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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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Guest dragonjade

I love the poem, very deep. B) Oooooh...nice piccie! I like that shirt you're wearing!! :w00t: Thanx for sharing the wallies. Update soon! (I'm writing less and less each time, I know one day I'm going to come here and write the word 'cool' or 'thanx' and be done :lol: )

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TEA!!! <333

I think I count as a VIP, since you're trying to seduce me into your treehouse. Like they say, you can always tell how a guy will treat you by the way he treats his mom...cept I must admit that your pics screams "mama's boy" more than "mysterious" ;D

Also, your poems are too emo. And the replies you write me in this thread leave no room for witty responses because they are quite mundane. SO STEP IT UP, YO!

^I haven't talked to you in a few days, so there's your regular dosage of meanness. How are the ballet shoes holding up?

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LOL you're so funny. that is a cool picture of you.... so mysterious. how come America people laugh like "AUHAUHAUHAU" ??? how do YOU people laugh? haha funny. aww thanks for the wall paper. super cute! hope you update soon.

- jen


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Guest - - -Rain

lol, awesome! you update quick!! ^^ They're as great as usual! lol.

what's your inspiration dude?? lol, i love the sign one! "STOP and UTURN!"

lmao. Thanks for sharing! hope to see more!!! and the mysterious pics rock! lol.

you look asian to me in them............................... ( -.-) i don't know anything so don't mind me...

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Desideratum: omg! you even forgot that we dated? stab me in the heart why don't you!

Lol. *Stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *pulls knife out* =O YOU'RE BLEEDING! WHAT HAPPENED?!

Omg, I love the I <3 Asians one. It's so adorable! I love the girl's hair. XD You're getting better at these. I'm jealous. -___-

Aw and I can't believe I missed an update. >.< I'm too addicted to the fanfix forum. TT___TT Well, haha, cute update.

Trying to be mysterious? =O

Cute inside shirt, the stripes one. HAHA. I don't mean the other inside shirt. XD


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juhjenn: I think I've seen that angry little girls strip :D

Yea I'm in the 87% but for all the wrong reasons. I can't believe I lost my virginity to my chem professor. This was so not how I imagine it. There was no candle light, no satin sheets, no romantic music, no rose petals on the bed, and worst of all, no girl!!

lol, yeah it's very funny. i was LMAO >=D haha. ERR... are you lying to me? or no? LMAO ><" Or you being sarcastic? LOL. Because if it is, I can make your script longer! lmao.

HOLY SNICKEYS! two updates?! ><" HAHA but cute scripts >:D I love ASIANS haha. Asians rock =] LMAO. Your mysterious picture is not that mystery. You can't pull it off! LOL :D Anywhos, :o how sad! You make fun of America. I live in America!! T_T anywho, I think I laugh like that sometimes though o.o" I would use your wallpaper, but it's too bright for me =[

Update soon! Whats your nammme? Maybe you mentioned it somewhere before, but I forgot! haha. Take cares [:

__♥Jennifer ROCKks.

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i've seen those comic strips around!!!

and it's YOU who drew them?

holy! that's sooo wicked ;]

and i shall use your wallpaper for my desktop :3

ps. may i ask what program / tools you use?

i'm sure you've answered it somewhere before.

but i just can't find it... will be great if you can let me know! ;)

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No, we will not marry you, hehehe. j/k

Ahhh, nice poem. It's really sweet and it'll make all of us girls go awww!

You know how to make us girls goo awwww!

Nice mysterious pic! Love your outfit. I think I might use one of those wallpapers, hehe so cute!

Thanks for the pm ^^

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I just went through all these pages of comics.

I love them, their really really cute.

Some of them in particular are quite humourous as well.

I love the mystery pictures of you haha, makes me laugh.

Keep the comics coming, can I be added to your PM list please?

~ eternal.happiness

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Guest xblush





*sits in a dark corner and be emo.

wahahhaa. is the picture just bad quality?

or did u do something to it to hide ur face =.=?

u know.. ur hair really reminds me of this hk singer..

XD weeeeeeeeheeheee.. <-- thats a laugh that came out high and squeaky.

thanks for the mysterious pic!!

now... go take another one XDD! NOWNOW! CHOPCHOP! ...please?

omg at a glance.. ur face resembles his too *.*

im just tooo sleepy tonight. im seeing things =.=

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Guest hiswendy

Whee! Thanks for the pm. =) Man, deep deep poem. ^__^ You're talented. I HATE YOU. I keed =) Earth's a bit more artistic because of your existence. xD

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Guest HANAo1

WHAT?! why didnt yu tell me yu had a PM list, foo?! yu better add me and yu better add me now!! aahahahah

and put me first, waay first :D

and the one with the signs is so sad. its like........ so sad. hmph. i thought i told yu to stop making the boy get rejected!!! why dont yu ever listen to me!!! >:[

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Guest pinkmarker

new fan here. yay you!


the sausage one made me LOL :lol:

and the catcalls one. funny you used that pickup line..

"would you like some fries with that shake?" ..it's been used on me before at the mall. <_<

so yah, stumbled across this thread and loved your comics. ^.^

can i be on the pm list too plz?

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Guest eunhyung

I <3 your comics. so perverted but they make me smile :)

I agree with you, us girls are jerks <_<

can I please be added to your pm list? thanks so much

btw - chicks do dig mysterious guys lol

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Guest poopiness

mermaid: well that depends, do you like the emo looks? If yes, then yes I do look emo ;D

ladee_bug: Yea... you're probably a beast. I LIKE!! ;D

lo0say: ahah yea the poems are from personal experience T__T. Anyways, why don't you guess my nationality ;D

wOrtHwHiL: ahah well I made another one for my friend, it's at the bottom, take a look!

lilchan: It's my wallpaper too!! HIGH FIVE!!

phear.: seriously, how can you miss all those updates, I've been waiting for you for like 5 years.

indefinable: I like my shirt too!! what a coincidence ;D, yea I'm from america, how bout you?

conscience: ahaha I can't reveal myself! It'll take away my mysteriousness, and that's a no no. I need it to keep people coming back ;D

bORicha.: UGH!! It was a licerice whip! It's all sweet, and no pain! Yea, I'm in college, bow to me! hahaha *WHIP!*

ichikawaii: So you fainted eh? ;D Don't worry, I KNOW CPR ;D!!

sueyun x3 minwoo: from america ;D hahaha, you?

sachiko_x: creepy picture? *goes and cries*


random azn: well isn't it time I see your pic? ;D

katamari: UGH! I can't get a job. I'm allergic to working.

anniieeboo: ahaha a softer side? I didn't know I had a rough side ;D

hyukiemylove: oh it wasn't a phase, he kept those videos because he was still using them ;D

viet13aby90: ahahah in that case, you'll never see the other half of my face!!

dragonjade: UGH!! You can't do that! You must write more, my self esteems depends on it. T__T SAVE ME!!

Little Miss Snackwrap: UGH!! You took too long and my rent was up, so they kicked me out of the treehouse, thanks a lot jerk! UGH!! My ballet shoes said screw it and ditched me.

jen: ahaha, if you come to America, that's what you would hear, all the time.

- - -Rain: there's no inspiration really, it just pops in my head, and if I like it, I'll jot it down ;D. Yes I am asian.

Desideratum: AHAH omg you're so mean!! My blood is expensive yo! And what other inside shirt are you talking about ? :blink:

juhjenn: ahaha what script are you talking about? UGH!! I can so pull of mysterious, just you wait, one day I'll show you a picture of just my hands, how is that for mysterious? AUAHUAHAU ;D

PUMPK1N: ahaha wow where did you see them?? And well the older strips are drawn in MS Paint, and then I added the shadow and stuff with photoshop. The newer ones are made entirely in photoshop.

untouched.hart: HELLS YES!! SCORE!!

eternal.happiness: of course you can be added! You're awesome!

xblush: SWEET!! emo is sexy ;D. Ahaha that's about as high quality as my webcam gets. I don't have a digital camera T__T. And that HK singer must've been pretty hot ;)

overly_obsessed: ahaha well, I have to keep them coming back ;D. Okay, just because you demanded it, I'm posting. SEE? I'm so nice to you, how can you call me evil?

c a t h e r s: c a t h e r s I choose you!!

-JAYee_o4: I am more happy because of your existence ;D

HANAo1: done and done. UGH!! I thought I told you to stop rejecting boys!

pinkmarker: well how did you respond to that line ;D?

shoopie: lame? more like freaking awesome!!!

Orgastic: nope, not at all ;D AHAHUAUAHUAHUHA

eunhyung: OH HELLS YES!! Well then, hello there ;D




- I was trying to recover from my Finals... I think I'm pregnant with my professor's baby T__T.


- You must be crazy. NO WAY JOSE!!


COMIC 1: Worst way to get rejected ever!!


^ My newest one. I hope this image shows up for you because it's in png format not JPEG like I usually have it.

COMIC 2: X-mas Woe


This is an old strip.

BONUS 2: Alternate wallpaper that I made for my friend.


It's for the girl. The boy is her boyfriend, who is also my friend :]


ANNOUNCEMENT: OKAY so I updated the PM list. Check to see if it's correct :D


1. mermaid

2. random azn

3. bORicha.

4. katamari

5. untouched.hart

6. jen

7. lo0say

8. -JAYee_o4

9. anniieeboo

10. juhjenn

11. viet13aby90

12. conscience

13. lov3.y0u

14. ichikawaii

15. alena_thao

16. xblush

17. hyukiemylove

18. Little Miss Snackwrap

19. dragonjade

20. lilmelon213

21. sueyun x3 minwoo

22. Mae!

23. lilchan

24. j1youngxj3

25. bbasya

26. ladee_bug

27. sachiko_x

28. indefinable

29. wOrtHwHiL

30. eunhyung

31. pinkmarker

32. HANAo1

33. c a t h e r s

34. eternal.happiness


36. phear.

37. Ll 7l

38. smiless

39. ( BEAUTIFUL; life )

40. itz_n_obsession

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