much appreciate to your work and ALL PIONEERS of YOOHOUSE.

That help a lot, I have not backread those early pages. But searching on YouTube gives me some famous names from YooHouse. Bow to all :P

Quennie dear, then did you change your name sometime? Bc you joined Soompi on Aug 23- 2007 but you seem to be here quite long ago?

Angel unnie, :D , after joined our house, I jumped on OFD topic and read your first posts there :D

And please send my gratitude to chigurl, I love all her videos on YouTube.

*Wave* to Nana.

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Guest queeninmycastle

my dear queenie. Thanks for the history write up.. whoa!! I'm having a cracking time.. LOL!!! and you are making me blush with embarrassment.. haha..

was my first post in Yoohouse asking about non-working link? *hides* lol!! I cannot recall at all.. actually I'm from OFD thread too.... I joined in the forum in June but only posted at OFD thread in July (when OFD nearly come to an end) after encouragement from Ailin... She was the first person I PMed because she's always the one supplying download links to OFD's eppi.. as we talked, she asked me to say something on the thread...

I should copy this and let chigurl see.. I bet it will crack her up too!

that was first fans meet in Japan. :)

well, will be waiting for the continuation.. ;) go queenie go!!

hahaha unnie yes...that was your first message in GY thread...amazing.

wow...you girls are really wonderful.hahahaha

my appreciation to you all grows more and more.

Quennie my dearest,

Are you continuing packing YOOHOUSE HISTORY? Much appreciate to your work and ALL PIONEERS of YOOHOUSE.

That help a lot, I have not backread those early pages. But searching on YouTube gives me some famous names from YooHouse. Bow to all :P

Quennie dear, then did you change your name sometime? Bc you joined Soompi on Aug 23- 2007 but you seem to be here quite long ago?

VAL love...yes i will continue the HISTORY later hahaha.

on how GONG YOO became...BABY YOO

when the GY thread became...YOOHOUSE

brief summary of the send-out gift...

some of YOOGALS history in the making...

and the birth of YOOmansion.

wahhhhh it may take me awhile...but i promise to finish it....

neh...aug 23 was really my first post in YOOhouse.

and guess what i wrote??? im spazzing on how i LOVE BABY YOO's hands and feet bwahahaha.

morning yoogals...

just a quick post and ill reply later.. just like yooangelie im also going to the market...

not enuf of GYEH????

here, he's asking her to marry him...

thats was nice...thnx for sharing the MV...

can i say MARRY me also???? bwahahaha *hide* scared of LB

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(aalhl Posted Today, 01:11 PM

Good early morning YooGals... Waking up at 4am, couldn't sleep so here I am.. Must have slept too much yesterday afternoon.. hehe. I don't think I can grab hold of the computer later on until late afternoon.


I see 2 ghosts.. are you one of them my faye?

I think i am my angel..... just doing something cultish :lol:

thanks for the yoo gif.... something for my cp again...

(nanamienzo Posted Today, 02:56 PM )

morning yoogals...

just a quick post and ill reply later.. just like yooangelie im also going to the market...

not enuf of GYEH????

here, he's asking her to marry him...

marry me


mv credit to original uploader

gotta go now, hubby is in the car already & my daughter is shouting hahaha

OMG nana..... how am i gonna be cured.... if it's not you - it's someone else.... i guess i'll just stay with the bandwagon...errr cult....


(queeninmycastle Posted Today, 02:19 PM )


queenie.... that is so funny... isn't it great to be there when it actually started so you have the privilege to write about it..... meanwhile, we are just here waiting for more!


I made some mv about cooffee couple ~~ if you interested in them just see and have fun~~




i almost missed these..... sigh..... thanks so much caca .... you just made me miss them more!

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Guest queeninmycastle

i guess that goes with being members of his only recognized fan club- they get to organize some of his activities and they are always close by.... talk to him.... eat with him probably .... things we cannot do grrrrrrrrrrrrr..... we have to go to korea and chase him to be near him :lol: ohh the rewards and perks of being close by and most of all.... club membership. they must have given up a lot to be part of that. i've read about fanatics forgetting their personal lives just to be with their idols. oh well- we have our share of lunacy here in the house :lol:

maybe someday faye our HOUSE will be recognized also.

its getting better queenie...i only slept 8 hrs today as opposed to 18-20 hours the past 3 days since we've been back to the US.

going to the Philippines has never been a problem when it comes to jetlag but coming back to the US always messes me up..lol

glad that your up and about now.hehehe

OMO...im fixing to go home also...jetlag? i'll be dead...it took you almost a week to recover...what about me? imagine i'll be working the next day when i get back from my vacation.oooooooooooohhhh shoots.

Hi....my friends...miss yoo all :lol:

-- a smart&hottest soldier in K-military service 2008 :phew:...

you bet he'll be "ONE SMEXY" soldier.

Hello...jinkzz....I have no time for made that now. I will walk out of my country for go to in Malaysia.

I busy in my Job , so please wait I come back again, you ok. :lol:

vicente dear... do take care...we'll be waiting for you.

I made some mv about cooffee couple ~~ if you interested in them just see and have fun~


thnx girl...i loved it.

Thanks to all for giving the YOO's updates. Looking forward on YOO's more CF's

O hui & Cantata.. i like! :) & good rest is also important (i've just read he's in

resting mode this week). hehe.

Anybody has update about Coffee Prince stage play? which happens yesterday

nov. 16. I remember this cuz it happens in my birth day. haha! :)

welcome back and HAPPY birthday...belated that is.

Hi! all YOOGALS!

This is my 1st time post in Soompi*excited*(although i ever read other threads here before).

After backreading for several weeks(since the 1st page *hardly believe*!), I feel Warm, Mature, Friendly here and of course bcoz of adorable GY.

I never watched GY before but just Coffee Prince which suddenly fall for him(who can resist his charm? :P )And will surely watch his previous works.

More articles i read about him, more my admiration for him grows daily and deeply.

I must say "big big thanks" to all of you keep updating about our adorable GY infos,pics,news,.....

Thanks indeed.

(Lets go as far as we can ^-^)

natedao WELCOME to YOOHOUSE...yeyyyyy another YOOGAL in the making...hope to see more post from you. BTW congrats in finishing back-reading the YOOHOUSE history. YES LETS GO AS FAR AS WE CAN ^_^

good evening YOOGALS and YOOBIES...

miss the house and you girls.... just got home.

i feel so tired but i just couldn't resist not to visit. this is what YOOHOUSE and YOOGALS do to us... giving us extra energy to go on. we always have something to look forward to...

i can't do my usual replies so i'll just send my warmest hugs... and lotsa kisses to you all.

neng rest well...we'll see you later ;)

good morning YooGals!

weekend.... isn't it nice?

happy weekend as well my friend.... catch you later!

faye enjoy your weekend too.muaaaaaaah

OMG nana..... how am i gonna be cured.... if it's not you - it's someone else.... i guess i'll just stay with the bandwagon...errr cult....

queenie.... that is so funny... isn't it great to be there when it actually started so you have the privilege to write about it..... meanwhile, we are just here waiting for more!

im with you in that cult-ish feeling faye...we never get cured with it.

more???want some more??? pls wait for some more oki? im on my way of writing some more.hehehehe

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Guest queeninmycastle

to continue with YOOHOUSE history...

how did the pioneers come up with GONG YOO's fan name...

while some of the soomper call themselves as YOO'ers, its was not yet official...so on August 27, 2006 it was chigurl who posted the idea calling out GY lovers to come-up with a fan name...calling herself chessy and all... but would love to hear other fellow soomper's feed back about this. (chigurl being innovative huh?lol)

love_jesus- was the first one to reply to this quest...saying it would be pretty sweet to come-up with own little name, although claiming she is not good in it...and she suggested a name:

YOOtopians-maybe bcoz she believes in the perfectibility of human society.(nice try!)

ailin- the second to respond..it could be YOO Gals (GY's gals)..explaining it as this...you know you/ya gals! like...hey, YOO gals!...she thought it was dumb bwahahahaha but at least she tried.. lol!!!!

chigurl-comes third...she suggested " GONG YOO lovers""YOO&I lovers" but then changed her mind coz she likes "GongYooHolics" instead...

oholic/aholic- means one who like (something) to excess.

maybe she likes that name bcoz as we can see...she's really into GONG YOO.bwahahaha ( so girls anything in excess we term it as AHOLIC or OHOLIC...like chocoholic...coffeeholic bwahahaha good idea aint it?)..omo im not done with chigurl yet...see she even come up with a MOTTO:

"This is one addiction i dont wanna be cured from"... (see... Faye even the pioneers dont wanna be cured, that goes to all of us also....hahahaha)

love_jesus gets hyper and come up with moooooore names like:

gongyoo keepers(specifically promise keepers)

gongyoo gaurdians

YOO lovers- condensed chigurl's idea ^_^ hahahaha

GongYooFilicks ( filicks from philic word-suffix of lovers) or (from the word flick-meaning motion picture/mivie/acting)...(take note in all names she keep the GongYOO...thats goes to show how they loved GY.)

ailin- being cool in the group..wouldn't care...shes all good...whatever name they could come up its fine with her bwahahaha.

aalhl (aka.unnie angel)-suggestion?..she said she liked YOOtopians and YOO Gals bcoz although she liked the other names..she thinks it's a bit to long to pronounce...bwahahahaha. (lazy tongue you have there unnie)

and so the saga Continues...

ailin suggests some more names...(with explanation/reactions mind you)

Crazy for YOO (kinda cheesy)

WE love YOO (nah, too sappy)

YOO goners ( like, we are 'goners for GY)


ay_link- suggested YOO'ers..like saying "yours" in a faster way.

that was how YOO'ers come about...and so some GY soomper started to call themselves YOO'ers and some as YOO Gals...(aisssssssshhhhh so confussing bwahahaha)

ohhhhh as to When did the term BABY YOO started...that was when unnie angel posted GONG YOO's baby pictures...that some YOO'ers/YOO Gals start calling GONG YOO as BABY YOO.

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Guest mendyoo

a very very good morning YOOGALS and YOOBIES...

happy sunday to all incampers and those not here yet...

i gotta go in a minute so i'll be back later for the lovey replies.

for those silent readers... come out come out and share your LOVE with YOO!!!

queenie- that was a long history huh...but i laykkkk it. keep your fingers busy sis... more to come???

angelie- feeling good? no more head spinning??? im sure it'll just be a case of YOOfever subsiding...

val- keep on posting girl... you have lotsa energy nowadays...bring the sunshine to YOOHOUSE gal.

FAYE- have a happy weekend and hope you feel well friend... catch you much later.love those colorful butterflies... carry on.

jinkzz- now it's your turn to do lotsa lotsa posting to catch up on... and lotsa lotsa wallies too...

nana- YOO asking you to marry HIM??? that's a no no sis... remember 'SHARING'??? hahaha happy market day for you...

OC- catch you at the house later... promise...

thanks for welcoming me to this warm house,nice to meet u. Lets continue our LOVES and CARES to our GY! biggrin.gif

(i have to confess that...im still not get used to the way posting here But... will try to learn *fight fight* phew.gif )

HELLO HELLO and WELCOME natedao...

just curious... 'dao' is for what??? hehehe i have a wild guess but i'll save it for now.

enjoy your stay here... but heed my warning... WE'RE a BUNCH of LOONIES here hahahaha all for the love of YOO!!!

kai... Ellie... yen... beth... kulet... vicente... euchan... HI and waves at you sisters. (i know there's someone i left out... but forgive this foolish mind oki?)



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thanks for welcoming me to this warm house,nice to meet u. Lets continue our LOVES and CARES to our GY! :D (i have to confess that...im still not get used to the way posting here But... will try to learn *fight fight* :phew: )
nice to meet you too...keep posting and don't worry you'll get used to it in no time.
thanks neighbor and i hope you slept good last night!
i slept good last night from 8PM to 4AM and then tried to catch up on the kdrama episodes that i missed while on vacation...hehehe...are yoo feeling better?
glad that your up and about now.heheheOMO...im fixing to go home also...jetlag? i'll be dead...it took you almost a week to recover...what about me? imagine i'll be working the next day when i get back from my vacation.oooooooooooohhhh shoots.
Hi Queenie...yes, trying to get back on the swing of things...hehehe...the sure fire way to fight jetlag is to try to get back on your routine as soon as possible as well as to sleep @ night and try to stay awake during the day...In my case, i always try to give myself 1 week to recover because the stupid me always falls into the same mistake ( over and over :D:D:D ) of nurturing my jetlag by sleeping as much as I want when I get back from overseas...trying to compensate for the lack of sleep while on vacation...hehehehe.thank you for doing the Yoohouse history summary...keep up the good work.

Angelie i found my way to the Yoohouse clubhouse...didn't know that such thing existed until i saw a link on your siggy...thank you.Are yoo feeling better?

jinkzz- now it's your turn to do lotsa lotsa posting to catch up on... and lotsa lotsa wallies too...
Hi Neng...I'm working on it...i'll post some of my fan arts soon.
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Guest queeninmycastle

hi neng and all YOO reading... siticantik3011, sarangchul, chicann7


YOOstorian...(thats me)...will be back later...me needs to work tonight.

more YOOHOUSEstory to come...promise :)

LOVE YOU ALL :wub::wub:


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slept good last night from 8PM to 4AM and then tried to catch up on the kdrama episodes that i missed while on vacation...hehehe...are yoo feeling better?

hello neighbor... i'm feeling better except for the cough and some more wheezing sound in my chest. hopefully it will go away soon.

(mendyoo aka neng)

a very very good morning YOOGALS and YOOBIES...

happy sunday to all incampers and those not here yet...

i gotta go in a minute so i'll be back later for the lovey replies.

for those silent readers... come out come out and share your LOVE with YOO!!!

FAYE- have a happy weekend and hope you feel well friend... catch you much later.love those colorful butterflies... carry on.

thanks my friend.... i love the fact that i am resting at home but i could be better without my cough...


YOOstorian...(thats me)...will be back later...me needs to work tonight.

more YOOHOUSEstory to come...promise


awwwww... poor queenie.... ok.... take care and catch you later!

and the countdown continues...


neng, queenie and jinkzz ... thanks for the very nice wallies you made.... i wish i could make some.... but....lazy me ......

*waves* at gong yoo, rgbg, u-sa-ha-na, HaHaMum

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hello neighbor... i'm feeling better except for the cough and some more wheezing sound in my chest. hopefully it will go away soon.

neng, queenie and jinkzz ... thanks for the very nice wallies you made.... i wish i could make some.... but....lazy me ......

howdy neighbor Faye...get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluid...you'll feel better soon

just do like i do...i watch episodes of GY's kdrama or CFs to get me inspired to create GY fan arts...works everytime :D

5 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

4 Members: u-sa-ha-na, texashot, tangorn, gong yoo

Yay gong yoo user was here again...please post something...we wont bite, i promise :D

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howdy neighbor Faye...get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluid...you'll feel better soon

just do like i do...i watch episodes of GY's kdrama or CFs to get me inspired to create GY fan arts...works everytime :D

Yay gong yoo user was here again...please post something...we wont bite, i promise :D

that's what i'm doing right now.... water...fruits...juices- anyway, i don't really have appetite for food now.

yes neighbor..... gy's still here.... look at this..... :lol:


come on yoo.... just a simple hi or hello will do!

again with my angel

7 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

7 Members: gong yoo, FAYE19, No@ru, u-sa-ha-na, gracepark, jjgoh, aalhl

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Guest lingling22

i miss going in this thread... i guess i was really trying to get over the coffee prince syndrome.. esp our Yoo...

i miss seeing Yoo on Tv ...

thanks for all updates on Gy

i hope we'll see him more often..

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Good afternoon YooGals!

I wanted to backread first, but I scroll down the page and see gong yoo user again... :w00t: Hi gong yoo.. Welcome home again.. ;) hahah. .today I see the nick next to mine.. :D


But searching on YouTube gives me some famous names from YooHouse. Bow to all :P
yeah.. unfortunately my YT can't make it to the history.. :(

Angel unnie, :D , after joined our house, I jumped on OFD topic and read your first posts there :D

And please send my gratitude to chigurl, I love all her videos on YouTube.

oh.. you were in OFD thread first? I don't remember what I wrote there either.. :P sure I'll let chigurl knows.. :)

nana, how was your trip to the market this morning? thanks for the MV.. :)

hahaha unnie yes...that was your first message in GY thread...amazing.

wow...you girls are really wonderful.hahahaha

my appreciation to you all grows more and more.

haha... I can't believe my own first post either... lol!!! I think Yoobee and Tika will be coming in soon right? So, we are going to alter this history a bit and bring it over to YOOMansion too right? queenie aka YOOhistorian, did you have to do backread again to find out the dates and people who said what? who lure you out to spazz on baby YOO's hands and feet? heheheh :D

wah... more continuation. so it was chigurl's idea to get a name for us all.. he.he.. yes. yes.. queenie, I have a lazy tongue.. but I really prefer something simple and right to the point. :P BTW, did you notice whoi who started to call Gong Yoo Baby YOO? was it chigurl?

Angelie i found my way to the Yoohouse clubhouse...didn't know that such thing existed until i saw a link on your siggy...thank you.Are yoo feeling better?
hi there jinkzz... I saw your visit to the clubhouse.. :) You finally made it... I think you were too busy with your vacation that time.. <_< yep.. I'm feeling much better today... :) Went out this morning, and I managed to buy a magazine that has GY. .hahah!!! finally! LOL! It's a chinese mag, dunno what it's called, either a Taiwan or China's edition.. not a new one though.. it's OFD era one.. but I grab it anyway.. coz I regret I didn't grab AstaTV last year! I wanted to search for newer ones with CP but couldn't find any.. :(

Yay gong yoo user was here again...please post something...we wont bite, i promise :D
haha. jinkzz.. I told the user the same thing yesterday, but still quiet.. :P He/she must be scared us.. but the user has been here almost 1/2 hour already.. :)

i miss going in this thread... i guess i was really trying to get over the coffee prince syndrome.. esp our Yoo...

i miss seeing Yoo on Tv ...

thanks for all updates on Gy

i hope we'll see him more often..

hello lingling22. Missing YOO? he.he... just watch/re-watch all of his previous dramas, movies, CFs, MVs, anything that has to do with him.. We have to continue doing that for the next 2 years too.. :rolleyes:
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i miss going in this thread... i guess i was really trying to get over the coffee prince syndrome.. esp our Yoo...

i miss seeing Yoo on Tv ...

thanks for all updates on Gy

i hope we'll see him more often..

hi lingling..... just keep coming here and enjoy the yoo goodies and hopefully they'll be enough to "cure" the longing/missing feeling you have for yoo. and welcome to the club... i haven't gotten over coffee prince but why must we get over it? ;)

my angel... where are you? now i see you... now i don't! oops.... there you are! :P

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