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Guest poopiness

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Guest XtremeNuisance

holy crap. I think my roommate thinks I'm an insane person because I started cracking up. From "child pornography" to your super coolness to you talking about how crying trees doesn't = leaking sap. For some reason I started laughing like a crazy person. XD Ha.... *Applause* I applaud you. XD

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Guest manlytoe

HAHAH!!! NICE!!! that RATE XXX one really got me and that FAT ONE reallt got to me.. it's sad because it's about me..lol.. jk jk jk.. i know you didn't mean it.. hahah!!! at least i think not.. mwuahahahahahahah!!!! i'll just pretend you didn't mean it...

i laughed like crazy heck!!!!! dude, you are talented, i wouldn't be surprise if you get contacted by artists about your awesome original cartoons, i mean they are nicely done and i bet you can probably make money off of it..

it kills me with awesome laughter!!!! and get this, I LOVE TO LAUGH!!! SO YOU ARE SO KICK A$$ ROCKIN MY WORLD!!!!

and i think number 195 spot IS FOR ME... LOL.. jk jk jk...

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whoa. thats some Rated XXX comic.

and your poem, I really like how you tied the seasons into it and the imagery. Its great.

your poem kinda makes me want to ask...is there a story beneath it? O_o?

I changed my sn a while ago. I'm wondering if you'll be willing to still pm me your updates. (sarang O_o -> old sn). thanks XD

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Guest korean_dillema

uhmmm NO, i dont picture lions all the time!!!

and you WOULD like it if i had a lion fetish..

or maybe a "i just want to make you smile fetish"?

... because... i do. hahaha jk~

seriously lions are cute when they're cartooooned :)

oh and that does it do tricks one is hilarious. i just showed

my rooomate. she laughed hard

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Guest katamari

katamari: well you have a reply now. check it out, here it is. I ROCK!! You SUCK!! I WIN!! :]


You know when you said "all these sigs are soompi-safe" or something? WELL, I DOUBT THE RATED XXX ONE IS. OOOOH. CHYUR GONNA GO TO JAIL, YOU W.HORE.

Well. Yes.




THAT COMIC IS REALLY MEAN LOL. Trying to make fun of us fat kids, huh? HUH?! YOU WANNA FIGHT, HUH?! HUH?!?!?!?! (weighs a whopping 95 lb. +_+) I'M GONNA BODYSLAM YOU TO THE GROUND, YOU W.HORE.

Side note: You suck, you NOT-MANLY person. =) (w.hore.)


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Guest x LDY GiGGLEx YO




hahaha, how gross so it juss hangs there all limp. >o<;

you're fat. =D

thanks for the pm! =)

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lol, i find your comics seriously hilarious and nice :) Perhaps it lacks dialogues at time, but that's my problem. I LOVE all of your comics with the "a = b" structure :D I find them hilarious!! Nice job and keep it up.

(Don't reply to this, I can see your comics are much appreciate and I'm pretty sure replying is tiring -.- )

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Ahahahaha. My parents probably think i'm a crack head sitting next to my laptop cracking up like a mad women but this TOTALLY made my night. Very creative comic strips.!

I realize some of them were semi-pick up line-ly and that's totally adorable.

This is probably my 3rd time checking out this thread. I keep forgetting to check for the updates. So i have to look through all the links just to check to see if i've read one or not. Frustrating how i keep clicking the same link like 5 bajillion times since i forget which one i was at. Oh wells, i like it so ishallreadthemalloveragain! <- Confusing much? ;P

P.S. You have the longest replies ever! Feel kinda sad for ya but that's what you get for making such awesome work. ;] Hope to see more soon and I shall try to check up on this thread almost daily so i dont end up clicking on one link 5 thousand million times. ;P <3

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nikaaa: ahhahaha you were looking at pr0n weren't you? ugh!! you so nasty!! :]

your internet is capped? where do you live?

excuse me, who are you to say that i was looking at porn? xD


*nikaaa slaps poopiness on the head*

and that fat comic! you deserve another slap.

Yes, my internet is being a richard simmons...it is slowing down even more,

maybe i should give it a break since its on nearly 24/7 =D

I live in melbourne, australia...how about you?


*nikaaa slaps poopiness on the head even harder*

i write poems too, but after reading yours i now know how much i suck!

ooo oooo ooooo put me on your pm list too!!!

make another section called "aliens" and put me under it! (:

LOLOL kidding, just add me in there! ^^

Advertise my thread for me homies! So we can cure cancer! Don't ask me how, just do it.

Pshhhhhhh! cure cancer? YOU CAN'T FOOL ME! i'm not going to help advertise until you tell me how your gonna cure cancer!

buy those pink ribbon things? xD


P.S. You have the longest replies ever! Feel kinda sad for ya but that's what you get for making such awesome work.

i do feel pity towards you...

BUT MY NEXT POST WILL BE EVEN LONGER!!! muhahahahahahah i am so evil

update more ^^

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That new comic...

My poor eyes ><

And water? LOL

Hellogoodbye and OneRepublic rocks >D

I'm posting your new poem in my blog...



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omg oppa! Your new comics are so funny^^

I'm serious I was feeling so depressed then I look at your comic update now especially the one that says "Does it do any tricks"


But damn durteh omg o___o HAHAHA

Post again Loooosar face! 8D

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Remember what I wrote in my 411 you scammed me into making? One thing you need to know about me is I'm very "Impatient" so that means i demand you to post like right now. >;[

& I was wondering if you could somehow make the sig 3 image with the little kids and the umbrella heart small? I want to put it in my sig but like it'll totally clash with my image sizes i have right now. but if it's too much trouble, it's fine. i'll just contemplate between making my whole picture part of my sig dedicated to your thread or screw your image, cupcakes are yummier. ;] besides you did scam me into making a 411 so i dont see why i should advertise for ya! jk. <3

&&&& post soon scammer.

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