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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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@ovcedhooy here the vid he talking mostly in English...I'm melting...he's soooo good... :bawling:






Full Interview



‘Master’ marks birth of a new bromance: Kang Dong Won & Kim Woo Bin

The Korean actors tell us how they helped look out for each other when they were filming in Manila


Master co-stars Kim Woo Bin and Kang Dong Won play adversaries-turned-allies in the movie

Photos: Joanna Goh, Dion Tang, Golden Village Pictures
Video: Tay Yixuan


Kim Woo Bin’s favourite scene in the movie Master perfectly encapsulates his relationship and personal experience working with co-star Kang Dong Won: in the movie, their characters—one plays a police inspector (Dong Won), and the other a hacker (Woo Bin)—crossed paths and became friends after working together to apprehend the ultimate villain (played by Lee Byung Hun), just like how they met and “got close over a short span of time” while working on Master in real life.

The two hit it off and the rest, as they say, is history.

Hint of their budding friendship (and blossoming bromance) could be seen from their time spent on set together, when the two actors shared how they would look out for each other when filming in Manila, Philippines, where a good portion of the movie is based.

Speaking in fluent English during the movie’s media conference in Singapore yesterday, Dong Won, 35, shared that his younger co-star had hordes of fans following him wherever they went during their overseas shoot. Surprised by the large turnout, he approached them to get an answer about Woo Bin’s burgeoning popularity (“they told me they watched his TV show,” he shared) and briefly doubled up as the strapping actor’s “minder”.

“Because they were hiding themselves while trying to take a picture of him and I was right next to them when they were taking pictures, so I said: ’Hey, don't do that. That’s not good,” he chuckled.

Unbeknownst to Dong Won, Woo Bin, 27, had a hand in helping him fend off unsolicited photo-taking from fans too.

“There were a lot of local fans of Kang Dong Won as well as tourists from all over the world trying to secretly take a photo of him,” Woo Bin quipped, casually negating his candid co-star’s earlier statement about not having a lot of fans in the country.

“So even if Kang Dong Won doesn’t know it, I was actually stopping them and secretly helping him too (chuckles).”

All together now: Aww!


Hurting Dong Won is akin to “scratching the national treasure,” said Director Cho Ui-Seok

An entertaining heist thriller that closely follows the investigative efforts to bust a massive pyramid scheme operated by a large corporation, Master also features a good amount of action and gunfire scenes and ends with a massive showdown between Byung Hun, Dong Won and Woo Bin’s characters.

Although he did not have as much action scenes in the movie, Dong Won practised boxing because he wanted to make the scenes “tougher” and “more special”. He also refrained from using a stunt double and took on most action scenes by himself unless it was “very dangerous,” he shared.

Still, he walked away sustaining cuts and an injury from a car accident scene gone wrong due to the strong gun powder used on set. “The glasses (sic) hit my face. I’m not a person who would see something and be surprised, but I saw my face bleeding and went: ‘Wow. This is terrible’,” he laughed while gesturing with his hands the length of the glass shard that was stuck in his neck (it measures an estimated 15 cm).

A “really calm” Dong Won then proceeded to remove the long piece of glass by himself because nobody dared to touch him after they saw the bloodied state he was in.

“Whenever reporters ask him of this question of accident, I’d feel really depressed because I feel so sorry,” director Cho chimed ruefully, “But he has a good attitude so he’d just smile it off and laugh like this.”

“He met my mum twice!” Dong Wong quickly interjected, laughing, “And he apologised both times saying ‘I hurt your son.’”

Well, in director Cho’s defense, it was no small matter, and to put it in his words: “I felt like I’ve scratched the national treasure."



Kim Woo Bin and Kang Dong Won

What did Woo Bin and Dong Won do when they wanted to escape from the large crowd of fans staking out at their hotel? Why, they sought out a different hotel of course! Director Cho jokingly lamented about being left in the lurch after his actors packed up and left without him. 


Kim Woo Bin and Kang Dong Won

While co-star Dong Won prefers doing his action scenes by himself, when Woo Bin was asked about his huge fight scene with Lee Byung Hun's character, which saw him getting pummeled by the latter, he said, "Lee Byung Hun is a very experienced action movie star and he made sure I didn’t get any injuries. To be honest, I’ve also filmed action projects before and it’s easier to get beaten up rather than healing, so I don’t feel sorry -- and I feel comfortable getting beaten up." Ouch!


How did Kang Dong Won prepare for his role?

"From the beginning I was able to relate to this character, a lot of people have asked me and, yes, he is quite a tough character to play because he doesn’t have any history. But I believed in this character and tried to be him from the beginning," he shared.

The actors and director at the Master meet and greet session in the evening


A lucky fan scores a big bear hug from Kang Dong Won


The Master actors and director at the meet and greet session





more pics in SG

so chic :blush:








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Master short clip between KDW & KWB


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Kim Woo Bin & Kang Dong Won at Hong Kong Broadway Circuit Cinema to promote movie Master on Jan 13

























at HK airport










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he's greeting in English and Cantonese.... :)

this is tooo close, so envy....:bawling:


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January 14, 2017

Kim and Gang Master the crowd
Supporters turn up at Plaza Singapura for South Korean stars' fan meet to promote new movie

Rachel Chan The New Paper

Kim and Gang Master the crowd

(From left) Masters actors Kim Woo Bin and Gang Dong Won with director Choi Ui Seok at the fan meet on Thursday evening. PHOTO: GOLDEN VILLAGE

They were waiting to see their idols, and they were not shy about showing it.

Over 1,500 fans turned Plaza Singapura's Front Plaza into an arena of screams on Thursday evening as they vied to catch a glimpse of South Korean heartthrobs Gang Dong Won, 35, and Kim Woo Bin, 27, who were there for a fan meet.

First in the queue were students Brenda Pon and Serena Woo, both 19.

Miss Pon told The New Paper: "We have been here since 5.50am. It is worth it as long as we get to see Kim Woo Bin."

Also in early was a fan who wanted to be known only as Miss Aliana. The 29-year-old had travelled alone from Penang just to see the actors.

"I arrived in Singapore at 7am and immediately came to queue. This is a rare chance to see my idols," she said.

Earlier in the day, the actors were at Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa for a press conference to promote their latest movie, Master. They were accompanied by director Choi Ui Seok.

The movie stars Lee Byung Hun as president Jin, who operates a corporation and the massive pyramid scheme behind it.

An investigator, played by Gang, leads his team to uncover Jin's exploits and goes after the scheme's mastermind, played by Kim.

For Gang, it was his first time playing a detective.


He told TNP: "I did not know playing this role would be this hard. It was a different challenge, but I enjoyed it at the same time, doing my homework and making my character more interesting."

Choi said: "Kim and Gang were doing a much better job than I had expected, as they put in their own characteristics into the movie. They did a good job."

Some games were played during the fan meet, and Miss Woo was one of the chosen few to join in the fun onstage.

For solving a maze puzzle, she scored a movie poster and got to shake Gang's hand.

"I did not say anything to them as I was too awestruck. I am not going to wash my hand for two days," she said with a laugh.

Another fan, South Korean student Kim Su Min, 19, mentioned the difficulty of meeting celebrities in her country.

"Back in South Korea, tickets get sold out very fast. So, it is really a rare opportunity for South Koreans to meet our idols."

Also sitting among the throng of screaming girls was student Brendan Wong, 16, who was there to see Kim.

He said: "I became a huge fan ever since I watched his drama, The Heirs. He is my No. 1 idol, as he is tall and good-looking. I want to be like him.

"Some people, including my friends, might think that being a male fan is weird, but I think that is just ridiculous."

The fan meet ended with a cake-cutting session and the fans singing happy birthday in Korean to Gang, who turns 36 on Wednesday. 

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one of the best i've seen aside from korean american artists....he is so good! how/when did he learn all this...damn...so much respect..

i know he is really smart but witnessing this is just amazing :)

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배역 위해 10kg 살찌운 강동원의 전후 비교 사진 6장

장영훈 기자2017.01.15 15:20

인사이트영화 '가려진 시간', '마스터'


[인사이트] 장영훈 기자 = 작품에 따라 몸무게가 고무줄처럼 늘었다가 줄어드는 배우 강동원의 살찌기 전후 비교 사진이 팬들의 눈길을 끌고 있다.


지난 14일 한 온라인 커뮤니티에는 배역을 위해 체중을 늘렸다고 밝힌 영화 '마스터' 강동원의 과거 인터뷰 발언이 올라왔다.


당시 강동원은 "영화 '마스터' 형사 역할을 연기하기 위해 체중을 늘렸다"며 "영화 '가려진 시간' 때에는 64~65kg 정도였다"고 말문을 열었다.


그러면서 "10kg 늘려서 지금은 75kg 정도다. 듬직하고 강인해보이고 싶었다"며 "하지만 촬영을 하다 식중독이 와서 살이 빠진 게 속상했다"고 속내를 털어놨다.


오로지 배역을 위해 살을 찌고 빼기를 반복한다는 강동원. 그가 역대 작품 속에서 보여줬던 인물들의 몸무게를 한 자리에 정리해봤다.


1. 영화 '군도:민란의 시대' (2014) - 64kg


인사이트영화 '군도:민란의 시대'


2014년에 개봉한 영화 '군도:민란의 시대'에서 강동원은 백성의 적 조윤 역을 맡아 날렵한 칼솜씨를 선보였다.


당시 강동원은 날선 악인 캐릭터를 그리기 위해 몸무게를 64kg까지나 줄이는 등 연기에 대한 남다른 열정을 드러냈다.


2. 영화 '두근두근 내 인생' (2014) - 74kg


인사이트영화 '두근두근 내 인생'


영화 '두근두근 내 인생'에서 강동원은 생계를 꾸리기 위해 애쓰는 평범한 아버지 캐릭터를 연기하기 위해 10kg이나 몸무게를 찌웠다.


원래 목표했던 몸무게는 76kg였지만 이재용 감독과 주변 스태프의 만류 때문에 74kg에서 살찌우기를 그만둬야 했다고 전해진다.


3. 영화 '검은 사제들' (2015) - 71kg


인사이트영하 '검은 사제들'


최부제 역을 완성하기 위해 강동원은 앞머리를 내려 순박한 이미지를 연출했을 뿐만 아니라 몸무게를 71kg으로 줄이는 노력을 했다.


덕분에 훈훈한 비주얼을 자랑하는 올블랙 '사제 패션'을 자랑하며 많은 여성 팬들의 마음을 흔들어 놓았다.


4. 영화 '검사외전' (2016) - 68kg


인사이트영화 '검사외전'


영화 '검사외전' 당시 사기꾼 역을 위해 68kg을 유지했던 강동원은 스스로 가장 기력이 없는 몸무게라고 밝혔다.


데뷔 이후 줄곧 68kg을 유지해왔던 강동원은 그 이상을 넘어가면 얼굴이 부어 보여 체중을 철저하게 관리하는 편으로 알려졌다.


5. 영화 '가려진 시간 (2016) - 65kg


인사이트영화 '가려진 시간'


강동원 인생 역대 최저 몸무게를 찍은 영화는 바로 '가려진 시간'이다. 극중에서 강동원은 시공간이 멈춘 세계에 갇혀 홀로 어른이 되어 돌아온 성민 역을 맡았다.


당시 강동원은 오로지 주인공 소년의 이미지를 연기하기 위해 다이어트를 해 최저 몸무게인 65kg을 찍을 수 있었다.


6. 영화 '마스터' (2016) - 75kg


인사이트영화 '마스터'


마지막으로 강동원 인생 최대 몸무게를 찍은 영화는 바로 '마스터'다. 듬직해 보이기 위해 '가려진 시간'보다 10kg 증가한 75kg까지 몸무게를 늘렸다.


이전과 달리 얼굴에 살짝 살이 오른 모습이지만 강동원이라서 살이 빠지든, 살이 찌든 멋있다는 평가가 줄을 잇고 있다.


장영훈 기자 hoon@insight.co.kr

Article about KDW weight on films
I used to like Jo Yoon the most but Jae Myung is super legit especially with his suit :wub:
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