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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest Bluehachimitsu


-modesty/ (la) pudeur

-women/ (les) femmes

-black/ (le) noir

-beauty/ (la) beauté


modestie et pudeur sont quand même bien proches dans un certain sens =)

@NPB-XK je n'avais même pas vu l'erreur pour le pluriel de femme...je suis incorrigible :s

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Je crois que pudeur serait un synonyme dans un sens mais pour être beaucoup plus précis, je suis d'accord que "modestie" irait beaucoup mieux pour "modesty"...

So I'd say "modestie" for "modesty" as well...

I don't even use the word "pudeur" much myself... To me personally, I don't know why but that word always just makes me have weird thoughts from its sound... It's like as if it was a fusion of "odeur" and "pue"... :P Odeur qui pue... which means an odor that stinks... But that's just me. :lol: True definition of "Pudeur" would come close to "Modestie" but "Modestie" would fit more perfectly for the word modesty.

Also because it can be "modeste" for "modest" as well...

Cette femme là est modeste...

That woman is modest...

Woman = (La) femme

Women = (Les) femmes

as women is plural...

@Bluehachimitsu - Une faute d'inattention, c'est tout... :D Je sais que tu le savais aussi.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest picobot

Il me semble que ce thread est mort lol. (Sauf le spam.)

Ouais je parle le franglais parce que je sais pas les mots d'Internet en français. D:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest _YooMi

wow, i had to dig out this thread haha.

So, im going to have a big test on imparfait and passe compose

can anyone explain to me in detail on when to use which?

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wow, i had to dig out this thread haha.

So, im going to have a big test on imparfait and passe compose

can anyone explain to me in detail on when to use which?

Imparfait is used or past actions that either occurred a long long time ago, or it used to be a habit.

eg. I used to do my homework - Je faisait mes devoirs.

Passe Compose is used for an action that has been done and completed. eg I've done my homework - J'ai fait mes devoirs.

To make it easier to distinguish between the two, say it english, are you trying to say - you used to do it, or you did it already. See if the sentence still makes sense if you put the word 'used to' in front of them. If so, use the imparfait.

Ah my french is pretty rusty now, so excuse my mistakes. (if I've made any)

So if the pro person in this thread, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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^ Minus the absence of accent (on passé composé) because of your non-French keyboard, there was just one mistake I've spotted... Je faisais mes devoirs.

It can NEVER end with T when it's from the first-person singular "JE"... :P

But the whole tips about passé composé vs imparfait are great... I personally even find it hard to teach... I think that's the most accurate way of making the difference...

Just that there are some few exceptions depending on the context of the sentence (very rare fortunately).

(from the auxiliary verbs Avoir -to have- or Être -to be-)

Il allait à cette école.

You can fit in "He used to go to that school".

Il est parti à l'école.

He's gone to school.

Now the very rare exception is something like...

Il allait faire ses devoirs mais il a disparu.

This is only where the "used to" doesn't fit... as that sentence means...

"He was gonna do his homework but he has disappeared."

But English seems so flexible you can just say "he disappeared" while in French, "il disparaissait" can't even fit in that sentence at all, not even a single bit... :lol:

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Guest _stillDOLL


Does anyone know any french language sites where I can talk to other people learning french or french people?

I've learnt french for 3 years and I'm fairly fluent....so I don't really wanna lose the language coz I don't take it at school this year.

Or would anyone be willing to email me back and forth in french so I won't forget anything I've learnt XD;;;??

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^ I'd be a volunteer if you'd like... We can even skype haha... You can PM me your email/msn...

can somebody translate this to french: don't judge a book by it's cover.

thanks :D

It would be umm, if you say that to one person:

Ne juge pas un livre par sa couverture.

Or if it's toward many people or to one person in a very formal way:

Ne jugez pas un livre par sa couverture.

Yep that's pretty much it...

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Guest _stillDOLL


I'd be a volunteer if you'd like... We can even skype haha... You can PM me your email/msn...

omg!!~ Yayyyyy!! Thankks!!!<33 But only if your not busy =]

um....skype is a problem coz my parents are gonna kill me for webcam-ming >3<;

but email/msn is good =]

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can somebody translate this to french: don't judge a book by it's cover.

thanks :D

What NPB-XK said but if you want an equivalent expression in french it's "l'habit ne fait pas le moine" (the clothing doesn't make a monk lol)

because I think in french we don't use the literal translation of the english expression in essays

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omg!!~ Yayyyyy!! Thankks!!!<33 But only if your not busy =]

um....skype is a problem coz my parents are gonna kill me for webcam-ming >3<;

but email/msn is good =]

No no I didn't mean skyping with webcam, just with mic (by just making a call)... HAHA...

But ah well, we'll end up blah blah-ing on msn soon anyway... B) Just that we're both busy at the moment and we're in different time zones...

What NPB-XK said but if you want an equivalent expression in french it's "l'habit ne fait pas le moine" (the clothing doesn't make a monk lol)

because I think in french we don't use the literal translation of the english expression in essays

Oh yeah I agree with that idiom...

It fits in an essay perfectly for sure...

But if you wish to say that to your friends, I don't find it "virile" enough if you know what I'm sizzling... :rolleyes:


A: "Oh ce film a l'air tellement mauvais..."

B: "L'habit ne fait pas le moine."

It sounds kinda nerdy... :lol:

While the other version would be more directed towards the person like how the English version intends to be...

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Guest sushie-chan

Stilldoll, i'm a French so we can talk via MSN if you want, just send me MP.

And if you want a French forum, i'm a old member in Doctissimo, it is like Soompi, it is like Soompi but less beautiful and too munch people.xD

Bonne nuit à tous!

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Guest choiseunghyun--

nope, i just get my french friend garrett to translate stuff for me.

funny thing is, he hates french.

can anyone help me translate these words into French?





help me please. i need this ASAP~

thanks in advance~~





not sure how accurate these are ;p

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