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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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I'm not really keen to see him in a "regular" kdrama, medical or legal, they just seem so bland to me. None of the kdramas airing this year appealed to me (well except for criminal minds, although I still haven't finished it yet, shame on me), with the disastrous pairing choice or poor story. I hope he gets some luck with the scriptwriter, because in the end it is the most important. But sadly they seem really rare nowadays, no originality. I wonder if I've watched too many kdrama or the quality really dicreased lately. 

Maybe a workplace drama can do, if the script is smart enough :wink: 


Or ~ focusing more in the movie industry. The roles are more diverse there.

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@pixelsticks About Soo saving both So and Seol… let me disagree once again… I’m the kind who always think is better to say “let’s stick together and fight to be happy together” than “let’s suffer apart for a greater good, blah, blah”. Remember in the end Soo acknowledges it herself, that the opposite to love is not to hate but to leave… and in the museum she was sorry because she left So alone (too late for her, for So and for us…)

Suwon gardens were like 5 minutes walking from the subway station… and it is surrounded by high buildings that kind of spoiled some pictures!!
I don´t think I ever saw a detailed map… but there’s a post with MLSHR filming locations for sure. In this link you can check some places http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/ATR/SI_EN_3_6.jsp?cid=2420291

About LJG next drama… uhmmmmmm. Taking apart MLSHR my two fave JG dramas are Two Weeks and TBDW. But as I think he was made for sageuks I would like his next drama to be a sageuk. Maybe something like a fantasy drama, ever since I watched eternal love I dream of him playing a god! The possibilities… Of course I will be happy with anything he chooses… the only thing I ask is that his next drama won´t be a remake, pretty please! I’m so sick and tired of unfair comparisons…


@glassnokamen LOOOOOOOOOVE his latest IG pictures… so dreamy, so beautiful…


Where are your episode 7 reviews??? I think I will do mine tonight 

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3 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

On spoiler because offtopic... kinda

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I was going to post my episode 7 review and imgur at first woldn´t upload my pics and then it just died... so if you have a site to upload my many pics for this review please help me!!!


@antoniaclamens I use this one ^^ https://postimages.org

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Here's a question:  Let's play!  What is your BEST GUESS?  JG's NEXT ROLE will be a MODERN DRAMA or a SAGUEK



I love him in sageuk, he is magnificent in historical settings, both in the looks department, aura and actions. Sadly, I guess he  is taking a rest from it or maybe will not take sageuk anymore.:( that's what had drawn me to JG world in the very beginning.

If it's modern, I hope he be role playing a very evil and unscrupulous person who due to a twist of fate become a changed person, or vice versa, from a good person becomes unscrupulous or evil.

Or maybe, he can role play a handicapped with a very warm outlook to life. But this will mean we won't be getting anything in the action dept...I like him in action.

Or maybe a bodyguard? I know this is old story but cool and stylish JG.:wub: how to resist?

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Wow a lot to catch up with, though it's quite quiet in here.

On 11/17/2017 at 9:36 PM, haniiiii said:

So, if you have any more to sub, you can definitely suggest them and write down here, I will check them out, download them and do them when possible

Are you really allowing us to bombard with you subbing requests??? :w00t: Thank you! You are the bestest! :wub: And the garden pics were amazing. Thank you. I think I would be too emotional to take any good pics if I were ever to visit these places – you rock!!


On 11/18/2017 at 3:46 AM, pixelsticks said:

OMG.  I found this and it's scary/creepy as can be!

But it does suit snake Wook well, don’t you think? It doesn’t look that bad at first but then it just turns into pure evil, just like snake Wook. And creepy just like him too.


On 11/18/2017 at 9:59 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I also saw that Gong Gil picture, lol... i miss GG

This happens to me too – if I saw a pic of Gong Gil, I start to miss him. The other day I saw some pics of Yong, and I missed him terribly. What is happening to me? desperate2 onion head


On 11/18/2017 at 9:59 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I just couldn't resist reposting that one. where is it from?


He is absolutely beautiful, isn’t he? love onion head I’m not sure where it is from either – just found it on pure luck, I guess.


On 11/20/2017 at 8:01 PM, pixelsticks said:

Hahaha I think there wasn't any actual plan after escaping. It was just...let's get her out of here....now! Or maybe...if they would have gotten away...he was going to take her to Shinju.  <<<now I keep obsessing over if he would have just returned to Shinju and dominated that family like the General said he could.....>>>

It would have been awesome if it happened that way. Would BA also go with them? They could have lived freely and happily, perhaps. But wouldn’t it be like him rebelling against the king? I mean, he escaped/ eloped :w00t: with the woman who was going to be the King’s concubine/ woman (?); and him dominating the powerful Kangs would be seen as an indication of him wanting more power and eventually the throne, wouldn’t it? Ah, the possibilities!!


On 11/20/2017 at 8:01 PM, pixelsticks said:

And wouldn't any person want JG/Wang So/Hyun Joon/Tae San/Sung-Yeol/etc. to turn around and watch them go?

Um.. I wouldn’t want them to watch me go –:ph34r: I’d prefer if they’d stop me and keep me with them.embarrassed1 onion head

On 11/21/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I love the way he looks in every single picture 

I love the first pic the most – he looks sooooo adorable in it. :wub:And he is smiling! :wub: :wub:And look at them cheeks!!! :wub::wub::wub:


On 11/21/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Chingu you must be careful and be sure to watch SBS version or you will miss a lot of So's scenes

Yep, I learned my lesson with episode 6. And to think that I actually missed some of So’s scenes when I watched it previously!!! shock2 onion head

On 11/21/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

i also wonder about  the apron thing BA and Jung (and in other episodes Eun) were wearing... maybe an unmarried men thing?

Cannot be an unmarried men thing because So is not wearing the same way. It is probably to show how young they are as @pixelsticks said.


On 11/21/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

As i said before i love to see So falling in love with Soo... i love how protective he always is... and i love that he always respect her choices...

Everything you said! I love how he goes from being annoyed by her mere existence to looking at her and loving as if his whole world revolves around her! admire2 onion head And he respects her choices because he respects her as a person. :wub:

On 11/21/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

about the plan... who needs a plan when you just can ride in a horse in So's arms... i would happily die in his arms...

Hehehe... True, but wouldn’t you want to live with him happily ever after even more? You know, teasing and bickering with So all the time; seeing his lovely face every day; So looking at you with heart eyes; So treating you as his equal and his Queen; So being protective of you; So pulling you towards him by your waist aka waist grab!!! :w00t: Simple stuff like these – wouldn’t you want them more? crazy monkey 105


On 11/21/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Ok i knew it! someday we will disagree!! i don´t think Soo protected So in the end... maybe Seol but not So...


On 11/21/2017 at 8:48 AM, pixelsticks said:

I thought her convoluted way of protecting So was to not be a constant foil/target in the Palace.  She knew the other powers would never let them live a peaceful existence together...even if she was just a consort.  And to get to So...they would use her and manipulate his choices/power constantly.  By leaving, she took that power away from the other parties. She was his liability. 

@antoniaclamens I agree with @pixelsticks said. She did what she thought was best for both So and their baby at that time. Communicating with each other honestly was the basis and strength of their relationship. If they had communicated in those wretched last episodes as they used to, many hearts wouldn't have been broken, maybe. I'm still bitter at the fact the PD didn't give enough time for Soo's POV which she deserves. Hell, even snake Wook got more than she did which he certainly doesn't deserve!! <_<


On 11/21/2017 at 7:03 PM, pixelsticks said:

What is your BEST GUESS?  JG's NEXT ROLE will be a MODERN DRAMA or a SAGUEK

Probably a modern drama, but I’m not picky. Love all the suggestions from you ladies. He would dazzle us if he were to wear any kind of uniform! admire2 onion head I’d like to see him as a teacher; he hasn’t done that role yet, right? He could be an elementary school teacher – think how adorable and awesome he would be with all those small kids around him! love onion head Or even a high school teacher, with glasses, please; he’d be the young and cool one. Or a martial arts teacher!! :w00t:


I know I am being silly, but I can’t help but worry until I hear any news of new projects from him. Logically, I know that he knows the best, but I still worry. :(


On 11/22/2017 at 4:00 PM, glassnokamen said:

Two little glimpse of Oppa elusive torso to add at our collection :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

You mean to add to @pixelsticks Elusive Torso collection, right? :wink: Um.. we do the Elusive Torso parade just to help @pixelsticks, yeah. It's not for ourselves, no. :D  Here’s my contribution for @pixelsticks collection :tongue: :




19 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Of course I will be happy with anything he chooses… the only thing I ask is that his next drama won´t be a remake, pretty please! I’m so sick and tired of unfair comparisons…

YES to all! I’m okay with any genre of drama or movie which will give him the chance to shine more and let him have all the accolades and recognition that he deserves.:wub: He deserves only the best!

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5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

YES to all! I’m okay with any genre of drama or movie which will give him the chance to shine more and let him have all the accolades and recognition that he deserves.:wub: He deserves only the best!

Talking about movies..looks like JG began encountering "bad mother characters" from way back in 2004.


Look at part of the dialogue in Hotel Venus:


“It was more than 10 years ago. A woman came here with her little son. She ordered coffee, and… before we knew it, she disappeared. Just like that. She left her son, and took off. She never returned. It’s so typical of this town. The boy kept waiting for his mother’s return. If he stopped waiting he’d have to admit he was abandoned. But the fact is he was abandoned. The boy blamed himself. He thought it was because he was weak. He thought his mother would return, if he became strong. He said he wanted to be strong. He still doesn’t know what it is to be strong. What a foolish boy…”

Source: http://llllilian.tumblr.com/

This is the boy in the quote:






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Continued from previous post:

Talkative reporter JG







NB: For some context, he was trying to make her laugh.They caught her boyfriend(who was once his rival in high school) double crossing her.She learnt that her bf already had a fiancee.


Credit goes to the original gif uploader.

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On 11/23/2017 at 7:37 AM, leesopark16 said:

well except for criminal minds, although I still haven't finished it yet, shame on me

What the???  Shame shame!!  :ph34r::wink:  How far along are you?


On 11/23/2017 at 2:20 PM, antoniaclamens said:

I’m the kind who always think is better to say “let’s stick together and fight to be happy together” than “let’s suffer apart for a greater good, blah, blah”.

I agree here....I didn't say she made the right choice...it was just how I saw she thought she was protecting what she wanted to at the time. 


On 11/23/2017 at 2:20 PM, antoniaclamens said:

Maybe something like a fantasy drama

This sounds appealing to me....


On 11/23/2017 at 2:20 PM, antoniaclamens said:

the only thing I ask is that his next drama won´t be a remake, pretty please! I’m so sick and tired of unfair comparisons…

That would be preferable! Although it does seem to be harder and harder to have new, fresh scripts greenlighted.  I still wish he could have been in Mr. Sunshine. Or even Kingdom.  I did see that there are plans to recreate (in drama format) the movie The Beauty Inside...with a male as the lead character.  It would be interesting to see how he would play that character...but here we go again with the comparisons. 


On 11/23/2017 at 2:20 PM, antoniaclamens said:

Where are your episode 7 reviews??? I think I will do mine tonight 

Busy busy busy...but coming...


13 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

But wouldn’t it be like him rebelling against the king? I mean, he escaped/ eloped :w00t: with the woman who was going to be the King’s concubine/ woman (?); and him dominating the powerful Kangs would be seen as an indication of him wanting more power and eventually the throne, wouldn’t it? Ah, the possibilities!!

Well...there's gotta be some conflict to add to the drama.  And we would have bypassed the pining over Wook time, the poisoning problems, etc. Maybe had a few fun romantic episodes before the bad stuff started to happen. 


13 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Um.. I wouldn’t want them to watch me go –:ph34r: I’d prefer if they’d stop me and keep me with them.embarrassed1 onion head

Well yes....hahahah  Hey..this reminds me....where in the heck is @cedarwood ????

13 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Simple stuff like these – wouldn’t you want them more? crazy monkey 105

Now I ask....really WHERE is @cedarwood ?  <<<she wouldn't let this comment go to waste>>>


13 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

You mean to add to @pixelsticks Elusive Torso collection, right? :wink: Um.. we do the Elusive Torso parade just to help @pixelsticks, yeah. It's not for ourselves, no. :D  Here’s my contribution for @pixelsticks collection :tongue: :

hehehehee this made my day!  And Ya...sure...it's JUST FOR ME.  tongue leaf Ready for some selfies in an IG post.  OR something creative all on his own. 


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MLSHR Episode 7 -  Dramafever Directors Cut

or in other words

Stupid is as Stupid Does

Pixelistic Re(Take)



  • Spoiler


    • There she is again…scary Court Lady Ohlady teapot and we get to see Soo for the first time in the gold/burgundy/green get-up of the Damiwon ladies.  Soo is excited to use her makeup skills here but gets her bubble burst when CLO discovers she cannot read or write.
    • 1:40 SQUEE!!! <<<it didn’t take too long for Wang Sofan smiley to show up in this episode!!>>> And why WERE you there in the Damiwon….confused-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774068hmmmm????? So you could walk & talk with Soo? <<<hehehehe>>> So tolerates Soo’s ramblings until he’s had enough and <<<Korean wrist grab>>> grabs her arm with some force, but then releases it a bit seeing her bandaged arm.  He calls her stupid again…and tells her not to do anything like that ever again. Soo looks uncomfortable with his statement…and proximity.




  • 3:35 But... they go on a walk rice-ball-smiley-09.gif?1302020563around the Lake…and chat about the palace. He’s a warning pessimist.  She’s an encouraging optimist. Wang So says palace life won’t be so boring now. And leaves with a half smile on his face. rice-ball-smiley-11.gif?1302020564 <<<swoon>>>
  • 5:52 Wook & Yeon Hwa discuss their tenuous family situation. crocodile smiley Wook wants to keep it simple…and simple to Yeon Hwa means that Wook becomes King. She’ll even forgo marriage to So to secure it for him through an arranged marriage of some sort. She’s afraid Yo is getting too powerful dislike smiley<<<she might not be stupid>>>.
  • 7:25 Eww….skin wounds. JiMong is with Crown Prince Moo, treating his eczema. It’s our first indication of what has been hindering CPM loser-smiley.gif?1292867633from totally kicking richardsimmons and taking names.
  • 8:23 The General & his Daughter arrive!! <<<that man is a busy actor>>> From just a few lines, you can see they have a bickering, yet warm relationship.pillow-fight-smiley.gif?1292867652
  • 9:06 The General speaks to the King king-smiley-face.gif?1302011383 . You can see they are old friends. It’s here where we learned that the General is the one who taught Wang So martial arts.  jumpy-smiley-face.gif?1302011383<<<oh …why couldn’t there be footage of THAT! Stupid PD NIM!!>>> And the General feels that CPM is too gentle and that WS could/should be the Crown Prince. JiMong tells the General to use some tact & sense <<<or in other words...prop-smiley-face.gif?1302011410don’t be stupid>>>
  • 10:42 PRINCE CHICKEN FIGHT!!! Enough said! <<<except that “Bad” Princes are in black and the “good” Princes are in Red>>> And Wang So tries to fit in. kicked-out-smiley.gif?1292867628<<<ahhh fun & humor….I’ll miss you soon>>>
  • 11:45 Crayola Princes at School!  mr-sbeasley-smiley.gif?1292867640Wang So: smirky, smiley, smartypants. He would be the Triple threat/most popular/Homecoming King in high school.  <<<I love how the editor even edited his facial reactions to the music here!>>> And yet another scene where I believe there were more lines, etc….pullhair-smiley-face.gif?1302011410stupid editors!!
  • 12:00 The General doesn’t want Wang So to get too comfy in the Palace.  He knows that WS has the strength to control Shinju if he returned, but Wang So tells him he wants to be here.  He asks him why? And doesn’t get the answer he wants…so he presses more. “The Prince that remains in Songak is only one…the one who’ll be on the throne. So think carefully.” winner-first-smiley-face.gif?1302011443 <<<ok….now I had a thought…what if Wang So would have left the Palace, taken Soo with him and went back to Shinju and ruled them with her!?!?!   AARRGGHH!!! whistling2-smiley-face.gif?1302011442Stupid thoughts>>>  
  • 14:00 Queen Hwangbo has a lingering headache <<<maybe it’s your dorky/stupid children??>>> But in actuality we find out that her headaches and Court Lady Oh’s tummy problems are due to the Evil one! These two have a sad, strange bond. green scarf 34Soo wanted to put makeup on the Queen but CLO said no.
  • 15:50 Soo hears Crown Prince Mooyellow-onion-head-emoticon-12.gif?1301920886 freaking out over his eczema. She knows just what to do and she does it…to the horror of Court Lady Oh.
  • 18:20 CLO punishes Hae Soo by making her hold Goryeo Pharmaceutical Textbooks above her head. And she warns her never to speak of the health of CPM.no pink cat
  • 19:19 Hae Soo is sent to water the gardens.  A job she hates. She throws water half-hazardly and doesn’t notice she splashes/wakes a napping Wang So. As she mumbles to herself, WS interjects when she asks if she should run away.  So is a practicalist. Soo is an idealist. So likes to name plants. Soo thinks he’s making fun of her. <<<stupid girl>>> So tells her to do her job, bonks her on the head and walks away with a contented stride.devil laugh leaf
  • 23:50 Damiwon Time!!  Time to cook, time to sleep, time to serve just the right tea to each prince, time to have secret time with Wook, time to hang out with Eun. happy-eggy-emoticon.gif?1302821234
  • 26:23 And time to learn your letters.  Wookie Related image looks on so proud of her. It’s here where he finds out she doesn’t know how to read. He gently helps her to write…his name. And sees her scar.  He covers it with a promise bracelet. <<<here come the lies again…and telling her to wait and a kiss on the forehead shy-eggy-emoticon.gif?1302821236>>>
  • 31:37 Hae Soo, alone in her room, but full of thoughts of Wook.  She’s ready to let go of Go Ha Jin if she could be with Wook. <<<uh oh….what's that you say?…. vkimJVh.png>>>
  • 33:05 Baek-Ah sitting in the forest…painting-smiley.gif?1292867649drawing.  But a young lady is none too happy with this “insect.”  She feels he has sold out to the aristocrats and is feeding off the pain of the weak.  <<<ok…now I know they will probably fall in love>>>  We find out that she is displaced Royalty and that the Minister of the Left wants to talk with her. <<<I love me some Baek-Ah but this is a storyline I could have done without…stupid writer.writer pink mouse>>>
  • 35.39 All the Wang Kiddos are together, eating and drinking and getting Eun drunk. <<<How old is that boy? Not a wise choice...or should I say...stupid? >>> Both Wook & So look for Soo.  She’s nowhere to be found. Yeon Hwa brings up her marriage options again. She’s like a long-liner fishermanfishing1-smiley-face.gif?1302011362…seeing what/how many she can catch with her statements. So leaves.
  • 37:35 Yocrazy monkey 008 drags Yeon Hwa princess-smiley-face.gif?1302011408 out of the Damiwon. And doesn’t mince words.  You…just be mine.” blacko 10<<<ever the romantic…NOT>>> He’s ready to marry her, but she wants to be his MAIN Biotch. And she asks him to make the other wives the SIDE biotches.  He says he doesn’t do anything for a girl and starts to get rough.  He insinuates she has no other choice and goes to kiss her. Enter Wang So. hi white cloud<<<the other choice>>> He smartly advises her to remove Yo from “Yo plans.” She throws it back at him and asks So if he has any interest in her plans<<<meaning her>>>…and cut.  <<<dammit I want to hear the answer...stupid editors>>>   
  • 40:05 Soo gets all her Court Lady duties done so she can get all pretty and decorate for Eun’s birthday. Lookie that…I think I see CLO surprised teapotsmile a tiny smile at Hae Soo’s energy and efficiency. She grabs a drunk Eun drunk-smiley-face.gif?1302011347 to take him to the party.  Jung & BaekAh run into the General’s daughter, Soon Deok <<<where has she been all this time??? Hiding under that Bear Pelt?>>> Poor thing gets no respect. You know…I would have thought Jung would know her…since he seems to know about martial arts and fighting, etc.dunno-smiley-face.gif?1302011347 Maybe he had not trained with the General or had military training yet.  But that said…since he is such a fighter, you’d think he find her interesting…at least. <<<I’m ready for a drama where the girl is a warrior….wait…is that Mulan??>>>
  • 42:50 Ahh…happy music….and happy Eun. dancing-smiley-face.gif?1302011340He loves all the work Soo did for his birthday.  Her gift is a birthday song and dance.  So & Yeon Hwa witness it from afar…and it makes So smile and laugh, until he remembers who is standing next to him. But all the Princes were watching the show.  Soo is so embarrassed.  They all ask her to sing another song.  Eun wants them all gone! She sings a sweet tune, and the sweet Princes all look on…and start to get feels. <<<so do I>>> None more than Soxs04uD7.png….who starts to realize that he’s falling for her. <<<Listen to the piano…look at his face…in love red foxdon’t walk away. MAN UP!!  Watching this episode hurts though…knowing this “happy” won’t linger long.>>>  Soo sees So walk away and is concerned.
  • 47:45 It’s time for Presents in the Damiwon, happybday-smiley-face.gif?1302011376but Yeon Hwa doesn’t want Hae Soo there.  Luckily CPM is there to supersede her protocol demands. Yeon Hwa doesn’t want to be the Side Biotch in terms of her brothers.  <<<but they just don’t adore her like they do Soo>>>
  • 49:00 Eun is a spoiled little Prince. He gets all kinds of nice presents…even his beloved slingshot.  The General’s daughter finally gets brave enough to give Eun her Bear Pelt.  Stupid Eun lame-smiley-face.gif?1302011385(and some others) are afraid of her, insult her and recoil. She leaves, dejected.
  • 51:20 Wang So is good at skipping rocks! <<<and these editors are good at showing us that YES…he is falling for Soo…flashbacks, pretty music…pretty faces…>>> Baek-Ah…ahhh lovely BA comes and gets Wang So…reminds him that brothers need to be there on days like this. And then you get to smile at the girl you just fell in love with. GBThhue.png<<<love love>>>
  • 52:51 But then YOcrazy monkey 008 has to open his mouth and destroy all the happy that was present. <<<well he is the son of the Queen destroyer>>>  He manipulates Eun & Soo into asking So to take off his mask.  A shaken So crazy monkey 133 does just that…and the only ones who will not look away are Soo and Yo. Yeon Hwa seems truly disgusted. The others seem to be uncomfortable…more for So’s sake. So leaves…Soo leaves…Wook leaves. Yeon Hwa demands Eun apologize. Yo & Moo have words.
  • 58:20 Soo catches up to an angry So.  She tells him if he leaves now before letting Eun apologize, the brothers will drift apart. So’s response??? “Look at me


     <<<Wrist grab again! And heck yes…I’m more than happy to look at you.  It was here that I discovered nose flares are an amazing acting skill of Lee Joon Gi.>>>  That look in your eyes, I hate it like crazy” <<<ahhh c’mon So…she just hasn’t fallen for you yet…cause remember she’s a…..stupid girl>>>



And guess which images are in the TOP 10 Wang So Faces??? 



Edited by pixelsticks
because I am a stupid girl
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8 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

What the???  Shame shame!!  :ph34r::wink:  How far along are you?

Ah ah not far. I stopped at episode 5 I think, but I kept in touch to know what was going on, just not watching full episodes. I've been in a busy period, and still am, so I prefer watching lighter stuff when I have time. 

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Episode 7 Review Part 1


Episode 7 is one of my favorite ones... so many awesome So scenes... Sorry in advance for the picspam...


Now So couldn't help it! he's worried about Soo and he is not afraid to show it:






Soo says that she was the only one who could save herself and I say that So looks so beautiful that it hurts...





Ok, i'm not a fan of wristgrabbing, but i love it here because of the scar... because So knows what is to live with a scar.. because he doesn't want to cover it as the snake does, he's worried that Soo could've died, he's worried about the life Soo would have to live now... not free anymore...




As they ramble together we get to see one of the most beautiful locations (i really need to be there!)






And Soo says again one of my favorites lines, that she's not alone because he's here...






That little smile of So...


Time for So to learn the ways of the palace life... and have some happy times with his brothers






Evil team versus Good time... 



Now i don't really understand what So was trying to show...






I love how So opens in front of Soo... he can be at ease with her...and Soo with him. They look so confortable together...
















Ok now this is sweet... the way BA looks at So... LOVE







To be continued..

all gifs credit to uploaders

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Episode 7 Review Part 2


YH and his 2 "love" interests...





Yo doesn't have a chance against So





Eun's Birthday party



I love to see the progression of expressions on So's face





I love So's genuine laugh...


i love to see YH's face too... in your face richard simmons


So finally realizes it... he's in love


And Soo looks really pretty and pure here





If you want the animated version...








So trying to swallow his feelings and BH comes to rescue him... seriously how sweet are these two together... oh my bromantic heart!







So face just lightens at the sight of Soo... my smitten puppy, where is the dog wolf?





Animated version




And as hard as it is for me a Wang So (or JG) fave face... i must say that this one is a top one (and my cellphone wallpaper since the drama was airing)... best profile ever!




So has to face his biggest shame and fear... and he lives up to the challenge.... maybe out of pride, maybe to not look as a coward in front of Soo... but he was hurt, specially because of Soo



Anatomy of a demasking scene... have to admit... it is so hot and beautiful and sad all at the same time... how can you make me feel so many things and the same time JG shi?q2w0Pg4.jpg9iM2beJ.jpg


And they want us to believe that someone can think that tha's an ugly face? I love the scar! and how can YH look at So with disgust? 




Animated version once again










Ok i don't know what So saw in Soo's eyes... i never understood the look in her eyes in this scene... 














Some BTS







all gifs credit to uploaders

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