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(drama 2007) Liar Game/ライアーゲーム

Guest Redrac

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Guest babycurious

I watched the first 2 eps

here's a question, Ok some questions :

1. didn't the cop recomend Akiyama to the girl? and if the cop is LGT, does it means that akiyama also LGT?

or is it just an LGT way to make the game more interesting? regarding the girl is ridiculously and stupidly honest?

2. are all the 22 the only contestant in the game? so by the end of round 2, the game would be finished?

I remeber watching Rat Race (Whoopie Goldberg movie), so I wonder if LGT is consisted of reach people who wanna bet on who's the winner , other wise I can't see the motive for such a game....

so maybe I asked too much for the first 2 eps, maybe I should just sit and wait till the end of the series too have all the answer

overall, I find the 'tricking part predictable = a bit dissapointing

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Guest cpopbaby19

^lol. of course, there has to be a third game! :D it would be boring now if it would stop at round 2 and focus on akiyama and nao. :mellow:

omg. i can't wait for the subs! :w00t:


okay i just saw the post of the subber in DA, and they might release the BETA subs by tuesday. :w00t:

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Guest hunni3;;

i just started watching this drama! ahh it';s goood n im hooked to it evven onli one episode

what episode is it airring in japan rite now? ?

does anyone know where i can download episode 2 with english subs?


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Guest sweet_treats1812

^it's up to episode 3 as of yesterday :)

u can download episode 2 over at d-addicts thru bittorrent..it's been english hardsubbed already...

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Guest sweet_treats1812

oh my gosh, the ending to episode 3 was sooooooo thrilling!!! gaaa!!! i'm getting antsy!!! *chews fingernails*

saturday come quick!!!

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Guest crazyMuka

^ I know... I watched the 1st episode and thought it was sorta weak so I pushed off watching 2 and 3 until today. It did get more exciting!! I hope there will be more and more twists to this drama :D. Can't wait for Sat.

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Guest cpopbaby19

OMYGAH! T_T; so LGT ends after game two? ;_; =___=''

i have a feeling that

no. 15 isn't x. it was mr. tsukayama or something like that. the guy with glasses.

;) hehee.

i capped the episode and hahaha~ i made 129 caps! XD im uploading it now. lols.

ahh, i wish i can watch this raw~ .__.; if only i know japanese~ *sobs* T__T;

here's the link for the caps i made! :D check it out, if you want to see~ xP

i really can't wait to see the next episode~~

Akiyama without a shirt in the next episode!!!!!



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Usually, I wasn't really bothered about writing anything for any drama. Well, it seems that the only reason is you have to watch them to find out, isnt it?

Today, would be an exception.

Well, from here onwards, I will be writing about my thoughts about the episodes of Liar Game.


In episode One, we were introduced to the heroine of the drama. Well, her name is Nao. Her character was played by Toda Erika. Toda Erika had appeared in Hana Yori Dango 2, Death Note the movie, and Nobuta wo Produce. Hence, she is, I could say an experienced actress. The character she played is Nao Kanzaki, a naive and gullible girl. Well, more accurately described she is someone who will return 100 yen (which I think is a very very small amount) to the policeman. Someone that gullible and that naive shouldn't be involved in anything that involved lying and manipulating.

The otherwise happened.

One day, she saw a black box in front of her door. Throwing cautious into the air, she opened the box only to discover that the box contained about 100 million yen. (that, my dear, would be a huge amount) Later on, she found out she was invited to participate in a devious game, the Liar Game.

The Liar Game was very interesting, in my point of view.

Firstly, we were introduced that the first round of the game could be won by cheating 100 milion yen from the other opponent. The rules are very simple. First of all, you received 100 milion yen. Then, by opening the black box, confirmed your participation in the Liar Game. Well, our dear naive and gullible Nao opened the box.

She had to stay in the game.

Worse still, she had to cheat from her opponent to win the game.

or the worst that could happen was she was cheated.

There is another pivotal rule i had forgotten to mention.

you just have to pay back the 100 million yen they lent u.

Later on, she found out that her opponent is her former teacher. Guillible as Nao is, she ran to her teacher and asked for help. Her teacher persuaded her that he will safe keep her money until the deadline arrive, which is one month later. Naive as our Nao, she handed the money over without any question and returned happily home. At home, the Liar Game secretary send her a letter informing her that she had just lost her 100 million.

Shaken, she returned to her teacher house, just to overhear that her teacher is actually cheating her her 100 million. Desperate, she seeked help from the local policeman. The policeman, took pity on her and suggested her to seek help from the professional regarding this.

This, my readers, was where our hero came into the picture.

Matsuda Shota, playing Akiyama Shinichi, our hero in this drama had handle a role in Hana Yuri Dango. Well, a dashing guy, I might add. Anyway, Akiyama Shinichi is a professional swindler and he was prisoned once. He is someone with some past, I guess. At first, he decided to not help Nao but changed his mind once he saw how gullible Nao is. If you ask me, I have no idea why he would help her. I would be ... like indifferent. Well, if he didnt help her, we wont have our drama. so, i will shut up now.

He confirmed the autencity of the existence of Liar Game.

In a very short time, he came up with a plan to get back the 100 million cheated. In addition to that, he will also get the teacher's share of 100 million.

of course, with the condition that he takes half of the win.

Akiyama, then proceed with his plan. he asked Nao to watch over her teacher all the time, to put pressure in him. observing his opponent behaviour, he speculated that the whole 200 million yen is in the house itself.

The whole month was spent on, watching the teacher.

The teacher soon got paranoid and started to wear himself out from the mental pressure he was placed onto.

Nao, like her teacher started to panic as time appeared to be on her teacher side.

Finally, Akiyama told Nao his speculation. together, they decided to plan to find out the exact location of the money. They put up a hoax fire and tried to force the teacher to show the exact location of the money. When the teacher didnt leave the living room, Akiyama found out that the money is in the living room. They showed their true colour in front of the teacher, telling their speculation that made the teacher to be careless.

Unfortunately, the teacher suddenly laughed and showed a large safebox.

The teacher confidently replied, they will never get the money.

In return, Akiyama just chuckled and reassure that the safebox is never a problem to him.

Nao only managed to look at Akiyama uncertainly.

The teacher just stopped laughing.

and we have the end of episode one here.

my thought?

it is slighty expected. i meant the episode. but i think it had a good start. it would be something to look forward too.

and my credits, to the staff that made the music and environment. it is a bit thrilling.

ps; a penny for your thought?

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Guest OnionII

this is the ratings at kanto from drama wiki..

epi1 12.3

epi2 12.8

epi3 08.7

omg... it dropped alot! >.< but its getting interesting to me... pls go up dear ratings~

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^ Well..not only Liar Game but same goes to other dramas as well... like Bambino!, Proposal Daisakusen, Jodan ja nai, etc. the ratings went down a lot..

Is it because.... it was golden week or whatever in Japan? idk :sweatingbullets:

But yes, episode 3 was really interesting.

I was a bit surprised how easily akiyama can trust the guys though. I know they had a contract and everything, but i thought he would think of something smart to do to really make sure no one was a traitor. oh well.. the drama is really getting interesting.

Isn't episode 4 coming out today?

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Guest cpopbaby19


yeah. =_='' cause i really sense the nerdy guy is X.

and nope. it comes out at saturday (tomorrow) 11pm japan time. ^^

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Guest sweet_treats1812

oh crap, what happened to the ratings? major drop there...and during the most interesting episode yet!!!

hopefully it'll go up this time...

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Guest cpopbaby19

oh crap, what happened to the ratings? major drop there...and during the most interesting episode yet!!!

hopefully it'll go up this time...

accdng to the ratings thread, it's because of golden week in japan. :mellow:

anyway, don't fret! xP it's just ratings! hahaa!

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Guest sweet_treats1812

^well, if that's the case, then my worries are null :lol:

thanks for the info! it's saturday in japan already~ woohoo!

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Guest ANJEE<3

omg.. i just watched like the first 10 mins and a doll like the one from saw popped up.. ahh.. scared me.. lol

ahhh no wonder she looks so familiar.... SHE WAS FROM HYD2!!! lol..

heyyy is it a episode a week?

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