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14 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:


Hello! I use Pinterest and I have two boards about k-drama and k-actors and stuff. I agree, there is very little to see of GY. Could be because of his little use of SNS, but also because GY fans are more active on other platforms? I try to pin as much as I can. I did notice a slight increase in GY pins after Goblin, so maybe because his popularity sky rocketed we actually got a few pins of him there, but up until then it has been quite :)

About your last comment. I whole heartedly agree. Doesn't even have to be your age, I've been his fan for a long time, and I just love it when he pops up, and when he doesn't I try to divert my attention to other actors as well :) I feel it's natural and I am personally very happy about him not being on SNS and all that. Knetz are crazy, I wouldn't want to wake up to people trolling and commenting richard simmons about me every day and having to maintain a very "high profile" just to live up to people's standards (because it creates an immense pressure on individuals to try to maintain an image). Why do we say it's not ok when people have "fake perfect lives on social media", but expect actors/actresses to keep up on SNS? They won't disclose more than what they would want to share anyway, and maybe some people don't like it at all. He is closing in on 40 soon, and me being *only* 25 and already pretty fed up with social medias, I don't really blame him for wanting to keep his life private. 

People may argue that "he chose to be an actor and needs to put himself out there". He doesn't really have to. He does some great projects and we love him for that. But I don't want to be one of those who indulge in peoples private lives and has another idea of a person. One of the most vital parts here @2handsintertwined is when you say he's lying about *insert what you meant here* is that at least what he says in interviews and all is what he means. At least he tells you he doesn't want to be on SNS and would rather enjoy life on his terms. That is more important rather than him trying to show us "how perfect his life is" if he's not happy within. For now, at least we know he's working on himself.

Hope I made any sense, those are my two cents on him being low-key and low-profile. That's one of the things I actually love about him. Not being a posh *keep up with everything person*. Shows he's human, just like the rest of us. 


Well said, @_Dokkaebi_.  You are introspective and articulate.  I appreciate your insights.

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7 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:

Friendly reminder:

Read this at your own risk! I'm going to be childish/immature again :D.

Yes, there will be reactions from me. I am sorry! Please don't say I didn't warn you guys.

*evil laughter* Muhahahahaha!


*takes a deep breath*


@alohagongyoo First, I am very sorry.  I think that it looks like I was trying to "teach you." I don't think that is my place. I think I tried to force my opinions and my beliefs on you. I don't think I was being nice to you at all. I think there are nicer ways to point out something, don't you? I am happy that you admitted that you are ignorant. Well, I admire you. I think it's admirable how you admitted that. I think a lot of people won't admit that they are ignorant. I think I am ignorant too. I am happy that what I said about comparing American/Asian actors makes sense. You said you are still learning about Asian and Korean cultures. I think that is very admirable too! I think it's hard to learn about other cultures besides your own culture :). I wish I was like you. I wish I could learn about different cultures :).

You're married to an American-Chinese man? Well, I didn't know that. You live in Hawaii? Wow! I have never been there, but I hear it's beautiful :). And I think it's expensive if you go vacation there, right?

Anyway, I have never used Pinterest! And I'm glad reading this forum has been eye-opening for you. Yes, I also think GY's forum has many international fans. I agree with you. I also like how we are all different ages, and I like how we all have different backgrounds. And yes, I think we share one thing in common. I think we all have this love and admiration for Gong Yoo and other talented Korean actors and actresses too :). I'm glad you learned about different Korean expressions from some people here! Yes, I think "fighting" is a great one. You said you are older than we are. I don't think that matters here :). I think you should have fun with the rest of us :).

( to be continued)

@2handsintertwined   Good morning!  I am smiling.  I take no personal offense at your comments.  I appreciate your way of looking at things.  You are right -- what a poor choice of words I used -- "old country Asians"!  I meant the old country not the age  --  Asians who were born and raised in countries other than the U.S.  For instance, Filipino people raised in the Philippines, rather than in America.  Not old/elderly folks.  My point is that my Korean American friends and family members raised in Hawaii  have assimilated and do not follow the cultural norms we see in the Korean dramas, such as arranged marriages.  I hope what I have written makes sense as I do not mean to judge anyone's point of view and customs.  I enjoy learning about them.  (Yes, Hawaii is an expensive place to live and to visit but probably not any more than Japan, New York, San Francisco, and Dubai, to name a few!)

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15 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:


Hello! I use Pinterest and I have two boards about k-drama and k-actors and stuff. I agree, there is very little to see of GY. Could be because of his little use of SNS, but also because GY fans are more active on other platforms? I try to pin as much as I can. I did notice a slight increase in GY pins after Goblin, so maybe because his popularity sky rocketed we actually got a few pins of him there, but up until then it has been quite :)

About your last comment. I whole heartedly agree. Doesn't even have to be your age, I've been his fan for a long time, and I just love it when he pops up, and when he doesn't I try to divert my attention to other actors as well :) I feel it's natural and I am personally very happy about him not being on SNS and all that. Knetz are crazy, I wouldn't want to wake up to people trolling and commenting richard simmons about me every day and having to maintain a very "high profile" just to live up to people's standards (because it creates an immense pressure on individuals to try to maintain an image). Why do we say it's not ok when people have "fake perfect lives on social media", but expect actors/actresses to keep up on SNS? They won't disclose more than what they would want to share anyway, and maybe some people don't like it at all. He is closing in on 40 soon, and me being *only* 25 and already pretty fed up with social medias, I don't really blame him for wanting to keep his life private. 

People may argue that "he chose to be an actor and needs to put himself out there". He doesn't really have to. He does some great projects and we love him for that. But I don't want to be one of those who indulge in peoples private lives and has another idea of a person. One of the most vital parts here @2handsintertwined is when you say he's lying about *insert what you meant here* is that at least what he says in interviews and all is what he means. At least he tells you he doesn't want to be on SNS and would rather enjoy life on his terms. That is more important rather than him trying to show us "how perfect his life is" if he's not happy within. For now, at least we know he's working on himself.

Hope I made any sense, those are my two cents on him being low-key and low-profile. That's one of the things I actually love about him. Not being a posh *keep up with everything person*. Shows he's human, just like the rest of us. 


Yep, well said, agree.  Thanks.  (You are only 25, @_Dokkaebi_? You have a lot of common sense and maturity.) 

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17 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:

Hi! Thanks haha, that gif is pretty much me everyday xD Will reply to you in this particular colour and form so I can pin ut your comments and reply with best effort :)


My reaction to what you said about Gong Yoo:


credit: realitytvgifs

*sips tea*

I said, "I promised I wouldn't offer my opinions on Gong Yoo's life anymore!"

But, you said something amazing and I can't resist!

*grins wickedly* :D:D. Hehehee!

So let me see if I'm following you. I agree when I said he was lying, that was one of the most vital parts. I'm sorry that I said he was lying. You're right at least what he says in interviews and all is what he means. I think what I meant to say is that I think his image is fake? I think he's wearing a mask? What do you think about that? Do you agree with me on the mask and fake image? I don't know, but you are right. Yes, at least he tells us that he doesn't want to be on SNS.

But isn't that exactly what you don't want him to be? To not wear a mask, if you already feel he's wearing a mask in the publics eye just imagine how many masks he might have to wear if he actually is on social media? I disagree with you on the fake image thing. If you look at the korean culture, there are certain ways you need to behave and act. Everything you do and say is very much a cultural thing. To be judged and scrutinized as a public figure might lead to this glorified persona that many may think is fake, and as non-korean fans we might have a hard time grasping this.

I think one of the biggest reason you feel he is creating a fake image is because he "downplays" his personality compared to other actors in his league. We don't actually know that much about him as a person, which is exactly why there are many versions of our own "glorified GY". To you he might seem fake, but to me he is rather shy/introvert type of a person. Close to those he wants to be close with and much to himself. 

That he would rather enjoy life on his terms. I think you are right. I like that about him. I think you are saying he's being honest with his fans. Yes, you're right. I also think that is more important than trying to show us "how perfect his life is" if he is not happy within. I'm going to add to this. I don't think my opinion on him matters as much as your opinion on him. I think you said you have been his fan for almost 10 years, right? I was going to add that he admits his insecurities. For example, in his CNN Talk Asia interview he said he doesn't know how long he will stay an actor.

First of all, I don't think my opinion matters any more than anyone elses. Yes, I've been around for a long time, but doesn't make me any more of a GY expert, tbh I just really really like him and I guess I was sort of forced to get used to him being "away" because he left for the army right after the success of CP. There is only limited that we know of him and I sort of like that.

And yes! About his insecuritites, isn't that also another factor to consider with the "fake image" thought? How can a guy who admits hi insecurities and issues with finding himself possibly try to maintain a fake image for the public eye? He's been open about being vulnerable, and just doesn't like being that much in the public. To me I can't even understand what would make such a thought.

Does that make sense to you? :). I don't think I can respond well to you! I think you say a lot of deep things, that makes someone think, and I think you are making my brain do too much work :D. You're right. At least we know he's working on himself. For example, I don't think he has much confidence, but I think he's working on it. Is that what you meant?

Haha yes it made sense. I have a habit og thinking and analyzing and thinking even deeper and then I get lost in my own sea of thoughts :tongue: I might sound a bit complicated in that sense. That is exactly what I meant :) He's working on making a better person out of himself. That's the truest form of human being for me, being able to see your own mistakes or issues and work on them. 

Yes! I think you made a lot of sense! Thanks for giving your two cents on him being low-key and low-profile. Hm. I never thought it that way. I never thought, "Gong Yoo is low-key and low-profile" I like that! I think that is exactly what he is. I don't think he is being posh "keep up with everything person" either. Yes, it shows he is human, just like the rest of us. Wait, Gong Yoo is human? You're joking! I'm just joking with you. Yes, he is human like the rest of him.

You love how Gong Yoo is low-key and low-profile? Well, I don't like that about him, but I'll keep that on the "down-low."

It is completely fine that you disagree, I just wanted to give my two cents on what I understood about your opinion, and everybody is entitled to own an opinion, we're all fans in our own different way :)

I think Gong Yoo needs to stay woke on what's going on around him. I think he needs to pick up a script and star in a movie. That's just my opinion! Thank you for your time :). I always enjoy reading what you have to say about Gong Yoo. I know you're going to give me something good!

Wow this is long. I am so sorry _dokkaebi_ you don't have to read this. I feel bad for your eyes.

Don't worry, I spend most of my time infront of a screen, pretty much used to it hahah. Have equally fun reading my thoughts!




13 hours ago, Noor90 said:

@kentangbakar i'm glad 2 of GY movies in this list , i'm already director YSH fan , he's so talented . i'm waiting for his collaboration with GY again . Although i don't fully agree with this list especially ranking.

@alohagongyoo i love reading your comments Madam , that's why i'm glad GY has fans from all ages , from all over the world . Yes , i watch other actor movies while GY enjoys his vacation or during shooting his movies , or just fangirling his new pics & videos from any CF , Magazine or if he surprises us and attend public event or Fan sign .

@_Dokkaebi_ @alohagongyoo i've account in Pinterest , but i don't use it . i think most of  GY Fans using instagram , facebook , twitter more than pin . Also GY so quiet comparing to young actors & idols .

if he's reading soompi now , he should know me :D:D.

of course he'll be happy & stressed at the same time if he knows he has fans care about him as an actor and as person soo much . He was touched and even cried in his Fanmeeting in TW when he read his fans letters & how his projects affected his fans so much . 

I hope someone drops a hint about our little thread on GY and he actually gets to visit here one day :tongue: It must be such an overwhelming experience, a sea of people just gathered to be able to hear you speak and move haha. 

@_Dokkaebi_ i agree with you  . i understand why he doesn't like to share his private life with other cuz i do the same i don't like to share my private life with others , i even don't like when my friends share their own pics daily  . Korean Fans sometimes are salty when actor or actress share something they don't like . Also Fans now are so scary even when Soop Boss shared pic of GY from his Fanmeeting in HK , they started to comment nonsense , created rumors until Soop boss delete GY pic that's why it's better if he doesn't share his pics

I know right? I keep myself very private as well, and I just don't understand how people can put their entire lives out on the internet. Where is the fun in having some personal moments for yourself and get to speak of them and tell your friends in person. Rather than blurting out everything on a profile! :tongue: I''m a bit old school maybe haha. Yeah :( I don't get those fans, just plain cruel. 

@2handsintertwined you know why i love GY cuz his laugh & his tears touch me , it's from his deep heart that's why it touches our hearts too 



10 hours ago, alohagongyoo said:

Well said, @_Dokkaebi_.  You are introspective and articulate.  I appreciate your insights.


9 hours ago, alohagongyoo said:

Yep, well said, agree.  Thanks.  (You are only 25, @_Dokkaebi_? You have a lot of common sense and maturity.) 

Thank you, it warms my heart :wub: Yes, I'm *only* 25, thank you for thinking that highly of me haha. I can be somewhere between a 5 year old to 50 year old, but very passionate about sharing my thoughts on common interests :D

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Friendly reminder:

Yes! More childish/immature stuff coming up! As always :D

Gotta put my thinking cap on for _dokkaebi_.

I think she likes to bend people's minds this way and that way.

I think she should be called, "The Mind Bender"! :D.

I think she's going to give your brains a workout!

Ok. Here we go! Wish me luck! 

*puts on thinking cap for _dokkaebi_*

@_Dokkaebi_ Alright! I'm getting ready for you! :D

(to be continued)

Edited by 2handsintertwined
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20 hours ago, Noor90 said:

@2handsintertwined it's good idea i should fly to korea , introduce Myself to him . he should open Soompi first to know me ^_^^_^

I already answered it   . GY page was hot topic many times , yesterday was no.1 at hot topics , it isn't big deal to be hot topic in Soompi , page became Hot top when we post many times at the same time .

Also GY popularity is something true , doesn't need to be trend here or not in Soompi . To Win Best actor in Brand of the year which depend on voting " is popularity" , winning best actor in I lovekstars while other competitors are strong " It's popularity " when fans in Taiwan paralyzed Asus site " It's popularity"., when tickets of his FMs sold out in minutes " Is popularity" ,  when his name was trend many times on twitter during Goblin , Train to busan releasing in many different countries " It's Popularity"  when his name is one of the most searched in Google in the first half of 2017 in Korea " Is popularity" . when his name was one of most searched in Philippines in 2016 " is popularity" 

We shouldn't be worry about him , our man is doing well 


Ok :) By the way, I have more to say on this later :).

18 hours ago, alohagongyoo said:

Well said, @_Dokkaebi_.  You are introspective and articulate.  I appreciate your insights.

 I'm sorry. I don't know what "introspective" means :(. So I googled it and one of the definitions says, 

introspective - contemplative, thoughtful, inner-directed, and reflective. So are you saying all these words describe her? Let me see if I understand what that word means. You think _Dokkaebi_ thinks very hard about everything she says? If that's what you mean, then I agree. For example, one thing she said is this,

On 8/3/2017 at 6:18 PM, _Dokkaebi_ said:

About your last comment. I whole heartedly agree. Doesn't even have to be your age, I've been his fan for a long time, and I just love it when he pops up, and when he doesn't I try to divert my attention to other actors as well :) I feel it's natural and I am personally very happy about him not being on SNS and all that. Knetz are crazy, I wouldn't want to wake up to people trolling and commenting richard simmons about me every day and having to maintain a very "high profile" just to live up to people's standards (because it creates an immense pressure on individuals to try to maintain an image). Why do we say it's not ok when people have "fake perfect lives on social media", but expect actors/actresses to keep up on SNS? They won't disclose more than what they would want to share anyway, and maybe some people don't like it at all. He is closing in on 40 soon, and me being *only* 25 and already pretty fed up with social medias, I don't really blame him for wanting to keep his life private. 


I don't think I can say this properly because my brain is doing too much work. I think she thought very hard about this because I think anyone could feel the emotions in this. I think anyone can feel that she is trying to relate to GY through her own experience. The part where she says,

"I feel it's natural and I am personally very happy about him not being on SNS and all that. Knetz are crazy, I wouldn't want to wake up to people trolling and commenting richard simmons about me every day and having to maintain a very "high profile" just to live up to people's standards (because it creates an immense pressure on individuals to try to maintain an image)."   

To me this says that she empathizes with his decision to not use social media. To me this says that she is happy he doesn't use SNS because she wouldn't to want to deal with people trolling and commenting every day. To me this says that she wouldn't want act a certain way just to please people, and she thinks this puts a lot of pressure on someone because they have to continue to act the way that other peolple want her to act. Does that make sense? It probably doesn't. I tried! I think you are giving my brain a workout too. *sigh*

I'm sure there are more examples of her being introspective. This is just my example :).

17 hours ago, alohagongyoo said:

@2handsintertwined   Good morning!  I am smiling.  I take no personal offense at your comments.  I appreciate your way of looking at things.  You are right -- what a poor choice of words I used -- "old country Asians"!  I meant the old country not the age  --  Asians who were born and raised in countries other than the U.S.  For instance, Filipino people raised in the Philippines, rather than in America.  Not old/elderly folks.  My point is that my Korean American friends and family members raised in Hawaii  have assimilated and do not follow the cultural norms we see in the Korean dramas, such as arranged marriages.  I hope what I have written makes sense as I do not mean to judge anyone's point of view and customs.  I enjoy learning about them.  (Yes, Hawaii is an expensive place to live and to visit but probably not any more than Japan, New York, San Francisco, and Dubai, to name a few!)

I'm so happy you take no personal offense to my comments. You made me feel so much better :). You appreciate the way I look at things? Well, thank you! I appreciate the way you look at things too :). It's okay. I don't think you have to explain what you meant to me. It pleases me that you took the time to explain what you meant to me. Thank you! I think what you wrote makes perfect sense! So Haiwaii is expensive to live and visit? Ok. So you don't think the price is any different than how much it costs to go to Japan, New York, San Francisco,and Dubai? Well, I didn't know that :). I learned something new :).

17 hours ago, alohagongyoo said:

Yep, well said, agree.  Thanks.  (You are only 25, @_Dokkaebi_? You have a lot of common sense and maturity.) 

I'm sorry. I keep quoting you. I like what you say! I agree. I think she is very mature for her age too. Sometimes I feel embarrassed because she sounds more mature than a lot of us! 


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Finally , we see Gong yoo :wub:

Yesterday Gong yoo and actor park Sung woong met these lucky girls at restaurant , They met han ji min few days ago ^_^

 More at Spoiler & cr to  Dear My Yoo






Credit to borakim0510 instagram 




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14 hours ago, jaysmurf said:

@kentangbakar thanks. sorry i think i got conned.

i wonder if there will my live telecast in my region.

naah..i think click bait? lol....cause in the FB said "stay tune for more update"...=.="

@Noor90 omomomo....he have dinner with park sungwoo? or separated dinner? pls dinner tgt....that means they maaaaaaybe got a prject tgt...plsss...park sungwoo is one of my fave actor too....

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Just now, kentangbakar said:

@Noor90 omomomo....he have dinner with park sungwoo? or separated dinner? pls dinner tgt....that means they maaaaaaybe got a prject tgt...plsss...park sungwoo is one of my fave actor too....

I had the same thought when i saw these pics GY with Park SungWoong , may be new project in the way :rolleyes: . Honestly i don't know they're at the same time or not , especially they didn't mention it but since she shared their pics together , she wore the same clothes  i assume GY & PSW were together :D

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I'm finally here, _dokkaebi_ ! :) 

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

Hi! Thanks haha, that gif is pretty much me everyday xD Will reply to you in this particular colour and form so I can pin ut your comments and reply with best effort :)

Hi! You're welcome. So that gif of sipping tea pretty much describes you everyday? That's nice :) So you put your replies in green right? Thank you! :D. So alohagongyoo was right! You are thoughtful! :D

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

But isn't that exactly what you don't want him to be? To not wear a mask, if you already feel he's wearing a mask in the publics eye just imagine how many masks he might have to wear if he actually is on social media? I disagree with you on the fake image thing. If you look at the korean culture, there are certain ways you need to behave and act. Everything you do and say is very much a cultural thing. To be judged and scrutinized as a public figure might lead to this glorified persona that many may think is fake, and as non-korean fans we might have a hard time grasping this.


This is us trying to figure out what @_Dokkaebi_ is talking about:

Image result for confused math lady gif

credit: ineskich

So let me see if I can try to respond to you. I will reply the best way that I can :D.

You asked, "But isn't that exactly what you don't want him to be? To not wear a mask, if you already feel he's wearing a mask in the publics eye just imagine how many masks he might have to wear if he actually is on social media?"

Well, I don't know. I guess you're right. I think this is exactly what I don't want him to be. At the same time, I think this is what he is. I don't think it matters if I don't want him to wear a mask or have a fake image. I think the mask and the fake image have been there for a long, long time. I think he wears a mask because he is afraid of showing us who he really is. I think it's almost like he created another person. It's almost like he is acting as that person he created. I don't think he is acting as the real GY.

I don't think he has ever shown us who the real GY is. I ask, "Why does he refuse to show his true self to us?" I think he only knows the answer to that. I guess that his true self is probably someone no one will like to be around. Maybe his true self likes to skip people while he's standing in line trying to buy some popcorn? Something like that. That's just my guess :D. No. I didn't think about how many masks he would have to wear if he is actually on social media :(.

I'm going to try to answer the next part of your question.

If you disagree with what I said about him having a fake image, that's okay. And I respect your reason why you don't think he has a fake image. I don't know a lot about Korean culture like you do so what you said is very eye-opening. I didn't know that there are certain ways you are supposed to behave and act :( I think that sounds miserable. i didn't know that pretty much everything you do and say is very much a cultural thing either. I'm still learning about Korean culture. So you said,"To be judged and scrutinized as a public figure might lead to this glorified persona that many may think is fake, and as non-korean fans we might have a hard time grasping this." I didn't know that. 

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

I think one of the biggest reason you feel he is creating a fake image is because he "downplays" his personality compared to other actors in his league. We don't actually know that much about him as a person, which is exactly why there are many versions of our own "glorified GY". To you he might seem fake, but to me he is rather shy/introvert type of a person. Close to those he wants to be close with and much to himself. 

Yes, I think you're right. Thank you. You've enlightened me :D.

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

First of all, I don't think my opinion matters any more than anyone elses. Yes, I've been around for a long time, but doesn't make me any more of a GY expert, tbh I just really really like him and I guess I was sort of forced to get used to him being "away" because he left for the army right after the success of CP. There is only limited that we know of him and I sort of like that.

Ok. I think you're very humble when you say you don't think your opinion matters more than anyone else. I think your opinion matters a lot :). So you got used to him being "away" because he left for the military right after the success of CP? I understand.

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

And yes! About his insecuritites, isn't that also another factor to consider with the "fake image" thought? How can a guy who admits hi insecurities and issues with finding himself possibly try to maintain a fake image for the public eye? He's been open about being vulnerable, and just doesn't like being that much in the public. To me I can't even understand what would make such a thought.

I don't know. So you say that he admits his insecurities and issues with finding himself. And you say that he is open about being vulnerable and he doesn't like being that much in the public. And you ask, how does this type of man possibly maintain a fake image in the public eye? Well, this is where he makes me feel confused, and it's really hard to explain, but I'll try.

For example. in one interview imagine GY may say,

"I don't deserve to be happy."

Ok. Are you still with me?

  *checks to make sure you aren't taking a nap*

So after this interview you see GY go to an Epigram fansign. At the fansign he is smiling and holding hands with fans. And he doesn't show them his insecurities and issues with finding himself. And he doesn't show them that he's vulnerable or that he doesn't like much being in the public.I think this is his fake image. I think he uses this fake image everywhere he goes. For example, awards(if he attends :D), CFs, fansigns,and when fans see him shopping for groceries. Does that make sense? :D Don't worry, I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. This is just what I think :) If you want to think he doesn't have a fake image, then I think that's your right to think that way! :D.

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

Haha yes it made sense. I have a habit og thinking and analyzing and thinking even deeper and then I get lost in my own sea of thoughts :tongue: I might sound a bit complicated in that sense. That is exactly what I meant :) He's working on making a better person out of himself. That's the truest form of human being for me, being able to see your own mistakes or issues and work on them. 

I'm glad that made sense! It's okay a lot of us feel the same way you do. I think you're right. I think he's working on making a better person out of himself too. If that's the truest form of being a human being for you, then that's great :).

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

It is completely fine that you disagree, I just wanted to give my two cents on what I understood about your opinion, and everybody is entitled to own an opinion, we're all fans in our own different way :)

Ok :). And I agree with you :D.

18 hours ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

Don't worry, I spend most of my time infront of a screen, pretty much used to it hahah. Have equally fun reading my thoughts!

Ok :)

yay! It's done! As always, thank you for your time _dokkaebi_ :D.


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I know noor already went over why his page doesn't appear in trending topics/popular now on soompi.

But I wanted you all to know what I was thinking. I think is something that I've been worried about ever since I came to his soompi page.

So after @Noor90 said this,

19 hours ago, Noor90 said:

Also GY popularity is something true , doesn't need to be trend here or not in Soompi . To Win Best actor in Brand of the year which depend on voting " is popularity" , winning best actor in I lovekstars while other competitors are strong " It's popularity " when fans in Taiwan paralyzed Asus site " It's popularity"., when tickets of his FMs sold out in minutes " Is popularity" ,  when his name was trend many times on twitter during Goblin , Train to busan releasing in many different countries " It's Popularity"  when his name is one of the most searched in Google in the first half of 2017 in Korea " Is popularity" . when his name was one of most searched in Philippines in 2016 " is popularity" 

We shouldn't be worry about him , our man is doing well 


Then got sad. I think there are a lot of talented South Korean entertainers like GY, and I don't think they get the same opportunities,

recognition, awards, popularity, endorsements, money, fame, honor, and special treatment that GY gets.

I think GY gets treated like a God, like he's a prince or a king.

I think there a lot of entertainers in South Korea who don't get treated like a God, a prince, a king, a princess, or a queen. I think their fans may think that they deserved to be treated this way too.

I think when we talk about GY's opportunities, recognition, awards, popularity endorsements, money, fame, honor, special treatment it looks like we think he's better than other South Korean entertainers.

I think this is one of the main reasons that no one here on soompi likes his page. And I think this is one of the main reasons why new fans don't visit his soompi page.

For example, GY won plenty of awards, but someone may think someone else deserves the award more than he does, and they could be right.

I think some people here hate GY because he gets all these opportunities. He had two hit movies, Age of Shadows and Train to Busan last year. He had a successful drama. I think a lot of people hate this about him. I don't know why I feel this way. I just do.

I'm sorry.

I just couldn't get this off my mind :(

I love GY, and I am not hating on him. I just wish other entertainers got the same opportunities he gets. And I don't want anyone to hate him because he gets opportunities others don't get.



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On 8/4/2017 at 6:18 AM, _Dokkaebi_ said:


Hello! I use Pinterest and I have two boards about k-drama and k-actors and stuff. I agree, there is very little to see of GY. Could be because of his little use of SNS, but also because GY fans are more active on other platforms? I try to pin as much as I can. I did notice a slight increase in GY pins after Goblin, so maybe because his popularity sky rocketed we actually got a few pins of him there, but up until then it has been quite :)

About your last comment. I whole heartedly agree. Doesn't even have to be your age, I've been his fan for a long time, and I just love it when he pops up, and when he doesn't I try to divert my attention to other actors as well :) I feel it's natural and I am personally very happy about him not being on SNS and all that. Knetz are crazy, I wouldn't want to wake up to people trolling and commenting richard simmons about me every day and having to maintain a very "high profile" just to live up to people's standards (because it creates an immense pressure on individuals to try to maintain an image). Why do we say it's not ok when people have "fake perfect lives on social media", but expect actors/actresses to keep up on SNS? They won't disclose more than what they would want to share anyway, and maybe some people don't like it at all. He is closing in on 40 soon, and me being *only* 25 and already pretty fed up with social medias, I don't really blame him for wanting to keep his life private. 

People may argue that "he chose to be an actor and needs to put himself out there". He doesn't really have to. He does some great projects and we love him for that. But I don't want to be one of those who indulge in peoples private lives and has another idea of a person. One of the most vital parts here @2handsintertwined is when you say he's lying about *insert what you meant here* is that at least what he says in interviews and all is what he means. At least he tells you he doesn't want to be on SNS and would rather enjoy life on his terms. That is more important rather than him trying to show us "how perfect his life is" if he's not happy within. For now, at least we know he's working on himself.

Hope I made any sense, those are my two cents on him being low-key and low-profile. That's one of the things I actually love about him. Not being a posh *keep up with everything person*. Shows he's human, just like the rest of us. 


I use Pinterest! I love it - more than Instagram... and FB. :tongue:  I am okay with not seeing GY everywhere because he is in 'my heart'! *blushes* #myoppafanmoment. Wkakaka!  Am I making you all cringe in your seats? he he 

Quite frankly, I think GY is very market-savvy. Overexposure is never a good thing. I admire the ability to live the passion in his own terms.  To me, that is real success! Plus, the allure of a charming mysterious man is addictive, no? 

I wonder how we will all be like in 30 years time. Will we all be reminiscing this man that swept us off our feet, claimed our girly hearts and put it among pink clouds?  

I also wonder what it will be like to have lunch with him. I probably will be too nervous to eat...and will nibble my food like a squirrel so that meal never ends... ha ha
Ahhh.... I don't ever want to wake up these fluffy daydreams. he he

I know I said it before - I really love the peace in his eye and the lightness of his spirit these days. 





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Gong Yoo is mentioned in the famous stylist Han Hye Yeon's reality show "i live alone". :)  sorry i do not know Korean so i am unable to translate.  Based on # it mentioned ideal type but not sure is talking about HHY ideal type or the IG author's ideal type.  :D

Credit to author

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he promised fans in taiwan that he wont keep them waiting for too long. maybe being there for asus is the one he is talking about lol.

then maybe after that he will go hiatus and decide his next project :tongue:

@gongi to be blunt he is making money before the industry puts him aside as he said people wont like him for too long :tongue: oops but once again i support whatever he does

i can have an asus but i prefer my apple. sorry ahjussi. i guess i dont love u enough.

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5 hours ago, jaysmurf said:

he promised fans in taiwan that he wont keep them waiting for too long. maybe being there for asus is the one he is talking about lol.

then maybe after that he will go hiatus and decide his next project :tongue:

@gongi to be blunt he is making money before the industry puts him aside as he said people wont like him for too long :tongue: oops but once again i support whatever he does

i can have an asus but i prefer my apple. sorry ahjussi. i guess i dont love u enough.

I also love my macbook! haha 

It doesn't matter - reality check: we all need money! #bereal

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On 8/5/2017 at 1:24 AM, 2handsintertwined said:



I know noor already went over why his page doesn't appear in trending topics/popular now on soompi.

But I wanted you all to know what I was thinking. I think is something that I've been worried about ever since I came to his soompi page.

So after @Noor90 said this,

Then got sad. I think there are a lot of talented South Korean entertainers like GY, and I don't think they get the same opportunities,

recognition, awards, popularity, endorsements, money, fame, honor, and special treatment that GY gets.

I think GY gets treated like a God, like he's a prince or a king.

I think there a lot of entertainers in South Korea who don't get treated like a God, a prince, a king, a princess, or a queen. I think their fans may think that they deserved to be treated this way too.

I think when we talk about GY's opportunities, recognition, awards, popularity endorsements, money, fame, honor, special treatment it looks like we think he's better than other South Korean entertainers.

I think this is one of the main reasons that no one here on soompi likes his page. And I think this is one of the main reasons why new fans don't visit his soompi page.

For example, GY won plenty of awards, but someone may think someone else deserves the award more than he does, and they could be right.

I think some people here hate GY because he gets all these opportunities. He had two hit movies, Age of Shadows and Train to Busan last year. He had a successful drama. I think a lot of people hate this about him. I don't know why I feel this way. I just do.

I'm sorry.

I just couldn't get this off my mind :(

I love GY, and I am not hating on him. I just wish other entertainers got the same opportunities he gets. And I don't want anyone to hate him because he gets opportunities others don't get.



I don't think gong yoos net worth is that much. In fact song joong ki is worth 10 times what gong is worth and hasn't been in the game that long. I enjoyed gongs interview on CNN talk Asia. He kept it 100 and let it be known that he doesn't fake and he is a prisoner of the image he created. Nevertheless south Korea like hollywood is very competitive. Only the top rise and gong is one of them. I can assure any other actor would not have that effect of goblin like gong and Lee dong wook did no way. However we as humans must never exalt anybody over the most high. 

I see some of these k celebs acting all high and mighty as if they are the greatest and unfortunately they are not. It is why we must stop gassing them up so much and then get mad when they act arrogant or rude. Gong isn't that type but there are many who are 

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@tanio12 hello in GY page  & You're welcome here any time . i want to add something GY is enjoying his popularity but not over hyped like others and that's what i love about him . i read Many articles after Goblin ended and all expected GY to have at least 20 CFs like SJK , PBG did after their successful drama but he only took 3 CFs . GY is intelligent enough to secure his life & earn alot without over hype . 

GY focus to build his career rather than popularity .honestly  i want him to be like great actors like Song kang ho , Choi min sik , Lee byung hyun even when they reach their 50 , they still have many movies and guarantee box office success .


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