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yea, Durant/Westbrook and the rest of Thunder are still a relatively young team. They'll be the next upcoming force once the Lakeshow burns out.

looking forward to the NBA draft, though. i wonder who will draft Kemba Walker and Jimmer Fredette

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Guest kiHyuN

As long as Miami doesn't win, I'll be happy... I'd be even happier if Bulls won the next game with them though. Anyone watching the game right now?

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Guest ching22194

As long as Miami doesn't win, I'll be happy... I'd be even happier if Bulls won the next game with them though. Anyone watching the game right now?

Do you really think Bulls can still win this series? I don't think so!

Mavs vs. Heat is a great match-up. I wonder how they will contain Dirk when he's playing at his best right now.

And as long as none of the Big 3 will get injured this will be an exciting series.

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Guest something-like

sigh i dont really like the mavs..but i'm rooting hard for them now..as long as LeBron doesn't get his ring I'm happy. He in no way deserves it. Why?

- Promises Cleveland a championship early in his career (i THINK early in his career..forgot when it was)

"I got a goal, and it's a huge goal, and that's to bring an NBA championship here to Cleveland," James said. "And I won't stop until I get it."

- Embarrasses Cleveland for 1 hour on TV

- Though the big 3 originally started in Boston (Ray, KG, Pierce), because lebron's a superstar, everything he does is practically known throughout the league and he obviously is more of a 'role model' that being said...other superstars will soon follow his actions (cough*NY* cough * Cp3? * cough)

- ^ Wait did I say role model? Oops I meant quitter. MJ was a perfect role model because he never quit on his team even being beaten 3 times straight by the Pistons, getting beat up pretty damn hard. But he still didn't quit. He kept going and eventually, that first championship, and then a successful career. Lebron leaves and decides to join with another superstar, and Bosh (despite the criticisms...you have to admit he's top 5 in his position...I'd only put KG/Timmy/L.A in front of him really). What does this show kids? Just do what you want as long as you win? Even quitting and getting more help from others instead of doing it yourself?

MJ: Lost for 7 years before he finally got his first ring...'not stopping until he got it'

LBJ: Lost for 7 years, close to getting his first...with another superstar/all star, and betraying his old team on national TV in the process.


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Nowitzki hasn't won a ring yet and has been loyal to the Mavericks

Agreed, but just wanted to add that Cuban has been just as loyal to Dirk or even more. After that Miami and Golden State debacle along with some more first round exits, a lot of owners wouldn't have been as patient or persistent and would have just blown the whole thing up entirely. Credit Cuban for always reiterating the point that Dirk would remain a Mav and that you can win a championship with him. Guys like Finley, Nash, Harris, and Josh Howard have all left over the years, but Dirk has been the one constant.

sigh i dont really like the mavs..but i'm rooting hard for them now..as long as LeBron doesn't get his ring I'm happy. He in no way deserves it. Why?

- Promises Cleveland a championship early in his career (i THINK early in his career..forgot when it was)

"I got a goal, and it's a huge goal, and that's to bring an NBA championship here to Cleveland," James said. "And I won't stop until I get it."

- Embarrasses Cleveland for 1 hour on TV

About LeBron though, I'm kind of indifferent about him going to Miami. On one side, the Cavs really haven't shown anything to be able to surround him with a needed supporting cast, and it didn't really look like they would be able to make significant upgrades to their roster even if he stayed. I just think he didn't want to waste another 5 years doing the same thing. A lot of people view it as cowardly or him being a quitter, but I think it's a matter of personal opinion.

- Though the big 3 originally started in Boston (Ray, KG, Pierce), because lebron's a superstar, everything he does is practically known throughout the league and he obviously is more of a 'role model' that being said...other superstars will soon follow his actions (cough*NY* cough * Cp3? * cough)

Miami's big thee was a little different in that all of their players were in their prime, but I agree that other players are now starting to do the same. That's what some teams are trying to do now in order to rebuild or alternatively follow the OKC model.

- ^ Wait did I say role model? Oops I meant quitter. MJ was a perfect role model because he never quit on his team even being beaten 3 times straight by the Pistons, getting beat up pretty damn hard. But he still didn't quit. He kept going and eventually, that first championship, and then a successful career. Lebron leaves and decides to join with another superstar, and Bosh (despite the criticisms...you have to admit he's top 5 in his position...I'd only put KG/Timmy/L.A in front of him really). What does this show kids? Just do what you want as long as you win? Even quitting and getting more help from others instead of doing it yourself?

MJ: Lost for 7 years before he finally got his first ring...'not stopping until he got it'

LBJ: Lost for 7 years, close to getting his first...with another superstar/all star, and betraying his old team on national TV in the process.

For those Bulls teams, Pippen was still fairly young during their Detroit battles, but later grew into becoming a superstar and being the ultimate glue guy for any championship team. In LeBron's time in Cleveland, there wasn't really anyone else to help shoulder the load, aside from maybe Mo Williams. Hard to compare different generations and eras. Even those Lakers and Celtics teams in the 80's had multiple hall-of-famers along with the Pistons.

I was kind of hoping the Mavs could be a team where fans of old teams who got burned by the Lakers and Spurs in the past could rally around. Guys like Kidd, Marion, Peja, Dirk, and Terry, if it wasn't for the Spurs or Lakers in like the past 10 years, you could make the argument that they could have won a ring by now. Only two times since like 1999, has a team besides the Lakers or Spurs represented the west in the Finals, the Mavs in 2006 and this year.

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Guest something-like

when bron said hes gon bring a champion to cleveland hes foreshadowing that hes gon win one in miami and bring it to cleveland

bron didn't embarass cleveland on tv he just said he will choose to go to miami not one word about the owner or team managment not being able to surround bron with talent  plus the show he answered the question 17 minutes in and the rest of the show was from espn highlighting it

bron never claim to be a role model and mj isn't the best you can ask pippen that

now you can hop off the hate lebron bandwagon and go back to what you normally do when its not the nba playoff time of the year

and bron aint a quitter bro he dropped a triple double in his last game losing to the celtics i dont see how you can call him a quitter for that

if anything you should call the cleveland team the quitters the team that couldn't step up to help bron and that's why bron left

no professionals call themselves pros. As stars, they are automatically role models to the community around them. Who the hell says they are role models themselves. And fyi, pippen clarified himself, he restated 'michael is the greatest but lebron can reach his level one day'.

Bron ain't a quitter? Yea dropped a triple double...by not shooting in the 4th quarter. Did you even watch that game? You could easily tell lebron gave up. He didn't even shoot, he just kept passing to rack up the assists. And rebounding is no problem for him. He's the biggest guy next to Varejao on that cavs team. Not quitting is Dwade on that 2006 Heat team down 2-0, but Wade kept shooting clutch shot after clutch shot each game, knowing that if it misses, the mavs could easily extend the lead (note: during each game, mavs were up almost throughout every game). Not quitting is MJ not demanding himself to be traded around the same time Bron was (7 yrs without rings for each man), but wait, jordan decided to give his crappy richard simmons team another chance (Pippen wasn't the all around player he was until his 3rd or 4th year...in fact he kinda sucked). Remember Jordan had averaged 37.6 ppg from the previous season (88-89), but he got by the pistons, and owned the year after, again, by the pistons. MJ went through a lot more than lebron has.

And as for me hopping off the 'hate lebron bandwagon' tell lebron to win a ring off dwade's bandwagon. My main point is, he's a bad role model, and he does not deserve to win. MJ never went to magic's lakers now did he?

Something tells me you're like...13 yrs old

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Guest something-like

what i'm seeing from your post is that you think very highly of bron you probably see some jordan in him in term of greatness thats why you dislike bron when he left cleveland because bron didn't follow the resigning route  i dont see why bron gots be be hated on by everyone because he couldn't delievery them a ring cleveland should blame demself for not getting any support best they got for bron was shaq and jamasion  and nobody wants to say hey bron thank you for your 8 years in cleveland u brought this team back from the ground u brought this team to the finals 2 straight season of finish top record over all in the nba 1 trip to the finals people like u find excuse to hate bron because he is the new goat and old timers like u want to live in the pass of your childhood star like jordan

but ayo bro bron getting one of his many rings to come and  dirk aint gon get one

something tells me you're like ... 40 yrs old based on your jordan statistics unless you googling it...

No im actually 19. But what IF i was 40? At least I have intelligence. And yes fyi, i DID google it, doesn't hurt does it? But judging by the way you type, you're a lazy kid

and lol. new GOAT? How about taking his dckk outta your mouth? Bron will never be better than jordan, even if bron gets 6 rings, jordan did the first 3peat with a starting-to-bloom pippen, and the second with an addition of Rodman and Kerr; Bron's doing it with another top 3-5 player in the league and a mad underrated Bosh. And let me just say, the Miami bench is not that great, but if they're all playing well (House, Miller, Haslem, even Joel Anthony), they're actualy prety decent.

You really need to do your research and perhaps watch some old clips. Trust me, what Jordan went through = way worse. Boston and Piston defenses in the 80's, undeniably two of the best defenses EVER. And denying a generation of Hall of Famers (Reggie Miller, John Stockon+Malone duo, Charles Barkley, Ewing, etc) a chance to win even one ring only proves that. When Lebron can deny THIS generation of stars (Melo, Cp3, Dwight, Durant/Westbrook, Rose in the future, Wall in the future, etc) a chance at a ring and do it without the help of Wade (who already has one), THEN talk about being GOAT.

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Guest ching22194

I'm so happy Miami won as they've got to defend their home court since Dallas is a very deadly team.

And game 2 is a must win for Miami to give them more leverage going to games 3,4 and 5 at Dallas.

There's no need debating who is the best player between James and Jordan, for now i must say.

Jordan already cemented his legacy while James is still making his run.

And James is no quitter, he's just smart to know when to go and join a better team.

He knows what he wanted and that is to win multiple championships and Cleaveland can't help him achieve that.

He is the type of guy who works hard to sell himself, he just love attention and he's a master showman.

Love him or hate him, its your choice but as long as he won a ring i'm ok with that.

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Guest something-like

that's what you think

bron is the goat

u living in the nba pass with the videos come live in the present where bron will make history for himself

bron = excitement, sexy, best in the present pass and future

Miami 1

Dallas 0

and when u realize that

you can take your talents to south beach and join the miami heat fan bam!

LOL alright no use in talking to a stupid kid who thinks Bron is already the GOAT, a bandwagon fan, and can't even spell 'past' right. Scrub.

Anyways as for Shaq meh...he will be missed...had a beast career. I can safely say he was >>>>> 100x more than Dwight.

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In LeBron's time in Cleveland, there wasn't really anyone else to help shoulder the load, aside from maybe Mo Williams

what about Delonte West and Zydrunas Ilgauskas?

Lebron's situation makes me wonder, should a player pursue what's best for him or please the fans?

And let me just say, the Miami bench is not that great, but if they're all playing well (House, Miller, Haslem, even Joel Anthony), they're actualy prety decent

i've heard commentary that Haslem might be the "4th one," making it a big four. But it's kinda an on/off thing for him.

I'm so happy Miami won as they've got to defend their home court since Dallas is a very deadly team.

yea, the Mavs have shown that they can play very well on the road. also, it's scary to see the ball in the hands of Stojakovic or Terry beyond the 3-point arc. :crazy:

Not a surprise that he's retiring, but still kind of a sad day anyway. Thanks for everything, Shaq.

yea, it's kinda depressing to see him retire. it's like marking the end of a generation in basketball, especially if you used to follow the games back in the 90s.

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what about Delonte West and Zydrunas Ilgauskas?

Z and West made nice contributions, but I felt like Mo was the one guy who consistently took pressure off LeBron, mainly on the offensive end. Having the ball in his hands and creating for himself and teammates, not having those responsibilities fall solely on one player.

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Guest something-like

Lol LeActor and Wade.

NBA still a joke.

Wade's legit. He's been consistent throughout the finals, and even in the WCF, while injured, his numbers weren't too shabby either (not to mention; not too much worse than Lebron's). His numbers are definitely a reminiscent of his 2006 Finals averages. Just a bit less on the assists and scoring and more rebounding. Legit to me

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Guest showgunz

one of the reasons why i love gilbert arenas and miss his blog


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