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Guest 0_liceyy

Breakfast: corn flakes cereal with milk

Lunch: nothing

Snack: an orange

Dinner: rice, cucumbers, chicken, and clams

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Guest astar

I'm such a pig today...god. I'm definitely on a growing spurt...1.5 in the past year and a half.

Breakfast: A slice of pizza and rice, juice

Morning Drinks: Green Tea and Coffee

Lunch: Tri-tator, milk, pizza

Supper: Spaghetti, 2 pieces of bread, pineapple, and plain noodles

I think I'll be good for a while. :D

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Guest esthers2

stupid holidays are making me pig out cos of stress =(


- 2 dumplings + veg juice


- 2 lollies and 1 mochi ddok.. YUMMM


- 1/2 cup rice with bulgogi and kimchi mm...

thats all for now.. im having dinner soon^^ :o:o

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Guest Sassy_Girl

Breakfast : Balaleet ( Eggs with something long like macaroni ) it is arabian ..

For lunch it is Makboos Dajaj ( chicken with rice after make it grean rice by mixing it with the sipcy and cammon).. yumy yumy it is delicious and hot ..

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Guest STARSohsobright

Breakfast- School Bagel, Tea, 3/4 cup cereal [ugh, so much. ><]

Lunch- Obento [Onigiri, Veggies, Kiwi] & A HUGE sugar cookie & an icescream bar

Dinner- No dinner


I keep binge-ing, I dont know what's wrong with me lately. D:

But I am sure getting pudgy.

this cookie & icescream eating needs to stop.

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Guest Valeria

Breakfast - starbucks latte

Lunch - garden salad, diet coke

Snack - chocolate bar, green tea, 2 cups of coffee

Dinner - vegetable stir-fry, a glass of red wine

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yesterday i had 2 bananas, some frozen strawberries, and an apple..

today so far only had black sesame paste soup thingy..

will have ribs tonight for dinner.. yummy :D

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Guest redbean

lunch: udon, miso soup & a chicken sandwich from mcdonalds (which my bro bought for me -______-+)

snack: green tea bun, a quarter of an egg tart & 2 bottles of water

dinner: went out for chinese food -.-

ahh... I'm turning into a total pig! :wacko:

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Guest xjunk!0_oprincessx

Breakfast: didn't have anything

a small bag of M&M

+ umm food made by my daddy

asian spaghetti haha there's chicken, lettuce, and pepper slices

Salmon salad raw salmon marinated in sauce and lime with lettuce *delicious* even better with rice but I just ate it plain

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Guest Alice

Breakfast: nothing

Lunch: sushi, a regular Starbucks frappuccino

Snack: another frappuccino, an ice block, noodle snack

Before dinner: a banana, kiwifruit,

Dinner: vegetables

City = junk food T_T

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Guest 0_liceyy

Breakfast- 3 french toast, milk, and an oatmeal apple raisin cereal bar

Lunch- an apple, an oats & honey granola bar, a vanilla cone icecream, ramen with spicy beef

Dinner- rice, tomatoes, string beans, bak choi, a donut, an orange, half of a papaya, green tea and another oats & honey granola bar


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hmm breakfast... I think I ate rice with geem. [seaweed]

lunch... I ate this one garlic shrimp? thing at a chinese restaurant

Then I ate some rice + side dishes...

and I ate those icecream things... lol um. hmm I think that's it.

oh and I ate a lot of go-gurt XD

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