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The Sweetest Thing


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forgot how it started...but we were with a couple of friends outside of class during passing. i said something about flowers and he went over to the bush nearby and picked up two yellow flowers and held them out to me.

I looked at him like he was five. It would've been the perfect moment if he didn't have a girlfriend that went to another school when he did this.

(All of our friends were looking at us like we were....y'know. Slightly tipsy.)

cutest thing said: (we were making a bet)

me: wager.

him: you first. i wanna know how much you're willing to risk. haha

me: sure...ladies first, right?

him: of course. always has been. always will be.

me: hahaha. well, what do you want from me?

him: everything.

he says so many cheesy and corny things, i take em' all as jokes now.

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Guest iLuvreYou

This was with a very close guy friend of mine at the time, we were walking home from a store and we were just talking about close personal stuff.

Me: I don't think i'm cute at alll.. >:T

Him: haha, I agree.

Me: *speechless*

Him: yeah, you're not cute. You're Beautiful.

Me: *speechless*

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Guest daradiridaraduu-

Him: You know those....poem...things... with the stars...and the stuff...

Me: ....wat?

Him: You know... like that crap, 'look at the stars' and all that crap about fractions of loving you...

Me: Oh... uhm... yeah. Like, 'I love you more than all the stars in the universe' or something..

Him: Yeah, yeah. Well, i hate those things.

Me:...really? I think they're kinda sweet...

Him: well you shouldn't.

Me: And why not?

Him: Because they're so unorigional. I would never use a line like that on you since it would show that i probably don't think of you much if i cant think of a milllion quotes of my own to use about you.

Me:....Awe. Thank you for telling me that.

Him: ... Like that one, eh? Well, be happy because it took me forever to think up that one.

Me: -hits his shoulder while clinging on to him, laughing- You suck.

Him: You suck more. -hugs back-

~ That was over a year ago...he moved away... he couldn't contact me and i had to find out from his friends...I was sad for days. D:

It still makes me sad to think about it...

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Guest Miss.Understood

Me: Happy 5 months! :)

Him: Oh baby, numbers mean nothing. I wanna be with you forever! ^.^



Omgahhhh this is so cute! (:

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Guest nerdie_azn

this is kinda weird.. don't laugh (:

this is a convo between me and a guy i like.

me: which do you like better? sugar addiction or pizza utopia?

(he had to choose between these two things for an assignment, sugar addiction was mine and pizza utopia was my friend's)

him: pizza utopia :D

me: aww... shattered D:


that made me smile so much (:

more ~

me: i'm bored D:

him: what can i do to make you unbored? (:

him: thanks for lending me that work! (:

me: you're welcome (:

him: you saved my life! STOP SAVING MY LIFE! D;

ahaha he's so cute :L

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Guest s2--yummychums

Me: "I'm going to miss you so much.."

Him: "You think you're gonna miss me... I'm gonna miss not seeing you, hearing your voice, and hugging you, I want to go on a date with you."

Aww.. I love him so much <3 . I wish summer didn't have to seperate us apart. I wish I was allowed to date..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tuni-chan

There are a few...

First one

Me: Well, school is about to end.

Him: So, we have next year.

Me: You'll just forget about me over the summer.

Him: No I won't.

Me: Yeah right. What if I switch schools?

Him: Then I would go to that school

Second one

( Making bottle rockets in science class )

Me: I'm going to send you off into space with this rocket - by yourself, maybe with some crackers?

Him: No way, you'd have to be in there with me.

Third one

( Talking about our friend Randy, with Randy there. )

Him: Randy is totally gay for me, but that's too bad because I've already got you, Tina.

Me: ..... *speechless*<br>Teehee, my friend I have a crush on said these to me. I can't believe I'm barely figuring out that he likes me.. I have to wait till next year to tell him (;<br>

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Guest Patchou

there was a party at a friend's house, and one of the girls left her coat on the couch so i put it on to see if i could fit.

my friend said, "hey, man, you look cute in that."

i was like, "hey, thanks dude."

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Guest akestepa

him: "geez, babe how do you do that?"

me: "what?"

him: "you get more and more beautiful every time i see you"


we were holding hands at the movies and he was struggling to get candies out of the box with his other hand

me: "do you want your hand back?"

him: "no, it's yours"

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Guest dancee.ellx

"hey birthday girl, what are you still doing up so late?"

i didnt sleep at all even though it was my birthday because i had to rush through alot of projects and stuff, and then this senior of mine talked to me on msn. at that moment, it felt like, "hey, there is someone who cares about me..!" i forgot what i said to him; i guess i was saying how i wont be sleeping and wont be celebrating my birthday (lotsa things happening at home).. the next day, they gave me a birthday surprise. =) and he was the one who bought the cake!! he wasnt present because he had training but he texted to apologize and stuff.. im horribly afraid of him but he feels like a brother i wished i could have.. =)

"how can you rest at home and not appear in front of us for months!"

awww, this was from a friend and it made me feel really warm inside! =)

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"I'm surprised that everytime I see you, you really are that beautiful."


Him: will you promise me something.

Me: haha sure. Why would I not?

Him: haha right. Well, promise me that whenever you feel like calling or if you jus need someone to talk to, you won't hesitate to call me.

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Guest atomato

an online 'friend' said this to me haha at like, 4am

"I probably couldn't make it to see the sunrise but I could probably make it to watch the sunset with you."

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Guest Misoneism

"Gee,dont you understand? i dont care about that...

I dont care about those little things,stop being so self conscious,just let go

How many times should i tell you that it dosent matter to me,because you are beautiful in my eyes,

And i swear i will do anything to make you realize that."

Ex boyfriend. [he was my friend before we started dating]

gah x:

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Guest ReiRaa

(A background story needs to be told, before it'll make sense. . .)

At some point, everyone thought I was dating this one guy. It was annoying, but no one believed me, when I denied it. Since the guy was the one spreading the rumor, hoping to get in a relationship with me... So, a friend of the guy (who is also my friend) send me letter, saying this:

"Dear, Layla... Or should I call you Reira* ... Well, anyway, I'll just ask you right away.................................. Do you like me more than Jay?* Yes or no? I won't accept a 'maybe'." 

We were really young, so it's a bit "immature", but I still got really happy reading this, since it hinted that he liked me. =D

*Reira = My nickname.

*Jay = The "rumor" guy's name.

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  • 3 months later...

he's not a crush. We're just close because we've been friend's since 4th grade. And what he said was just really sweet, it made me laugh.

Friend: Well, i have to go now.

Me: Ohh. Wel, bye then, fool.

Friend: Bye~ I love you.

Me: Right, well, i'll miss you. hahaaa

Friend: -_- Just say those three words back so I'll be satisfied.


(Another buddy) He says:

"How did someone beautiful as you ever speak to someone like me?"

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