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we bought a male sharpei puppy 8 months ago. for the first three months, he was okay, but then he accidentally ate rat poison and had to go to the vet to undergo a series of blood tests. ever since then, he's been really defensive towards anyone and any dog. lately though, he's been better with people. the only problem left is his aggression towards other dogs. whenever he sees other dogs, he barks nonstop and tries to run to them, seeming like he was going to attack them. so, i was wondering if you can give some advices on how to make our puppy have better reaction to other dogs, because we're planning to buy another female shar pei puppy, and we're not sure if he'll like it or not... XD

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Guest AngelsKiss

when me and my boyfriend bought our turtle, we were told that we should put a cave or something dark inside his tank, which we did but it was hard to clean and he NEVER came out. so we took it out. but now our little squirtle is, always inside his shell and wont do anything. Hes scared of us and runs away when i look at him. should we put the cave back in the tank?

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Guest rice_rice

uh dude... why would you hit your dog? they won't respect you buddy they just listen to you outta fear of getting spanked agains.

it's not like i'm all out smashing my dog or anything like that.

dogs dont understand human language so sometimes it is necessary to show them that what they are doing is wrong so you will need to hit them lightly but hard enough that they do not enjoy it and hence they will associate discomfort with the action they are doing.

i dont disrespect my parents when my parents hit me when i was little. so i really don't see any harm in doing so.

some people say all you need to do is ignore your dog and leave them out of your house. BUT what if they are an outdoor dog? they're already outside, theres only so much you can do to ignore them.

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Guest s a t a n g *

is it true that if you feed your dog human food

it will live shorter

like apples and stuff are ok

but cooked recipe food with salt pepper etc

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Guest rice_rice

is it true that if you feed your dog human food

it will live shorter

like apples and stuff are ok

but cooked recipe food with salt pepper etc

not necessarily. some dogs are more able to digest cooked human foods, some arent.

my mum has a mixed breed small little dog that only gets fed cooked asian food (which is pretty unhealthy) and is still alive now, i think she is around 13 human years old now.

on the other hand, i have an alaskan malamute, and i only feed him dog food and veggies and raw bones because i read online that malamutes have a very 'prehistoric' digestive system that doesn't do well with processed foods.

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it's not like i'm all out smashing my dog or anything like that.

dogs dont understand human language so sometimes it is necessary to show them that what they are doing is wrong so you will need to hit them lightly but hard enough that they do not enjoy it and hence they will associate discomfort with the action they are doing.

i dont disrespect my parents when my parents hit me when i was little. so i really don't see any harm in doing so.

some people say all you need to do is ignore your dog and leave them out of your house. BUT what if they are an outdoor dog? they're already outside, theres only so much you can do to ignore them.

i'd still rather just crate train 'em or make 'em stare at the wall.

let 'em think 'bout it instead

but ya whatever floats your boat : )

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is it true that if you feed your dog human food

it will live shorter

like apples and stuff are ok

but cooked recipe food with salt pepper etc

a few months ago, we lost our last dog at 11-1/2. She would have been 12 in July. She was an Irish Wolfhound, and their avg lifespan is about 6 or 7 years (my own dog was her nephew, and he was almost 8 when I lost him). She ate good kibble--but everything else was human food, cooked by me. No salt or extra spices. Genes play a big part too--but also sometimes--people just get lucky. We knew one lady with the same type of dog who fed him huge amounts of stuff you should--cake, cheese, butter-----he was really overweight too--and yet lived until 12.

I don't think feeding 'human' food will shorten an animal's life--but there are certain things they shouldn't eat, or never allowed (like dark chocolate or onions)-- chicken bones, or pork fat--stuff like that. Some foods are poisonous to them, also--there should be a list on the first page of this thread, I think.

i finally got my puppy kong and he doesnt like it =/

we stuffed it with his food, pupperoni and some dried liver but he seems to loose interest in it within 10 mins or so.

I'm sure he has some other stuff to play with though. lol They're a lot like little kids--they don't stay focused on one thing too long, but he'll go back to it. There's so much to look at and explore, they don't want to spend tons of time in one place only. ^^; Maybe he'll use it more (or something similar) when he's teething.

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Hi. I really need help >.<. One of my guppy fish's stomach and neck area suddenly blew up and became huge....sort of reminded me of a balloon >.<. Three days ago,i saw it but it wasn't as huge as yesterday. The tummy and neck area grew so big until you can see the scale sort of like pop out a little and not stuck completely on it's skin because of the sudden change in size. At first i thought maybe it has egg inside but then i thought when it first got pregnant,it was half it's size compared to now so that can't be. If it has egg inside,only the stomach will look bloated up but now,even the neck area as well... Does anyone know why? I'm really worried... >.<

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Guest purexox

im not sure about the scale part....but something similar happened to my guppy a long time ago too =P

from the neck area to the stomach was bloated and my fish couldnt swim right. the head kept floating to the top, kinda like a balloon.

but...the reason...was probably because i was playing with it with a...tweezer....>____>

i was in the 5th grade X___X

i feel horrible now that i tthink about it.

maybe your fish got hurt?

you should go to a vet or wherever fish owners take their fish to O_O


i jsut noticed your the one that replied to my ghost topic xD

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Guest purexox

i dont remember

i think it died. ]:

but i did some research, and i found that if your fish looks bloated and the scales are sticking out, its called droipsy? and its due to liver or kidney damage or both.

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Thank you. It helped alot. At least now i know what's wrong with it and how to cure it >.<. I think my fish condition is pretty critical already so i don't think i'll be able to do much >.< .I hope it doesn't suffer >.< . This happens a lot to my uncle's goldfish so at least now i can tell him how to prevent and cure it >.< .Thank you thank you SOO much!!

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Guest aznscrewball

It might either be dropsy if it looks like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_Dropsy

Or it might be swim bladder, which is considerably less fatal. I'm not exactly sure what your fish has without a picture, but maybe it might be that?


The symptoms are sort of the same, like your fish not being able to swim properly.

Just put your fish on a fast and see if they get better. It might be the only way to see whats wrong with it.

Hope it works out :)

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How i wish it was the swim bladder >.<. I'm pretty sure now it's dropsy since it's scales pops out and i can see that some of the scales are peeling off from it's body..

And i have a bad news....my dad just told me it died this morning. *sobs* I really hope it didn't suffer much >.<

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Guest mannequin_2.4

I used to have an aquarium as a child filled with different kinds of fish, including this one fat goldfish we called "Dopey". Dopey ate most of the food that we left for the other fish and would never share. Basically all the other fish died except Dopey And I still think that chubsy ate them all. Well after we moved house Dopey was adopted by one of my dads friends, which was convinient because I think our current pet would have gobbled him up.

I have the weirdest cat in the world that acts like anything but a cat (like humans, dogs, flying squirrels etc...well at least she licks herself, probably the only 'cat' characteristic she has).

Some foods that are toxic for pets include chocolate, onions, grapes, garlic, pear & apple pips, raisins, macadamia nuts, avocado.

My cat eats everything really and shes never had any problems..

Especially enjoys eating baguettes and having chocolate on the side

An acquaintance of mine was conned by a guy, he said that this certain goldfish didn't need to be fed and that it lived on water (Which it oh so conveniantly lives in), well she bought two and they died after 2 days, is it mean to laugh at a victim of conning?

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Does anyone have a dog that doesn't bark? my dog loves people, and gets super excited and jumps and wags her (non existant) tail when the doorbell rings. But she doesn't ever bark. Once in a while when she passes by a large dog, she'll do that grumbling bark/growl thing that isnt really a growl but not a bark either? But then she goes and investigates them so I don't think she does it because shes like, "back off" or anything. I'm not reallyyyyy complaining because I do like having a dog that doesn't bark, but does anyone know why? And shes not trained at all so we didn't do anything to make her afraid of barking etc. No one seems to know and I'm kind of interested!!

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I have the weirdest cat in the world that acts like anything but a cat (like humans, dogs, flying squirrels etc...well at least she licks herself, probably the only 'cat' characteristic she has).

My cat eats everything really and shes never had any problems..

Especially enjoys eating baguettes and having chocolate on the side

What the... chocolate is bad for animals. It's toxic. Please stop feeding your cat chocolate. You may think she doesn't have any problems now, but you can't guarantee that in the long-term. What is good for humans may not be good for animals. If you care at all for your cat, you should stop feeding her things she shouldn't even be eating. And you should take her to the vet to get a check-up. Don't be an irresponsible owner and think it's okay to feed her just anything.


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Guest carrotcake

My dog ran away about six hours ago and my family & I have been trying to find him ever since. I posted on a lot of online lost pet sites and was wondering if any had any tips or any other sites when trying to find a lost pet?

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