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Guest lenakeem

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Guest qaxlod

Shinhwa are meeting up on the 21st to perform at the U:US concert in Dongdaemun in Seoul! Hopefully, there will be a video out to see! AHH <333

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thanks for this news..

he's kinda pissed off, huh?? :D

got your PM, deary.. thanks!!

im'ma really gonna get that cd!!

but, if we order through SHCJ, will the price still the same or much expensive?

sorry im'ma post this again... does anyone here Winter Story 2 album??

angelix, thanks so much for ALL those news!!

i want to know what the price at shcj will be too!!! anyone know???

and i have the winter story album *victory sign* :D... why do you ask???

Shinhwa fans aren't scary at all.

They are one of the most loyal, respectable fan clubs in Korea.

You can ask anyone in Korea, SHINHWA CHANGJO are the best.

They are 110% considerate and very helpful to the community as well.



yes. you are so right. shinhwa fans are crazy about shinhwa. but some other fans are jsut plain crazy. im not saying anyone in particular, but ive heard stories about 2 different fan clubs getting into HUGE fights at concerts because the other fan club is cheering for someone else. i mean we're not that vicious. like if someone came up to me and said to my face that our lovely shinhwa boys suck and whoever is so much better. man i would punch her in the face but if she didnt do anything to me. im cool with it. i would even cheer for some other bands that i like, but i would always cheer the loudest for shinhwa, the one and only....

oh yeah... and by the way. that picture is like so major totally DROOL!!! omg he is so hott.......i love his hair.. it makes him look so cute and boyish. :)

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Guest miss':bella

How come whenever I try to upload a banner on my sig it says its too big? I keep trying to make it smaller but it still says its too big. Something's weird. ;/ I wanna post my siggie ;/

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Shinhwa are meeting up on the 21st to perform at the U:US concert in Dongdaemun in Seoul! Hopefully, there will be a video out to see! AHH <333

that's such exciting news! even though i'm not korean myself, i'm glad that shinhwa aren't neglecting their roots and are still performing in korea, despite their hectic schedule all over asia :) that's what i love about them!

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

How come whenever I try to upload a banner on my sig it says its too big? I keep trying to make it smaller but it still says its too big. Something's weird. ;/ I wanna post my siggie ;/

i know! same here..i was trying to put more things on, but i say that its' too big, HOW? i checked the length and it was like 400/2000 charaters!??? i was like..HUH? but yeah......

OMG! Jun Jin's bday is coming..kekeke

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I've never really thought about it...but ShinHwa ChangJo really is quite the fanclub huh? The way they smoothly organized the instant fanmeet after the daesang in 2004 is a good example of the people taking care of and the people who are in the fanclub :) And the opening of ShinHwa ChangJo facilities is quite something too...buy property is a such a headache!

I remember a Jonghyuk fan being trampled to death by other click-b fans :blink:

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I've never really thought about it...but ShinHwa ChangJo really is quite the fanclub huh? The way they smoothly organized the instant fanmeet after the daesang in 2004 is a good example of the people taking care of and the people who are in the fanclub :) And the opening of ShinHwa ChangJo facilities is quite something too...buy property is a such a headache!

I remember a Jonghyuk fan being trampled to death by other click-b fans :blink:

haha. yeah. shinhwa changjo is HUGE!!! hehe. i was organizing all of my beautiful cds, and i realized that i have soooo many shinhwa cds... :D ownage. and i was looking through the State of the Art stuff, the members thanks to and things like that... and i noticed dongwannie oppa metions shinhwa changjo!!! yay! and i remember telling my friends who were also shinhwa fans that he metioned me in a way cuz im in shinhwachangjo!! but they werent then, but after they heard dongwan metioned them they totally went and registered .... haha. i will go look right now and see what dongwan wrote exactly.....


lets see.... he said...

오랜시간동안 함께해준 신화창조 친구들.. 늘 고맙고 사랑합니다.. ^^

[my shinhwa changjo friends who have been with us for a long time.. always i thank you and i love you.. ^^]translation

and i have been meaning to ask this for a while.... on junjins thing, he mentions all 5 other members names but next to hyesungs he puts a ?mark in parentheses. why???? any ideas?? someone please enlighten me....

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Shinhwa are meeting up on the 21st to perform at the U:US concert in Dongdaemun in Seoul! Hopefully, there will be a video out to see! AHH <333

jeong mal ro?!?! 21st is a monday.. yeah i'll look forward to it.. it's great that they're performing in korea again :D

I've never really thought about it...but ShinHwa ChangJo really is quite the fanclub huh? The way they smoothly organized the instant fanmeet after the daesang in 2004 is a good example of the people taking care of and the people who are in the fanclub :)And the opening of ShinHwa ChangJo facilities is quite something too...buy property is a such a headache!

what facilities? you mean there's actually a shinhwa changjo club house?

do we have to be korean to join shcj?

i wanna be part of them!! :D

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Guest nutzie

i know! same here..i was trying to put more things on, but i say that its' too big, HOW? i checked the length and it was like 400/2000 charaters!??? i was like..HUH? but yeah......

OMG! Jun Jin's bday is coming..kekeke

the file size is the problem maybe? try checking.. cos i know for avatar, they have a file size restriction.. not sure about siggies though..

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Guest coolieever

heh, i just joined that other forum... woot, another place to put up my fanfic!! and to stare at shinhwa pics... *drools*... heheh, shinhwa fans are kool, shinhwa changjo is kool, shinhwa is the KOOLEST... haha, and while i was browsing the internet... i found another viet forum.. with shinhwa in it off course... haha, i lost the link to the other one so ill stick with this one.... and i found this pic, im going to share it with you...


^ heheh, they're pointing at me.... except junjin... hes 'different' but that made me realize his birthday is coming soon... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUN JINNIE!!! oh and i also realized his shoelaces are red.. haha, isnt he noticable in this picture?... oh and eric's shoes are... not converse... haha, seriously, i bet im gonna edit this post a zillion times just to tell you all random facts about it...

credits to:yeuamnhac, and me for uploading

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everyone! go to the above forum (it seems lots of people are in there)

go register and join and show some shinhwa LOVE <333

im registered there too

they need more shinhwa love


i got all w/e trying to convince ppl to vote for shinhwa LOL

im orange-crush , there

heh, i just joined that other forum... woot, another place to put up my fanfic!! and to stare at shinhwa pics... *drools*... heheh, shinhwa fans are kool, shinhwa changjo is kool, shinhwa is the KOOLEST... haha, and while i was browsing the internet... i found another viet forum.. with shinhwa in it off course... haha, i lost the link to the other one so ill stick with this one.... and i found this pic, im going to share it with you...


^ heheh, they're pointing at me.... except junjin... hes 'different' but that made me realize his birthday is coming soon... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUN JINNIE!!! oh and i also realized his shoelaces are red.. haha, isnt he noticable in this picture?... oh and eric's shoes are... not converse... haha, seriously, i bet im gonna edit this post a zillion times just to tell you all random facts about it...

credits to:yeuamnhac, and me for uploading

LOL wow i never realli study pictures that much. i wuldve never have noticed!


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Shinhwa fans aren't scary at all.

They are one of the most loyal, respectable fan clubs in Korea.

You can ask anyone in Korea, SHINHWA CHANGJO are the best.

They are 110% considerate and very helpful to the community as well.


i'm so glad to hear that!! i think cos shinhwa has been together for 8yrs.. the fans aren't that fanatic anymore.. they're more like friends with the boys..

korean fans are so lucky, gotta see them up close and personal

ok i vote for minwoo already..

who's this lee donghae guy? why is he getting so much vote?

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Guest adikkeluangman

Korean Singer Eric Takes Part in SMAP’s New Album



Korean singer Eric’s participation in a new recording by the Japanese group SMAP

has drawn the attention of the Japanese media.

The online edition of the Japanese Asahi Shimbun reported Thursday that Eric, a

member of the Korean idol male group Shinhwa, wrote lyrics for the rapping part of

the song “Tokio,” which is contained in the new recording of the Japanese group.

The new album “Pop up! SMAP” was released on July 26. “Tokio” is a remake of

SMAP’s previous hit song.

Eric recorded the song in a studio in southern Seoul.

The Korean and Japanese groups’ friendly relationship began after Shinhwa’s Shin

Hye-sung and SMAP’s Kusanagi Tsuyoshi sang the duet song “Sky,” featuring lyrics

written by Shinhwa’s Lee Min-woo, for the Japanese group’s 16th album “Sample

Bang” released in July last year.

It is the first time for Eric to individually take part in a recording by the Japanese


Eric said, “SMAP is one of my favorite groups. I was glad to work with them. I hope

Japanese fans will love both SMAP’s new recording and Shinhwa’s first Japanese

album, which will be released on August 16.”

c: KBS Global

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Guest coolieever

WOOT!!! GO ERIC!!! wow... so many thing going on in japan for shinhwa.... heheh... i noticed his tie in that pic is polka dotted.... im gonna go find a tie like that and give it to my brother for his birthday... (haha, i have 7 months to find a tie like that)

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puahah i love how eric also mentioned their #1 inspiration cd.


eric that silly lovely sexay fool LOL

im'a go post pics of him. brb







^ one of my favourites =)








credits: i have no clue. possibly shinhwachangjo, soompi, google?, goodenter, s-shinhwasarang

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Guest xmkaex

and i have been meaning to ask this for a while.... on junjins thing, he mentions all 5 other members names but next to hyesungs he puts a ?mark in parentheses. why???? any ideas?? someone please enlighten me....

i think i read somewhere that junjin was just joking around..actually i don't know why he put a question mark. :lol:

jeong mal ro?!?! 21st is a monday.. yeah i'll look forward to it.. it's great that they're performing in korea again :D

what facilities? you mean there's actually a shinhwa changjo club house?

do we have to be korean to join shcj?

i wanna be part of them!! :D

i don't know korean so i join the other shinhwachangjo.


Korean Singer Eric Takes Part in SMAP’s New Album



Korean singer Eric’s participation in a new recording by the Japanese group SMAP

has drawn the attention of the Japanese media.

The online edition of the Japanese Asahi Shimbun reported Thursday that Eric, a

member of the Korean idol male group Shinhwa, wrote lyrics for the rapping part of

the song “Tokio,” which is contained in the new recording of the Japanese group.

The new album “Pop up! SMAP” was released on July 26. “Tokio” is a remake of

SMAP’s previous hit song.

Eric recorded the song in a studio in southern Seoul.

The Korean and Japanese groups’ friendly relationship began after Shinhwa’s Shin

Hye-sung and SMAP’s Kusanagi Tsuyoshi sang the duet song “Sky,” featuring lyrics

written by Shinhwa’s Lee Min-woo, for the Japanese group’s 16th album “Sample

Bang” released in July last year.

It is the first time for Eric to individually take part in a recording by the Japanese


Eric said, “SMAP is one of my favorite groups. I was glad to work with them. I hope

Japanese fans will love both SMAP’s new recording and Shinhwa’s first Japanese

album, which will be released on August 16.”

c: KBS Global

i thought it was released awhile ago. i have it on my computer. i got it from shinhwasarang.

well im glad for eric. he did what he said he wanted to do. he wanted to do a kangta and vanessa thing.


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what facilities? you mean there's actually a shinhwa changjo club house?

do we have to be korean to join shcj?

i wanna be part of them!!

^ There was some news a few months back about the grand opening of it. I think it's like a place there official members get together. And yes, I think you have to be korean, there is no international fanclub yet. Wish there was though....

ok i vote for minwoo already..

who's this lee donghae guy? why is he getting so much vote?


Donghae is from Super Juniors. His dad, whom he hasn't seen for 6 years, recently passed away this week. May he rest in peace, and Donghae stay strong.


I think I just got reprimanded for saying DBSK's acappella is not really such an impressive thing lolz

I guess to others it's really impressive :sweatingbullets:

Oh wellz...bad me... *feels kinda bad for saying it*

But truthfully, it really isn't that hard...ppl with NO experience in my high school choir could do it perfectly fine...we even won an award or two...sheesh...

By the way, I meant doing a capella in general...not just DBSK's...

Anyone who can sing in key can do it...it just takes practice and concentration....

The only difference is that the average person doesn't spend at least a few hours a week singing the same song until they can't be distracted by someone else's singing...lolz

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


I think I just got reprimanded for saying DBSK's acappella is not really such an impressive thing lolz

I guess to others it's really impressive :sweatingbullets:

Oh wellz...bad me... *feels kinda bad for saying it*

But truthfully, it really isn't that hard...ppl with NO experience in my high school choir could do it perfectly fine...we even won an award or two...sheesh...

By the way, I meant doing a capella in general...not just DBSK's...

Anyone who can sing in key can do it...it just takes practice and concentration....

The only difference is that the average person doesn't spend at least a few hours a week singing the same song until they can't be distracted by someone else's singing...lolz

lols... i could have said that a million times. keke... you got reprimanded for saying it? for saying the truth? i mean, your opinion??? dang! oh well. we need to respect others beliefs. ^^

you know what i do when i say something .. erm.. bad? keke... i put the text in whote color.... and they just need to highlight it to read. ^^ i know it's evil but hey! i just put a warning first to stop reading if they're going to be hurt. and say sorry afterwards for saying such awful things... especially when i said dbsk singing live is a big no thank you for me... ^^ and that singing live is the mark of true talent. which goes to say that dbsk... waa!!!! i'm becomh evil again. sorry.



lee donghae? who is he actually?

xxtine_21, thanks for those eric pics... waa!!~~ he looks so handsome. hehe... i remember my friend having him as her wallpaper in her phone and i was like, who's that? and she said, eric mun, the actor in super rookie. and i was like, oh.

and now, i'm sooo crazy about shinhwa that she'll be surprised hehe... we haven't seen each other for a long time and i wasn't a fan then.. :P

about the fans....

though i'm not in korea, i can feel the love of shinhwa changjo there.. ^^ i mean, shinhwa always mentions shinhwa changjo... and the shinhwa fans all over the world are sooo.... loyal. ^^ i don't know. someone told me that shinhwa fans aren't crazy enough, that they're like... sooo small in number. hehe... *a classmate of mine who's main purpose in life is to annoy me, idk, but she likes dbsk* maybe shinhwa fans are more MATURE...? like shinhwa themselves? unlike someothers... :vicx:

and about that ticket thingy? those are true???? as in they buy other's tickets so no fans can buy but they won't go and then the concert will be.. erm, not that hyper? am i getting this right??? there are fans who do that??? wow. scary fans if you ask me.

i think that fans who do those awful things are just afraid. they are afraid that other artists will rise higher than their idols. and this only goes to show that they don't love their idols that much because they have no trust in their idols... they do not trust their idols that their idols are the best.

tsk tsk tsk... poor artists... i pity those with fans like those.


shinhwa changjo!!!!

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