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Jang Woo Hyuk's fans raging at DBSG's fans

Guest inisblue

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Guest my sweet love*

I'm a DBSK fan and a JWH fan so I'm torn.

It was wrong of DBSK's fans to do this. And no body should be bashing DBSK because it's NOT their fault. They didnt ask their fans to do this.

However, JWH fans should have hustled and gotten some tickets before the DBSK fans had a chance too. I mean, if they're really dedicated fans, they shouldve been more faster to get them than the DBSK fans. I'm not blaming anybody. But I do think that the DBSK fans went a bit out of hand. My sympathies to the JWH fans.

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Guest pinklegirl007

most of the Cassiopeia members are saying sorry but why would they do it in the first place though if their gunna be sorry fo rit later on... and make the WHOLE group, the fans, and the singers, look bad?!? im not just bashing on Cassiopeia fans.... but i wish we could all jsut get along..

I am both a JWH fan and a DBSK fan, but I totally sympathize JWH and his fans, because I know how to read korean and I've read and seen what's going on in the net, and what JWH's and DBSK's fans are saying to each other.....

I think that if Cassiopoeia gave sincere apologies to JWH fans,

than they would have been forgiven.....

but most of them were like, "We're sorry okay, so don't hurt our oppas", or "we're sorry, so don't you dare think about practice buying DBSK tickets".....

Is that really an apology?? :angry:

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Guest shikamaru

However, JWH fans should have hustled and gotten some tickets before the DBSK fans had a chance too. I mean, if they're really dedicated fans, they shouldve been more faster to get them than the DBSK fans. I'm not blaming anybody. But I do think that the DBSK fans went a bit out of hand. My sympathies to the JWH fans.

you have to remember that since more JWH fans are older than DBSG fans, many of us are busier with something called college/jobs/supporting ourselves and not have our parents do that for us. just cuz JWH fans don't wait on the internet right before the sales start doesn't make any of us "lesser" fans.

i just wanted to get that out there. you always see ppl say how we're older than DBSG fans, so i don't see why not to use this reason here.

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you have to remember that since more JWH fans are older than DBSG fans, many of us are busier with something called college/jobs/supporting ourselves and not have our parents do that for us. just cuz JWH fans don't wait on the internet right before the sales start doesn't make any of us "lesser" fans.

i just wanted to get that out there. you always see ppl say how we're older than DBSG fans, so i don't see why not to use this reason here.

ahhhh true, handling college, jobs, and studying does not give you a lot of time, just wait. Im pretty sure a lot of woohyuk fans are in college and older, but of course he has a lot of younger fans too. But not all of his fans will wait all day to try get the tickets.

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Guest my sweet love*

yeha i havent thought of that. I'm sorry.

But i WASNT saying that you guys were any lesser fans than dbsk fans. I think i said it cus i was torn between the two? haha

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you have to remember that since more JWH fans are older than DBSG fans, many of us are busier with something called college/jobs/supporting ourselves and not have our parents do that for us. just cuz JWH fans don't wait on the internet right before the sales start doesn't make any of us "lesser" fans.

i just wanted to get that out there. you always see ppl say how we're older than DBSG fans, so i don't see why not to use this reason here.

totally agree, some people think that everyone have mommy and daddy there to help them.

but well someday dbsk fans will grow up and understand how it feels to work your richard simmons everyday (with college/university/jobs) to survive.

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Guest melonbar92

I am both a JWH fan and a DBSK fan, but I totally sympathize JWH and his fans, because I know how to read korean and I've read and seen what's going on in the net, and what JWH's and DBSK's fans are saying to each other.....

I think that if Cassiopoeia gave sincere apologies to JWH fans,

than they would have been forgiven.....

but most of them were like, "We're sorry okay, so don't hurt our oppas", or "we're sorry, so don't you dare think about practice buying DBSK tickets".....

Is that really an apology?? :angry:

wow... thats not really much of an apology

they shouldve just stopped at im sorry o-o

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Guest asianromance

Gosh i feel so bad for jang woo hyuk, though i'm not a fan. Also feel bad for DBSG. I can't believe DBSG fans call themselves fans while making so much trouble for DBSG. this is probably giving DBSG some bad publicity. Though these fans actions shouldn't be the responsibility of DBSG, i'm pretty sure DBSK FEELS bad about it. hopefully dbsg will give some sort of speech to tell their fans to be more respectful citizens. hopefully there will be a better, more secure pre-ticketing system.

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Guest - - Yehri

Woah. They have gone Too Far

"practicing"? Dont think so -__-

Is that even an excuse?

My goodness.

These fan crazy incident things are going WAY too far and they seriously need to stop

Poor Woohyuk fans T-T

Poor Woohyuk

i love dbsg and all but their fans.. they need to go in a mental hospital or something

they are crazy

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Guest my_littlefish

oh that so bad for jang woo hyuk i'm really sorry ...why DBSG fans do that with him? ohhhhh you must pay the ticket coz you reserve it if you don't want to go there or don't want to pay why you reserve the ticket who want ot go.. can't but it ..it's not fair i feel poor woohyuk

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Guest lilsimplicity-d0rk

wow, some people don't have lives... what the heckerezz man, i mean not everyone likes everyone its their own opinions... just grow up people!! & why the heck do you make up Anti-_____ whateverz... unless you know for a FACT and have SOLID proof that they did something totlly messed up or some shii...

seriously think some ANti peoplez don't have an lives!!

i love both woo hyuk and DBSK!!!

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Guest kangtagreen27

you have to remember that since more JWH fans are older than DBSG fans, many of us are busier with something called college/jobs/supporting ourselves and not have our parents do that for us. just cuz JWH fans don't wait on the internet right before the sales start doesn't make any of us "lesser" fans.


finally!!! someone says somethin' about that. i was about to post that....actually...i think i already did at another forum, but yes! thanks frank for pointing that out here!

while some ppl are blaming H.O.T fans for this, thinking H.O.T fans have all the time in the world to pull off a scandal like this. to go use their woohyuk's concert, just so they can hurt cassiopia. why go thru so much trouble when they have no time and better things to do? especially when they, themselves, couldn't even get to the tickets right away.

but man, some ppl can stoop so low.

some were also accusing H.O.T fans to being DBSG antis, altho...i wouldn't understand why the H.O.T fans would be antis when HeeJun went thru hardships thruout his solo career b'cuz of antis. H.O.T fans should know best what antis can do. i wouldn't know why they would be doing the same thing to another group/person.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest xkiseki

this is utterly ridiculous. i feel horrible for woohyuk, i am a huge fan of his, and for him to suffer so much financial loss due to some incredibly stupid fans must be devastating for everyone. i feel as the only way to remedy this is to track down all the users from that forum and make them each resposnsible by making them pay for the tickets at the very least. In korea in order ot sign up for a forum, they have to put down a lot of personal info, so i'm sure it should be easy to track down these idiots.

i do not place any blame on DBSk at all btw, i feel bad for them, not just for woo hyuk.

grrrr.... they richard simmons me off

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