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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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I think as a fans we just need to sit, eat popcorn and watch the drama. But i understand why many fans was worry, because if CM minds don't doing well, it means Joon have a "bad hattrick" 3 times in a row for a rating flop. 

Maybe because i didn't watch CM before so i will see this drama as a "new one" not a remake. but let us put a trust in him, he know what the best or what kind of drama he want to take. Just say like SH, many fans ask him to reject the drama, but what we see was he really satisfied, happy and wang so was the most memorable character he ever played. we don't know what will happen, just say like reply 1988, many people pessimist and didn;t give a good comment, but the we can see the result

in the end i can say, i think every drama that offer to Joon, will be complaint by fans LOL, if he take all the fans word, maybe he won't act in drama until next year XD

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Yessss... more updates on CM.  Quite pleased to hear that MCW is considering a role here. She's someone I like a lot although I think very few K actresses under the age of 40 are ever amazing IMO. I liked her in Princess Man and Good Doctor but recently I tried watching PM again and realised how incredibly frustrating her character was in the beginning and the drama as a whole hasn't aged well. Maybe I've watched quite a few sageuks since and everything now feels so by-the-numbers. Makes me appreciate Moon Lovers a lot more.  

Even more pleasing is news that CM might go to cable on a late night slot. Good. That's another plus. Now all that's left is to see who the scriptwriter(s) is/are. The cast picks have so far been very decent so it's the writing that will make or break this. This show could succeed ratings wise like Voice is... but it has to be on a late night slot.

Even after watching K dramas for over six years now, I can't say I understand the Knetz and K drama fandom. They seem inordinately intrusive. Just because the actor fan services aplenty and gratefully acknowledges the role of his fans in his success doesn't entitle them to dictate to him how he should conduct his career. It's one thing to criticize your actor's choices but to say that he doesn't care about his fans because of it... wow... that's emotional blackmail on the level of weekend makjang parenting.

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Part 3 of WOWOW Interview. Once again, I translated the Japanaese subtitles so it's probably not 100% the same.

And @lisethvr shared this tweet to download the video for those who cannot watch it in their region:



Q: Are there any interesting episodes with other co-actors of the MLSHR cast? (He already talked about IU and KHN in Part 2)

JG: My generation was like this: Through sharing a drink we (actors of my generation) would confirm our friendship. While exchanging recent news or talking about our opinions on the drama/movie we're working on right now we'd share stories throughout the whole night. This way we'd deepen our relationship. That's different from the young people these days. Their way of living is already set and they don't do stuff like drinking with their sunbaes. They don't really like going out for drinks. So personally I was disappointed. I always liked to gather all the co-actors and have fun drinking together so we'd grow closer over our talks there. But it was regretful that didn't really happen this time. Once the juniors grow older they might understand. I wish they'll understand the taste of alcohol as well as our way of having fun. In my next project, I want to do it this way. But among everyone on set, Kim Sung Kyun (Ji Mong - you're the hero :D) was the one who drank well. He helped to keep my loneliness at bay. Even if he already finished filming for the day, he'd prepare chijimi (Korean "pancakes") and wait for me. And then he'd say "Let's have some makgeolli (Korean alcoholic beverage) among the two of us". Even on our free days we would go out for a drink and whine about this and that to each other. Something like a perfect acting performance doesn't exist so when talking about MLSHR, we kept on whining/complaining. We also shared drinks and talks at the hotels. I'm very grateful to Kim Sung Kyun. He's a guy who loves drinking. Even though he was supposed to be really exhausted after a day of filming he'd always think of us and attend to us and our needs. Next time, I want to act only with him (laughs). I want to have drink gatherings every day.

(Comment: When I heard him talking about drinking with Kim Sung Kyun, I instantly had to think of this BTS :lol: Fast forward to 1:26. I can imagine that they bonded well over their nightly drinks. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B02PrOTTiHhQTVVlT2xEUmRES3c/view )

Q: If you'd be able to time travel to the Goryeo era what would you like to do?

JG: I should take many history books with me, right? (laughs) "The absolute existence of a monarch with a presence to rely on - a sole man who ruled over the Goryeo era - his name is Lee Joon Gi" (laughs). Even if it's a different time, I would bring many history books from different eras with me and want to become a person who can see through what's going to happen in that era - I will develop that kind of special skill. I will also bring the winning numbers for lotto with me.

Q: Did something change after the filming ended?

JG: All kinds of things have changed. Actors grow through filming. They grow because they learn something new through that project, like firmly getting a hold of things one lacks and becoming able to compensate for them. In this sense, MLSHR gave me all kinds of different things. I was able to have confidence when acting out various roles even for my future projects. Other than that, there's the fact that I've gained many young fans - though maybe my original fans will be mad about that - I'm joking! Yes, my young fans increased. MLSHR was broadcasted in many Asian countries and North America but it still feels strange that I gained many young fans. I guess MLSHR and Wang So had a big influence. Since my fan base grew now, I think there are all kinds of people among them. So I want to show them various things. The fact that my fan base grew will encourage me for the future, too, and I'm really happy.

Q: Any specific points of interest in MLSHR?

JG: As I said before, I think that this is a wonderful drama which assembles many great aspects of my other historical dramas so far all in one. Secret feuds that can be seen in many historical dramas or protagonists who oppose each other in the whirl of their destiny. Plus, there's lots of suspense. It's a very satisfying story. And there's the love story. I think you will enjoy the tragic time exceeding love of these two people. I think it came out as a very interesting drama. It's sad but a beautiful and touching drama.

Q: Are there any roles you want to challenge in your future projects or do you have any dreams for the future?

JG: There are many roles and types of works I want to act in. I will encounter all kinds of projects in the future since I believe I will be able to continue working as an actor if nothing goes wrong. For me it's not: "I want to act this role" but that I want to become an actor who can do anything. I want to become an actor who's able to always sense new possibilities and who people anticipate to see. I want to show all of you new roles and new impressions in the future, too. Please continue supporting me!

Q: We broadcast all genres in WOWOW. What genres do you like?

JG: Wow, you broadcast all genres? (jokes around) I have to see this program (the one with his interview)! Well, I like music programs. And because I like martial arts, I often watch expert shows on martial arts. I really like martial arts. I also watch golf channels. Of course, since I'm an actor I also like movies so I often watch them.

Q: Your message to your Japanese fans

JG: It's been a long time. I'm happy and grateful because I receive the support of many fans. Thanks to all of you I was able to wrap filming without problems. I want to decide on my next project soon and want to give you all new impressions. Please take care of your health and continue to walk onwards together with me! Let's meet in my next work. Thank you, I love you!


I felt as if he was in joking mode throughout the whole interview :D His jokes are hard to translate... I'm so grateful because he once again gave as much insight.

And to continue with our list: 

60. I love that he has many interests aside from acting like dancing, singing, food, martial arts, video games (I think he mentioned that once), golf, drinking :D and so on. 

61. The way he loves to be around people and enjoy every minute with them whether on set or in his free time. Hearing how he talked about the MLSHR set and the drinking gatherings in his interview, left the impression that instead of resting at home after a long and tiring day at work he'd prefer to have fun with other people. And since he's really good with people, I do think he really does enjoy to be with them :) And with his fans, of course.

62. He's like a 'volcano': I already mentioned this in an earlier post but I think it belongs in this list so I'll cite myself: He’s not restricted but goes all out, whether it’s in his acting, his behavior towards his fans and co-actors, the way he moves, or even when it comes to talk in English. Kim Kyu Tae once said about his acting something like “he’s like a volcano” and that’s what I also think. He completely pours himself into what he does and doesn’t feel the need to hold himself back or feel embarrassed. And because he always keeps this volcano like personality up and strives for more is how I believe he got better and better over the years in everything he does, not stagnating but giving his natural talent a chance to improve through his hard work and will power.

Edited by oyashirazu
spelling mistakes
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Continuing our list of why we love lee joon gi

63.I was just watching his dance videos.I totally love that he is a HUGE VIP.His love for big bang is so cute.Had he failed as an actor he would totally be in big bang as member number seven or president of big bang fan club.Then he ruins his cool actor image/big bang fanboying and starts dancing to Twice T.T... which can alternate between "sexy girly" or "cringeworthy cute"you know the type of acts that make you go..OMG" I can't with this oppa" leaving you speechless..gotta love Lee Joon Gi.:D

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From  http://kr.lottedfs.com/staravenue/modelList

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, primer plano


7 hours ago, cedarwood said:

I'm looking at his legs and can't stop doing it. Am I the only one who appreciates his legs? :blush:


Hahaha, you're not the only one and this is a gift for you :wink::wub:.





@oyashirazu Thank you very much for the translation and you're right Ji Mong is the hero :D.

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8 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Yessss... more updates on CM.  Quite pleased to hear that MCW is considering a role here. She's someone I like a lot although I think very few K actresses under the age of 40 are ever amazing IMO. I liked her in Princess Man and Good Doctor but recently I tried watching PM again and realised how incredibly frustrating her character was in the beginning and the drama as a whole hasn't aged well. Maybe I've watched quite a few sageuks since and everything now feels so by-the-numbers. Makes me appreciate Moon Lovers a lot more.  

Even more pleasing is news that CM might go to cable on a late night slot. Good. That's another plus. Now all that's left is to see who the scriptwriter(s) is/are. The cast picks have so far been very decent so it's the writing that will make or break this. This show could succeed ratings wise like Voice is... but it has to be on a late night slot.

Even after watching K dramas for over six years now, I can't say I understand the Knetz and K drama fandom. They seem inordinately intrusive. Just because the actor fan services aplenty and gratefully acknowledges the role of his fans in his success doesn't entitle them to dictate to him how he should conduct his career. It's one thing to criticize your actor's choices but to say that he doesn't care about his fans because of it... wow... that's emotional blackmail on the level of weekend makjang parenting.


I also am ecstatic of these  CM updates. I hope they keep the casting for solid actors. I think the current line up are already the best. They already have enough high profile actors in the line up, I hope they will audition the rest of the cast and look for newcomers with amazing talents.

I also agree on the emotional blackmail part. Those fans who are telling him of what he will and can do have some serious mental illness. They need treatment. Seriously, what do fans know how the entertainment works. Rating, while mean something but, is not everything.  There are so many highly rated dramas which are not really good for the actors career in the long run. IMO, LJGs choices of dramas were strategic. His dramas post military may not have reached to mainstream viewers but I still think those dramas performed decently and most importantly those dramas progressively brought him to greater heights.


Edited by missmaudy
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Unnie.I agree on everything you have said.But if I were to put this in perspective I feel like it's not simply because they are crazy and what not, I feel most have good intention though they are totally showing and going about it the wrong way.They are not trusting him enough as any true fan should that he is capable and shown that he can exercise good judgement.

I would like to think it's just their frustration coming through that a phenomenal actor like LJG who is consistently delivering excellent performance with each project post military is in their opinion, not being acknowledged and awarded as much as he should on the domestic scene with the "big 3" stations he usually works with for drama, unlike his pre-military projects.

While many Dramas with lazy empty plots and popular trending under 30 to early 30s but mediocre or slightly above average(like A-)actors continue to be awarded and acknowledged by big 3 and sometime even Baeksang and Korean Drama Awards .Whereas few dramas with excellent actors,concrete writing and plots with depth and substance continue to be ignored or not being awarded enough.(this doesn't apply to Lee Joon Gi only).So naturally they are apprehensive plus now that Lee Joon Gi is on his second wave of hallyu fame, they want him to continue his momentum and stay there.

I will admit before they changed the offer to moon chae won and announced the current line up.I was not really keen on LJG taking up criminal minds(project didn't appeal to me, don't even know the American version) but now I'm fully on board let's see what this is all about.I am totally anticipating the newer,older, hotter version of Kay(time between dog and wolf)God it's been a decade already.he did that drama when he was only 25..and it was so good.

Me personally..I trust Lee Joon Gi.I know whether he takes this or not.i will support his decision 100%.With him, it's like booking a "no win no fee" lawyer.Excellence with Lee Joon Gi's acting whatever script is given is guaranteed like warranty, we can challenge that if the product does not satisfy we will return all your fees:D.

Ratings and end of year TV station broadcast awards mean nothing if your acting skills are stagnant and not improving, or fluctuate between excellent and poor performance as we have seen with other actors and actresses, that can't be good for your career long term.popular dramas come and go.Excellent dramas become classics and remain in people's memories forever and whether now or later excellent acting will continue to be acknowledged in due course.

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Sneaking in 1 last time before I am incommunicado.  LJG Daily is doing a Birthday Project for JG and wanted me to pass on the info to see if there is any interest.  


I submitted a photo for the Polaroid project portion (since it was influenced by Akinahana89 Scarlet Heart Was Here Project).

We are also aiming to purchase a Polaroid Scrap book for Lee Joon Gi with polaroid images from you wishing him a 'Happy Birthday' This idea is similar to the 'Scarlet Heart Ryeo Was Here' project created by @akinahana89.

Please send us your image (example below) to:
EMAIL: ljoongoppa@outlook.com
(Please be mindful that we are limited to 20 character for name and country on polaroid )

(1st March 2017)

I was informed that the image size should be able to fit into 8x10cm template or 12x15cm template.


See you all next week!


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1 hour ago, violina said:



Preach Unnie Preach.


"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." No offense it is just I hated it the most.


What sad is, 99% of innocent comments are from his fans. His fans are actually the ones putting him down which is sad.

I saw this airport video of an 'IT' actor. He was sorrounded by 4 bodyguards and won't let anyone near him and yet his fans are still nice & respectful to that actor. Unlike with LJG, I find many of his fans disrespect him. That is just my thought and I find it very sad OR maybe they are actually Sasaeng just pretended as fans.

Edited by missmaudy
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In the spirit of spreading the Joon Gi love list.

64.He loves animals (Dog lover).I think he had four dogs last time I checked but don't count me on this.But anyway I'm not into animals myself nor am I into kids..I find both extremely cute and that's it.But still any person, more so a guy and a huge celebrity at that who loves kids and animals that much makes feel feel they have a compassionate heart and that character trait in any person  to me is so attractive.

65. His onscreen presence is yet to be rivaled.I think it's safe to say he is one of the first definitions of "second-lead syndrome" in Kdrama.Anyone who watched "My Girl" (2006)drama knows what I am talking about.no wonder it didn't take even a year before he was promoted to first lead status to lead TBDW in 2007.

Its not the other actors fault because usually it's that when you put alpha-male/female actor and beta-male/female actor together ..alpha actor dominate and everyone in the screen fades into the background even if they are equal in talent and looks.

In TBDW, his charisma is so strong it's hard to believe the actor was only 25 and it was his first drama as lead.

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5 hours ago, missmaudy said:

What sad is, 99% of innocent comments are from his fans. His fans are actually the ones putting him down which is sad.

Don't worry sis.Dont let it get to you.grab your popcorn and let's enjoy another year of Joon Gi goodness.:D

Ok on a serious note tho, they say "in the road to success, when difficult, unpopular decisions are being made, true support comes from unfamiliar places and strangers.How many times in your own life have friends and family told you "don't do this, don't go there, don't date him etc etc.. because they think "they know you best and want to "protect" you?"when you tell them something that seems like a scary choice?

But if you are determined to do something and know that you would be disappointed if you ended up wimping out before even trying, just because everyone around you especially your close friends and family are saying negative things.you still go ahead and do it. if it fails at least you tried..if it succeed then you have proven yourself that you are in charge of your destiny.

Lee Joon Gi seems to me like he is headstrong at least from his interviews.Obviously he loves his fans and listens and takes in constructive criticism but still when he has set his mind on something, he is going to do it anyway.At least that's how he did scarlet heart ryeo.People were saying oppa historical again?it's a remake no!IU is idol actor and they are too many idol actors!blah blah blah..My point is Naysayers come in all forms both haters and fans some with good intentions and some bad.  it's still discouraging regardless but he is strong..15 years in that k-entertainment industry is no joke.he got this.

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1 hour ago, missmaudy said:


I saw this airport video of an 'IT' actor. He was sorrounded by 4 bodyguards and won't let anyone near him and yet his fans are still nice & respectful to that actor. Unlike with LJG, I find many of his fans disrespect him. That is just my thought and I find it very sad OR maybe they are actually Sasaeng just pretended as fans.

Honestly, JG comes across to me as someone who is very sincere and appreciative of his fans. I have never seen anyone quite like him. Yes, there are other actors who shook hands with the fans at airport but they sort of give me the feeling of bestowing fanservice. No offense intended. Just a personal opinion. With JG, it's different. He enjoys the interaction and wants to be near his fans. He always initiate by walking towards his fans from the airport vid whenever he is back to korea. If u can't come to me, I will go over, that simple. No definition of I am the hallyu star and u are just a fan. He pampers his fans so much. Not that I am complaining. I love him for it. He always try to accommodate the wishes his fans wants whenever he can. But a pampered child will never feel enough, they want more. When they don't get their way, that's when the comments come in. I'm not saying all are like that. Just some of them. I still believe they meant well. But we need to remember that he can and is entitled to make his own decision. If we want him to be happy, believe in him. When he is down, stay with him, when he is up, soar with him. That is the role of his true blue angel.

Hope I haven't offended anyone with what I said. All the comments originate from liking him too much and wanting the best for him I guess. Agrees with u its sad that JG receives those comments when he gave all out to his fans.:bawling:

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26 minutes ago, Lynn11 said:

But a pampered child will never feel enough, they want more. When they don't get their way, that's when the comments come in

Unnie,I agree with what you are saying.now that you mention it.I am starting to suspect the age range of the people writing these negative comments.from what our chingu has translated.you can see some of the comments are really childish.It could be some older fans are included but I really really have a strong feeling it's the newer fans who have just started following Jun ki's career plus haven't really gotten to know Lee Joon Gi the person, plus some haters disguised as fans in the mix.Because really the genuine level- headed Lee Joon Gi fans don't care about ratings, awards, genres whatever. We just want to continue to enjoy his works that's all. if all those other things come along as a result of his project, fine and good if they don't it's ok.our love for Lee Joon Gi has no conditions attached.We see Lee Joon Gi's name, we support.

sorry if I offend anyone with everything I have said.love and peace everyone.

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I'm glad I gave people something to talk about... :lol: 

It's great that LJG loves and appreciates his fans so much but frankly he's not obligated to do what any fan says. Even though I would personally love to see him confirm involvement with Criminal Minds, I won't be slashing my wrists if he didn't. Because I'm a lifelong fan of cop shows, I'd probably end up watching it even if he turns it down. So I have no skin in the game. My opinion is that it would be good for him to take it on because it is quite different from what he's been doing for a while. I understand why people like seeing him in sageuks and he's darn good in them. But Wang So was such an iconic role that I believe it's best that he distances himself from that role for a while. I realise that not everyone loved Moon Lovers the way I did especially the DB crowd but there's no doubt LJG left a strong impression there.

It's a double-edged sword, I think, being so friendly and familiar with fans. Most, I imagine would be quite sane and know not to cross the line. But there will always be those for whom the lines become blurred. The temptation then is to think that one knows everything there is to know about the actor in question. Including what's best for them. To me that's a dangerous place to be.

I think the ratings system is a large part of the problem. As is the live shooting. Unfortunately ratings as it stands is the only "officially recognized" yardstick that the reception of shows are measured by. Fans of LJG want him to do well in the ratings stakes but it doesn't seem like he's necessarily drawn to the kind of dramas that get high ratings. And frankly I can't say I blame him because I'm not either. Of course occasionally we get a Signal or a Bad Guys... where something that's out of the norm gets good ratings.

The ratings issue plus the live shoot can lead to a situation where viewers and fans think that they're entitled to getting what they want. Far be it from me to decry catering to the consumer, I would argue however, that people don't always know what it is that they want until they see it. If only highly rated dramas are used as the template for future dramas... I'd stop watching K dramas eventually. Which may be a good thing for my health. :D

That's why the K drama industry does need good actors like LJG making shows that don't necessarily have huge local mainstream appeal. Otherwise the K drama industry will just become staid and never grow beyond the staple romances and family dramas. Some actors are just keener to experiment and have the luxury of doing so because they have developed a good reputation over the years. They know better than anyone else that if they don't do different things while they can, they won't grow as actors.

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