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Guest lenakeem

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I've never commented here before. But this comeback is probably the best thing I've heard this year. blush.gif

so glad they're back in full swing but I'm nervous too so much pressure to be success... I'm curious to see what 4 years of military hiatus could do to a group and it's fans base XD

The only group I trust without question. :wub:

Minuuu, get discharged already!

would be great if his discharge ain't pushed back a week. Wonder if ShinCom will post up some photo during their MV filming & album photoshoot at all :)


If i can get my hands on them, it'll be my first Shinhwa concert ^_^

OMG you'll be there? This is Interpark's global site for overseas fans http://ticket.interpark.com/Global/GlobalInfo.asp?Url=guide_en.html

Good luck getting your ticket! *envies*

In case any one wantto get their own rice flowerstand for Shinhwa here is the link (thanks god they also have global sites in English, Japanese & Chinese) ^^ http://dreame.co.kr/en/ They told me deadline for Shinhwa's orders is Mar.22

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Guest LittlePinky82

So excited for the comeback! I def wanna buy their album in the summer for my birthday. I can't wait to see their comeback. I bet it will be great. 

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It's so awesome to see people trickling back in there \O/

tbh, I dunno which fansite to donate with ^^; Probably distribute my money around? lol

heee that's a good call :lol: I'm glad seeing new sites as well as the hiatus ones coming back to support :3

Okie, since we're at a new page, I'm going to be shamelessly repost this one again :P

as well as info on SINGAPORE rice banner project

Shinhwa 10th Jib Mass Pre-order Survey by SHCJ.NET

Directlink for pre-order survey: http://z15.invisionfree.com/ShinHwaChangJo/index.php?showtopic=24143&st=0

How YOU could make a difference:

--> By preordering with us instead of buying the CDs off some on/offline CD stores which do not contribute to the Hanteo Charts


This is what we did for 9th Jib.


SHCJ's special: Free special gift for the 1st 50 people bought with SHCJ.net

coming soon........do look out for the pre-order threads

and.........spread the word!!!!!

Note: SHCJ will contribute $1 for every album pre-order with us to the support funds

Source: SHCJ.NET http://z15.invisionfree.com/ShinHwaChangJo/index.php?showtopic=24143&st=0

Lastly I'm doing a CANADA rice wreath for Shinhwa's THE RETURN concert to show them the demographic of where the fans are.....

The rice wreath is like the ones here at Shin Hyesung's past concerts


Or at Eric's Birthday Fameet in Seoul last year



This is the site we'll order the rice wreath from http://dreame.co.kr/en/

I got an email from them about the order deadline for Shinhwa's concert, it's March. 22

For CANADA, I'll pay for the F1 option (20kg of rice) as a starter. We can add more rice to the F1 wreath depends on how much donations are collected. For every $30 we can add 10kg of rice to the wreath. $5, $10.... whatever your heart contents, any contributions will add up. :D

If any of you Canadian/Canadien would like to join please PM me for Paypal info or other arrangements

For SINGAPORE, please see this tweet http://www.twitlonger.com/show/fp47rf and mention https://twitter.com/#!/allaboutshinhwa or you can email blurblursiaosiao90 @ gmail.com if you are not on twitter :D

Let's do this for Shinhwa long a-waited comeback :) :) :)

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@phi I know! It's so good to see everyone coming back :) I do miss a few of the old familiar SNs tho...

My laptop died, so not as much 'shinhwa-ing' as usual :(

Rice wreath deadline on my b-day haha at least i won't forget which day it is ^^:

I know that somehow all fansite projects are interconnected...but I'm too blur to figure things out right now *lazy*

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@phi I know! It's so good to see everyone coming back :) I do miss a few of the old familiar SNs tho...

My laptop died, so not as much 'shinhwa-ing' as usual :(

Rice wreath deadline on my b-day haha at least i won't forget which day it is ^^:

I know that somehow all fansite projects are interconnected...but I'm too blur to figure things out right now *lazy*

wahaha really it falls on your b-day? you're just one special :D

Hope you'll get a new lappie soon, can't miss out the fun & excitement eh? we've been waited for 4 long years.... :P

Seating plan is OUT!!!!

[iNFO] Shinhwa Grand Tour in Seoul concert seating plan



- Date / Time: March 24, 2012 6PM ~ March 25, 2012 5PM

- Venue: Olympic Park Gymnastics Gymnasium (First Gymnasium)

- Cast: SHINHWA (神話)

- Ticket Price:

  • Reserved Seat: VIP (purple) 143,000 KRW | SR (red) 132,000 KRW | R (yellow) 110,000 KRW
  • Reserved Seat: S (green) 88,000 KRW | A (blue) 66,000 KRW
  • Standing: SR (STD red) 132,000 KRW

- Host: CJ E&M Corp.


- Ticket Open: Feb 13, 2012 8PM

※ Maximum number of tickets available for one person is limited to 4 per person.


Sources: Interpark + ShinhwaCompany + AbsolutShinhwa for the color coding of ticket price

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Guest hikari-tadashi

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im dying to go the their concert, wish i could go :(

shinhwa is back together, finally after 4 years :tears:

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plane tickets... check!

hotel arrangements... check!

now waiting for the concert tickets to be released has me riddled with anxiety...

regardless... the wait is OVER! SHINHWA FIGHTING!!!

ps... Post count says 1... coz i lost my previous username... darn!

That's so awesome that you're going! I remember promising to myself 4 years ago that I would be at their comeback concert no matter but that didn't really work out (I'm not big on planning for the future haha) I am excited for you :D

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okie, I think you many of you might had seen it but last night ShinhCom (less Minu dearie :( ) was spazzing & trolling each other (more like trolling Hyesung).... in turn making us trolling them back :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here is the convos from RicWanSungJinDy

12.02.09 ShinCom Twitter updates: Interesting stories from the past 14 years

I'm an official administrator GRJ. SHINHWA's 14th annivesary is coming up already. Say somthing interesting, impressive stories for 14years.

[에릭 Eric] 1997년 방배동 숙소와 연습실에서 연습생시절 우리를 BST라고 부르며 항상 따라다니던 최초 3명의 팬들! 그중에 한명은 정미였던거같고..(정미씨 계세요?) 그 땐 셋 다 교복입고 있었는데 지금은 어디서 어떻게 있는지 궁금하네~

[ERIC] During our trainee days in 1997, at the management company office and rehearsal studio in Bangbae-dong, our first 3 fans who called us BST and always followed us around! One of them was Jungmi, I think.. (Jungmi-sshi, are you here?) Back then the 3 of you were still wearing your school uniforms, I’m curious about where you are now and what you are doing~

[혜성 Hye Sung]1998 년 3월 24일 KM 쇼뮤직탱크에서의 첫방송. 본방 무대에 딱서니 긴장이 너무 돼서 눈에 안대를 찬것처럼 깜깜했었는데... 리허설을 너무 열심히해서 본방때 풀파워를 못써서 아쉬웠었는데!

[HYESUNG] 24 March 1998, our first performance on KM Show Music Tank. Standing on the live stage I was really nervous, it was as if I had a blindfold over my eyes and everything was dark… I worked really hard during the rehearsal so it was such a pity that I didn’t get to use my full power during the live show!

[혜성 Hye Sung] 객석 맨 앞줄에 앉아있던 열명도 안되는 팬들이 천명 목소리파워로 응원해줬던것도 기억나네.... 잊을수없던 첫무대.. 그립다 ㅎㅎㅎ

[HYESUNG] I remember there were less than 10 fans seated in the front row but they cheered us on with the power of 1,000 fans…. Our unforgettable first performance… I miss it ㅎㅎㅎ

[에릭 Eric] 엇! 나도 그거얘기할까 했는데.. 첫방때 다섯명인가? 정도가 소리 막 질러준거...

[ERIC] Oh! I was thinking of talking about that too… Were there about 5 fans during our first performance? They were just screaming for us…

[앤디 Andy] 정확히 아홉명!

[ANDY] To be precise there were 9 of them!

[동완 Dong Wan]서래마을 방배중 앞에 살던시절에...자전거들고 팬들을 피해 잽싸게 운동을 가려고 계단에서 막 뛰어내려왔는데, 유리문 닫힌거 모르고 그대로 헤딩 ㅜ ㅜ 너무 창피해서 다시 올라갔었어...

[DONGWAN] During the time when we were living in Seorae Village, in front of Bangbae Middle School… I wanted to ride my bicycle to go for a workout and to avoid the fans I just dashed down the stairs, and I just headed through without knowing that the glass door was closed ㅜㅜ I was so embarrassed that I went upstairs again…

[에릭 Eric] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋다!

[ERIC] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Good!

[동완 Dong Wan] 팬들 크게 막 웃음...

[DONGWAN] The fans just laughed out loud…

[동완 Dong Wan] 부산콘서트때도 무대에서 떨어져서, 수술한 어깨 탈구 됐는데....... 팬들 막 웃음...........

[DONGWAN] During the Busan concert I fell off the stage too, my shoulder that was operated on got dislocated……. The fans were laughing………..

[동완 Dong Wan] 옛날에 용평에서 보드 첨 배운날 넘어져서 어깨 빠졌는데, 지나가는 민우한테 도와줘!! 했더니 막 웃으며 지나감...

[DONGWAN] Back then in Yongpyeong when we were learning how to snowboard, I fell over and dislocated my shoulder, Minwoo was passing by and I said “Help me!!” And he just laughed and went off…

[동완 Dong Wan] 내가 아픈게 웃겨? -_-;;;

[DONGWAN] Is it funny to see me in pain? -_-;;;

[에릭 Eric] 드림콘서트할때 계단에서 멋지게 등장하면서 계단갈라지는데 혜성이가 계단 갈라진 사이로 빠져서 팔꿈치로 파닥파닥 버팅기다 추락했는데 팬들 웃음.

[ERIC] During the Dream Concert we wanted to make a cool entrance and while going down the steps Hyesungie fell in between the steps and fell on his elbow, and the fans laughed.

[전진 Jun Jin]으쌰으쌰때 혜성이형 중간에 멋진 발차기 했는데....아래로추락 ㅜ 근데 팬들 더 큰웃음

[JUNJIN] During Eusha Eusha, Hyesungie-hyung did a cool kick in the middle of the song…. But he fell off ㅜ But the fans laughed even louder

[동완 Dong Wan] ㅋㅋ 그때 혜성이 표정 완전 불쾌해보여서 더 우낌....

[DONGWAN]ㅋㅋ At that time it was even funnier because Hyesungie looked totally unhappy….

[전진 Jun Jin] 우린 정말걱정했는데....

[JUNJIN] We were really worried though….

[동완 Dong Wan]근데 웃을수도 없고 참....난처했어

[DONGWAN] But we couldn’t laugh and it was…. really awkward

[에릭 Eric] 사실 계단에 꼈을때, 우린 혜성이가 왜 안보이는지 몰라서 무대끝난 후 화내며 너왜안나왔냐고 막 머라했는데 짜증내며 울먹이면서 등장할때 벌어지는 계단 사이로 떨어져서 팔꿈치로 버티느라 겨드랑이에 피났다고말함.

[ERIC] Actually when Hyesung fell in between the steps, we didn’t know why Hyesung was nowhere to be seen and after the performance we still flared up and asked him why didn’t he appear. He got upset and was close to tears as he told us that he fell in between the steps when we were about to go onstage and his armpits were bleeding because he was supporting himself with his elbows.

[에릭 Eric] 분위기 심각한데 웃음참느라 주머니에 손넣고 허벅지를 막 세게 꼬집음.

[ERIC] The atmosphere was really sombre, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to pinch my thighs to stop myself from laughing.

[전진 Jun Jin] 솔직히............ 난 혀도 깨물음........

[JUNJIN] Honestly………… I even had to bite my tongue……..

[전진 Jun Jin] 피도 살짝 났음 (맹세하고요!)

[JUNJIN] And I was even bleeding a little (I swear!)

[에릭 Eric] 우리 인제 혜성이한테 잘해주자 ♥♥

[ERIC] Let’s be nicer to Hyesung from now onwards ♥♥

[전진 Jun Jin] 난 예전부터 사랑했는걸?

[JUNJIN] I’ve been loving him since before ok?

[혜성 Hye Sung] 나 그때 파뿌리머리... 선글라스에... 바지 다 찢어지고 피 철철 ... 팬들 웃고.. 스텝들은 무대로 다시 가라그러고.. ㅠ.,ㅠ

[HYESUNG] At that time, my spring onion root hairstyle… Sunglasses… My pants were torn and I kept bleeding… The fans were laughing.. The staff just told me to go back onstage again.. ㅠ.,ㅠ

[혜성 Hye Sung] 나한테 잘하자!

[HYESUNG] Be nicer to me!

Source: @ShinhwaCompany

Translation: Absolut Shinhwa

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^ Poor Hyesung haha I love how real and funny these guys are!

I can't wait for our boys to come back and show everyone how it's done. March is going to be a great month :D Looking forward to seeing them perform all their old hits and new ones too!! BRING ON THE ORANGE OCEAN!!

P.S. Has anyone recieved an email on ShinhwaChangjo.net about the pre order for the albums?? If I can't get it through them, does anyone else know who is organising to buy albums so we can help the boys??

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^Did they send out an email about the preorders? I thought they would post up the thread when it's ready? Because I don't think I received any further details/information about the 10th jib either.

Aww, I love their trolling and spam tweets but a majority of the time they were bullying HyeSung and complaining about SHCJ being mean, laughing when the members are in pain lOl Can they blame us though? Take a look at MinWoo and DongWan -__- Like idols, like fans?

About 3 more weeks until MinWoo's discharge and Shinhwa's press conference. I really can't wait!

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hye guys.. just joined this forum. hope can spazz together with u all. anyone going to Shinhwa's comeback? tonight, the tix will be sell rite? i really wish i can buy it but i can't rely the line.. huhu

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Guest chequered_8787

I reeI really wanna go to the concert. I've booked the plane ticket and everything but I can't seem to get the ticket from interpark. Can somebody please help me? :'(

Hi Kartz, You could try to keep refreshing the interpark page in the hopes of snaring some return tickets. It sucks to have booked everything and not have the concert ticket. Good luck!

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I reeI really wanna go to the concert. I've booked the plane ticket and everything but I can't seem to get the ticket from interpark. Can somebody please help me? :'(

hey, it seems that the tickets are fully booked now.

however, do logon to interpark once in a while to see if anyone released their tickets. someone on facebook mentioned that people (who do not want the tickets anyone, for whatsoever reasons) will have to release their tickets by 15 Feb 00:00am (KST). so perhaps, take note of this, and i really hope you're lucky :)

Good luck!!

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Dear chequered_8787 and sameth,

Thanks for that info and I've been accessing Interpark like crazy since yesterday but so far I just don't have the fortune to get the ticket yet. Anyways, I guess I won't give up that easily. Just continue to wish me the best of luck and here's hoping for a good result soon.


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