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Guest lenakeem

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^ I'm not sure which part you wanted, but they're saying that Eric's (they called him the Korean Samurai) zipper got broken. Minwoo was trying to demonstrate how Eric was hurrying up to get on the stage and didn't realize it. Sorry it's not detailed, but this is what I understood from the little Korean/Japanese I know. ^^;;

//edit// Looks like nglkt has already put the subbed version up. =)

yeah it's up!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing the link. Thanks nglkt!!!!!!!

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I come bearing more questions pertaining to Shinhwa while SME is under attack.

I remember reading from somewhere [although I can't remember the exact source], that Jang Woohyuk from .H.OT. had to pay SME a ridiculous sum of money to sing ONE SONG of .H.O.T at his solo concert just because it was a .H.O.T. song and it's trademarked under SME.

While watching both K/S Gayo 2007, I realized that Shinhwa sang T.O.P which is their most successful song while they were with SME. Did Shinhwa / Good Ent had to fork out money to sing those songs because it belonged to SME?

Being part Cassie, I'm beginning to see a pattern in the lawsuits that's going on. DongBang may just have to fight for the rights to their name, if they were to part with SME.

I hope they'll ask their sunbaes for advice. *sigh*.....

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Guest hazrinaer

I think Shinhwa didn't have to pay SME because they won the copyright of the group name and also the songs..

So, Shinhwa can sing their songs anytime..

I'm glad Shinhwa move out from SME..

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Guest samshiku

yep, they had to pay money for copyright to every song name and cheography even. [read that somewhere long time ago]

eric's family must be loaded man

and i might surmise that 'Perfect Man' may have cost more than 'T.O.P' seeing how it was THE song that made them so famous in Taiwan, Singapore etc.

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Guest kriza_09

I come bearing more questions pertaining to Shinhwa while SME is under attack.

I remember reading from somewhere [although I can't remember the exact source], that Jang Woohyuk from .H.OT. had to pay SME a ridiculous sum of money to sing ONE SONG of .H.O.T at his solo concert just because it was a .H.O.T. song and it's trademarked under SME.

While watching both K/S Gayo 2007, I realized that Shinhwa sang T.O.P which is their most successful song while they were with SME. Did Shinhwa / Good Ent had to fork out money to sing those songs because it belonged to SME?

Being part Cassie, I'm beginning to see a pattern in the lawsuits that's going on. DongBang may just have to fight for the rights to their name, if they were to part with SME.

I hope they'll ask their sunbaes for advice. *sigh*.....

Hmm... i think what happened was that SM sued Shinhwa for copyrights of name and songs (so they can't use the name and sing their songs) and Shinhwa won the case. But they didn't just win the copyright like that. Because they won, they were able to buy the copyrights, which they did. So now they can sing any Shinhwa song anytime they want to. So I guess what they won was the right to buy the copyright. *didn't mean to make it rhyme lol*

PS: I think the copyright is under someone else now. If you remember, there was a little dispute last year concerning some members not being able to do an event under the name Shinhwa without getting permission from another party.

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I actually wrote a really long piece about Shinhwa and SM, but when I hit post, Soompi was updating itself into it's new 'hotness'. Yes, my luck fails like that =.= Too lazy to retype the whole thing.

I guess the fact that singers have to go to court to fight for rights to their own works and name, when there are no special considerations, is another wonderful anomaly of SM contracts :sweatingbullets: (<< can anyone else see this smiley? Doesn't seem to work anymore T__T)

Anyways, to answer Lina's question, here's my guess..

For starters, Shinhwa did make an official statement that no mater what happens, they will stay as a group, so that settled things with fans and experts said if members were determined to stay together, breaking up was unlikely.

I am a casual follower of DBSK, so I can't be as sure as I am with Shinhwa, but looking at some of the SM treatment they received, I think Shinhwa and H.O.T. got the even shorter end of the short stick >__< Just looking at the amount of Shinhwa variety shows and performances, I think you can imagine their schedule was probably pretty grilling~ But business is business, so I can see where SM is coming from as well with all the training, travelling, living expenses, etc. There are probably staff there who work as hard, if not harder, than our boys.

Anyways, as kriza pointed out, copyrights do expire after a time. Copyrights do not necessarily have to belong to SM or be completely transferred to them either. Unless some contract says so, parts or the entire copyright may belong to the composer, singer, etc. In H.O.T.s case, I guess there was an agreement that SM will hold all copyrights or everyone decided to judge it that way? (It was almost like everyone was out to get H.O.T. members at the time =.=) When SM sued Shinhwa for trademark (name) and copyrights (songs), I'm guessing they were trying to pull the same thing with Shinhwa, as they did with H.O.T., but I guess there was a flaw in the contract (?) and it was found that both parties held some rights.

Anywho, aside from all the guessing, the way I remember it was that SM finally agreed to allow Shinhwa to keep their name and perform their songs with a monetary settlement, and if SM continues to hold distribution rights (distribution company) to Shinhwa songs, albums, MVs, etc.). So I guess that's why you see younger SM bands perform Shinhwa songs quite freely and often...

As for Eric forking out money, it's really no joke. Lawyers charge like $300-$400 US an hour =.=

I think more artists die at the hands of lawyer fees than from their original problem...

And for the record, Shinhwa members did not break ties with SM completely at the time. I don't know if it's because of Sungie's apathy towards money matters (since he stayed with Good when everyone left), but Group S was under the SM label when they were active. I think because of this and because Sungie didn't show up at the press con for Shinhwa's transfer to Good, there were some break-up rumors. But Shinhwa members are always quick to act on these things and Hyesung held a special interview right away. I remember someone re-uploaded the sub version not too long ago, but I can't, for the life of me, remember who. Here's a gif of it though (of course, it was quite dorky and Minwoo had to show up ^^):


AH~ I miss Minsyung! Feels like I haven't seen them together in FOREVER T_____T




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Guest shinie

i made a new siggie for the Shinhwa project you talked about. Check shinhwa.biz if anyone's interested <333


And about the issue with SM, i didn't know there was such a deal ?! No wonder SM's new generation idol can sing Shinhwa's songs so often.

But then, what about the case of some Taiwanese (or Chinese ?!) artist sang "Hey, Come one!"....i think they even released the song in a album, i mean there was promotion video and performance which made the fans thought theirs was original and the Shinhwa boys get boo-ed when they performed that song.

I mean, i read somewhere that the author also sold the song to that group but Shinhwa hold part of the copyright, don't they ? And most of SM's songs are exclusively to their artists only.

Edit: Anyone care to translate what written on the big MinSyung picture above TT.TT ??...i've seeing that pic flowing around for a while but i had no idea what those words mean TT.TT

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M: Hyesung, look at me.

HS: I'm busy. I'll play with you later at night.

Edit: Anyone care to translate what written on the big MinSyung picture above TT.TT ??...i've seeing that pic flowing around for a while but i had no idea what those words mean TT.TT
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2009 Eric's Video Screening II DVD + Puzzles

This is the DVD & Puzzle that will be sold at Eric's Video Screening event II.

I have worked with Korean side on purchasing the DVD & Puzzle again and have it shipped to Singapore.

DVD (* exclude the cards on top)


Puzzle (* A3 size and come in 10 different pictures


Pics credit to fevEric + ubEric

Estimated Price:-

DVD: SGD34.00*

Puzzle (per piece): SGD34.00*

PS: I can't advice on shipping charges coz I am not sure of the weight and size of the dvd and puzzle yet.

* Shipping from ME to YOU is FREE!

~Order closed on 14th August 2009~

~Order closed on 20th August 2009~





I think this 2nd DVD contains the followings:

+ His recent photos from his daily life during and after work

+ Eric's home unveiled for the first time!

+ Recent interview

+ Members' congratulatory interviews + video messages to Eric

+ Previously unseen videos from 2005 til now

+ Interview NGs, overseas promotions etc

- 'Super Rookie' filmsite (he was hugging Oh Ji Ho in that vid)

- 'Dong Hwa' filmsite

- Coca-Cola CF

- 'Diary of June' filmsite, press conference and also the movie premiere where Jin, Minwoo & Dongwan turned up

- Baeksang Art Awards, Dongwan was there too

- the fanmeeting he had in Japan when 'Super Rookie' was aired, the guest was Hyesung

- the press conference for 'Wolf' and 'Que Sera Sera'

- the fansigning session for AnyCall

- the SPAM launch party, Dongwan was there…

Credits: UB + love-ric.com + Absolut Shinhwa

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And for the record, Shinhwa members did not break ties with SM completely at the time. I don't know if it's because of Sungie's apathy towards money matters (since he stayed with Good when everyone left), but Group S was under the SM label when they were active. I think because of this and because Sungie didn't show up at the press con for Shinhwa's transfer to Good, there were some break-up rumors. But Shinhwa members are always quick to act on these things and Hyesung held a special interview right away. I remember someone re-uploaded the sub version not too long ago, but I can't, for the life of me, remember who. Here's a gif of it though (of course, it was quite dorky and Minwoo had to show up ^^):


^ Here's the subbed vid if anyone wants to revisit: 030620 Hyesung - Interview about Rumours ;)

shinie; If I'm not wrong, SME did sell the copyrights of [Hey, Come On!] (and some other songs) to the Taiwanese group so they are legally using the song in albums and their performances (and dramas, I guess. They used the Chinese version of [Perfect Man] in a basketball drama I've forgotten the title of). SME is not the only company to do this, btw.

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I would say something about this SM issue, but you guys have already said it all! :D I even learned some new stuff from here esp from crystalis hehe.

Oo I want to get that Eric DVD. He's always so charming in films and dramas. B)

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thanx for that lengthy explanation Amy! Wish to have read the first lengthier explanation that soompi gobbled up. It's been a while! We need to catch up!

I miss MinSyung too...Gawdd..just read about Jinnie postponing his enlistment...they shud all just pack up and go and come back already! Suspense and waiting is no good for a fan girl's heart.

I'm currently looking for Infinity Challenge [Eng Subs] with all of Shinhwa. Someone show me the way?

*waves to everyone*

Am practicing Deep Sorrow atm. can't seem to get the feel right. The piano version may probably not feel as ghetto as the original. -_- Still trying. =D

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This is so random, but just want to share this. I really thought I've watched all Shinhwa vids! But ah, I guess I've to search more to some random tags; this was during Dongwan's Spin Kick promotion, and all the members made appearance to show their support. Total Shinhwa love there! :)

OMG. I miss them alot. Wish they'd all appear at Minwoo's concert, and we get to see lots of fancams eh. *sigh*

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^^^^I had been wanting to watch Dongwan's Spin Kick premiere or press conference, or whatever that was for a long time, because I had a feeling Shinhwa members would be in there!!!! And what do you know ALL of them were there. I only saw June Diary and Holly Daddy's premiere with the Shinhwa members.Thanks for sharing that link!!!!!!!!!! :D

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this is very subtle / tame compared to the kisses that we know. But, it just reminds me of them and the couples in today's idols started from these 6 handsome dorks!

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