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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Let me shade some light on the day when china 3 fan bases had their support, it was 25th august a Friday.He had already arrived on the set at around 9.00 am , the start of a long day of shoot at the prison .By the time the meal support was held, which was around 7-8pm, he already had a long shoot inside the prison, he wrinkled in the vid because he did not like the fact that fans had spent too much money buying him gifts.This is his usual response if u get him many branded items.He does not want fans to splurge on him.That is just an expression to say, oh u shouldnt have done that, it can be seen clearly from the video, he was tired.Fatigue written on his face.But since it's a fan support, certification is required, hence vids, photos and sign are a must.

FYI, that day shoot ended at 4.30am on the 26th , so imagine how many hours he clocked. I asked fans who waited till the time they wrapped up the shoot, they said his eyes were hardly opened, yet he still shook hands with fans and made hearts with his fingers.

P.S There was no particular sadness visible , many saw with their own eyes.He was per normal.

His mind was set on only one thing, Kim Hyun Joon, as he came out to his van to rest, he was Kim Hyun Joon too, not Lee Joon Gi.

P.S I have been his fan since 2007, it is my 10th anniversary in LJG fandom and I believe what I saw with my own eyes



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On 6/9/2017 at 7:05 AM, chickenchopflipflop83 said:

saw your message and I cannot help but feel the same. But then I watched the new Thank You video. Although the footage is short, I noticed how he was trembling when they did a close up of that part when he was in tears. I think that is something you cannot fake, that kind of sincerity and raw emotion. 

There are many ways you can interpret his actions. About the unfollowing, some may say that he is troubled, stressed and wants to be anti-social but I always choose to believe that good intentions were part of it. 




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just before he unfollowed everyone on his IG, some random fan attacked JHB's IG again.. and this time over the issue of why JHB had unfollowed JG while JG still follows her (and hence she must be a petty women or something).... the messages are still there... needless to say it was ridiculously ridiculous and many vulgarities were spewed... maybe he got wind of it somehow and decided to stop all these nonsense by unfollowing everyone. I think he merely wanted to end the drama swiftly and not have his crazy fans embarrass anyone else anymore, be it JHB or whoever. Don't think he did it out of stress so don't worry too much, its for the better anyway. 


In any case, don't be disheartened. Based on what I've witnessed in the Thank You video, I don't think that brand of sincerity and determination to do good in front of his fans will be chipped away that easily. JG will always be JG so don't worry. 


I think you're right about why Joon Gi stopped following everyone and that saddens me because I feel that this isn't something Joon Gi wanted but was forced to do and all because of some crazy fans. 

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I don't come often here, but this doesn't mean i am away from matters related to JG. I read all latest post and can't stop wondering why people spend so much time in asking why he is doing this, why follow or unfollow some people, people related to his professional life mostly. The reason he unfollowed everyone is simple, he did it so this way none will make "news" and will pair him with x or y actress, he simply want privacy. The moment he liked or commented under someone's post ...many created already speculations, that he did this or that because this or that. He won't delete account as many feared, i know him for long, i am fan since 2009, and i know how much he love to communicate with fans, but if he will be less active and use ig only to promote work...is fans fault. I guess he is tired to be dragged in many post that are ridiculous. Let's respect his privacy, his right to interact with people they way he want, only thing fans should do is support him and let him do whatever he thinks is best for him in his private life.

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btw did anyone make a thorough study who he unfollowed besides JHB? the first batch of 20 accounts he unfollowed reflected his mindset. He unfollowed one namoo manager and also kjd whom he followed back again.

Why no one picked up this point, rather than keep harping on JHB?

No one goes deeper to study why he unfollowed namoo key staffs?

What about ddasamo, kahi_korea? and why did he keep only SH cast but unfollow seohyun?


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3 hours ago, cwngf said:











btw did anyone make a thorough study who he unfollowed besides JHB? the first batch of 20 accounts he unfollowed reflected his mindset. He unfollowed one namoo manager and also kjd whom he followed back again.




Why no one picked up this point, rather than keep harping on JHB?




No one goes deeper to study why he unfollowed namoo key staffs?




What about ddasamo, kahi_korea? and why did he keep only SH cast but unfollow seohyun?








Ya I wish to know more about this. Anyone have some insight?








I'm not a long time fan of JG but looking at all his interviews and interactions I felt his sincerity and respect his privacy. I cannot comprehend why people angry at him for keeping his privacy... It's sadden me to have him go through this challenging year and hopefully all this RL drama of his is over :)


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5 hours ago, ishogai said:


I don't come often here, but this doesn't mean i am away from matters related to JG. I read all latest post and can't stop wondering why people spend so much time in asking why he is doing this, why follow or unfollow some people, people related to his professional life mostly. The reason he unfollowed everyone is simple, he did it so this way none will make "news" and will pair him with x or y actress, he simply want privacy. The moment he liked or commented under someone's post ...many created already speculations, that he did this or that because this or that. He won't delete account as many feared, i know him for long, i am fan since 2009, and i know how much he love to communicate with fans, but if he will be less active and use ig only to promote work...is fans fault. I guess he is tired to be dragged in many post that are ridiculous. Let's respect his privacy, his right to interact with people they way he want, only thing fans should do is support him and let him do whatever he thinks is best for him in his private life.


5 hours ago, lisethvr said:


I think you're right about why Joon Gi stopped following everyone and that saddens me because I feel that this isn't something Joon Gi wanted but was forced to do and all because of some crazy fans. 

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I also saw those messages, someone told me that some shippers were again attacking JHB so I went her instagram and I saw the nasty comments. It all began when a shipper in addition to insulting her told her to stop stalking IU and Joon Gi, I suppose she was upset because JHB follows UI on Instagram and apparently for shippers IU or JG is the same then someone told the shipper that JHB no longer follows Joon Gi and that is he who still followed her then other shippers also came to her instagram to insult her and to discuss about why JG still followed JHB.

According to Korea time that happened on Monday morning... so I don't think it was only a coincidence that hours later, between 2am-3am on Tuesday Joon Gi stopped following 20 people. He long ago did something similar when some crazy fans were attacking LYB, I remember that he stopped following Lee Yoo Bi and Lee Soo Hyuk in the middle of the transmission of SWWTN but shortly after he returned to follow LSH, so I also think that his intention was to end the attacks that JHB was receiving. And I also think he didn't want to stop following everyone because if that had been his intention he would have done it from the beginning.

But what happened so that again a few hours later Joon Gi decided to stop following everyone? I'm speculating, so I could be wrong but I think he did it because some fans left messages on his Instagram congratulating him for what he had done, they told him that it was a good decision that he cleaned his instagram of negative people and other fans left emojis of bottles of champagne, glasses and party hat, for example a fan told him that he got rid of undesirables and another fan told him that he cleaned his instagram of trash, so it was obvious that they talked about JHB... well those were some comments that I read and from what I realized most of them were from the shippers, so I guess Joon Gi read them and he decided to stop following everyone so they stop writing to him that type of messages, and apparently gave him result because they stopped with those type of comments and on the contrary they were worried about what he did.



After April, I must say I am very surprised how some fans can rude.

Do they want someone do same way to themselves?

Just respect other's personal life.

I hope that he can protect his privacy from some "fans" and shippers.



Lee Joon Gi is an actor, in my opinion, the acting in his drama is important than his follows and likes in his insta.

So, I don't wanna focus on it. I am happy for that he unfollow everyone. and If he wanna cancel his account just likes many actors, I will support it.


BTW, I enjoy EP14 yesterday.

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19 hours ago, violina said:


How can someone not be emotional when you see something like this:

Now, its one thing to see him crying in movies or dramas.But the feeling is different when he is crying in real life.It just cuts so deep inside.Anyway, can we set the record straight , especially for the lurkers and the people who didnt watch or attend this FM.Of course, given the time this FM was held, people would naturally conclude that he was crying, because he was sad and stressed, with how everything went down that time.It most likely was part of it.But I do believe he was also crying out of gratitude.The fans had made a video tribute of his career for his birthday.If you watched the video, it would tug at your heartstrings too.I would like to think he was so moved by the love of his fans, that even when things were messy at that time.They are still by his side.Cheering for him and showing him their love in the best way that they can.

But then, I wish he never has to cry like this again.Even when he is feeling thankful.I wish he would always smile and feel the love and that he is receiving all this adoration because he deserves it.This guy is too humble.Even here though he is smiling,  he is wrinkling his face to hide his emotions;

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I love this too. How can anyone doubt the sincerity of such a man:

Note:As for those non fans who continue to question his sincerity.Il just say people will believe and see what they want to see.Its hard to break perceptions.Even when the truth is presented to them.If you try to tell them, they could be wrong.To them, you are just a delusional person, who is seeing the world with rose coloured glasses.Or as they say in kpop, you are an "oppalogist".We just need to continue supporting him in the best way we can.Conquer hate with love, they say.

Also about him changing his brand and stuff, nah dont think anything is being chipped away.JG will always be JG as we know him.I dont think he is gonna change in the way he interacts with fans.What has and will change  is that, he will even be more protective over his private life and acquaintances than before. That is all.After all that has happened, I dont think anyone has the right to blame him, for doing the needful to draw the line.This whole fiasco seems overwhelming, because it has happened within a short time.One after another.But all this will pass.Around this time next year.It will just be a memory.The world is too fast and busy, for the media and people, to focus on just one person's issues.

I also think he cried because he was touched by the love of his fans... you could feel it! the love i mean. it was a beautiful moment. and he is the most beautiful person... not only his looks but his heart his feelings. that's why i love him so much, because i can feel his love. those gifs are love but they made me tear a little :tears::wub:

8 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


Can you tell I am avoiding RL right now? 

We had TBDW/CM comparision and now TW/CM and MLSHR/CM  comparisions :heart: i'm sad you need to avoid RL but now that you are on it... what about his other dramas :tongue:

8 hours ago, cwngf said:


Let me shade some light on the day when china 3 fan bases had their support, it was 25th august a Friday.He had already arrived on the set at around 9.00 am , the start of a long day of shoot at the prison .By the time the meal support was held, which was around 7-8pm, he already had a long shoot inside the prison, he wrinkled in the vid because he did not like the fact that fans had spent too much money buying him gifts.This is his usual response if u get him many branded items.He does not want fans to splurge on him.That is just an expression to say, oh u shouldnt have done that, it can be seen clearly from the video, he was tired.Fatigue written on his face.But since it's a fan support, certification is required, hence vids, photos and sign are a must.

FYI, that day shoot ended at 4.30am on the 26th , so imagine how many hours he clocked. I asked fans who waited till the time they wrapped up the shoot, they said his eyes were hardly opened, yet he still shook hands with fans and made hearts with his fingers.

P.S There was no particular sadness visible , many saw with their own eyes.He was per normal.

His mind was set on only one thing, Kim Hyun Joon, as he came out to his van to rest, he was Kim Hyun Joon too, not Lee Joon Gi.

P.S I have been his fan since 2007, it is my 10th anniversary in LJG fandom and I believe what I saw with my own eyes

Thank you so much for the account... he must had been so tired... he must still be tired!.. i'm sure he stopped to greet and shake hands with fans out of gratitude and love (plus the required certification as you said) but i also think that he did it because he gains energy by doing so :heart:


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8 hours ago, ishogai said:


I read all latest post and can't stop wondering why people spend so much time in asking why he is doing this, why follow or unfollow some people, people related to his professional life mostly. The reason he unfollowed everyone is simple, he did it so this way none will make "news" and will pair him with x or y actress, he simply want privacy. Let's respect his privacy, his right to interact with people they way he want, only thing fans should do is support him and let him do whatever he thinks is best for him in his private life.


Ditto.You speak my mind.


@joonloca3 JGLee Joon Gi is an actor, in my opinion, the acting in his drama is important than his follows and likes in his insta.So, I don't wanna focus on it.

and this too.


@cedarwoodBut no matter what his mind comfort and safety is more important than our wishes. 

To tell you the truth ppl tend to focus too much on social media. Maybe it took him too much time to check whats'up with his friends or his actions like commenting someone's post was badly received by so called "fans". Or maybe he's just tired of this all. After all no matter how angelic he looks, how high spirited he may look, how beautiful are his smiles and how good is his acting - he's human being, not god. Hard to believe but yes - he's a human. And humans can be tired.


You my ladies have said it all.Its been three days already since the insta spring clean.I think its time to move on already just like he has.He literally posted just a day after the unfollowing(which i believe was intentional for obvious reasons). Speculating at this point seems counterproductive to me.Throwing pity parties or venting our frustrations about why this or that is the way it is, aint helping either(although it can be helped as fans to worry about him, its instinct).There are many who hate our fandom.There are people who hate JG and envious of his recent success.There are many who are bewildered by our fierce passion for JG and his work.Lets not give them that satisfaction to be happy, just because his fans are wavering over an insta change.I will continue saying this forever..please have more faith in Lee Joon Gi.For a person to be in entertainment career for 16 years and still remain at the top and relevant, means he has been wise and thorough about his choices. 

Cheer up angels:).Till the wrap up of Criminal Minds.Fighting!!!




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7 hours ago, lisethvr said:



I think you're right about why Joon Gi stopped following everyone and that saddens me because I feel that this isn't something Joon Gi wanted but was forced to do and all because of some crazy fans.


I really have been avoiding delving into comments on IG because it can be so vitriol in there.  I cannot believe the negative energy and unbridled disdain for any personal feelings/consequences that some posters have.  That is why I am disheartened to believe that their negativity campaign was "successful" in their eyes.  Champagne congrat posts?  No words. 

To me, it's all speculation as to why JG's IG made changes. Yes, timing of posts, and timing of unfollows can be analyzed...but who really knows who did the posts...who did the unfollowing....who decided the changes...the actual reason why, etc.  Yes, I am not a long time fan like some of you but I'd like to think I am a fan who wants JG to be who he wants to be.  And love who he wants to love. And be dorky when he wants, and be flirty when he wants and be serious when he wants and enjoy performing and pleasing his fan base when he wants.  Not due to external pressures or confines. I enjoyed the JG from MLSHR and BTS.  I enjoyed JG during his Asia Fan Meets. I enjoyed JG in MEC. I enjoyed his brand of interacting on IG before April. His website reveal was a fun process.  I am thankful he or his entourage will still share pics, videos and BTS during his CM filming.  I look forward to his completion of CM and I am excited to hear what he plans to do next.  

And I cannot wait to see the latest VLive translated.  http://www.vlive.tv/video/41129

@cwngf Thank you for the Fan Support news. 

For some reason, I cannot post in the CM thread right now.  I keep getting EXO errors. (Not the Kpop Band).  



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1 hour ago, antoniaclamens said:



We had TBDW/CM comparision and now TW/CM and MLSHR/CM  comparisions :heart: i'm sad you need to avoid RL but now that you are on it... what about his other dramas :tongue:



Oh no....I didn't realize that is what I was doing????  LOL  Hmmmm...I'll put that in my "to do" list (after Purple shirt and Team Emoji Name List)



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4 hours ago, joonloca3 JG said:


I enjoy EP14 yesterday.

Not only was ep 14 fun.Even the BTS..

I mean show me a suspect who can be cute and happy in handcuffs like this one:):


b. Lol he is so consistent with his drinks..what on earth is in that cup.. iced coffee, tea?


c.I knew these two would have a blast, acting this part but I was still inching to see the BTS. It didnt disappoint.JG even burst into an improptu 2 sec karaoke session:


2 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


I cannot wait to see the latest VLive translated.  http://www.vlive.tv/video/41129

me too.

                                                                                                                                 To be continued...

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9 hours ago, Linda Gunawan said:



















Ya I wish to know more about this. Anyone have some insight?








































I'm not a long time fan of JG but looking at all his interviews and interactions I felt his sincerity and respect his privacy. I cannot comprehend why people angry at him for keeping his privacy... It's sadden me to have him go through this challenging year and hopefully all this RL drama of his is over :)







I guess  he may have plans to move on to a new one soon, let's wait and see



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On 6.09.2017 at 2:30 AM, antoniaclamens said:



his smile is true gold. he just need to smile to have me smiling like a fool. it's like a pavlov reaction... have me salivating too :tongue:



Hahahhahaha! You... :D :D:D


On 6.09.2017 at 2:45 AM, haniiiii said:



Hope the possibility to like posts will be back soon :rolleyes:



Still nothing. But my notification bell showed me that @violina reacted somehow on my post. No idea what that means and how Violina did that. 







On 6.09.2017 at 11:06 AM, haniiiii said:



Finally! Yay! Fangirling :wub::wub::wub: Thank you MV out!
























Woohooo!!! Thanks for sharing! Will watch it tonight!!! Along with two new episodes with our man behind the bars. I am NOT thinking about our previous idea... No, not at all! :w00t:







tbc (must go to work, doh!)







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1 hour ago, cedarwood said:



Will watch it tonight!!! Along with two new episodes with our man behind the bars. I am NOT thinking about our previous idea... No, not at all! :w00t:


1. If you miss the "like" button , scroll right down to the bottom of the page, click on a button that says THEME , then choose the button that says  "default" (instead of Soompi) and this will give you access to some cute new reaction buttons. This will also give you a new layout of the forum. 



2. If you have issues posting ( and you get the error code ) , try posting without tags, gifs , spoilers and links of any sort. Then once posted, go back & edit and add tags etc. 



3. If you find difficulty in moving to the next page , and it seems to take forever to load , refresh your browser and the page will load. However for now this only works on PC. This , as of now is still an issue for the Soompi app on my phone.



4. To post pics , gifs or links- best to use the button at the bottom right of your post that says "insert other media"  where you can insert image & links 



5. If like me , you are bothered by the jumbo white spaces between your paragraphs, you can edit them out.






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That is right. Good acting and results from acting are more important than likes and followers on instagram or SNS. I know that he values his fans so much but I personally think it's ok to lose some esp those who don't appreciate his artistic style as an actor and are following him for the wrong reasons. 

Those who loves him for his great acting willl definitely stay to watch him act, may it be in movie or drama regardless of genre. 

If you take notice, there are many actors who don't have strong fan bases yet are making a killing in the box office and drama ratings. Choi Min Soo for instance. Didn't he punch a producer few years ago? Yet he managed to be successful in his drama that ended few weeks ago. 

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To all active members and lurkers here sympathizing jhb and blaming JG fans who were against of this rs...

Did you ever consider the situation from his place.. from his vibes given to media, us and jhb fans since this July? I was someone who disliked her for him, and worried of him not knowing the true colours of her and her gang. But as time went by, I began to realize he knew about them all and was fighting them back cleverly.

We all know he's a responsible person with sincere good manners. How you could miss his actions to speculate his motive.. You needed to aware why he stayed silent without protecting her, how he gave cringey look when asked about her at CM presscon, why the breakup news were released right before MLSHR anniversary; the news was first released from sports seoul (not a media that namoo agency close to), how he didn't hesitate to show his unburden look (and was generous to give his autographs to numerous fans showed up at fans' catering project despite his hectic schedules) to everyone at the set on the day the news broke, not only that.. he celebrated happily to ML anni without caring those blaming him being a "Narcissist who chose fame" over gf, how he waited long and decided the timing to release something related to one of his most special FMs- the encore Thank You.. and how he did those unfollowing activity into 2 groups without consecutively following all with no time gap? He took more that 8 Hrs for the time gap for his intention to be noticed, however, unfollowing all was his original plan which is to protect his privacy more.

Did you think these happenings were all coincidences or his inconsiderate acts? Exactly no.. he's not someone being controlled by the agency. He even could ask them work for him without contract last year. Why his unfollowing idea was suggested by someone.. Also he likes managing and has been leading teams for his activities.. which mean he planned all the timing and actions for hinting his mindset to his fans. Believe he is a very detailed man.

Hope you try to see these logics with clear vision.. rather than blaming to fans opposing the rs or voicing out her shadiness. Those who are believing he loves her and seeing her as a victim also require to suspect his potential grudge towards her based on those moves of his.

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17 hours ago, cwngf said:



btw did anyone make a thorough study who he unfollowed besides JHB? the first batch of 20 accounts he unfollowed reflected his mindset. He unfollowed one namoo manager and also kjd whom he followed back again.

Why no one picked up this point, rather than keep harping on JHB?

No one goes deeper to study why he unfollowed namoo key staffs?

What about ddasamo, kahi_korea? and why did he keep only SH cast but unfollow seohyun?


i think i have a logical reason for why he unfollowed the first batch of 20 accounts, and basically what started this entire fiasco.  bare with me here, i'm usually quite sharp and good with my speculations:



he sat on his phone without locking it. 




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